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Are you a male feminist?

Are you a male feminist?

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Had it with these cucks!
Jan 6, 2018
Do you believe in the wage gap, patriarchy and rape culture? I don't, because I'm not a pussy worshipping retarded cuck.
Yes bro I believe women should be given the right to my penis, and the responsibility along with it.
Fuck no. I believe EVERYONE has problems but making it gender central is fucking stupid. Most metoos are fake or a "rape" that happened like a decade ago but suddenly now gives them PTSD, it's clearly women clamoring for attention and money like how Johnny Depp almost got his life ruined by triggered cucks. And the WORST thing is all this pandering to lies OVERSHADOWS THE actual rapes that no one cares about because its not NEWSWORTHY and not usable as a political weapon. Fucking hypocrites. :reeeeee::feelsree::woke:
How can anyone be a male feminist? The answer is no one million times over
Fuck no. I believe EVERYONE has problems but making it gender central is fucking stupid. Most metoos are fake or a "rape" that happened like a decade ago but suddenly now gives them PTSD, it's clearly women clamoring for attention and money like how Johnny Depp almost got his life ruined by triggered cucks. And the WORST thing is all this pandering to lies OVERSHADOWS THE actual rapes that no one cares about because its not NEWSWORTHY and not usable as a political weapon. Fucking hypocrites. :reeeeee::feelsree::woke:
They don't care about rape or assault, they only use those things when it's convenient for them to push their feminist whore agenda. A feminist would never say anything about a male prison rape victim or a boy that was genitally mutilated.
Death to all soylord feminist cucks !
I used to be in my bluepilled days but obviously im not anymore.
Yes bro, the future is female and if you disagree then you’re just an insecure misogynistic piece of shit.
Male Feminist are legit creepier than any truecel.120864
Is it possible here?
Who voted yes? Prob PedoTears LARP account couldnt resist showing off their decency.
All of these are real to some extent
What job pays women 30% less so I can do it? What rape culture are men responsible for to women? Women oversexualize themselves and act like whores to impress chads, if that makes other men comment sexually about them or grab their asses then that's their fault for looking and acting like hoes. No one screams rape culture when a man in a muscle shirt gets commented on by ugly old hags or gets his muscles grabbed by them.
What job pays women 30% less so I can do it? What rape culture are men responsible for to women? Women oversexualize themselves and act like whores to impress chads, if that makes other men comment sexually about them or grab their asses then that's their fault for looking and acting like hoes. No one screams rape culture when a man in a muscle shirt gets commented on by ugly old hags or gets his muscles grabbed by them.
I’ll answer in a bit, I’m getting some McDOnalds right now
Who voted yes? Prob PedoTears LARP account couldnt resist showing off their decency.
It’s called being a decent human being you toxic fucking edgelord.
Alright I’m back. I’ll start with the wage gap first. The reason why I say it’s legit is simply due to the fact that if you were to take all the money men make in a year and stack it up against women’s annual income men would come out on top. This however is attributed to many factors and for the individual woman of today this isn’t an actual issue as they will soon overtake us in the earning department. It’s all a matter of them properly diffusing themselves throughout the workplace

Rape culture is another conditional issue. Rape obviously isn’t encouraged in western nations and even if a man isn’t convicted a simple accusation could be enough to send him down the chute. However, in some circles and rape is considered acceptable and the general attitude towards it is either that of indifference or glee

