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Are italians white?

It depends. I think sicilians have also arabic ancestors while others look very white. And let's be honest due to Lampedusa Italian getting blacked like frenchies.
they look arabic. black hair, big black beard.
they look arabic. black hair, big black beard.
No one in that image looks Arab JFL:

IMG 5731

and just having dark hair doesn’t mean you’re non-White: ANF genes which all whites have in decent amounts has the alleles for dark hair & eyes, and can also produce lighter eyes.
Some are, some arent
By the some aren’t, you mean the Jewish community & the recent immigrants from The Middle-East & such?
I mean the terrones. Ofc im not counting the rapefugees as Italians
I mean the terrones. Ofc im not counting the rapefugees as Italian
Terrones DNA still correlates more with other Europeans, and facial composites seem mostly White, if you would care to look at the data I shared:
In short: Yes.

They are "darker" in comparison to North Europeans in terms of complexion, but their overall facial/skull structure is often fairly similar to other Europeans.

According to traditional anthropology, they were considered part of the Alpinid & Mediterranid race which were subsets of the broader White race alongside Nordic. Many also considered the idea that Nordics were actually depigmented and slightly less gracile versions of Meds.

It is true that they do carry some amounts of MENA dna in them(Natufian aka the Levant) however, this amount is quite small and is about the equivalent to Asiatic DNA in Baltics, Finns, Hungarians, Russians, etc.

It is also worth noting that modern Italians still cluster fairly closely to Roman populations:

View attachment 1041652
(Modern population distance to Iron Age Italic tribe)

View attachment 1041653

View attachment 1041656

(This shows that Levant/Natufian DNA in meds is low in comparison to actual MENAs, as well as the fact that Ancient Rome from the Iron Age itself had some Natufian/Levant in it, meaning that this has been part of the DNA of Italy since the Iron Age).

Here you can also see that whilst they do have some amounts of MENA(Natufian) in them, but it is not even comparable to the amount in most MENA populations: Italians & most Meds for that matter also have a good chunk of WHG/EHG(Steppe/Yamnaya) but are mainly dominant in ANF(Early European Farmer/Anatolia Neolithic Farmer) which constitutes a good chunk of most other North & Eastern Europeans DNA. It is also worth noting ANF shared more alleles with SHG/Yamnaya than it did to Near-Easterners.

View attachment 1041664
Avg. Face composites for Italy.

It is also worth noting that according to Charles Murrays book of Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 Italy still ranks quite high in terms of achievements just accounting for the period from 1400-1950:

View attachment 1041665
They are darker for sure, but they don't really look MENA. They may looks somewhat more closer, but that doesn't make them MENA or complete hybrids such as Mestizos.

View attachment 1042323

This map shows the % of Native Italians with blonde hair.

View attachment 1042325

This also shows the amount who have all shades of brown hair(ranging from dark brown to golden/light brown) the bottom image also is information from a book written over 100 years ago, so they would have had no immigrants who are "Italian" to account for.

Also worth pointing out that they used "Castano" which means "Chestnut" in place of "Marrone" which means brown.

They actually still contributed a lot in terms of the modern-era:

View attachment 1042309

And as noted by the map & DNA composites I shared, they are close to the original Romans. :feelsjuice:
They are more swarthy for sure compared to other Europeans due to having more of a proximity to ethnics(Natufian/Levantine dna
, but at much less of an amount).
Terrones DNA still correlates more with other Europeans, and facial composites seem mostly White, if you would care to look at the data I shared:

They are more swarthy for sure compared to other Europeans due to having more of a proximity to ethnics(Natufian/Levantine dna
, but at much less of an amount).
nigga im not gonna debate this shit again
nigga im not gonna debate this shit again
Nigga you’re just ignoring data, at least try & use something to support what you’re saying other than just following the NPCs of this website.
Nigga you’re just ignoring data, at least try & use something to support what you’re saying other than just following the NPCs of this website.
No we literally had this argument b4 and im not gonna bother arguing over something this trivial
No we literally had this argument b4 and im not gonna bother arguing over something this trivial
Each their own. :feelsjuice:

And despite all the flaws in this forum & community, let's at least be thankful we have a place where we can speak our minds & have differing opinions as opposed to the literal hivemind called Reddit.
White people see Italians the same way Chinks/Japs/Koreans see Filipinos and Indonesians: They're kind of like us, but kind of darker and different. In the ballpark in a general sense, but not quite on par. Maybe a little more fun and relaxed, but less productive and capable.
SHitskin detected
IMG 5735 Small
IMG 5736 Small


Also, didnt even address what I shared, and Balkan DNA correlates to Italian: Not to mention, many of you guys also have Asiatic in you.

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