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News Arab rapefugees and the future of Europe



May 7, 2018
A lot of people hate incels because they tend to think that Incels have similar mindset like the Arabs, which is not true. In fact, Arab rapefugees in Europe are one of the biggest reasons for the rise in incel problems among many other problems. Foids are becoming more and more picky, besides being more dependable on online dating because of the fears of rapefugees walking on the streets. An author talks about the future of Europe with respect to the continuous rise in the number of Muslims in the Europe. Here's what written in first 2 paragraphs:
To celebrate New Year’s Eve in 2017, German authorities sounded more like the vice cops who roam the streets of a few Muslim-majority nations: They created safety zones for women in order to protect them from the thousands of Muslim men who descend on such festivities like packs of wolves looking for prey. Memories of what happened in Cologne in 2015, when something like 1,200 women were sexually assaulted and robbed in the heart of the city, had traumatized a nation—indeed a continent—that was already in the process of figuring out how to deal with the disruptive powers of Islamic traditions that are, for the most part, alien and antithetical to modern European values.
For decades now, at least since the publication of Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses unleashed Muslim furor, with the sword of the Iranian Ayatollah dangling dangerously close to the heart of the West, Europeans have been living in a state of extreme fear, undercutting their own hard-earned traditions of freedom of speech by increasingly refusing to publish or release anything that would offend Muslim sensibilities. When an imam could publicly declare on Dutch radio that Muslims are duty-bound to kill those who resist their religion’s call; when cartoonists who choose to depict Islam’s prophet are assassinated in broad daylight; when innocent pedestrians are run over with trucks and tourist areas are thrown into turmoil; when the laissez-faire French and Dutch suddenly find themselves consumed by endless political polemics involving headscarves, burqas and burkinis; when metropolitan London becomes more homophobic than Britain’s rural provinces because of its Muslim population; when Muslims in Britain would rather fight for ISIS than their own nation’s armed forces; when pubs are forced to close because they find themselves in Muslim-majority communities; and when the European joie de vivre is threatened by terrorists in Madrid, Paris, and London, we can easily understand the agony of liberal European elites.They want to save refugees and welcome immigrants but, when they do so, they end up undermining their own social values.
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We need white shariah now...
Rapefugees giving us ethnics a bad name, every white femoid hates us because of rapefugees lmao.

Those arabs should have been shot at the border tbh, but that stupid bitch Merkel invited them all in.

It's funny how these copers still think white women drool over refugees lmao, they are despised by everyone.
Rapefugees giving us ethnics a bad name, every white femoid hates us because of rapefugees lmao.

Those arabs should have been shot at the border tbh, but that stupid bitch Merkel invited them all in.

It's funny how these copers still think white women drool over refugees lmao, they are despised by everyone.
True that bro. Most of the ethnics are normal beings, but just because of these rapefugees foids feel the same way about all the ethnic, infact all the ugly men including whitecels. If these people hadn't migrated to the west and done these stupid things they do in their countries, incel problem wouldn't have been so huge ever. Merkel, the bitch should die.
We need white shariah now...
Yeah but without the muslims
Rapefugees giving us ethnics a bad name, every white femoid hates us because of rapefugees lmao.

Those arabs should have been shot at the border tbh, but that stupid bitch Merkel invited them all in.

It's funny how these copers still think white women drool over refugees lmao, they are despised by everyone.
Its whitecels coping thinking western women love refugees kek. Reality is that they see them as freeleeching cockroaches and wish nothing more than these guys got on the same boat back to where they came from.

There are some videos of cucked germans going to refugeeshelters to hand out food and stuff...while trying to give food to kids he is swarmed by about 20 adult syrian males who steal all the food from him AND the kids TOPFUCKINGKEK.

The look on that german cucks face says it all afterwards...like he understood all of a sudden why these people are so hated
Muslims are animalistic subhuman monkeys, they deserve to die
Yeah but without the muslims

Its whitecels coping thinking western women love refugees kek. Reality is that they see them as freeleeching cockroaches and wish nothing more than these guys got on the same boat back to where they came from.

There are some videos of cucked germans going to refugeeshelters to hand out food and stuff...while trying to give food to kids he is swarmed by about 20 adult syrian males who steal all the food from him AND the kids TOPFUCKINGKEK.