As for the patriarchy, women around the world have been deemed less than men at best and property at worst. There are very few cultures in which women are considered higher than men. Things have changed in these past few decades but opinions on women are still low amongst the vast majority of males and more extreme ideas are held by various subcultures. When it comes to gender relations we are in the midst of a transition, places like this are described as “the dark corner of the internet” and women are being propped up in everything from ads and movies to the nightly news. If there never was a patriarchy to begin with th his place would have more unaffiliated incels than they would have incels who support reactionary conservatism
Anyone who said yes should be banned unless they are joking
Alright I’m back. I’ll start with the wage gap first. The reason why I say it’s legit is simply due to the fact that if you were to take all the money men make in a year and stack it up against women’s annual income men would come out on top.
That's not a wage gap based on discrimination, feminists are being disingenuous cunts when they bring it up.
This however is attributed to many factors and for the individual woman of today this isn’t an actual issue as they will soon overtake us in the earning department. It’s all a matter of them properly diffusing themselves throughout the workplace
Not if feminism is destroyed, which most likely will happen pretty soon.
However, in some circles and rape is considered acceptable and the general attitude towards it is either that of indifference or glee
I never seen any circles like that, again, if they're so prominent in america a lot of people here would like to join those rape cults. They must be such a small number only a brainlet would blame most men and "The patriarchy" for their actions. The only rape culture is in male prisons, it doesn't exist for holes unless they put themselves in a bad situation, like passing out in a frathouse filled with drunk horny college guys, which can also result in rape if a straight man passed out at a gay frat house. You might say, "why was the guy at the gay frathouse getting drunk?" Well, "Why was the stupid hole at the other frat house getting drunk?"
As for the patriarchy, women around the world have been deemed less than men at best and property at worst.
Most countries are cucked. Incels only have SEA and some middle eastern countries as their only semi-safe havens. If patriarchies were more common than matriarchies then that wouldn't be the case, and it would be the opposite, where most the world wasn't cucked except only for a couple countries. Men are the ones treated like walking wallets and can be disposed of and sent to prison over nothing, that's a matriarchy if you ask me.
There are very few cultures in which women are considered higher than men.
That's completely false. Even though holes are useless, they still get praise for any menial task they accomplish and even get gender quotas in many countries for the top jobs. Giving holes free handouts and special treatment will baby them even more and make them more useless, that's why feminism must go so women can learn responsibility and to take care of themselves without depending on men.
Things have changed in these past few decades but opinions on women are still low amongst the vast majority of males and more extreme ideas are held by various subcultures.
Most males are pussy pandering cucks who praise women for knowing how to wipe their ass, where have you been?
When it comes to gender relations we are in the midst of a transition, places like this are described as “the dark corner of the internet” and women are being propped up in everything from ads and movies to the nightly news.
Which means we need more patriarchy to stop that, women are already much ahead of average men.
If there never was a patriarchy to begin with th his place would have more unaffiliated incels than they would have incels who support reactionary conservatism
Just because many incels are conservative doesn't mean there's a patriarchy. Most of them aren't the tradcuck kind of conservatives like the MRA's and mgtows, they're mostly unaffiliated with any political party, but they might claim to be conservatives to belong in a bigger group.
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Male feminists such as IncelQueers should be gassed with Zyklon B.
I have legitimately tried to bluepill myself into thinking that feminism is essentially egalatarianism, but every "accredited" source I have glanced at always just tells me to "take their word for it" when they are comparing feminism to what is actually egalatarianism.

A good example of this is the video "Knowing Better" recently uploaded to his YouTube channel. His claims are moot and lack strong enough evidence for me to consider supporting feminism's ideologies in-whole. I would be more willing to compromise if I didn't feel like I have been victimized/dehumanized by women in the past. Why would I consider supporting something if all they do is treat me like a subhuman anyway?
Why would I consider supporting something if all they do is treat me like a subhuman anyway?
Because that's what a decent human would do you inkel misogynist.
No I'm not a cuck
OFC yes bro, free the pussies
That's not a wage gap based on discrimination, feminists are being disingenuous cunts when they bring it up
I never said it was. I’m just saying that a wage gap exists, nothing more
Not if feminism is destroyed, which most likely will happen pretty soon.
  1. Cope
  2. So you’re saying that you wish for their claims to be legitimate
I never seen any circles like that, again, if they're so prominent in america a lot of people here would like to join those rape cults. They must be such a small number only a brainlet would blame most men and "The patriarchy" for their actions. The only rape culture is in male prisons, it doesn't exist for holes unless they put themselves in a bad situation, like passing out in a frathouse filled with drunk horny college guys, which can also result in rape if a straight man passed out at a gay frat house. You might say, "why was the guy at the gay frathouse getting drunk?" Well, "Why was the stupid hole at the other frat house getting drunk?"
Do you have any idea where we are
Most countries are cucked. Incels only have SEA and some middle eastern countries as their only semi-safe havens. If patriarchies were more common than matriarchies then that wouldn't be the case, and it would be the opposite, where most the world wasn't cucked except only for a couple countries. Men are the ones treated like walking wallets and can be disposed of and sent to prison over nothing, that's a matriarchy if you ask me.
As I said before we are transitioning, men are losing power around the world, yes but pretending as if several patriarchal societies never existed is totally disingenuous

