Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Are we actually incels?

realistically involuntarily celibate
no dumbass would actually fuck a huge landwhale, though I'm sure that most of us could. or a retarded/disabled girl. none of us can get into a relationship with a healthy normal femoid so yes, we are involuntarily celibate.
cyborgglory said:
realistically involuntarily celibate
no dumbass would actually fuck a huge landwhale, though I'm sure that most of us could. or a retarded/disabled girl. none of us can get into a relationship with a healthy normal femoid so yes, we are involuntarily celibate.

Volcel. You take whatever you can get, which for most of us, is absolutely nothing.
having standards is totally natural, even my dog has standards
whogivesafucc said:
Volcel. You take whatever you can get, which for most of us, is absolutely nothing.

really? I haven't been able to get anything btw. are landwhales really that choosey? fuck
I never had anything remotely close to an interested female
A girl has never been interested in me, never even had a female friend
cyborgglory said:
really? I haven't been able to get anything btw. are landwhales really that choosey? fuck

In some ways they're more choosy, the meme of them being easy is probably high tier normies or Chads wanting a easy fuck. But to unattractive males they are rude as fuck because they don't want to admit they're on the same lookmatch as us.

I know many attractive chicks who are way nicer than fat chicks.
whogivesafucc said:
Volcel. You take whatever you can get, which for most of us, is absolutely nothing.

No. Obese womem count as much as hookers.

You still incel if dont wanna fuck landwhales.
KilluminoidBR said:
No. Obese womem count as much as hookers.

You still incel if dont wanna fuck landwhales.

KilluminoidBR said:
No. Obese womem count as much as hookers.

You still incel if dont wanna fuck landwhales.

It can be really hard to know where to draw this line. People can get desperate you never know
I would fuck an obese FHO as long as her face is attractive tbh
ITT: a bunch of fakecels.
I've never known an FHO who wanted to fuck me.
PessimisticFailure said:
ITT: a bunch of fakecels.

I'm a newfag and I need to understand your language. Fake celibate? What do you mean by this?
I'm tired of all these "I wouldn't fuck a landwhale" fags. You're all volcels. If you have the ability to lose your virginity to a non paid femoid and you're not taking it,you're mentally ill and should be purged off this site.
I'm not ugly, but I'm not good enough looking to make up for my poor social skills, high inhibition, lack of friends and shitty personality, so I guess I'm incel.
Volcel if you wouldn't fuck a landwhale.
anoncel said:
I'm a newfag and I need to understand your language. Fake celibate? What do you mean by this?

Pieces of shit on here that aren't sub-5
a-virgin-nigger said:
I'm tired of all these "I wouldn't fuck a landwhale" fags. You're all volcels. If you have the ability to lose your virginity to a non paid femoid and you're not taking it,you're mentally ill and should be purged off this site.

may Allah forgive you brother!

I do not fuck an FHO I find repellent, and I find some overweight FHOs attractive tbh
a-virgin-nigger said:
I'm tired of all these "I wouldn't fuck a landwhale" fags. You're all volcels. If you have the ability to lose your virginity to a non paid femoid and you're not taking it,you're mentally ill and should be purged off this site.

PessimisticFailure said:
Pieces of shit on here that aren't sub-5

You know there are so many more factors to getting any girl than just looks right? You want me to name them for you?
No femoid would ever fuck date or even interact with me even if I wanted to so definitely.
a-virgin-nigger said:
I'm tired of all these "I wouldn't fuck a landwhale" fags. You're all volcels. If you have the ability to lose your virginity to a non paid femoid and you're not taking it,you're mentally ill and should be purged off this site.

This place is full of 5/10+ whiny faggots that only want 10/10s femherroids.  WE NEED A FUCKING PURGE WE NEED A FUCKING PURGE WE NEED A FUCKING PURGE
anoncel said:

You know there are so many more factors to getting any girl than just looks right? You want me to name them for you?

anoncel said:

You know there are so many more factors to getting any girl than just looks right? You want me to name them for you?

Kunfidence?  Showers?  Kek.
nausea said:

Sorry I don't speak anime. Just because some of us are deformed/ugly means they have some moral high-ground over "better looking" (on some subjective scale) incels?

