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Are pedocels the worst kind of incels?

still AWALT no matter the age, at early age foids are taught feminazism and gynocentrism
Threads like this are proof the reason incels exist is twofold. Incels are either being tested by God, or are being punished and they are probably destined for hell.
Half the Pedos here are realy IT infiltraters trying to make us look bad.
Yes, all Pedos should be hung.

Yes, anyone who wants to fuck this is seriously mentally ill:


Even JB a little younger and less attractive than the above girl still mog the average 30+ yo woman:


I'm sure you would reject these girls if you were stranded with them on a desert island with no laws.


look at these toddlers sexualizing themselves (if men are looking, otherwise they're just innocent pictures).
Define pedocel. As technically it should only mean a preference for prepubescent girls, yet people refer to those attracted to teenagers as pedophiles, which is incorrect.
Define pedocel. As technically it should only mean a preference for prepubescent girls, yet people refer to those attracted to teenagers as pedophiles, which is incorrect.
When I here pedophile I think some one who wants little kids. Those girls above might be jailbait but being atractied to them is not pedophile.
There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile, just don't act on it.
are you retarded???? "tight virgin teens" NO TEENS ARE VIRGINS ANYMORE. They have all been used up. Get that "virgin teen" shit out your head. I'm 23 and when i was in high school i swear all those girls talk about getting fucked by chads or chadlites. i swear u live under a damn rock
Did you miss the word "preteen" (9 to 12 yo girls) in my sentence?
Stop posting these underage girls. Shame on you. Those girls are only meant to be taken by Chad. You're not even supposed to be defiling their bodies by looking at them.

The fact that you called them "underage" means that you had "AOC" on your mind while thinking of them.
Thinking about sex with a JB is as bad as raping them.
Therefore you are a child rapist.

IncelTears taught me how to logic.
Pedophilia is another product of feminism.
Pedos don't exist.
Jesus, so many bluepillers here!

There is no biological reason to be attracted to kids. It is fucked up plain and simple.
Dude, at some point is blatant obvious everyone feeds on them to virtue signal themselves.

Even non-pedocels can't deal with being the lowest scum.
Dude, at some point is blatant obvious everyone feeds on them to virtue signal themselves.

Even non-pedocels can't deal with being the lowest scum.
It's not people's fault they are attracted to pre pubescent children but they shouldn't act on it tbh.
It's not people's fault they are attracted to pre pubescent children but they shouldn't act on it tbh.

I often think about this and it's weird. Everyone is predisposed to become whatever they become. Can you blame a psychopath serial killer for killing people if they were born hard-wired to do it?
There's a difference between exclusively being attracted to children and wanting to hurt them, and being attracted to neo natal features. Biologically speaking men are heavily attracted to Neo Natal and Childlike features, who predominantly has these features? Asians and Children. To deny attraction to childlike features, and yes even children in some cases is simply a lie, however it is a justified lie, because pedophilia is wrong, unless hypothetically in some alternate world you were given a child bride, not to abuse, but to raise and turn into the perfect wife. Someone you'll love beyond just being a child, someone you'll love because they're your wife, and you treat them well, etc.

It's hard to even have these conversations tho because in the modern context it makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Personally I want a pure white virgin wife, most white virgin women happen to be in the pedophillic and hebephillic range nowadays, which is a shame. I'd happily take a virgin woman between 18-25 but they're getting rarer and rarer, it's why i'll probably have to JBW cope and go to Japan, since Asian girls on average (especially Japanese girls) are much more likely to be a virgin.
I often think about this and it's weird. Everyone is predisposed to become whatever they become. Can you blame a psychopath serial killer for killing people if they were born hard-wired to do it?
Wanting to smash jb's is no where near as bad as killing, and it's way more common in men to be attracted to them than being seriel killers. Plus there are plenty of cucks who say, "I wish a sweaty post prime femoid teacher fucked me when I was 12." So it shouldn't matter when men do it.
Even worse. do everyone a favor and go check yourself into the nearest mental facility.
Bluepilled moralfag cuckTears infiltrator! The ultimate goal is to enslave women and make them our sex slaves, and they have to be trained as sex slaves from a very young (preteen) age
Are you kidding me ? Why is it bad being a pedocell? the average pedocell intelligence is significantly higher than the average incel's intelligence.
Where did you hear that pedophiles have high intelligence? I've always read that pedophiles generally have low intelligence (and short stature). A lot of pedophiles are retarded people.
The worst thing about them is you can't even ask "why are there so many of them here" without them going on a full blown RAGE about how you are a subhuman cuck IT fag. Its insane.
Hated by Chads, hated by normies, hated by femoids, hated by their fellow incels. They are the lowest kind of human being and they will probably end up being killed in prison after the police finds them. If I was one I would rope.
Yes, I would happily stab a paedophile.
This thread definitely reveals many IT cucks who either lurk or larp here. It is very simple, pedophilia DOES NOT EXIST - it is a term that has been made up to mark someone attracted to a young foid as being "mentally ill". Being attracted to young and fresh femoids is a natural biological urge, and before feminism and cucked laws one could marry or buy a 9 year old girl to be his wife. Stupid cucks gtfo back to cuckTears, fucking moral fag hypocrites - in this thread you condemn sex with preteen foids, but in another thread you praise ER, mass genocide, rape, etc.
I dont hate fellow pedocels, I feel bad for them