That's completely false. Even though holes are useless, they still get praise for any menial task they accomplish and even get gender quotas in many countries for the top jobs. Giving holes free handouts and special treatment will baby them even more and make them more useless, that's why feminism must go so women can learn responsibility and to take care of themselves without depending on men.
I was speaking on the societies of old
Most males are pussy pandering cucks who praise women for knowing how to wipe their ass, where have you been?
Once again, do you realize where you are right now
Which means we need more patriarchy to stop that, women are already much ahead of average men.
More patriarchy? But I thought you said those never existed? How could there be more of nothing
Just because many incels are conservative doesn't mean there's a patriarchy. Most of them aren't the tradcuck kind of conservatives like the MRA's and mgtows, they're mostly unaffiliated with any political party, but they might claim to be conservatives to belong in a bigger group.
Obviously there is a connection between reactionary conservatives and incels. You won’t see too many leftists advocating for women to become second class citizens again. You won’t see them decrying abortion or painting all rape accusations as false. The vast majority of people who identify as incels belive that a “return to form” is necessary for them to fulfill their desires and reactionary conservatives want things to go back to the old ways as well. Incels don’t simply latch on conservative ideals simply because they’re fashionable
So you’re saying that you wish for their claims to be legitimate
No, I'm saying it will be destroyed because their claims aren't legitimate and people are waking up.
Do you have any idea where we are
Two or three examples of gang rape in the US isn't a cultural epidemic.
As I said before we are transitioning, men are losing power around the world, yes but pretending as if several patriarchal societies never existed is totally disingenuous
Of course 70 years ago there were "patriarchal societies" because there were less cucks and no modern technology or feminist propaganda and cucked laws. I wouldn't even call it patriarchal, it was more close to egalitarianism because everyone had their own responsibilities and men weren't cucked under the law or by society. We need a big patriarchal push to get us out the mess we're in after over 70 years of cuckdom.
More patriarchy? But I thought you said those never existed? How could there be more of nothing
When I say that I mean getting rid of feminism and cucked laws, not men enslaving women, which would be fun but my expectations aren't that high.
Once again, do you realize where you are right now
Yes, land of the cucks and whiteknights that will be damned if any foid gets approached by a sub6 man who makes less than 50K a year.
Obviously there is a connection between reactionary conservatives and incels. You won’t see too many leftists advocating for women to become second class citizens again.
Foids are now first class citizens and sub6's are 2nd, and sub4's are 3rd. We need to put those bitches back in group 2 or 3.
You won’t see them decrying abortion or painting all rape accusations as false. The vast majority of people who identify as incels belive that a “return to form” is necessary for them to fulfill their desires and reactionary conservatives want things to go back to the old ways as well. Incels don’t simply latch on conservative ideals simply because they’re fashionable
Incels agree with some conservative ideas, but they also agree with liberal ones. I've noticed incels are a little of both because parts from both sides make sense, but mostly from the conservative side. Incels agree that things should go back to how they were in the 50's, way more equal than today, but they don't agree with conservatives on christianity, abortion, and cop worship. When incels say their anti-abortion they don't really mean it, most of them don't care and are just trying to troll feminists.
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No, I'm saying it will be destroyed because their claims aren't legitimate and people are waking up.
And accounting for every factor, what do you think that will bring about
Two or three examples of gang rape in the US isn't a cultural epidemic.
I was referring to this site and the numerous ones just like it
Of course 70 years ago there were "patriarchal societies" because there were less cucks and no modern technology or feminist propaganda and cucked laws. I wouldn't even call it patriarchal, it was more close to egalitarianism because everyone had their own responsibilities and men weren't cucked under the law or by society. We need a big patriarchal push to get us out the mess we're in after over 70 years of cuckdom.
JFL that’s a nice way of saying “women knew their place back in the god old days”
Yes, land of the cucks and whiteknights that will be damned if any foid gets approached by a sub6 man who makes less than 50K a year.
See reply #2
They are now the first class citizens and sub6's are 2nd, and sub4's are 3rd. We need to put those bitches back in group 2 or 3.
Well if we’re putting them back in 2 or 3 then it’s sounds as if we used to live in a patriarchal society
Incels agree with some conservative ideas, but they also believe in liberal ones too. I've noticed incels are a little of both because parts from both sides make sense, but mostly from the conservative side. Incels agree that things should go back to how they were in the 50's, way more equal than today, but they don't agree with conservatives on christianity, abortion, and cop worship. When incels say their anti-abortion they don't really mean it, most of them don't care and are just trying to troll feminists.
Most people here claim to be economically liberal but that’s about it as far as social issues go most here are staunch conservatives. It can’t be denied that when it comes to gender relations incels fall in line with the ideals of reactionary conservatives
And accounting for every factor, what do you think that will bring about
Less whoredom and cucks, and more men getting their looksmatches who are sub5's.
