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Are you a virgin?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1546
  • Start date

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes, I have never had sexual intercourse.

    Votes: 51 69.9%
  • Yes, but I had to pay for it.

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • No, I am not a virgin.

    Votes: 20 27.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Deleted member 1546

Nov 14, 2017
EDIT: I fucked up the poll and can't edit it. The options for yes and no say the same thing. But just simplify them. Yes, means yes you are a virgin. No means, no you are not.

There are a lot of fakecels here. If you have ever had sex, and didn't have to explicitly pay for it(escort or prostitute). 

Lets not forget that incel=involutary celibate.  

So I think its good from time to time to sift through the population here and purge those fakecels from amongst us.

By sex I mean some type of contact involving one's bikini area. If doesn't necessarily have to involve vaginal penetration. Given how bad things are for incels I would consider a hand job losing your virginity. If you've ever kissed or just held hands, then you'e a virgin.
I'm a fuckin' virgin. I'm feeling like shit right now. I just want to be normal.
I think you need to edit this. The options don't make sense.

QuantumDummy said:
I'm a fuckin' virgin. I'm feeling like shit right now. I just want to be normal.

you got a blowjob at 15. STFU
accidently voted for no.
Never kissed, held hands, put my dick in a pussy, ass, or mouth, touched an ass, pussy, or breast, or seen a woman's genitals IRL besides my moms
fukmylyf said:
I think you need to edit this. The options don't make sense.

you got a blowjob at 15. STFU

And I'm 23 now, you dunce. As if I'm holding on to the memory of a fuckin' 15 second bj that happened over 8 years ago.
QuantumDummy said:
And I'm 23 now, you dunce. As if I'm holding on to the memory of a fuckin' 15 second bj that happened over 8 years ago.

Most people here would desperately hold onto that memory for the rest of their miserable lives.

Just saying.
VLÖ said:
Most people here would desperately hold onto that memory for the rest of their miserable lives.

Just saying.

For real, I hang on to memories of me talking to women.
QuantumDummy said:
And I'm 23 now, you dunce. As if I'm holding on to the memory of a fuckin' 15 second bj that happened over 8 years ago.

lol @ calling me a "dunce." Did you bother to read the OP? You're not a virgin, but I guess you deserve some sympathy for being retarded.
I am a truecel, touchless, virgin, No job, no friends. Pray for death.
Virginp0wers said:
I am a truecel, touchless, virgin, No job, no friends. Pray for death.
They have to give us a job or pay for our NEET lives, for fucks sake.
Virginp0wers said:
I am a truecel, touchless, virgin, No job, no friends. Pray for death.

You living the LDAR life aswell
Never Kissed. Virgin. Checking in

Virginp0wers said:
I am a truecel, touchless, virgin, No job, no friends. Pray for death.

touched in a sexual way? Or Never touched at all?
QuantumDummy said:
And I'm 23 now, you dunce. As if I'm holding on to the memory of a fuckin' 15 second bj that happened over 8 years ago.

I empathize with you, but a lot of incels will NEVER have anybody of the opposite that likes them enough to even touch their hand, so for you to imply that you're on the same level as them when you've had a girl willingly put your dick in her mouth, well, thats borderline offensive to them.
QuantumDummy said:
And I'm 23 now, you dunce. As if I'm holding on to the memory of a fuckin' 15 second bj that happened over 8 years ago.
Still a fakecel in my eyes.

I'd actually kill a person if it meant a prime teen girl sucked my cock.
VLÖ said:
Full KHHV checking in.

Same. Its amazing how many of us have had never had any contact.
But anyway, I'm a KVH. Never even went on a date.
never. fakecels who managed to get laiid without bux need to GTFO.
Dingus_Incel said:
I fucked up the poll and can't edit it. The options for yes and no say the same thing. But just simplify them. Yes, means yes you are a virgin. No means, no you are not. 

should D be added to the equation. D being dateless.

If so I would register as KDV
What the fuck is the poll lol.

I'm a virgin. A KV.
I call myself KHV
Not hugless because I did a shitty side hug in middle school once
At least we're not getting cucked.
I'm a virgin. I probably hug a girl around 5-7 times a week though. Had my first kiss like at 14. Haven't went on a date in like 3 months. If I don't lost my virginity before I turn 19 its time for the rope.
QuantumDummy said:
And I'm 23 now, you dunce. As if I'm holding on to the memory of a fuckin' 15 second bj that happened over 8 years ago.

Just fucking ignore them, the witchhunting that goes on around here is ridiculous.
fukmylyf said:
lol @ calling me a "dunce." Did you bother to read the OP? You're not a virgin, but I guess you deserve some sympathy for being retarded.