You do understand that you have a mental illness tho right? Their is no reason to be attracted to pre-pubescent girts. They can't even give you an offspring. I get finding 15-16 year old hot if they have a fat ass and great tits but being a pedo is fucked.
Bluepilled moralfag cuckTears infiltrator! The ultimate goal is to enslave women and make them our sex slaves, and they have to be trained as sex slaves from a very young (preteen) age
but clearly they dont want to have sex with u. otherwise why are u here? No one wants to have sex with u. not even a used up 60 year old hag.
And yet another proof of extremely low IQ values among cuckTears members. This one is so extreme that I'm 100% sure it was a legit foid, her low IQ can't even grasp the concept of slavery. No one will ask you for consent you little whore, you will be forced to please your master at his will
I don't think so, we're all equally rejected by society, being a pedocel doesn't change much.
Where did you hear that pedophiles have high intelligence? I've always read that pedophiles generally have low intelligence (and short stature). A lot of pedophiles are retarded people.

A lot of scientific research proved this fact.
What does it matter.

Lets just fight normies.
depends on what you mean by pedophile tbh
Well, if you want to broadly construe "producing offspring" to include stuff that's related to it (e.g. keeping the parents together, so they can both be there to raise the kids; how many couples get back together because one or both or them misses having sex with the other), then who's to say pedophilia isn't indirectly reproductive.

There isn't anything productive about having sex with children. I'm all for young brides. Largely due to life experience. Most women will grow up and do nothing but become whores and single mothers if given the chance. Women clearly are poor decision makers when it comes to selecting mates. You'll get no argument from me there, but this bull shit about "reproducing" with prepubescent girls is just retarded. They can't sexually reproduce, there's no reason to fuck them. There is no "producing offspring" other than her popping kids out of her vagina. If that isn't happening, then reproduction isn't happening.

E.g., a girl could get married off while she's still prepubescent, so that her impoverished family can get rid of her, and so that the guy who marries her can get a virginal bride. If other men are attracted to 13-year-olds, but he's attracted to girls who are even younger, then he has an opportunity to grab those younger girls before other men get them.

If we had a society where people could punish their daughters for being whores and force them to stay inside until they got married, this issue would largely go away. It wouldn't matter if she was 9 or 14. She would still be a virgin and know her place. Quite frankly, this obsession with purity is bullshit. Let's say for the sake of argument that you do get a young wife. Your argument fails to recognize that she will still mature into a woman in this society. Women are duplicitous and untrustworthy by nature, and society has unfortunately stripped a man of all his rights in punishing disloyal wives. That means that there's no incentive for women to be loyal, other than personal incentives. Getting an underaged girl will not fix this problem.

If you're a pedophile, fine. Just don't try to masquerade your pedophilia as some moral and righteous argument.
Do you believe there's any such thing as an alpha widow -- a girl who fixates on the first guy who ever fucked her, and compares subsequent guys unfavorably to him, because that's the standard she has learned to judge guys by? In other words, she got spoiled by dating and sleeping with guys who were out of her league, and now she can't lower her standards and be happy with a beta husband because it's not in girls' nature to be content downgrading once they've experienced the best.

Alpha widow is another name for the concept of the womb imprint. A woman is physically imprinted by the first few guys she's fucked, yes. This still doesn't justify your argument.

What about the statistics showing that the more guys a girl has fucked prior to marriage, the more likely the marriage will fail; what's the explanation for that?

The point you make here is true, but for different reasons than you're willing to admit. Even during the 30s, 40s, and 50s when women had fewer sexual partners, and got married to their first sexual partner, they still cheated. Even though they hadn't been corrupted by feminist ideals, they were still fucking outside of their marriage. Many of them were married as young as 11. It still didn't prevent them from getting juiced by the mail man. This concept that "virgin women" won't cheat is bullshit. Granted, they will learn to tolerate you because they will age out and accept the fact that they simply can't do better than you.

