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Serious Are our personalities manlier than Chads'?

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
We all know that, when it comes to wooing women, personality is a meme that doesn't matter. That doesn't stop our personalities from having a great deal of influence on our daily and inner lives though. When it comes to passing on our genes personality doesn't matter, but for someone who has accepted they aren't passing on their genes you can imagine personality might actually matter a lot more to their life experience as they need to find some way to cope until they die or work up the courage to rope.

A few years ago I was in a voice call with an internet friend from another country (not a guy I would know or honestly meet IRL) in an empty public park one morning while nobody was around. He was talking to me about how I was a complete fucking weirdo even by his standards, and at one point in the conversation he said that he would never ever meet a woman who was similar to me. He then went on to say that my personality was a product of my maleness so it made sense that he'd never see a woman like me.

Why would this dude call an ugly manlet aspie incel a product of his maleness? Why him in particular when there are more than three and a half billion men running around who are biologically just as male as him, you or I?

Firstly, the incel lives a life completely free of women. He will have to deal with female cashiers, professors, managers and family members but he will never (or almost ever for non-truecels) have a genuine, intimate personal relationship with a woman that the majority of people either get to experience or get to experience some aspects of. Even betabuxxing as a 30 something soy cuck with a landwhale wife and her mulatto child is an extremely intimate bond with a woman compared to what we have, which is nothing.

Better incel than cuck? If that's what you reckon about the betabuxx example, sure, but keep in mind that "better incel than cuck" just proves this post's point that incels live lives of extreme separation and social isolation from women.

Secondly, the experience of being unattractive dealt to us by society is nothing like what a woman will ever experience. Because one man can impregnate 100 women but not the other way around men are disposable, like plastic bags. Our current feminist and capitalist society arguably exacerbates male expandability, but even in societies where the economy isn't built around market forces and there is a patriarchy, men are always the first to get thrown into the eternal void that is death whenever there's a war to be had or a dangerous coal mine to be worked in.

Women on the other hand are not expendable because they carry one uterus that takes nine months to spit out a single child/couple of children, a finite number of eggs and the ability to get impregnated en-masse by just one disposable man. Water is wet stuff really.

When a woman is ugly, congenitally deformed, severely injured or handicapped socially she gets treated like a valuable non-disposable human being regardless because natural selection has taught our primate brains that uteruses are extremely valuable and so is the wellbeing of the women attached to them. The most dogshit women get showered by fuck requests from normies and juggernaut Chads alike on dating sites, get better grades in school for the same work and have an easier time getting hired than their male counterparts just because they're precious women, and in general coast through life with an endless amount of sympathy, handouts, validation and programmes to make their lives easier. Even the most fat, socially retarded hideous woman probably lives a more effort-free life than 130 IQ turbochad if she lives in a cucked enough society.

Men on the other hand are disposed of like the disposable human beings biology made them whenever they fail to meet society's expectations, and even when it's not their fault (as is the case for hundreds of millions of bottom tier men around the world) normies who are obsessed with the just world fallacy will rationalise it as our own faults, going as far as to come up with bullshit abstract reasons (like "personality") for why we've failed.

When we've failed for things outside of our control we not only get fucked over a million times harder than our female counterparts (who get rewarded for being born into their own bodies regardless) over it, but we also get BLAMED FOR IT.

Would it be fair to say that incels are so far removed from women, in terms of both social isolation and difference in life experience, that we are probably the most male (ie "manly") group of people on Earth. No woman, living or dead, has been or will be like one of us. Normies intentionally feminise themselves to conform to their place in the current culture and seem agreeable, whereas Chad is constantly making sure he keeps up his appeal to women as much as possible will dedicate significant amount of time throughout his life to chasing women because he's on the hunt and knows it's not over. Whereas agreeable normies are able to get a free pass from women because they're taking part in the great male feminist cultural experiment, and Chad can literally get away with beating the fuck out of women because he is hot, incels are neither of these and end up getting shamed for "toxic masculinity".

Maybe the reason we're getting shamed with that word in particular is that our extreme maleness and separation from foidkind is not compatible with this cucked normalfag plantation society. Maybe the extreme maleness of who we are and what we experience also adds onto the fact that even if women wanted to empathise with us, they would never be able to properly.
yeah, A nice caring emotionally open guy is.
We are posting shit on an anonymous online forum, while chad is out there dominating the lives of everyone around him. Making both men and women suicidal
yeah, A nice caring emotionally open guy is.
People act like this is feminine but only because foids are accepted for doing it in a fake and sterile way constantly so they can use it as a mask while undermining everyone around them. Truth and sincerity are some of the most male things there are, if there was an all-foid society truth would only be used to describe whether the sky is blue or not and sincerity wouldn't be in the dictionary.

Male feels are the realest shit there is but they're usually suppressed because we all know society needs hardasses to get the job done.
It's 2018, what even is a man these days? some soydrinking, hipster glasses wearing faggot?
Some chads are really emotionally fragil since they've never encountered hostility. But thats not the case for most Chads.
It's 2018, what even is a man these days? some soydrinking, hipster glasses wearing faggot?
Well seeing as all the socially-constructed aspects of being a man had a hammer taken to them by feminism I'd argue being a man has been reduced to its raw essence and we have to go back to the basics.

Being a man isn't being a virtuous little good male feminist, that's gay, being a man is about the ways in which being born with XY chromosomes/male genitalia affects your life experience. Maybe some conform to society's cuck expectations in an attempt to get by but that doesn't make them "manly" because "manly" as a social construct got destroyed, now it means being a man or, in society's eyes, being an attractive man who is still allowed to behave in a traditionally masculine fashion.
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"personality" is a biproduct of being chad
"confidence" is a biproduct of height
manliness/alpha/confidence = good looks

that’s it. chads can be super nice and they’ll just be seen as angels and as true pinnacles of manhood
We're getting shamed bc our bones didn't grow correctly
Maybe the reason we're getting shamed with that word in particular is that our extreme maleness and separation from foidkind is not compatible with this cucked normalfag plantation society. Maybe the extreme maleness of who we are and what we experience also adds onto the fact that even if women wanted to empathise with us, they would never be able to properly.
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