Socially retarded, sure.
Poll has been fixed as per OP but I think that it would be best if you simply remade the thread at this point, or remade the poll. I am sure it confused way too many people.

Also, to OP:

Review the rules and definitions on what it actually means to be incel. Incel != virgin. And there will be no purge just based on whether you've had sex or not; review the rules on what is allowed or not allowed. Stop witch hunting. Thanks.
QuantumDummy said:
Socially retarded, sure.

Now I feel bad.

Sorry bro. I just think your initial comment was dishonest and kind of insulting to others here.
blickpall said:
Poll has been fixed as per OP but I think that it would be best if you simply remade the thread at this point, or remade the poll. I am sure it confused way too many people.

Also, to OP:

Review the rules and definitions on what it actually means to be incel. Incel != virgin. And there will be no purge just based on whether you've had sex or not; review the rules on what is allowed or not allowed. Stop witch hunting. Thanks.

Thanks for correcting it. At a later date I'll set up another thread.
Minjaze said:
Still a fakecel in my eyes.

I'd actually kill a person if it meant a prime teen girl sucked my cock.

Well I'm not a fakecel, it's that simple. Saying that would imply that I have a chance with a woman, which I don't. An incel, to me, is not only someone that's virgin past a certain age, but also gets no attraction from the opposite sex.. like me. I've never been in a relationship, never had a gf or girls as friends, girls never show interest in me, they look uncomfortable/disinterested to be around me without me even saying a word, no friends or social circle, made fun of by girls in the past, the fuckin' list goes on and on.. I don't want to be incel, I don't have any pride in that or wear it as some badge of honor.. You have guys here that humblebrag about being on dates and getting women, you don't see me doing that. I just want to be normal, why is that so fuckin' hard..
khhv truecel late 30s here.
fukmylyf said:
Now I feel bad.

Sorry bro. I just think your initial comment was dishonest and kind of insulting to others here.

Not a problem. I don't come here to argue and fight with people. I based my answer off the thread title.
KHHV any personal conversation with a female doesn't last for more than 3 sentences
Who are these 15 non virgins, I wonder? PURGE THE NORMIES.
Anon said:
Who are these 15 non virgins, I wonder? PURGE THE NORMIES.

Here we have a classic case of the pot calling the kettle a nigger.
itsOVER said:
Here we have a classic case of the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

I'm a virgin.
Anon said:
I'm a virgin.

It really doesn't matter, you act like the fakecel police around here when you yourself are going on dates and getting makeouts. The hypocrisy is mindblowing. Some KHV could easily be calling you fakecel next.

You called me a fucking fakecel when you've had more action last week then I've had in 2 fucking years. What a joke.

And I couldn't care less that you kissed that Stacy, I'd even say congrats under normal circumstances. But you need to stop calling others out when by this forums standards you're hardly the perfect 'cel' yourself.
itsOVER said:
It really doesn't matter, you act like the fakecel police around here when you yourself are going on dates and getting makeouts. The hypocrisy is mindblowing. Some KHV could easily be calling you fakecel next.

You called me a fucking fakecel when you've had more action last week then I've had in 2 fucking years. What a joke.

And I couldn't care less that you kissed that Stacy, I'd even say congrats under normal circumstances. But you need to stop calling others out when by this forums standards you're hardly the perfect 'cel' yourself.

Dude, she fucking rejected me and shitted me over. Read https://incels.is/Thread-Venting-Had-my-third-date-today-Time-to-ROT
I might not a truecel but I am a virgina nd that allows me to call non virgins fakecels.
Getting rejected even happens to Chads sometimes, you still did better than most here. But then to call others fakecel...jfc.

There's not even one universal fakecel definition. You've drawn the line conveniently at the point where you're not a fakecel but everyone who has gone further is.
So many non-virgin lurkers, damn.

Still way less than back in r/incels but they never posted there
QuantumDummy said:
Well I'm not a fakecel, it's that simple. Saying that would imply that I have a chance with a woman, which I don't. An incel, to me, is not only someone that's virgin past a certain age, but also gets no attraction from the opposite sex.. like me. I've never been in a relationship, never had a gf or girls as friends, girls never show interest in me, they look uncomfortable/disinterested to be around me without me even saying a word, no friends or social circle, made fun of by girls in the past, the fuckin' list goes on and on.. I don't want to be incel, I don't have any pride in that or wear it as some badge of honor.. You have guys here that humblebrag about being on dates and getting women, you don't see me doing that. I just want to be normal, why is that so fuckin' hard..
What about that blowjob though? How the fuck did that happen?
Unless you payed for it there is no way you're an incel.

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