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Blackpill Applied Black Pill 101



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019
You've lived it, you've experienced it, you've learned the theory, you've read the studies, and you've seen the statistics. You know deep in the pit of your stomach that it's over. You are black pilled - on women, on dating and relationships, on school and work, and on life and the world at large.

OK, now what? What are you going to do with the fact you're black pilled? The philosophy has helped you see more of reality, and every bit of it is brutal. But exactly what the hell are you supposed to do with that knowledge? You've heard the old saying, "knowledge is power." The black pill is just that: knowledge, but stripped away of the bullshit. So then, how do you use that in your every day? What can you do? Primarily, you can protect yourself.

Imagine you're a 18-20 year old on his last year of school or entering college uni. Some of you don't have to imagine, because you're already there. You're a cub out in the wilds - green, naive, and wet behind the ears. You awkwardly try to make friends and talk to girls. You find a cute girl you think you can stand a chance with and ask out. If you're black pilled, you can save yourself the embarrassment and heartache of developing a oneitis, only to get crushed by the weight of the world. What would happen if you're not black pilled?

Once you finally muster up the courage to ask her out, only to get rejected, humiliated, become the topic of gossip, and potentially ostracized from future social events (people talk, they always do), you will know that you never should thought of doing something so stupid. You could become depressed, have your grades sink, lose your scholarship, your friends (or people whom you thought were friends), and might even be driven to become the successor to General Cho. You will learn the hard way, and that lesson will stay with you for life.

If you're blue pilled, we all know how that story goes. There are some poor, blue pilled cuck faggots here still struggling with the emotional grips of their oneitis. JFL. The black pill can protect you from this emotional pain and trauma.

Let's move on to where you're 25-30 and are at a career type of job. If you're in the gynocentric West, your workplace is likely to be majority female in most offices. If you're blue pilled, you're probably going to try and talk to your coworkers to try and fit in, not realizing that you're looks have already placed you low on the social ladder, and that the effects of this spill over to the professional domain. Some females might start asking you for work favors and fake being nice to get you to comply. In your blue pilled state, you will start wondering if she's interested in you (she's not). You continue to do favors like the good office dog that you've let yourself become and people see you as.

Then one day, on a Friday at noon, you decide that this is the perfect time for you to make your move and ask Jenni from client relations what her weekend plans are and if she wants to go out with you to this upcoming music show you're hyped about later that night. Of course, she expected you to ask her out sometime because you've been showing your signs of interest in her like pins and name tags on your business casual shirt for the past six weeks. She quickly spits out her rehearsed bullshit about visiting her bestie over the weekend who lives several hours drive away in another town.

Monday rolls around and you notice that all of the women in the office are suddenly much colder towards you. You sit down at your work desk, open your email, and you see an urgent email from your boss saying to visit her office ASAP. Your boss sits you down and says that HR has brought forward to her concerns about your office behaviour towards female coworkers. This completely blindsides you and you're left flabbergasted. You're shocked, confused, partly angry, and every bit of it shows (because you have no poker face). Over the next few months your work deteriorates because everyone in the office is ignoring and snubbing you, and you're overtly not feeling welcome there. Your quarterly or semi-annual review comes up and your manager brings up your lacking workplace performance and warns that if this continues you will be let go. This obviously affects your work further and makes things worse for you. You become angry, depressed, resentful towards your female coworkers, and everything negative in your life compounds as a consequence. Eventually you're fired when there are one too many straws on that camel's back.

When you're black pilled you know the deal and the score. You know that you're there to do a job, that nobody there is your friend, and that people will step all over you if it means it will make them look good professionally and advance their career so you need to watch out for yourself. The black pill here can protect your career, your reputation, and potentially your freedom.

These are two key examples, which are all too prevalent in the lives of many young males, where knowledge of black pill can save you from a lot of pain and trouble. Whether you're a LDAR doomer or coping and living the best life you can, you can find ways to apply the black pill in areas of your life.
Primarily, you can protect yourself.
When you're black pilled you know the deal and the score. You know that you're there to do a job, that nobody there is your friend, and that people will step all over you if it means it will make them look good professionally and advance their career so you need to watch out for yourself. The black pill here can protect your career, your reputation, and potentially your freedom.
While this is true, the actual primary benefit of the blackpill is simply to be able to predict the outcome of any scenario you walk into.
This does have the side effect of self protection from these scenarios, as you can know exactly how they will go even if you don't engage, but that shouldn't be named as the primary reason.

