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Blackpill Are you a wagecuck or a NEET?

Are you a wagecuck or a NEET?

  • Wagecuck

    Votes: 16 28.6%
  • NEET (long term)

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • NEET (temporary, will begin wagecuck/study soon)

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Studying

    Votes: 6 10.7%

  • Total voters


Jan 31, 2023
Just curious how many of you got to slave for Mr. Goldberg and how many rot in their rooms fapping and drinking their lives away.

Both lives kind of suck.
NEET right now but that's gonna change soon
NEETing is troonmaxxing.
Im gonna get a job interview in a few weeks or so. Hopefully i don't lose it in shame
NEET but I wanna find a job in the future
NEET based af tbh/ngl/frfr/true/
I'm NEET but for another year or two at most
Been a NEET for 4 years now, with no end in sight
Just curious how many of you got to slave for Mr. Goldberg and how many rot in their rooms fapping and drinking their lives away.

Both lives kind of suck.
Here is me in mcdonalds changing room 6 years ago

wage slaving for maccies


I still had some hair left :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
Here is me in mcdonalds changing room 6 years ago

wage slaving for maccies

View attachment 1265168

I still had some hair left :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
I remember working at mcdonalds years ago. Its fucking brutal. The wagie managers think they are so powerful because they are slightly above a mcdonalds worker. They are pathetic.
I remember working at mcdonalds years ago. Its fucking brutal. The wagie managers think they are so powerful because they are slightly above a mcdonalds worker. They are pathetic.
I also used to work at Mcdonalds. Literally every manager except one was a massive cunt. I got free drinks though so that was nice
I remember working at mcdonalds years ago. Its fucking brutal. The wagie managers think they are so powerful because they are slightly above a mcdonalds worker. They are pathetic.
I remember working at mcdonalds years ago. Its fucking brutal. The wagie managers think they are so powerful because they are slightly above a mcdonalds worker. They are pathetic.
Yeah, it was pretty rough. Especially the foid managers who hated me and put me on the worst jobs and abused me. But the employees treated me like shit too and bullied me 24/7. I was very low on social hierarchy there.

Only the currycels 50+ were lower than me, they also tried to fuck the young girls there JFL.
work in tech, pseudo wage-slave. tech dont pay that well unless you are among the bosses
long term NEETs must be living really comfy

i wish i could be a long term NEET
Did they succeed? :feelsEhh:
No because they were truecel tier ugly and the girls had plenty of chads around to talk to

They did try to grope the 16 years old working there JFL
No because they were truecel tier ugly and the girls had plenty of chads around to talk to

They did try to grope the 16 years old working there JFL
Based pajeets
Based pajeets
Most of them were based one of the pajeets even wanted me to go whore-fucking with him but I declined.

But one fucking pajeet betrayed me and snitched on me to the boss after I took a water bottle out of the warehouse, I didn't even steal it it's a fucking water bottle and I'm thirsy nigga thinks im so poor im gonna steal a 50p water bottle we are allowed to take food but this nigga snitched on me anyway and said I was stealing shit and then I was in trouble with my boss and the boss is the kinda guy you cant explain shit to so i didnt even bother explaining just took the blame.

I forgot his fucking name now but whatever your fucking name is pajeet fuck you nigger for doing this to me for no reason and then he had audacity to act like he was still my friend fucking nigger.
Being a "usefull incel" has to be the most cucked thing ever. Yes those who actually are wageslaving have no choice but I hated myself when I was contributing to make a rich chad richer and to help normies getting their washing machine delivered
Being a "usefull incel" has to be the most cucked thing ever. Yes those who actually are wageslaving have no choice but I hated myself when I was contributing to make a rich chad richer and to help normies getting their washing machine delivered
If an incel is forced to wagecuck, he should at least do the absolute minimum and try to leech as much as possible
Educational time was shit.
Being a wagecuck is shit.
Being unemployed was shit.

Everything is and was shit
If an incel is forced to wagecuck, he should at least do the absolute minimum and try to leech as much as possible
Yes but when it is not possible tough.. I don't have a degree as I quit uni. So the job I can do are basicly handling/forkilft kind of jobs. And when I remember how I had to litteraly break my back and sweat for this fucking society I feel nauseous
I've just started university again after 1,5 years of NEETing. It sucks a lot that I can't continue rotting and sleep until midday anymore.
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NEET with no hobbies
Been a NEET for two years now.
Being a "usefull incel" has to be the most cucked thing ever. Yes those who actually are wageslaving have no choice but I hated myself when I was contributing to make a rich chad richer and to help normies getting their washing machine delivered
People work endless hours because they want the rich to get richer, not because they need money and have no choice.

What day do you graduate middle school?
I remember working at mcdonalds years ago. Its fucking brutal. The wagie managers think they are so powerful because they are slightly above a mcdonalds worker. They are pathetic.
It's kind of like how nearcels, Incels in denial, etc. are on IT & obsess over us

They're punching down
Here is me in mcdonalds changing room 6 years ago

wage slaving for maccies

View attachment 1265168

I still had some hair left :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
Fucking BRUTAL

I'm sorry mang, my sincere condolences
Most of them were based one of the pajeets even wanted me to go whore-fucking with him but I declined.

But one fucking pajeet betrayed me and snitched on me to the boss after I took a water bottle out of the warehouse, I didn't even steal it it's a fucking water bottle and I'm thirsy nigga thinks im so poor im gonna steal a 50p water bottle we are allowed to take food but this nigga snitched on me anyway and said I was stealing shit and then I was in trouble with my boss and the boss is the kinda guy you cant explain shit to so i didnt even bother explaining just took the blame.

I forgot his fucking name now but whatever your fucking name is pajeet fuck you nigger for doing this to me for no reason and then he had audacity to act like he was still my friend fucking nigger.
Pajeets are untrustworthy, I had two Pajeet "friends" in HS & both backstabbed me, talked about me with others behind my back, and one(Paki) was even outright rude at times
used to be wagecuck, burned out and become neet, back to wagecucking
True wagecuck incel trait: you eat your lunch alone and fast and then read this forum during the rest of lunch break.
True wagecuck incel trait: you eat your lunch alone and fast and then read this forum during the rest of lunch break.
I do exactly that and away from the normies scums. I'm sitting alone in the locker room, browsing the forum while they're all in the canteen
My parents would kick me out if I NEET. I wouldn’t mind wageslaving if I got a small studio apartment to myself but can’t even have that.
Was a NEET for 7 years and now been wagecucking for 6 months.
Most hardcore neet that never comes out of the room

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