I never thought I would ever be saying this in my life, but drink bleach.

PessimisticFailure said:
Hurr hurr

Mental condition which you have no control over. It's half of who you are. If you are not up to their standard, you will be shunned and ostracised. Just like you are ostracizing other people right now for saying they have "good looks". You should also bleach your insides
anoncel said:
Sorry I don't speak anime. Just because some of us are deformed/ugly means they have some moral high-ground over "better looking" (on some subjective scale) incels?

I never thought I would ever be saying this in my life, but drink bleach.

Mental condition which you have no control over. It's half of who you are. If you are not up to their standard, you will be shunned and ostracised. Just like you are ostracizing other people right now for saying they have "good looks". You should also bleach your insides

I'm a truecel and you're bluepill trash, go improve your personality by taking a long walk off a short pier
I don't care about looks at all so yah I'd say anything goes, still no though so yup really incel I guess
anon, name those factors please
there was a recent poll here that found 40% of men to have done something sexual with women or have actually had sex.
PessimisticFailure said:
I'm a truecel and you're bluepill trash, go improve your personality by taking a long walk off a short pier

"I'm a truecel and you're bluepill trash"
So you are not an incel. If given a chance you would not fuck even a landwhale, you are just volcel and have no idea what to do with your life. go back to r9k

Also you don't know what you are talking about. I have never been able to get a relationship or sex because of my looks and mental issues. Looks is not everything, and as soon as I point that out you shit yourself and start throwing around "bluepill" etc. Stay mad

"Go take a long walk off a short pier"
I could just do a 180 and keep walking the other way when the pier ends. Otherwise I can swim. If there was even the slightest chance it would improve my personality I would be doing that all day long, every day.

nausea said:
anon, name those factors please

Be realistic, looks are not everything. I have seen a below average guy pick up girls with his fucking chad personality and huge wallet. It pisses me off so much. Generally femails want:

1) money
2) personality
3) looks

I think that if you have any sort of disability, mental condition, ugly face, no $$$ then it is a death sentence. So there are your factors however there can be exceptions in some cases (if you are really fucking rich)
anoncel said:
"I'm a truecel and you're bluepill trash"
So you are not an incel. If given a chance you would not fuck even a landwhale, you are just volcel and have no idea what to do with your life. go back to r9k

Also you don't know what you are talking about. I have never been able to get a relationship or sex because of my looks and mental issues. Looks is not everything, and as soon as I point that out you shit yourself and start throwing around "bluepill" etc. Stay mad

"Go take a long walk off a short pier"
I could just do a 180 and keep walking the other way when the pier ends. Otherwise I can swim. If there was even the slightest chance it would improve my personality I would be doing that all day long, every day.

What the fuck are you talking about, I'd fuck the lowest cunt of them all, but even that can manage to get a more attractive guy
PessimisticFailure said:
What the fuck are you talking about, I'd fuck the lowest cunt of them all, but even that can manage to get a more attractive guy

You said you are a true celibate. Now you say you'd fuck someone. So which is it? Help me understand your language
anon, I am just ugly

every time I liked a girl I got rejected in every sort of fashion

money? that is prostitution

below average? ugly is ugly, not below anything
anoncel said:
You said you are a true celibate. Now you say you'd fuck someone. So which is it? Help me understand your language

Truecel = No affection.  I have had zero dates, held zero hands, had zero gfs, and had zero sex for all my life.  Lurk moar.

You mention personality, money, and status as factors.  but have you heard of the halo effect?  Chad gets a positive halo that follows him everywhere he goes.  Everything Chad does is seen in a positive light because of his looks.  The opposite applies to a truecel.  Chad abuses a kid?  Femherroids say everyone deserves a second chance.  I rob a candy store?  Femherroids want the death penalty for me.  And because of said halo effect, money and status (which can only temporarily buy a whore's interest) are acquired with ease.  Jeremy Meeks and Alex from Target, for example, got money and status all because of their looks.
Sparky said:
Anyone calling PSL 4+ men volcel simply for not getting with Landwhales is just literally perpetuating hypergamy.

