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Are there any Jewish incels here?



Dec 26, 2017
I doubt it, they just run casting couch game. Harvey Weinstein slayed more than I could ever hope to in a 100 lifetimes. As much as I hate the nose, there is something admirable about him. Being as ugly as him and making the world your oyster through sheer will, nepotism and Holocaust guilt.
I don't think there are any active ones, @Jewsel and @hehe xd used to post here.
@Abomination @oldcel75 @Firefly @FaceandHFD
@Abomination @oldcel75 @Firefly @FaceandHFD
They are all Jewish?

Well oldcel and firefly were giveways when they mentioned that they were in Israel

Abomination and FaceandHFD are jewcels too?

Who has it worse, Israelcels or Diasporacels?

Tbh I think Diaspora since they tend to be JBW in action, marrying white men

also I wonder how the Jewcels feel about the antisemitism/antiIsraelism on this site?
I don't really know much about Jews or their Jew-culture but I always figured it would be quite difficult to be a Jew Incel. I mean I thought all Jews to go Temple? That's pretty much a sure 100% way to meet girls there since they are also forced to go to Temple and not even that your parents and whole community throw you a super badass 'coming of age' party Bars Misfah

At that party I figured it was basically an unspoken rule to hook you up and get you laid now that you are a man. Sort of how like everybody tries to get you drunk on your 21st birthday in America. If sex isn't the objective I still figured your Jew parents would ask around and find you a good Jewish girl to date/marry like Indian parents.
Good if you're wealthy or connected & can get a bitch that way otherwise probably shit.
Jews have a particular psychic strength others lack. They seem to have the ability hypnotize people into doing whatever they want.
Dont know. Ususlly they wont say it :feelstrash:
I'm jewish and was raised in a very leftie synagogue. There's a spectrum of judaism based on fundamentalist tier of religious laws and let me tell you being on the left is absolute cuckoldry.

One of the premises of "reform" judaism is that women are supposedly treated the same as men. It's feminist, so all the women get to come to religious services and dont sit in the back or separate sections. But while the roasties all get to enjoy the benefits of being a male jew, like the bat mitzvah party and being allowed to go to services, not ONCE have i seen a woman at my synagogue ever wear the skullcap or phylacteries or other items. They want all the privileges of being a man but with none of the responsibilities.

They're also all incredibly slutty as well and reform jewish men are too cucked to do much about it.

On the plus side, there's the ultra orthodox form of judaism where women wear what are basically hijabs and you're guaranteed an arranged marriage. But i have a low chance of getting in there because my mom converted to reform judaism to marry my dad (born a jew) and since she didnt convert to the strict form of judaism they wont accept me (your mom has to be a jew for you to be considered jewish).
I'm jewish and was raised in a very leftie synagogue. There's a spectrum of judaism based on fundamentalist tier of religious laws and let me tell you being on the left is absolute cuckoldry.

One of the premises of "reform" judaism is that women are supposedly treated the same as men. It's feminist, so all the women get to come to religious services and dont sit in the back or separate sections. But while the roasties all get to enjoy the benefits of being a male jew, like the bat mitzvah party and being allowed to go to services, not ONCE have i seen a woman at my synagogue ever wear the skullcap or phylacteries or other items. They want all the privileges of being a man but with none of the responsibilities.

They're also all incredibly slutty as well and reform jewish men are too cucked to do much about it.

On the plus side, there's the ultra orthodox form of judaism where women wear what are basically hijabs and you're guaranteed an arranged marriage. But i have a low chance of getting in there because my mom converted to reform judaism to marry my dad (born a jew) and since she didnt convert to the strict form of judaism they wont accept me (your mom has to be a jew for you to be considered jewish).
What do you feel about the stormfaggotry in this forum
Also are jew foids on average worse than gentile or..
There is a lot of Anti Semetism on the forum for some reason.
Here's a typical "reform" jewish service. All jewish people are obligated to wear something on their head during services. At this synagogue, women are considered people, yet don't want to fulfill religious obligations and potentially mess up their hair.