The look on that german cucks face says it all afterwards...like he understood all of a sudden why these people are so hated
Wtf? They don't even care about their own poor hungry children. Fuck. Do they think this behaviour will make them white. LOL
Honestly who cares? Sluts just getting what they deserve. I'm pro-rape for anyone as "rape" is merely "sex not with Chad." If we had half the amount of ballZ as the muzzies we'd be feared too. We came close to that after the Toronto massacre but we're already just a joke to normies again.
This is the one

Oh man. That's fucking ridiculous.
Honestly who cares? Sluts just getting what they deserve. I'm pro-rape for anyone as "rape" is merely "sex not with Chad." If we had half the amount of ballZ as the muzzies we'd be feared too. We came close to that after the Toronto massacre but we're already just a joke to normies again.
Really? Can't you see that they are increasing the incel problems. 95% of the migrating refugees are men. They don't bring their women with them because they want to settle for white foids only. This dramatically increases the number of males while decreases the number of females available. Then thry resort to online dating and only go for Chads. Average and below average guys are destined to inceldom for their entire lives because of these arseholes.
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Whores deserved to be raped, and never saw a single non-whore white woman in my life tbh. How does a whore get raped? I mean how do you rape a whore? Riding dick is their full time job. It's like a fish getting pissed off because someone threw water at it. Fucking LMAO.
Women deserve rape for being chad chasing whores. Anyone who disagrees is a cuck.

How can you respect women when all they wana do is suck chads dick all day. They are brain less creatures who only desire top tier men.

Raping a women is like raping a pillow or a fleshlight as they are not centient beings. Females are like any other animals, they are acting on pure implulse and instant gratification.
I will try my best to bring them more and more.
The cucks wanted them, they'll have big surprises in the next decades.
Femoids deserve whatever comes to them, it's only a matter of time before normies join our ranks.
Oh man. That's fucking ridiculous.

Really? Can't you see that they are increasing the incel problems. 95% of the migrating refugees are men. They don't bring their women with them because they want to settle for white foids only. This dramatically increases the number of males while decreases the number of females available. Then thry resort to online dating and only go for Chads. Average and below average guys are destined to inceldom for their entire lives because of these arseholes.

They are increasing the number of currycels and blackcels. You dont consistantly see groups of white immigrants gang raping femoids.
This is the one

I had a much more violent picture in my head after you described the video in your other post. Then again I live in a majority black area, I swear they would literally start a riot over that.
How does a whore get raped? I mean how do you rape a whore? Riding dick is their full time job. It's like a fish getting pissed off because someone threw water at it. Fucking LMAO.
Keep your fucking hands off of our women ethnics!! Fuck your own women!!
This is the one

Disgusting! I hope this moron learned his lesson and will never help them ever again.
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I don't think it's accurate because women LOVE refugees. Almost every refugee has a girlfriend , and most of the time they're white and attractive.
Let my brethren come in their hordes to wreak havoc on the europeans. When society falls, foids ALWAYS have it worse.
If you europeans can't instill fear into your women, my brethren will do the job for you. We will bring our savagery and aids
I don't think it's accurate because women LOVE refugees. Almost every refugee has a girlfriend , and most of the time they're white and attractive.
Are you American?
gang raping a helpless Stacy sounds like lifefuel
sadly most of the time stacy is willing to be gangraped as long as it is by refugees
do the Stacie’s accept the rape and not struggle as if it’s consensual sex? If so I might go to Sweden and run rapefugee game for a few days.
JFL at Europe. They should be accepting Arab Stacy refugees only
Says the guy advocating for rape? kek

Well I didn’t say I’d do it. I just said they deserve it. It could be a pack of wolves or pack of nigger.

Cucks like you deserve to be incel. No matter how much women abuse you and make your lives hell, you’ll just continue being their obedient little cuck.
do the Stacie’s accept the rape and not struggle as if it’s consensual sex? If so I might go to Sweden and run rapefugee game for a few days.
just do it
In most countries men have been much more likely to be attracted to anti-immigrant parties than have women (Betz 1994; Givens 2004, Norris 2005; Gidengil et al 2005; Gidengil & Hennigar 2005; Rippeyoung 2007; Ford & Goodwin 2010).

Women should've never gotten the right to vote. They are destroying Europe.
Why didn’t he beat their ass? White people are too kind smh, it’s all that soy in their diet.

Lmao they were kids. And the dude would probably get lynched by them
Rapefugees giving us ethnics a bad name, every white femoid hates us because of rapefugees lmao.
Can i add Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK to this too, they give us ethnics a very fucking bad name too cause the cucked media keeps referring to them as "Asian" grooming gangs...
They're not asian, over 80% of grooming gangs are pakistani despite pakistani's only being under 8% of the population.
smh lol
Things are going to get a lot harder for the next generation of German/Swedish men coming up, not only do they have to compete on tinder etc but also millions of mostly young men all coming in at once.

Also Syrian men have very light skin, and much better looking then other Arabs. RIP to the next generation of men in their 20's right now. Lol.

At least if the refugees were mainly women they would stand a chance but they are like 90% men.
Rapefugees giving us ethnics a bad name, every white femoid hates us because of rapefugees lmao.
None of the "rapefugee" stuff matters, white femoids hate us because we're ugly.
The more women raped, the better.

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