Child marriage CAN turn out fine. Eunice Winstead (aka Eunice Johns) had several kids. That marriage was successful, from a reproductive point of view. But that guy probably kept her fairly isolated, in the mountains. They were subjected to a lot of stigma, so they withdrew from society.

You're still failing to see why that marriage was successful. He restricted her ability to move and see other men. Restricting her freedom and preventing her from heavily interacting with other people is what made the relationship workable. You can continue to ignore this fact, but everything in this conversation keeps going back to taking away women's rights.

Also, no one answered my question from an earlier post above, which was, if you believe in patriarchy, why do you give a shit if a father marries his daughter off when she's 9 rather than when she's 13?

This isn't even a question. A 9 year old can't have children. Procreating with them is by definition unnatural, and I'm not even going to get into rare bullshit cases where people hit puberty early. 90% of human beings don't sexually mature before the age of 11.

Why do you care what another man does with his daughter? Patriarchy is supposed to be rule by fathers. As soon as outsiders come in and say, "You can't treat your daughter that way" or "You can't treat your wife that way," it's no longer patriarchy.

No, it's called having a social code of conduct. A set of rules that men agree to in order to prevent havoc, chaos, and destruction. In the vast majority of cultures, including backwards African cultures, they recognize the value in not marrying off children who haven't reached puberty.

Not every father is going to marry their daughter off at age 9, so if you don't support that practice, then in a patriarchal society, why wouldn't you just marry a girl who's older, and then marry off your daughters whenever they reached an age at which you thought they were ready? Why meddle with others' families and tell them, "You have to abide by my standards"?

This isn't about meddling in other people's families. This is about preventing abuse and creating a harmonious society. Again, most cultures don't allow for children to marry. That age varies depending on the region and its values. Nevertheless, that age rarely goes below 12.

That's how we ended up where we are now -- people kept meddling with others' families, and telling them, "You can't spank your wife, you can't force your daughter to be a housewife instead of going to school and riding the carousel, etc." Instead of saying, "Let each family do what they want" we said, "Let's decide via the democratic process what are some standards we need to put in place to make sure females are treated right" and then we ended up with the current mess.

No, we ended up here for a variety of reasons. Some reasons were good, others were bad. One reason in particular was to truly prevent abuse. For example, the recent capture of the Golden State Killer is proving that abuse is what often creates deviants and psychopaths. The guy was chronically abused by his mother and stepfather, on top of witnessing his 7 year old sister get gang raped at the age of 9 by a group of airmen. I don't believe for a second that it was a coincidence that the first guy he killed was in the air force. Allowing people to do deviant and fucked up things to their kids in the name of "rights" will only create more sick and twisted people.

The best standards could have arisen organically, though, through experimentation and seeing what works. As it is now, a bunch of feminist academics churn out studies saying, "Child marriage is bad for girls" and probably any contrary evidence gets thrown in a file cabinet rather than published. And then our legislators make decisions based on biased "research". Most truly patriarchist churches, like the Fundamentalist Mormons, end up getting destroyed because of laws against "child marriage". Their leaders get prosecuted for banging the young jailbaits, and their property gets seized by the state.

I understand. Feminists are cancer dude. No doubt about it. I actually hate modern academics because it's based upon enlightenment philosophy created by Prussian, Bavarian, and Transylvanian royal feminists. Including Catherine the Skank. The enlightenment posited that women and men were equal. All of that is bull shit. There's no such thing as equality in this universe. Equality means being the same, and men and women aren't the same. That being said, marrying off children is bad because it's unnatural. There's no reason to do it. Liking children is a maladaptive mating strategy like wanting to fuck dogs or corpses. There's no reason to do it.

As soon as you ban child marriage as a way of protecting, say, 3-year-old girls from getting raped up the ass, it becomes a slippery slope leading to a situation like what we have now. The feminists want to keep raising the marriageable age and imposing more legal and cultural "protections" for girls. They want to educate them and so on. As soon as you start giving girls any rights, we end up in this downward spiral of cultural decay.

We might not go all the way down the slippery slope immediately; it might take awhile, but it'll happen eventually.

The slippery slope is not taking away women's rights. That's the slippery slope. Focus on restricting the rights and freedoms of adult women. It's not a slippery slope to prohibit fucking dogs, children, or corpses.
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I feel for the ones who don’t act on their desires. There is no help for those people due to stigma.
What do you define as a pedo? I view many 12 year old girls to be attractive if they’re quite developed.
Disagree. Many 12-17 year olds are ripe and fertile for breeding. It’s actually their prime years

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