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Are Russians a savage barbaric race?



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
Just wondering why communism succeeded in Russia but no where else in Europe not even in India, Middle East no where but Russia.

Is it true that Russians are a savage race? Or is it true that they are lazy drunks who want state handouts like free housing because they too lazy to work?

Thomas Orwell says Russians compared to Germans were unproductive meaning they produced nothing or very little whilst none Russians obviously worked alot because those days it was farming which was those days not high iq but rather just alot of work and hours if you wanted to be successful.

So is the average Russian lazy and less productive than other whites?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5nHH3bBqEU
Nope. They are one of the most open minded, exploratory and intelligent races in the world.
Russians have quite a high amount of Steppe/Yamnaya DNA, which is one of the main dominant ancestral groups of all Whites/Europeans: However, they do have some Asiatic admixture, though it is not that high.

East Asian admixture

Similar to how most Meds/South Euros have single-digit DNA from the Levant, but it's higher compared to Slavs.

Nope. They are one of the most open minded, exploratory and intelligent races in the world.
Agreed- no Russian ever called me White trash, Incel, etc.

Russia has quite a rich history, it's just downplayed a lot in America for various(obvious) reasons.
Your mother was savage last night nigger
Your mother was savage last night nigger
they say if you throw a brick into a pack of dogs the one that cries got hit with the brick. Just discovered the Ivan in the house
they say if you throw a brick into a pack of dogs the one that cries got hit with the brick. Just discovered the Ivan in the house
Avg russian IQmogs you to oblivion as well as mogs you in every other area
russians have an inferiority complex. to what degree i dont know but they definitely seem to have it.

they already had an inferiority complex before the german invasion of the soviet union in WW2 but after being terribly victimized by them that probably reinforced their feelings of being inferior.

they like to help and ally themselves with other non-whites geopolitically. brazilians, cubans, indians, chinese, vietnamese, etc...

and from my experience white anglos do indeed look down and make fun of russians. and thats true for eastern europe and the balkans. they view them as poor trashy alcoholics. white ethnic backwater "others".
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The ziggers wouldn't have beaten Germany if they didn't have the support of the Americans
They're white no dude. Just uglier then, compared to other whites. But yes, I feel they're more violent compared to other whites, Tsar Ivan the terrible was a maniac.
They're white no dude. Just uglier then, compared to other whites. But yes, I feel they're more violent compared to other whites, Tsar Ivan the terrible was a maniac.
what made him a maniac?
what made him a maniac?
He was similar to Stalin in Many ways (Stalin was Georgian tho) he was a oppressive, and liked to personally, torture his enemies. He thought, of himself as God's representive on earth. Russians also for some reason, are very cruel.
He was similar to Stalin in Many ways (Stalin was Georgian tho) he was a oppressive, and liked to personally, torture his enemies. He thought, of himself as God's representive on earth. Russians also for some reason, are very cruel.
Is the cruelty though not an Asiatic trait ? Look at the torture methods Asians use on prisoners of war, like what the Japanese did to captured soldiers
How can you conquer the most territory in the world while being lazy?
Russians once competed with British for the influence in Asia.
Also how lazy people could outproduce Germany in WW2? USSR produced much more weapons than Germany.
Is the cruelty though not an Asiatic trait ? Look at the torture methods Asians use on prisoners of war, like what the Japanese did to captured soldiers
Yes. Russians also have Asiatic DNA, so maybe that's why. That's also probably why the men are subhuman, while, the women are good looking
The ziggers wouldn't have beaten Germany if they didn't have the support of the Americans
They destroyed the might of Sweden in XVIII century and defeated Prussia in the same century.
Both these Germanic countries were credited with having the best land forces in the world.
russians have an inferiority complex. to what degree i dont know but they definitely seem to have it.

they already had an inferiority complex before the german invasion of the soviet union in WW2 but after being terribly victimized by them that probably reinforced their feelings of being inferior.

they like to help and ally themselves with other non-whites geopolitically. brazilians, cubans, indians, chinese, vietnamese, etc...

and from my experience white anglos do indeed look down and make fun of russians. and thats true for eastern europe and the balkans. they view them as poor trashy alcoholics. white ethnic backwater "others".
France sided with Turks sometimes. Western countries also helped Turks against Russia in Crimea war.
During Cold War NATO once had warm relationships with China because they both hated USSR etc., etc.