At least the more orthodox sects every day thank god they weren't born a woman in the same breath as not being born a slave.

What do you feel about the stormfaggotry in this forum
Also are jew foids on average worse than gentile or..
I live in a very "diverse" (read: muslim) city toronto so idk. But ive talked to jewish girls at my synagogue and i had one in grade 9 who confessed to a threesome and another who is a self avowed "puck bunny". Another one deep throated a banana in the hallway at my secular school once to show off
Imho the reform jewish women are much sluttier than goys in my experience but i haven't interacted with many white looking women who weren't jewish because the whole city is brown.
In terms of the nazi memes? I wish i could have more of an opinion. I'll tell you though that if the jews really wanted to destroy western society by liberating the roast, why are jewish men suffering too? The only ones who arent are the bastions of ultra orthodox jews who lock up their roasties and avowedly hate women but that kind of goes against the narrative.

There is a lot of Anti Semetism on the forum for some reason.

The alt-right and ISIS likely uses incel forums or other places where we congregate to recruit. Both hate jews and both promise if you subscribe to their ideology and go bomb a building or shoot someone you'll ascend and the female question will finally be answered. Meanwhile the leaders of islam take 4 wives and many mistresses and the female branch of the hitler youth was notorious for being encouraged to have promiscous sex with Aryan/chad boys to ensure the propagation of Nazi kids.

It turns out that eugenic movements to eliminate "subhumans" typically end up ensuring unattractive men do not reproduce. Who knew?
What do you feel about the stormfaggotry in this forum
Also are jew foids on average worse than gentile or..
It's not stormfaggery if you point out reality. I'm brown and don't like Jews controlling the world because they bomb brown Middle Eastern countries. 1 million Iraqis died because of your shitty Old Testament tells retarded whites to murder, torture and pillage for you. Destabilization of the middle east and liberal propoganda results in millions of migrants being sent into Europe to rape and murder and pillage. That doesn't impact me directly, I just don't like seeing the world become a shittier place for shekels.

Jews invented feminism and are thought leaders in the movement. https://forward.com/culture/2305/why-are-there-so-many-jewish-feminists/ Jewish men can't control their women.

Jews invented Tinder: Tinder was founded by Sean Rad, Jonathan Badeen, Justin Mateen, Joe Munoz, Alexa Mateen, Dinesh Moorjani, and Whitney Wolfe, who later left Tinder to start Bumble.[9][10]Other sources restrict the list of founders to Mateen, Rad, and Badeen,[11][12] though this has been disputed.[13] Sean Rad and Justin Mateen had known each other since they were 14. They both come from Jewish-Iranianfamilies from Los Angeles.

Jews try to destablize the family unit and push porn, promiscuity, drug culture, degeneracy because they want everyone to be mindless consumer zombies. In the Talmud it says each Jew gets 2800 goy slaves.

How many extrajudicial assassinations has Mossad done? Why did Jewish banks get greedy and cause the 2008 financial collapse and get bailed out by bribing DC politicians. Why do Jews turn out to be the top donors to both Dem and Rep presidential candidates every 4 years? Why does every candidate kiss the ass of AIPAC? Why is it antisemetic to criticize Zionism and Jewish influence?

Just putting some thoughts out there, I think most on this board can agree the current state of society is a mess and the one's behind it aren't so innocent.
Bro just talk to your friends in the media and tell them to stop pushing promiscuity, feminism, etc. and people would hate you less. I'm not alt right nor a Muslim but their critiques of modern globalized society are valid if you do a little research.

You admit reform Jewish guys are suffering because their women are roasties. Why are all of them journalists working for Vice then? Are they just stubborn as hell or just soyed beyond belief?

