Think about it, 1 man could impregnate hundreds of thousands of women just by fapping in his whole lifetime. So obviously we're not needed for reproduction. So what about strength? Surely our strength could make up for our lack of need in reproduction.
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These are women in steroids! You will NEVER in your life no matter how hard you exercise get this strong. So what's left? In the eyes of society, what is our value? It doesn't help that I'm noticing crimes and injustices against men is starting to get swept under the table. So it begs the question, are men losing value?
The first point make sense, i belived that until i realized that i was missing out something.
If we start from the premise that wothless of men is due to our reproctive capacity, 1 man is enought to get pregnant 100 women, then women sexual liberty, from a biologically view, has not value neither. It makes no sense to a society that women are allowed to denny sex to men.
A socieaty wich have its women pregnant 24/7 is more succesful than other one where women are allowed to denny sex to men and men are punished for force them, and, as a result, they have just 2 3 4 or 5 childs in their whole live. Just like a society with 1 man and 100 women is more succesful than other one with 1 woman and 100 males.
In conclusion if your theory was true, Raping women should be legal or even women should be obligatted to get pregnant 24/7. Givin a birth each 9 months non-stop. Thats not happening This is why i ruled it out.
My point is that if men are worthless compared with women is not because we are, (actually i think that to the present society we are actually so worthfull than women) but because women are well looked and "defending" "protecting" "helping" "taking care" of women has "better marketing" than do all those things to men.
Helping this cute thing from above will always has "better marketing" than helping you or me
The general men are losing value because simply, what made them worthy in the past has been gone. In the past, men work and betabuxx for women which has no means to survive other than getting a man; while women has the right to work, to earn even more salaries than men, men lost their main advantage - Money and betabuxx.
Now women do not have to rely on these men anymore, so what's in the room for them? Looks.
So yeah, right.
I dont agree. The only difference between nowdays and before, is than before women were totally useless (other thing we should ask ourselves is what we mean when we talk about "being worthfull") and now women are so worthfull than men.
Automation is also a huge factor here. Male specific jobs (lifting, assembling, machining etc) were only the first victims of automation.
But automation also helped to drop goods prices which make that workers need less job hours the get the same goods.
In adition i have to point out one thing
Those jobs were jobs men were obligated to job in, no one in general want to work in jobs like those, men are perfectly adappted to job in non-automated jobs (even more according to some studies women are better preppared to automation jobs and personally i live in an agrarian area, and the fruit factories are full of women).