I was referring to this site and the numerous ones just like it
None of the guys here were convicted of rape, again they're just trolling. Mean words being said online about raping foids to trigger them doesn't mean there's a rape culture.
JFL that’s a nice way of saying “women knew their place back in the god old days”
They actually did. Now they think they're gods or some shit. Those cunts need to be humbled and know that men on average are better than them in every way, if there were no quotas, feminism, or cucked laws to interfere with them getting ahead.
Well if we’re putting them back in 2 or 3 then it’s sounds as if we used to live in a patriarchal society
Men and women were second class citizens in those days, the elites were the first class. Women weren't forced to go to war or work hard labor to survive, all they had to do was spread their legs to get a free ride, so they were even overly privileged compared to average men in those times.
Most people here claim to be economically liberal but that’s about it as far as social issues go most here are staunch conservatives. It can’t be denied that when it comes to gender relations incels fall in line with the ideals of reactionary conservatives
I'll make a poll asking users if they agree more with conservatives, liberals, both but more conservative heavy, both but more liberal heavy, or neither.
Less whoredom and cucks, and more men getting their looksmatches who are sub5.
I can’t tell wether your imagination is limited or if you’re just being intellectually dishonest
None of the guys here were convicted of rape, again they're just trolling. Mean words being said online about raping foids to trigger them doesn't mean there's a rape culture.
I never said anyone here was convicted of rape I’m saying that there are many men both on and offline who support or are indifferent to rape withers as a means to an end or as punishment for various grievances
They actually did. Now they think their gods or some shit. Those cunts need to be humbled and know that men on average are better than them in every way, if there were no quotas, feminism, or cucked laws to interfere with them getting ahead.
Well that’s not a very egalitarian way to think of things
Men and women were second class citizens in those days, the elites were the first class. Women weren't forced to go to war or work hard labor to survive, all they had to do was spread their legs to get a free ride, so they were even overly privileged back then compared to average men.
If you’re barred from voting, working a well paying job, or owning property, and view as little more than a live in maid and breeding stock, overly privileged is the last thing I’d call you
I'll make a poll asking users if they agree more with conservatives, liberals, both but more conservative heavy, both but more liberal heavy, or neither.
Well it can’t be that broad. The poll would have to inquire about the role of women and gender dynamics in order to have a connection to this topic. A poll in which both sides of the argument are clearly and succinctly defined would be more accurate
I never said anyone here was convicted of rape I’m saying that there are many men both on and offline who support or are indifferent to rape withers as a means to an end or as punishment for various grievances
Being indifferent about rape or acting like you support it to trigger feminists doesn't mean there's a rape culture. Just because they celebrate on this site when a foid gets beaten or raped doesn't mean there's a rape culture. They were saying there was a rape culture even before incel sites existed. They are just complaining over nothing to give holes special treatment and extra consideration when they bitch about something.
Well that’s not a very egalitarian way to think of things
It is when you look at how cucked things are today.
If you’re barred from voting, working a well paying job, or owning property, and view as little more than a live in maid and breeding stock, overly privileged is the last thing I’d call you
There was only 10 years in american history where foids weren't allowed to vote. Foids were able to work and own property, but they weren't able to do the high paying jobs because they involved masculine skills or strength or intelligence most women don't have. A foid couldn't be a lumber jack a long time ago because it's too hard for them, and there were no hot yoga instructors and social workers back then working their useless jobs.
Being indifferent about rape or acting like you support it to trigger feminists doesn't mean there's a rape culture. Just because they celebrate on this site when a foid gets beaten or raped doesn't mean there's a rape culture. They were saying there was a rape culture even before incel sites existed. They are just complaining over nothing to give holes special treatment and extra consideration when they bitch about something.
I’m simply using this place as an example. This isn’t the only place where one can hate women. Also I highly doubt most users here are posting for the sake of an audience. Only a select few here are being edgy for the sake of attention
It is when you look at how cucked things are today.
Taking things back to the early 1900s doesn’t make things equal, it simply tips the scales in the opposite direction
There was only 10 years in american history where foids weren't allowed to vote
:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: What kind of history books were you reading
Foids were able to work and own property, but they weren't able to do the high paying jobs
So they were delegated to wagecucking by an external force. Sounds fair
because they involved masculine skills or strength or intelligence most women don't have.
I’ll give you the physicality angle but to suggest that males are significantly more intelligent than females you’d need some empirical evidence
A foid couldn't be a lumber jack a long time ago because it's too hard for them, and there were no hot yoga instructors and social workers back then working their useless jobs.
You’re not wrong but obviously the economy supported more jobs than lumberjack and railroad worker

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