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Are we actually just "approachcels" ?



Dec 6, 2017
I read about some legendary incel online who has asked out all of women and gotten rejections from all. IMO, that is how you confirm you're incel: no girl fucking wants you at all.

But then I look around here and most guys on this forum have asked out like 1-2 girls in the span of a year. How can you declare yourself "incel" with just that?

It's hardly a decent sample size. Hell even upper-level normies get rejected like crazy. On any normie dating-advice website the coach always says "you need to ask out 25 girls and 1 might say yes". So how can you make the decision that "no woman wants you" if you've only done research with a sample size of two?

Are you really incel then? No. You're just an attemptcel or approachcel.
and what am I if I literally never talked to a girl? a volcel?

just lol, no girl has ever even given me an IOI, approaching would be pretty meaningless. i wouldn't want my ego completely crushed for the next 5-10 years like that.
If you are a masochist sure, why not.
I have never approached or flirted with a woman before, if that makes me volcel so be it. I'm not going to degrade myself in front of a foid
If you have to approach then it's over.
If women don't even acknowledge my presence I'm not going to approach them
I have never approached or flirted with a woman before

I hate to sound like a cuck, but this just makes no sense to me. How can you declare yourself incel just like that?

I guess, literally, it makes sense. You want to have sex but don't. But it seems dumb to join our internet ideology of "no woman likes me" if you've never dipped your toe in the game.

It's like saying "I have never taken my rifle to the jungle and attempted to hunt a deer...oh and just so you know I am the worst shot ever and have horrible aim and am a disgrace to hunting".
No, incels get rejected before and as we approach. Once you start talking to her she has already rejected you and has no intention of ever seeing you again.
first i need to looksmaxx. then i need to establish a social circle to do so. im not going to humiliate myself in front of extras and get rumors spread about me even more for nothing.
I hate to sound like a cuck, but this just makes no sense to me. How can you declare yourself incel just like that?

I guess, literally, it makes sense. You want to have sex but don't. But it seems dumb to join our internet ideology of "no woman likes me" if you've never dipped your toe in the game.

It's like saying "I have never taken my rifle to the jungle and attempted to hunt a deer...oh and just so you know I am the worst shot ever and have horrible aim and am a disgrace to hunting".
I post here because I relate to the userbase alot with of formative experiences, the blackpill and life in general. I guess I could be classified as a volcel cause I literally have no desire to associate with women after being blackpilled.
Maybe I should join MGTOW, but the problem is they are bluepilled copers
"you need to ask out 25 girls and 1 might say yes"
major cope. This is what PUA fags tell themselves to feel better. In reality most normies don't get rejected that much. Most of the guys I've known got dates after 1 - 3 attempts.
Approachcels kek

But it does make some sense actually. I am legit thinking of looksmaxing, and then just approach women, ask them out, etc. So far I have only asked maybe two women out in the span of 5 years or so.
I want a best friend i can fuck not some random slut number 58 who just so happens to say yes. My BID (big incel dick) is reserved for tomodachis only. I dont even have regular male friends unfortunately.
Are you actually just a coping cuck?
Why waste my time and create more mental trauma for myself by trying something that won't work.
I post here because I relate to the userbase alot with of formative experiences, the blackpill and life in general. I guess I could be classified as a volcel cause I literally have no desire to associate with women after being blackpilled.
Maybe I should join MGTOW, but the problem is they are bluepilled copers
I can relate to this to some extent. After swallowing some atomic blackpills I dont have much desire to associate with femoids.
I can relate to this to some extent. After swallowing some atomic blackpills I dont have much desire to associate with femoids.
Yeah, my low sex drive makes staying away easy thankfully tbh
major cope. This is what PUA fags tell themselves to feel better. In reality most normies don't get rejected that much. Most of the guys I've known got dates after 1 - 3 attempts.







Jesus fucking christ you copsters. Dating doesn't even exist anymore. Hot guys just start banging female friends and they become couples.
I don't have any friends or social circles, where am I supposed to find females?
If you haven't approached any women before then you deserve your inceldom.

Good luck expecting a woman to do something (approach you) that you wouldn't do (approach her!), Way to be a hypergamous nutjob and have no understanding of biology (women are more risk-averse).
No. Approach anxiety is your instincts preventing you from pain.
But then I look around here and most guys on this forum have asked out like 1-2 girls in the span of a year. How can you declare yourself "incel" with just that?
If you've asked out like 10 girls throughout your life up to this point (Lets say you're like 23 years old), never gotten an IOI, and absolutely can't find success in online dating, I definitely wouldn't say you're an approachcel.

