So, I am an art major and took a class in art history, here is my take.
There are many good female artists. Yes, almost genius artists are men (as are almost all genius scientists) due to the bell curve, plus in history, women were not allowed to learn art although there were some exceptions, but then it was deemed appropriate for women to only draw portraits, still life and other less serious subjects. Women also weren't allowed to train with nude models or dead bodies. Plus, their works were overlooked by art critiques of the time. So basically, the technique of female artists was not worse than male, but many artists had perfect technique and didn't become famous because of lack of interesting or important subjects.
Things became better for women after the industrial revolution, especially during the impressionist era, which was one of the most curious times in art history in my opinion. Some of the most famous painters of the era at some point studied in Paris which was kinda ahead of its time in terms of rejecting previous dogmas. It was some crazy time, really.
There are still many great female artists, some of whom were extremely influential to the extent of becoming famous among regular people, like Frido Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffe, Margaret Keane, Mary Cassatt, and that's just the top of my head.
Today, there are more girls studying art than guys. So on average women draw better just by pure numbers. As for the quality, well it depends on time spent on perfecting the skill.