You outed yourself as being PSL 4+ (in looks) i,e. decent looking enough to get a gf.
When you add being white, low bodyfat, young and having a full head of hair on top, then you are probably 5+.

If you consider having to go fuck burn ward victim paitents, or people have been acid faced, volcel, then no one here is incel.
cyborgglory said:
really? I haven't been able to get anything btw. are landwhales really that choosey? fuck

Landwhales are even choosier because they think they're perfect in their lard shell because Chad fucks them from time to time when he's bored. It's fucking over.
amincel said:
If you consider having to go fuck burn ward victim paitents, or people have been acid faced, volcel, then no one here is incel.

Someone pass me a blindfold and I'm good to go.
jagged0 said:
Someone pass me a blindfold and I'm good to go.
My standards:

Don't be a literal vegetable who shits herself and can't think.
Don't have a completely destroyed face, I'm not talking regular 2/10s that exist naturally, I'm talking legitimate congenital disabilities/acid attacks.
Be a woman with XX chromosomes.

Those are my only demands. You can be an amputee who can't walk or who only has one arm. You can be deaf or blind. Your face can be below average just like mine. I'll take anything.
scoliosiscel said:
My standards:

Don't be a literal vegetable who shits herself and can't think.
Don't have a completely destroyed face, I'm not talking regular 2/10s that exist naturally, I'm talking legitimate congenital disabilities/acid attacks.
Be a woman with XX chromosomes.

Those are my only demands. You can be an amputee who can't walk or who only has one arm. You can be deaf or blind. Your face can be below average just like mine. I'll take anything.

1.Make her wear a diaper.
2.Make her wear a mask or put on a blindfold.
3.Make sure she has a pussy or if she's a trap then just fuck her in the ass.
jagged0 said:
1.Make her wear a diaper.
2.Make her wear a mask or put on a blindfold.
3.Make sure she has a pussy or if she's a trap then just fuck her in the ass.

I'd rather die than fuck a trap. That's pure degeneracy. That's not even a woman.
scoliosiscel said:
I'd rather die than fuck a trap. That's pure degeneracy. That's not even a woman.

Fuck, I'll be honest, I'd rather fuck a hot trap than an ugly woman.
Framecel222 said:
Fuck, I'll be honest, I'd rather fuck a hot trap than an ugly woman.

Fucking a trap doesn't mean you're getting rid of inceldom though, you can't say that your penis has been inside a woman's pussy, or anywhere inside a woman for that matter. Even escortcelling is closer to escaping inceldom.
scoliosiscel said:
Fucking a trap doesn't mean you're getting rid of inceldom though, you can't say that your penis has been inside a woman's pussy, or anywhere inside a woman for that matter. Even escortcelling is closer to escaping inceldom.

I don't care about escaping inceldom in the literal sense, I could do that now by fucking a landwhale. I want emotional fulfilment. A trap wouldn't provide this either but it would be fun to bust a nut inside "her" lmao.

If I had the chance to have sex with any willing girl out there, I would. Too bad all females loathe me equally.
Landwhales want CHAD not you. Unfortunately you gotta take what you can get.
PessimisticFailure said:
Truecel = No affection.  I have had zero dates, held zero hands, had zero gfs, and had zero sex for all my life.  Lurk moar.
So truecel=mentalcel? kek

PessimisticFailure said:
You mention personality, money, and status as factors.  but have you heard of the halo effect?  Chad gets a positive halo that follows him everywhere he goes.  Everything Chad does is seen in a positive light because of his looks.  The opposite applies to a truecel.  Chad abuses a kid?  Femherroids say everyone deserves a second chance.  I rob a candy store?  Femherroids want the death penalty for me.  And because of said halo effect, money and status (which can only temporarily buy a whore's interest) are acquired with ease.  Jeremy Meeks and Alex from Target, for example, got money and status all because of their looks.
I never denied that looks was ever a factor i was just stating important alternatives that are overlooked by people like you. be realistic
I just want a 3/10 non-fat femoid. Hell maybe even a real 2/10 looksmatch if she has a good personality

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