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Are there any Jewish incels here?

You don't have to be English to support an English club. I hope you realize that, fascist.
I know that Chelsea fans wich are not from London are just posers. Fuck you.
I know that Chelsea fans wich are not from London are just posers. Fuck you.

So not only are you so retarded that you think Jews are to blame for inceldom, you also think you HAVE to be from London to support Chelsea? Really?
So not only are you so retarded that you think Jews are to blame for inceldom
Come on Derek I thought you were against discrimination. You are the one guy on this site I respect.
Might as well get mad at other incels for "discrimination" against foids
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goyim? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret pyramid schemes in the USA, and I have over 300 million dollars. I am trained in economics and I'm the top jew in the entire society of intellectual hebrews. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will bankrupt you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bankers across the USA and your bank account is being drained right now so you better prepare for the eviction, maggot. The eviction that kicks out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can extort money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my holocaust stories. Not only am I extensively trained in ripping you off, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JIDF and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trolling off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking goyim tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the unreasonable price of 10% above market value, you goddamn idiot. I will overprice items all around you and you will drown in them. Oy vey, kiddo.
Nice. Rewriting the mall ninja rant...

It's really too bad that low tier jews are just as disposable as high tier goys. But if low tier jews killed off their rabies then they would act the same. Baby-dick sucking and all that. It's a genetic thing from years of ritual abusive circumcision. And hand rubbing.

At least (((they))) shave their foods heads!
If you're Ashkenazi, all you need to do is take your birthrite to Israel and they'll literally give you a designated Israeli slave GF to be your wife if you can't get an Ashkenazi woman. Almost impossible to be an Incel as a Jew.

how does that work? what do you mean they just give you a wife?
Come on Derek I thought you were against discrimination. You are the one guy on this site I respect.
There are always exceptions to rules, but if we examine the history and behavior of the Ashkenazi Jewish people over the last 2000-2500 years, and the things they have done because of the Religion they followed, and how they evolved because of this behavior and evolved as a close nit nomadic tribe, clearly even when you remove the Talmud from their communities, they still have evolved following it so closely for thousands of years, it's almost as if they follow the most nefarious Talmudic teachings, even when they claim to be Atheists.

The level of Eugenics necessary to breed out these evil teachings and deceptive and infiltrative behavior is astonishing. I am not saying that all Jews are evil, but Jews seem to be behind just about everything that lead to the resurgence of Inceldom in the last 200-300 years, and we can trace why that happened.

Also discrimination in and of itself is not inherently bad. We discriminate against Children because they are inferior to adults, not out of hatred, but out of love, we USED to discriminate against women for the same reasons, as we should now, and we used to and still discriminate against other people of different groups in various non hateful ways so they we can be happy in our own communities.

Now that is not to say there isn't plenty of bad discrimination nowadays, especially against men, typically white and asian men.
how does that work? what do you mean they just give you a wife?
While a bit of an exaggeration, the native Israelis in Israel are basically a slave class of Jew to The Ashkenazi Rabbinic Overlords who run the country. They fight their wars, clean their streets, do all the hard labor, and even are used for sex. Basically think of it like a white man who goes to SEA, it's much easier as an Ashkenazi Jew, to get a native Israeli wife in Israel.
Yes bro im responsible for all this im one of the (((elite)))
So not only are you so retarded that you think Jews are to blame for inceldom, you also think you HAVE to be from London to support Chelsea? Really?
It is very well known fact that fans of Chelsea wich are not from England are posers and idiots you are the best example of it.
Im a jew but not racially, im a behavioral jew.
fun fact: for centuries europeans forced all jews into moneylending and forbade them from any other profession. They were only allowed to be financiers because charging interest on loans was considered anathema to christians despite it being necessary to allow an economy to function. Now you're angry and wondering why jews have a huge amount of control over the world economy.

Spoiler alert: when you eugenically breed a race of people to only handle money and nothing else they tend to become very good with money.
Fun fact: Jews were "forced" into moneylending usurious practices, due to centuries of Jewish moneylending without governmental insurrection. Jews had been seizing the means of production throughout early Sumeria to Babylon. When the Roman Empire recognized this "gift" he forced Jews into this usurious slavery.
I'm like 1/16 jew(sephardic force converted "new christians",some of whom where expelled from Portugal and Spain to the colonies) but it doesn't matter very much since I have my dick intact. My jewish ancestors pretty much assimilated and the only thing 'hebrew' that remained is the rat face and bat ears. By some reason I get called jew anyway and (((they))) tolerate me than other groups, especially the niggas. I don't consider myself jewish but the goyim do, so i tend to side with the Jew.
every monotheist , only torah follower jew is muslim tbh

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