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Discussion Are psychedelics a solid cope or are they self-destructive?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18193
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Deleted member 18193

Deleted member 18193

incel on incels.is
Apr 23, 2019
From Merriam Webster: of, relating to, or being drugs (such as LSD) capable of producing abnormal psychic effects (such as hallucinations) and sometimes psychotic states.

This is a question for cels who have used psychedelics.

I've never used them, but I'm wondering what you guys think. Are they worth trying at least once?
In my opinion, they're absolutely awful.
If you have a bad frame of mind, which I assume an incel would, it will not be a pleasant experience.
I've tried LSD, DXM, and a few tryptamines.

Edit: Changed "many" to "a few." I haven't tried that many tryptamines.
In my opinion, they're absolutely awful.
If you have a bad frame of mind, which I assume an incel would, it will not be a pleasant experience.
I've tried LSD, DXM, and many tryptamines.
I see. I guess it's not worth trying them
Highly addictive, do them once a month only.
If it's something that's really addictive I don't think I would try it tbh
if u are depressed and suicidal like me do not touch psychedelics very very bad idea believe me it will make you want to rope.

i vape very small amounts of dmt i extract because it has a calming effect, if i take a huge hit then things r ok for a second or 2 before i have a negative thought and end up spiraling down a tunnel of many more negative thoughts.

theres no chemical addiction at all idk what ppl above me are saying, its a misconception, the only addiction u'd get is if you really enjoy them like i enjoy enjoy drinking energy drinks, in which case its more of a habit
Psychedelics are for experimenting with not for long term use. Have fun with them for a couple of years maybe use every months to two months then be done with them..

Trust me, they take a heavy toll. If you like smoking pot refrain from LSD because it will change weed into a soft acid like trip. Ruined pot smoking for me tbh and many others that I know.
God a lot of bullshit in this thread already. Ive used lsd and shrooms several times each. Dmt once.

No psychedelics are not addictive. Sure the feelings can be immensely pleasureable, bit the emotional intensity of the experience is so high that it's typically not something you immediately want to do again. Additionally, the tolerance builds up rapidly for lsd amd shrooms, so it's almost impossible to really become addicted.

Your frame of mind and initial mood is incredibly important. But as long as youre comfy and stay away from suifuel you should have a reasonable chance of a positive experience. Ideally having meditation experience would help manage those thoughts in thr midst of a trip. It would also be best to have a tripsitter your first time, but ya know, probably not your case.

Erowid.org is a great site for more detailed information. Just be careful and respect the power these drugs wield. Theres also a lot of fake shit out there.
God a lot of bullshit in this thread already. Ive used lsd and shrooms several times each. Dmt once.

No psychedelics are not addictive. Sure the feelings can be immensely pleasureable, bit the emotional intensity of the experience is so high that it's typically not something you immediately want to do again. Additionally, the tolerance builds up rapidly for lsd amd shrooms, so it's almost impossible to really become addicted.

Your frame of mind and initial mood is incredibly important. But as long as youre comfy and stay away from suifuel you should have a reasonable chance of a positive experience. Ideally having meditation experience would help manage those thoughts in thr midst of a trip. It would also be best to have a tripsitter your first time, but ya know, probably not your case.

Erowid.org is a great site for more detailed information. Just be careful and respect the power these drugs wield. Theres also a lot of fake shit out there.
High IQ.
Self destructive. Not addictive, but if you use them enough you will go schizo.

I was in rehab for 9 months last year (feb 4th to october 31st), and in it there were people who had done pyshcadellics among other things (I personally have done them but nowhere near enough to get to this point) and who took so much they were permanently fucked. They took too much angel dust or took too many tabs and got brain fried.

It's a positive experience and I think it's ok to be had but if you do it alot, like with anything else, it will do permanent effects to your health. Not that your health matters, anyway. But if it does then the same rules of psychadellics apply with anything else to just not overuse them because of whatever the fuck neurological explosions that will come and rape your brain.

lol @ redditards talking about weed and psychadelics like they're some great thing with no downsides. Everything has a downside including pot and whatever else they try to sell. They just want to cope by thinking its "medicine" :soy:"
In my opinion, they're absolutely awful.
If you have a bad frame of mind, which I assume an incel would, it will not be a pleasant experience.
I've tried LSD, DXM, and a few tryptamines.

Edit: Changed "many" to "a few." I haven't tried that many tryptamines.
DXm is nice tbh LSD sucks with an incels mind
DXm is nice tbh LSD sucks with an incels mind

DXM is nice at the tail end when it wears off, but during the main part of it, it's very weird.
I like it I see colored pixels fall from the ceiling

I was talking to the faucet in the bathroom. Also, my reading comprehension went to shit. I wrote some "wise" sayings on a notebook paper and when I woke up and read it, it was all nonsense ramblings.
I was talking to the faucet in the bathroom. Also, my reading comprehension went to shit. I wrote some "wise" sayings on a notebook paper and when I woke up and read it, it was all nonsense ramblings.
Huh for me I just get tired and watch the hallucinations
Huh for me I just get tired and watch the hallucinations

It's really dose-dependent. The effects change dramatically depending on what plateau you reach.
Psychedelics aren't a wonder drug. They can give you the state of mind you have when you're lying in bed, thinking about life, knowing 100% you need to chance things and from tomorrow on everything will be different.

But if you ever put this into reality is your decision. LSD, shrooms or DMT will hardly switch a lever inside your mind and make you a better person.

Everyone should do it at least once in their life though.

I do like 350 milligrams. You?

I melted packages of sucrets lozenges in the microwave and drank the syrup.
Another time I drank two bottles (not sure)?
I don't know how many milligrams that is, but it was a normal dose written on a website.
I haven't done it in 12 years because I don't really like it.
I want to use it as cope
I melted packages of sucrets lozenges in the microwave and drank the syrup.
Another time I drank two bottles (not sure)?
I don't know how many milligrams that is, but it was a normal dose written on a website.
I haven't done it in 12 years because I don't really like it.
I see 300-400 mg is second plateau where you hallucinate but don’t get paranoid
I see 300-400 mg is second plateau where you hallucinate but don’t get paranoid

I don't remember getting paranoid.
The main thing I liked about it was the next day. It felt like I was reborn and everything was fresh and new.
I don't remember getting paranoid.
The main thing I liked about it was the next day. It felt like I was reborn and everything was fresh and new.
That’s what happened when I did acid tbh. But then that wore off

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