Also you clearly didn't read that some Englishmen wrote about Germans in XIX century...
Is the cruelty though not an Asiatic trait ? Look at the torture methods Asians use on prisoners of war, like what the Japanese did to captured soldiers
Western European history is full of cruelty.
Just look at religious wars between protestants and Catholics in XVI-XVII centuries or enmity between Irish and English.
Some more eastern countries like Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth were quite tolerant at the same time.
How can you conquer the most territory in the world while being lazy?
Russians once competed with British for the influence in Asia.
Also how lazy people could outproduce Germany in WW2? USSR produced much more weapons than Germany.
Yes you are correct, Russians have high IQ people and has a brilliant military history, some of the best military in history was Russian, this true. But the majority of the "proletariat" or the average Russian is what I think people are talking about when they say savage Russians been lazy, alcohol drinking, not working etc
no barbaric race could come up with such great literature
Somewhat but its mostly cultural.
Yes you are correct, Russians have high IQ people and has a brilliant military history, some of the best military in history was Russian, this true. But the majority of the "proletariat" or the average Russian is what I think people are talking about when they say savage Russians been lazy, alcohol drinking, not working etc
I think it's because only small percent of people 'make history'. On the other hand, you can find high percent of low life drunkards or just dull lazy people in every country. Only percentage of them could slightly differ.

Why Russia accepted communism-lefism and the other European countries not?
Maybe because there were already many elements of socialism in European countries. For example socialists ( social-democrats ) freely operated in Germany from 1890.
While Russian empire was very archaic with little care towards those at bottom of society.
And various socialists were persecuted till the revolution in 1917 if I'm not mistaken.
Russian mentality is also more collectivist compared with the Western neighbours.
I think it's because only small percent of people 'make history'. On the other hand, you can find high percent of low life drunkards or just dull lazy people in every country. Only percentage of them could slightly differ.

Why Russia accepted communism-lefism and the other European countries not?
Maybe because there were already many elements of socialism in European countries. For example socialists ( social-democrats ) freely operated in Germany from 1890.
While Russian empire was very archaic with little care towards those at bottom of society.
And various socialists were persecuted till the revolution in 1917 if I'm not mistaken.
Russian mentality is also more collectivist compared with the Western neighbours.
Wasnt Russia still mostly peasant compared to other European nations when the revoultion occurred? If my memory of recent history is correct didnt Russia industrialise ONLY under Stalin?

I dont know but maybe it was easier to "fool" the average peasant and tell them all their problems are because of the "evil" elites like the Tsar and his elite civil service? Maybe communism was not as accepted in the other parts of Europe because they already were enjoying a little better living conditions than Russian paesants like a toilet in the apartment building instead of outside in the freezing cold etc etc.
The ziggers wouldn't have beaten Germany if they didn't have the support of the Americans
wrong. soviets had the numbers and more advanced military equipment. also 'ziggers', are you a jewlensky supporter? real nazis dont support jewlensky
wrong. soviets had the numbers and more advanced military equipment. also 'ziggers', are you a jewlensky supporter? real nazis dont support jewlensky
Do my profile look like I support jewlensky to you? I don't support Azov as well
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Wasnt Russia still mostly peasant compared to other European nations when the revoultion occurred? If my memory of recent history is correct didnt Russia industrialise ONLY under Stalin?

I dont know but maybe it was easier to "fool" the average peasant and tell them all their problems are because of the "evil" elites like the Tsar and his elite civil service? Maybe communism was not as accepted in the other parts of Europe because they already were enjoying a little better living conditions than Russian paesants like a toilet in the apartment building instead of outside in the freezing cold etc etc.
I haven't found level of urbanisation in Europe before WW1 and don't know if communists were popular amongst peasants.
On the contrary, there were peasant rebellions in Soviet Russia.

Yes, absolutely.
Wasnt Russia still mostly peasant compared to other European nations when the revoultion occurred? If my memory of recent history is correct didnt Russia industrialise ONLY under Stalin?

I dont know but maybe it was easier to "fool" the average peasant and tell them all their problems are because of the "evil" elites like the Tsar and his elite civil service? Maybe communism was not as accepted in the other parts of Europe because they already were enjoying a little better living conditions than Russian paesants like a toilet in the apartment building instead of outside in the freezing cold etc etc.
The bolsheviks couldn't win an election legitimately, they didn't have the popular support of most of the people at all.
The bolsheviks couldn't win an election legitimately, they didn't have the popular support of most of the people at all.
Haa? so how did they come to power if the masses were not on their side?
Haa? so how did they come to power if the masses were not on their side?
Same way every other powerful vocal minority came to power to rule the masses, violently suppressing dissent and destroying their opposition with brutal force
Due to the complex code of conduct and folk customs, even the poorest, ragged Ingush, in relations to a stranger, and especially to a guest, behaves with such tact that would be called aristocratic, in comparison with the simple-minded, unceremonious treatment of the Russian peasant. Feelings of independence and personal dignity are also very outstanding characteristic features of an Ingush in his relations with foreigners. The sanguine temperament of the Ingush also greatly contribute to the fact that its characteristic features sometimes manifest themselves in the most dramatic form: for example, in the past, feelings of predation and humanity often went hand in hand and resulted in the most opposite actions: an Ingush, who considered it his sacred duty to kill his enemy, would defend the latter with his life if that enemy happened to be a guest in his house.
— Chaka Arhriev, “Ethnographic sketch of the Ingush people” («Терские Ведомости» № 31–35, 1872)

Minimum 8-9000, possibly 10,0000 year old unbroken blood lineage.