Forgive the exaggeration but you get my point.
I live in a very "diverse" (read: muslim) city toronto so idk. But ive talked to jewish girls at my synagogue and i had one in grade 9 who confessed to a threesome and another who is a self avowed "puck bunny". Another one deep throated a banana in the hallway at my secular school once to show off
Imho the reform jewish women are much sluttier than goys in my experience but i haven't interacted with many white looking women who weren't jewish because the whole city is brown.
In terms of the nazi memes? I wish i could have more of an opinion. I'll tell you though that if the jews really wanted to destroy western society by liberating the roast, why are jewish men suffering too? The only ones who arent are the bastions of ultra orthodox jews who lock up their roasties and avowedly hate women but that kind of goes against the narrative.

The alt-right and ISIS likely uses incel forums or other places where we congregate to recruit. Both hate jews and both promise if you subscribe to their ideology and go bomb a building or shoot someone you'll ascend and the female question will finally be answered. Meanwhile the leaders of islam take 4 wives and many mistresses and the female branch of the hitler youth was notorious for being encouraged to have promiscous sex with Aryan/chad boys to ensure the propagation of Nazi kids.

It turns out that eugenic movements to eliminate "subhumans" typically end up ensuring unattractive men do not reproduce. Who knew?
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It's not stormfaggery if you point out reality. I'm brown and don't like Jews controlling the world because they bomb brown Middle Eastern countries. 1 million Iraqis died because of your shitty Old Testament tells retarded whites to murder, torture and pillage for you. Destabilization of the middle east and liberal propoganda results in millions of migrants being sent into Europe to rape and murder and pillage. That doesn't impact me directly, I just don't like seeing the world become a shittier place for shekels.

Jews invented feminism and are thought leaders in the movement. https://forward.com/culture/2305/why-are-there-so-many-jewish-feminists/ Jewish men can't control their women.

Jews invented Tinder: Tinder was founded by Sean Rad, Jonathan Badeen, Justin Mateen, Joe Munoz, Alexa Mateen, Dinesh Moorjani, and Whitney Wolfe, who later left Tinder to start Bumble.[9][10]Other sources restrict the list of founders to Mateen, Rad, and Badeen,[11][12] though this has been disputed.[13] Sean Rad and Justin Mateen had known each other since they were 14. They both come from Jewish-Iranianfamilies from Los Angeles.

Jews try to destablize the family unit and push porn, promiscuity, drug culture, degeneracy because they want everyone to be mindless consumer zombies. In the Talmud it says each Jew gets 2800 goy slaves.

How many extrajudicial assassinations has Mossad done? Why did Jewish banks get greedy and cause the 2008 financial collapse and get bailed out by bribing DC politicians. Why do Jews turn out to be the top donors to both Dem and Rep presidential candidates every 4 years? Why does every candidate kiss the ass of AIPAC? Why is it antisemetic to criticize Zionism and Jewish influence?

Just putting some thoughts out there, I think most on this board can agree the current state of society is a mess and the one's behind it aren't so innocent.

fun fact: for centuries europeans forced all jews into moneylending and forbade them from any other profession. They were only allowed to be financiers because charging interest on loans was considered anathema to christians despite it being necessary to allow an economy to function. Now you're angry and wondering why jews have a huge amount of control over the world economy.

Spoiler alert: when you eugenically breed a race of people to only handle money and nothing else they tend to become very good with money.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goyim? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret pyramid schemes in the USA, and I have over 300 million dollars. I am trained in economics and I'm the top jew in the entire society of intellectual hebrews. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will bankrupt you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bankers across the USA and your bank account is being drained right now so you better prepare for the eviction, maggot. The eviction that kicks out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can extort money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my holocaust stories. Not only am I extensively trained in ripping you off, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JIDF and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trolling off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking goyim tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the unreasonable price of 10% above market value, you goddamn idiot. I will overprice items all around you and you will drown in them. Oy vey, kiddo.
fun fact: for centuries europeans forced all jews into moneylending and forbade them from any other profession. They were only allowed to be financiers because charging interest on loans was considered anathema to christians despite it being necessary to allow an economy to function. Now you're angry and wondering why jews have a huge amount of control over the world economy.

