The Chinese hierarchical election system seems superior to Western representative democracy in this day and age tbh, the only issue being that down-top hierarchical levelled Marxist-Leninist governments are infested with soulless bureaucrats. Maybe, at the end of the day, a frigid, overbearing system like that is what we need to wage total war against cuckoldry. After all, the last effective resistance to liberalism in the western world was made by bureaucratic (and also autocratic with elements of overbearing bureaucracy, such as Nazi Germany) single-party states.
China is a chink ant hellhole but their government teaches young boys masculine virtues, bans degenerate shit like rap, hates gays and wants to expand their race's reach overseas. Imagine if the West, which had a far less cancerous culture than both China and what it has now just a few generations ago, were to start emulating China's form of government. We would start colonising the solar system. We could reduce government payments for single mothers and other useless eater scumbags enough to dedicate funding to stuff like a nuclear fusion research programs without anybody batting an eye because governments would no longer be required to promise boosted welfare to their subhuman poorfag voters every few years as a form of political bribery.
Compare how much Central American welfare recipients in the USA get to the USA's nuclear fusion program budget, even diverting a tenth of their funding to nuclear fusion could increase research many times and help develop something that would be extremely useful but will not be profitable for the market to develop for many decades.
To make sure it doesn't become a cucked police state UK on steroids, it should be made so that only men are able to participate in the political process, and that only men who have served in the military or high-tier STEM/law careers should be eligible for higher or executive positions.