View: https://youtu.be/y-xjpxTp3r8?si=7uw_g66LUp_VhT6m

View: https://youtu.be/qLzQgrvaGmQ?si=XByeLcb5XguvRKJE

Slavs aren't white
The mongols
The golden horde fucked slav stacies en masse
Same way every other powerful vocal minority came to power to rule the masses, violently suppressing dissent and destroying their opposition with brutal force
hmm okay I get ya but if the opposition had the masses on their side it doesnt add up. Look at Vietnam, Afghanistan , America could fight with advanced weapons but the majority were with the resistance and even though America is so powerful they still couldnt win without the hearts and minds of the people. Do you understand me now?
I think it's because only small percent of people 'make history'. On the other hand, you can find high percent of low life drunkards or just dull lazy people in every country. Only percentage of them could slightly differ.

Why Russia accepted communism-lefism and the other European countries not?
Maybe because there were already many elements of socialism in European countries. For example socialists ( social-democrats ) freely operated in Germany from 1890.
While Russian empire was very archaic with little care towards those at bottom of society.
And various socialists were persecuted till the revolution in 1917 if I'm not mistaken.
Russian mentality is also more collectivist compared with the Western neighbours.
What does that mean when you say more collectivist than its wetsern neighbours?
russians have an inferiority complex. to what degree i dont know but they definitely seem to have it.

they already had an inferiority complex before the german invasion of the soviet union in WW2 but after being terribly victimized by them that probably reinforced their feelings of being inferior.

they like to help and ally themselves with other non-whites geopolitically. brazilians, cubans, indians, chinese, vietnamese, etc...

and from my experience white anglos do indeed look down and make fun of russians. and thats true for eastern europe and the balkans. they view them as poor trashy alcoholics. white ethnic backwater "others".
I recalled when they got to Berlin, they were mad that the Germans had running water and well furnished houses.
hmm okay I get ya but if the opposition had the masses on their side it doesnt add up. Look at Vietnam, Afghanistan , America could fight with advanced weapons but the majority were with the resistance and even though America is so powerful they still couldnt win without the hearts and minds of the people. Do you understand me now?
The Russian Civil War was a very messy affair. There are more nuanced details at play here. The whites made many diplomatic and military blunders that cost them the war. I don't have the time atm to go indepth and I'm not an expert on this either way, but the Bolsheviks started off the conflict with certain key advantages. And that was enough for them win.
What does that mean when you say more collectivist than its wetsern neighbours?
More community oriented. Although it was traditional mindset. Now, after 1990s this probably changed.
Russia was lucky with the elite, in the Russian Empire the elite were Germans who were responsible for the highest positions in the army and government, as a result of which 60% of the generals of the Russian Empire were Germans, especially before the 20th century. During the Soviet Union, there was a Jewish elite that also moved the country up, the Jews literally stole a nuclear bomb from the United States and handed it over to the USSR. To some extent, I agree with the inferiority complex. Even in the 1990s, one of the most popular songs in Russia was about how a Russian girl dreams of an American prince who will take her away from here. And in principle, Russian women are probably the worst among all the femoids in eastern Europe.
Russia was lucky with the elite, in the Russian Empire the elite were Germans who were responsible for the highest positions in the army and government, as a result of which 60% of the generals of the Russian Empire were Germans, especially before the 20th century. During the Soviet Union, there was a Jewish elite that also moved the country up, the Jews literally stole a nuclear bomb from the United States and handed it over to the USSR. To some extent, I agree with the inferiority complex. Even in the 1990s, one of the most popular songs in Russia was about how a Russian girl dreams of an American prince who will take her away from here. And in principle, Russian women are probably the worst among all the femoids in eastern Europe.
The current oligarchs are Jews.

So you saying Russians have never been the powerful elites, it was always some none Russian group, maybe born in Russia but not "Russian" as in blood? Is that what you mean when you say maybe "Russians" have an inferiority complex?
96 average IQ. Not great.

Also their STD and Abortion and Alcoholism rates are very high
The current oligarchs are Jews.

So you saying Russians have never been the powerful elites, it was always some none Russian group, maybe born in Russia but not "Russian" as in blood? Is that what you mean when you say maybe "Russians" have an inferiority complex?
Yes, since the creation of the Russian Empire by Peter the Great in 1721 and until 1917, the elite were mainly ethnic Germans, all the tsars married German princesses. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Jews took the place of the German elite - they literally made up more than 50% in the highest echelons of the party. Until now, the Jewish elite rules Russia, I even read the theory that Putin is a Jew and his mother's maiden name is Sholomova.

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