Spoiler alert: when you eugenically breed a race of people to only handle money and nothing else they tend to become very good with money.
I wonder if banning usury for Goys was a purposeful element written into Christianity by the (((apostles))).

So weird how Jews tend to thrive under (((Christian))) societies. Hmm look at these hip new laws that were passed in Rome:
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goyim? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret pyramid schemes in the USA, and I have over 300 million dollars. I am trained in economics and I'm the top jew in the entire society of intellectual hebrews. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will bankrupt you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret networDiof bankers across the USA and your bank account is being drained right now so you better prepare for the eviction, maggot. The eviction that kicks out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can extort money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my holocaust stories. Not only am I extensively trained in ripping you off, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JIDF and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trolling off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking goyim tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the unreasonable price of 10% above market value, you goddamn idiot. I will overprice items all around you and you will drown in them. Oy vey, kiddo.
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I don't really know much about Jews or their Jew-culture but I always figured it would be quite difficult to be a Jew Incel. I mean I thought all Jews to go Temple? That's pretty much a sure 100% way to meet girls there since they are also forced to go to Temple and not even that your parents and whole community throw you a super badass 'coming of age' party Bars Misfah

At that party I figured it was basically an unspoken rule to hook you up and get you laid now that you are a man. Sort of how like everybody tries to get you drunk on your 21st birthday in America. If sex isn't the objective I still figured your Jew parents would ask around and find you a good Jewish girl to date/marry like Indian parents.

Do all Christians go to church? Bruh,
All religions are the same, people practice it at different levels.
How do you be inkel and a Jew? Just Zionistmax.
I am from israel (born jew, not anymore). Most jews in israel are "hilonim" aka they don't believe in god or believe in him and don't follow the traditinoal lifestyle. Israel is like any other western country, tel aviv is one of the most degenerate cities in the world.
I am from israel (born jew, not anymore). Most jews in israel are "hilonim" aka they don't believe in god or believe in him and don't follow the traditinoal lifestyle. Israel is like any other western country, tel aviv is one of the most degenerate cities in the world.
Except they are nationalistic asf.
Jews don't care if you are religious or not aslong as you are a Jew you are Gods Chosen.
Walls for Israel, Mass immigration for the Goys
I am from israel (born jew, not anymore). Most jews in israel are "hilonim" aka they don't believe in god or believe in him and don't follow the traditinoal lifestyle. Israel is like any other western country, tel aviv is one of the most degenerate cities in the world.
Yeah that's why I consider Jews to be a race not a religion, thank you for the input. But for the Jews, such as yourself, that actually posted can you answer if you are actually incel or just LARPing?
True but a lot of the Jews I see online are really obnoxious cucks
Compare to muslims and christs they are pretty small religion cuz hitler cleaned the earth :feelstrash:
Yeah that's why I consider Jews to be a race not a religion, thank you for the input. But for the Jews, such as yourself, that actually posted can you answer if you are actually incel or just LARPing?
Incel. Jews r not a race also. The jews from bible went to different parts of the world for 2000 years. Many jewish women reproduced with local male population. One example is during wwe2 many jewish women used their german looks to manipulate nazi officers.
I am born jew but all my mother side is like 90% non jew.
I look like jew when I smile :/
The people who rule the world are practically free masons. And although freemasonry is esoteric kaballah. The masons themselves are not explicitly Jews. it just happens that those at the top of the pyramid are usually of Jewish origin.
The masons themselves are not explicitly Jews. it just happens that those at the top of the pyramid are usually of Jewish origin.
Yeah, it's just an cohenincedence goyim.
I’d guess the poor Jews are here.
No this forum is not gas chamber
(((They))) are infiltrating here too. It's ropefuel tbh.
I have seen Jews worse than me. Probably because of the lost the genetic lottery. Damn some are ugly.
If you're Ashkenazi, all you need to do is take your birthrite to Israel and they'll literally give you a designated Israeli slave GF to be your wife if you can't get an Ashkenazi woman. Almost impossible to be an Incel as a Jew.

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