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Blackpill Are women capable of love towards men, the same way men are towards women ?

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5'2 96 lbs Chinese goblin living in Germany
Jan 3, 2019
In the case of women, "true" love, or unconditional love, stems from a parenting instinct. This instinct was selected mainly because it help ensure the survival of one's offspring.

Even centuries before feminism, women did not really "love" their spouses. The feeling of weakness to a high status man at best creates desire and respect, I do not believe it is unconditional love. It is more like a feeling of dependance , possibly intertwined with sexual desire if the guy's genetic material is of high enough "quality". The only rare cases where I have seen a woman unconditionnally love a man, it was moreso a fluke, with the woman placing her motherly instincts on her partner.

Men, on the other part, can fall madly in love with one specific woman to the point where they can become depressed longterm and even commit suicide when she leaves them. I think the data can back me up on this.
Men are a hundred times more prone to develop a true feeling of attachement, and in general have a much harder time moving on after a separation than women.

My hypothesis is that men have, at large, been selected to unconditionally want to provide for the woman they have mated with when there is reproductive scarcity (ex: not being top genetic material), since it improves the chances that their offspring will survive.

Love is a very strong feeling that emerges from an imperative to pass on your genes. In the case of women, this can hardly be expressed towards a potential mate, since reproductive scarcity rarely applies to women.
Nowadays, it is worse, because the number of potential mates women have only increases thanks to technology.
No. They cant love. The only love they have is hole swinging.
No such thing as love. Only infatuation, lust and illusion.
This last part, illusion, is nuanced and grounded on a biological basis.
Women are selfish and hedonistic creatures. They only care about themselves.

Sometimes they care about their offspring too but this is becoming more and more rare with the rise of the pro choice movement. Feminists want killing babies to be as casual as the sun rising.
No such thing as love. Only infatuation, lust and illusion.
Is there any study's or graphs showing this sort of mental illness?
I suffer from the unrequited version of this known as oneitis with whores I've never even talked to.
I just wonder because I hate feeling like a low T faggot. It's always nice to know at least 20% of people have the same illness.
they love this Chadowski
480full francisco lachowski
Nah... They can pursue a chad because they want the gratificatin of him chosing them over other foids. They can respect a man (a chad) and trust or at least hope that a man (a normie) will protect them in case of hardship... But love... That is a stretch.
Maybe alien women are able to love a man by who he really is. What if alien women feel attracted by virtues in a man like: not being a criminal, being a sensitive and virgin man etc. Our hope could be in another planet. We just need to learn how to build ourselves a flying saucer

Maybe alien women are able to love a man by who he really is. What if alien women feel attracted by virtues in a man like: not being a criminal, being a sensitive and virgin man etc. Our hope could be in another planet. We just need to learn how to build ourselves a flying saucer

basically this music video but genders reversed
Women do not love men unconditionally the same way men love women.

And no, women dont "love Chad", u fucking idiots, they USE HIM to get whatever they want from him, status or a good fuck, then they throw him to the wolves and get another one, cause they literally got millions of Chads to choose from.

It was actually males who invented romanticism and "love".
No and never will
They can truly and unconditionally love their dogs and their high heel shoes, they can love deeply the wallet of their husband, and maybe foids can also love their babies when they are under 4yo and cute, because, for foids, baby-maxxing increases chances to statusmax their Instagram profile with babypics.

If you are asking if foids can love a subhuman trash like you, I can easily answer that question. It’s “no”, of course. You are not Chad.
Women "love" what you can provide them and rub in other women's faces. Men are like purses. She can't even love Chad, she just holds onto his arm and makes sure every other girl sees them.
For a short time with chad, (this is the lust, or puppy love stage) but eventually all relationships enter the second stage, (the betabux and utility stage) which is supposed a stable bond that's ideal of raising children. But ultimately, women are incapable of loving men in the same way.
Holes are not capable of “loving” a man, they are only capable of loving his looks, money and status. The second a better option becomes available the latter will become the “love of her life”
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