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Serious Are incels racist?

I only dislike niggers, not black people. There is a difference.
I think we are but probably less than average. Everyone is racist to some degree.
I like to offend the sacred cows of liberals just to watch them seethe. They deserve the worst.
Hmm.. I don't know what that reddit thread is talking about.. I haven't seen any racists, Nazis, or Hitler worshippers here... I wonder if that redditor has someone specific in mind?
I would never breed a black foid,i rather die.
Hmm.. I don't know what that reddit thread is talking about.. I haven't seen any racists, Nazis, or Hitler worshippers here... I wonder if that redditor has someone specific in mind?
Most people are racist and racism is very mainstream at this point and time. All I need to prove my point is google "white people". All the top results are bashing whites. This is what you get when you google "white people":

Dear White People | Netflix Official Site​

Dear White People: Here Are 5 Uncomfortable Truths Black ...​

Editorial: Can white people experience racism? Pt. II – The ...​

I mean yeah IT is right about that people here are pretty racist
I don't trust anyone claiming to be color blind and 1 race, human race and all that BS. It's ignoring all of human history, even up till the present day. I think we'll come to more understanding and fix issues if we acknowledge and embrace our differences, rather than pretending uncomfortable facts are racist.

That Stop Asian shit only lasted like 1 minute before everyone had to acknowledge that it's most Black people who fuck with Asians, but nobody is allowed to say it for some reason. Fake ass motherfuckers more concerned about hurting feelings, than reaching resolutions.
I'm super racist...but that doesn't mean I hate every other race. I just notice the differences.
I'm not filled with hate, I'm filled with love. Love for my country and my culture and it's long-term well-being. People who oppose this are so toxic, all that I want is the "self-care" and "prioritising myself" of my country in foid terms.
Foids are even more racist
It's ok to be racist
Its a bit rich for a sub that has a 95% white user base and denies the existance of racism in dating, calls a forum with only 60% whites racist.

Whilst incels are racist atleast they are self aware and admit it.
Racist is a euphemism now similar to sexist, misogynist, homophobe, etc. It means nothing. Historically racism was tribalism.
I’m very racist and I’m not even disappointed in it anymore. Niggers made me racist. In late 2019 I was actually actively calling white people out for saying the n-word and most of my friends were visible minorities. Then in a span of six months those friends treated me like garbage and there were plenty of instances of this because of the colour of my skin and BLM started acting like apes, saying all White people are racist and we are to blame. I just got tired of trying to prove them wrong. If I’m not going to convince them, then why even bother not being racist. They sort of made me who I am today because of that. It’s their fault but they won’t admit that.
This site is just edgy. R/incels and braincels weren't as edgy as we are. Without memes we just resort to racebaiting. Thanks Reddit...
racism is nothing but lookism on its most basic form, and no one is more lookist than foids
there's a difference between racism and prefERences:soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
The average foid you come across in the street especially in liberal shitholes like San Francisco or Seattle are FAR more racist than the average white guy.

Any socially observant person with eyes and average intelligence can see that white foids absolutely do not date men of color. And that foids of all races basically worship white males. Who are the real racists here lol. Oh wait, "Its just a preference".

I’m racist towards Glowies, GrAYcels and Dogs
racism is the natural stance of a human. and since we incels are the last sane people on earth (srsly soycucks have already lost their mind, chad has only foids in his head and women don´t use their brain at all) its logical that there are racist incels out
Incels are less brainwashed. More of us see through Jewish lies of a multi-racial utopia.
Yes, I am racist because I believe in genetics, biology and evolution.

If you truly believe in evolution, then you can't help but to be racist.
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Proud racist here but it's ironic coming from them, they're not "racist" but they do discriminate against all incels (racism is just a more specific form of discrimination and unlike what most normoids think not worse or better, usually lower IQ as well because races are just different while discrimination can be based on stuff that actually doesn't matter). The amount of times they've said "You justify rape and pedophilia and murder" despite most of us not supporting all 3 of those or even 1 of them in order to argue against any of our points is constant, they're the most cancerous group on earth but because the fucking Kikes don't whisper in their ears how shitting on us is bad they think they're fine. Literally tomorrow Kikes could start spreading propaganda to make IT look bad and 90% of their userbase would "get it" and stop posting there, they have no idea how retarded they are.

Oh and I do advocate for rape (tho you're gross and would probably enjoy that) and murder of IT-members, I would have no second thoughts pulling that trigger in CS:GO.
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If getting outraged at niggers mob lynching, looting, being sociopathic, agressive, passive agressive, harrasing, and harming other ethnics is ''racist'' then sure.
I only hate niggers tbh, but that's because they're stupid but want to be treated equal
Yes I am, because I'm a fucking realist and I notice patterns in behavior from certain races and ethnicities, and I don't ingest that feel good, blue pill garbage "not everyone is the same". I'm also an oldcel, so I've seen and experienced shit.

Facts that I have discovered over and over again in my life:
  • Blacks have nasty tempers, look for any excuse to start fights, and are really bad at long term planning
  • Jews are extremely two-faced, and view themselves as superior to everyone else (i.e. 'God's Chosen People')
    • As an addendum: virtually every Israeli I have met is an aggressive, pushy scumbag
  • Indians are sneaky, obnoxiously loud, and most Indian professionals lie about their credentials; it's hard for me to take Indian professionals seriously
  • I'll save my people, Hispanics, for last: similar to Blacks, but less violent. Also blindly religious, whether they're Catholic, or a member of some stupid Protestant Christian cult, because we're too low fucking IQ to make our lives better so we just keep going to church and hope for a cozy afterlife as a form of coping
On a more positive note, my experiences with East Asians and Scandinavians have been fairly good (It's too bad Scandinavian foids won't touch me with a ten foot pole, so why bother)

Incels are less brainwashed. More of us see through Jewish lies of a multi-racial utopia.
This tbh
Nah im not racist at all but the reality of the matter is that your race forms the base idea and mold which society sees you as especially women.

Race doesn't matter if youre a subhuman according to all the rest of your race.

After 9/11 I was bullied relentlessly as a child by even grown ass adults, and people hated me and my family for nothing but our race and religion so I would never judge someone over their race cuz I had that done to me for the majority of my life.

It made me tough and made me stand up for myself but it made me overly aggressive and paranoid, oh well its the past it changed me forever but at least its vover
im not racist I just hate everybody
Yes I am racist. I think that niggers on the whole are stupid for example. I believe that looks hierarchy is tied to race. I am xenophobic, I don't like people of other cultures and races other than white/slavic. I can't relate to people of darker skin and semitic features, joos, arabs and the like, let alone niggers or gooks.
"And yet despite this, they are quite happy to continue sharing platforms with various Nazicels. They're racist as fuck."

I'm as annoyed by the coping faggots as anyone else but incel communities are banned from every forum that doesn't allow them JFL. We have no choice in the matter, unless we just stop talking about incel stuff, which isn't gonna happen. Plenty of subreddits hate whites and the non-racists still share a website with them, same case here.

Anyway the race pill isn't racism, it's just facts. Racism is using the facts to promote hatred.
Yes and I am proud of it. Keep crying cucks. Freedom of speech
racism is the natural stance of a human. and since we incels are the last sane people on earth (srsly soycucks have already lost their mind, chad has only foids in his head and women don´t use their brain at all) its logical that there are racist incels out
Women blatantly preferring dating white men over other races are not racist?

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Deep down , raziesst I'm not.

But Americans, in all colors. Cancer they are.

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