Going 0-10 with asking out girls seems like a fair point to give up. It's not as if you asked out 10 random stacies, you asked out girls you thought could have had some interest in you, and whom you had interest in yourself -- that's a fair sample size as far as i'm concerned.

I think it's a myth that normies have to ask out 10s of girls to have gotten laid, that's bullshit. Maybe if they're cold approaching random stacies on the street they'll go 0-10 one day, but most lost their virginities and get into relationships constantly via happenstance -- taking the right opportunity at the right moment to ask a specific girl out, not picking up random chicks on the street.
The fact that I can ask out ten girls that I thought I would have the best shot at succeeding with and got rejected all 10 times, ending up a KHHV, would indicate that i'm a subhuman truecel.
Also lol @ all of the volcels saying they've never approached a woman.
I know that you can probably tell you're an incel without having tried, but it seems counter-intuitive to have literally never taken that shot.
Also lol @ all of the volcels saying they've never approached a woman.
I know that you can probably tell you're an incel without having tried, but it seems counter-intuitive to have literally never taken that shot.

Technically I've tried but got rejected on numerous occasions. And these were all girls and women that I knew via social circle and whatnot. So there was a sense of familiarity with these girls. The problem was that none of them had ever attempted to flirt back, so.... it was rather pointless to even ask them out.

Besides, I'm very physically unattractive and have never in my life had a single ioi even from an ugly or fat woman. So that leads me to believe that I'm far too ugly to find a woman. Believe it or not. Some of us are just that ugly tbh.

If you haven't approached any women before then you deserve your inceldom.

Good luck expecting a woman to do something (approach you) that you wouldn't do (approach her!), Way to be a hypergamous nutjob and have no understanding of biology (women are more risk-averse).

If you gotta approach I have bad news boyo. Chad doesn't need to approach, and all women want Chad.
women only want to be approached by chad
if you have to approach, it's over

if girls don't message you first on tinder, it's over
I´ve never approached a woman in my life. I just don´t know what to say.
sorry, unintentional. I just hate it when people act like rejection is no big deal and extremely common.
Also I don't think it's necessary or beneficial to approach 100 different girls. Quality over quantity, always.
if you have to approach, it's over

if girls don't message you first on tinder, it's over

Girls will tell you if they want you. They aren't shy. Only Incels are shy.
No. Approac h anxiety is your instincts preventing you from pain.

Pretty much this. Strong approach anxiety exists for a reason, you have a pretty good idea if approaching women is futile. Normies who say "just talk to her brah!" are the ones used to situations where they are comfortable with their surroundings and the people. If you are an outsider incel then approaching will almost always end in failure.
@KyloRen I should elaborate on the reason. From what I've seen, most guys only pursue females who give consistent IOIs to begin with.
@KyloRen I should elaborate on the reason. From what I've seen, most guys only pursue females who give consistent IOIs to begin with.

Well, that would explain it.

Would feel good to receive consistent IOIs from multiple women.
I hate to sound like a cuck, but this just makes no sense to me. How can you declare yourself incel just like that?

I guess, literally, it makes sense. You want to have sex but don't. But it seems dumb to join our internet ideology of "no woman likes me" if you've never dipped your toe in the game.

It's like saying "I have never taken my rifle to the jungle and attempted to hunt a deer...oh and just so you know I am the worst shot ever and have horrible aim and am a disgrace to hunting".

This, some of these guys just like excuses, how can you approach no one and claim to be incel, how would you ever really know, that's like never having eaten something and saying you KNOW you're allergic to it lol.
I don't approach. SOrry laides.
When you are attractive they will give obvious signs and tell their friends even. You will find out sooner or later.
Chad gets rejected 0times.
If you wana feel like trash, scum of the earth, useless, suicidal then go right ahead and approach. Because these girls will be ruthless when rejecting you.

Any ounce of self respect or confidence you had will be shattered
I´ve never approached a woman in my life. I just don´t know what to say.
Meetoo. If you cant fit in anywhere, even on incel boards, its fuckin over no matter whether you approach or not
You don't need to ask someone out to know that they're not attracted to you. If a girl likes you, she will give you some kind of sign.
i do approach foids and get regected over and over
ITT a bunch of cowardly retards. If you've never asked a girl out then get the fuck off this site, this community is not for you.

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