Basically you're saying what the "blackpill power" does is the primary effect, while the "blackpill power" is the true primary effect.
A cleaner way of putting it: say you have heat vision. You'd say that your heat vision is your primary power, not heating up food.
The blackpill is amazing. It’s helped me not give a shit about women at all and I can just live my life without seething about women constantly. It’s a pretty recent change but man I’m loving it. I also have a new sense of confidence and am not as spergy. Yesterday at work I got paired up with this girl to help me out and she was a short white girl(it’s crazy but surprisingly not all girls I see are as tall as me lol). Now if it was the old me I’d be nervous while taking to her and couldn’t look her in the eyes. However I could look her in the eyes while we talked and didn’t sperg out hard. I mean I was still being “strange” but better than how I normally do. I didn’t care that she probably that I was ugly or short or whatever. I won’t hate myself or think I’m a loser just cause women don’t find me attractive. In fact I’ve been “happier” than before and laugh when I used to be sad about that stuff.
Must read content tbh
Even knowing all of this blackpill stuff, whenever i end up talking with women coworkers or just acquitances my bluepilled brain goes on about "Start eating ealthy, lift weights, talk to more women" like it's gonna make a difference with my shitty height and face. Also seeing how my coworkers treat this chad who entered at the same time as me is seriusly depressing. He looks like a Rami Malek but with a really good jawline and taller.

So at this point there's really nothing good in participating in society. If i could i would just be neeting instead.

I hope after 30 i'll stop thinking about aproaching women and in women in general, i sure do. Because i'm fucking tired of getting depressed
For me blackpill in lifestyle didnt change anything since im ldaring for two decades. It helped me get peace of mind, i no longer ponder over missed "chances" no ifs and buts and i blame myself much less.
Even knowing all of this blackpill stuff, whenever i end up talking with women coworkers or just acquitances my bluepilled brain goes on about "Start eating ealthy, lift weights, talk to more women" like it's gonna make a difference with my shitty height and face. Also seeing how my coworkers treat this chad who entered at the same time as me is seriusly depressing. He looks like a Rami Malek but with a really good jawline and taller.
Being black pilled means you do things for yourself, like physical activity and healthy eating, without the delusion of "this will get me laid." Your naive idealism quickly fades and is replaced with calculated pragmatism.

So at this point there's really nothing good in participating in society. If i could i would just be neeting instead.
You're already a participant in society. It's a matter of degree and contribution. That's not something you can escape, unless you Kaczynskimaxx and live in isolation being self-sufficient.

How we would "win" in society is to take as much as possible, while giving back as little as possible. If you don't owe anyone shit, not even a fucking cent, you're already winning in a big way.

I hope after 30 i'll stop thinking about aproaching women and in women in general, i sure do. Because i'm fucking tired of getting depressed
You will in time. You will stop giving a shit. A small part of you will probably still long for things you don't have, but you will compartmentalize it the way you would with other things in life, like not being an oil baron or being royalty.
what you do with that blackpill knowledge is that once you realize you are a permenant victim you can use your own victimhood to give you a sustainable source of dopamine that obviously lasts longer than nutting and sustaining a hard-on.

Psychologists say stewing in your own victimhood is scientifically the most hedonistic act a human can do
Thanks to the modcels who moved this. :feelsokman:
Society will burn.
flame thrower fire GIF
no fuckin mercy
Psychologists say stewing in your own victimhood is scientifically the most hedonistic act a human can do
Is there an article somewhere about this? Clown world hilarious, if true, and also explains how victimhood has become practically a sport and subculture in Western culture.
High IQ post!
I am still gymmaxxing, but the reason now isn't like before. Now i am just coping with my situation with gym, the hopes of ascending with gymmaxxing is gone and now i am mentally in a better situation.
Unfortunately I fell for the oneitis bullshit even after being blackpilled but the blackpill definitely helped me get over it faster.
its over,dude,its so true,working out is also one of the biggest copes ive seen,cringe as fuck lol
its over,dude,its so true,working out is also one of the biggest copes ive seen,cringe as fuck lol
I have your avi printed on a t shirt :feelsjuice: one of my favourite things to wear tbh
I have your avi printed on a t shirt :feelsjuice: one of my favourite things to wear tbh
Glad to see you decided to log in again- based Chud shirt haver :feelsYall: .
I had this thread bookmarked before it was must read suck it losers
I am still gymmaxxing, but the reason now isn't like before. Now i am just coping with my situation with gym, the hopes of ascending with gymmaxxing is gone and now i am mentally in a better situation.
black pill is the truth and the only truth. if people around you dont agree with you then they are obviously coping.
You've lived it, you've experienced it, you've learned the theory, you've read the studies, and you've seen the statistics. You know deep in the pit of your stomach that it's over. You are black pilled - on women, on dating and relationships, on school and work, and on life and the world at large.

OK, now what? What are you going to do with the fact you're black pilled? The philosophy has helped you see more of reality, and every bit of it is brutal. But exactly what the hell are you supposed to do with that knowledge? You've heard the old saying, "knowledge is power." The black pill is just that: knowledge, but stripped away of the bullshit. So then, how do you use that in your every day? What can you do? Primarily, you can protect yourself.

Imagine you're a 18-20 year old on his last year of school or entering college uni. Some of you don't have to imagine, because you're already there. You're a cub out in the wilds - green, naive, and wet behind the ears. You awkwardly try to make friends and talk to girls. You find a cute girl you think you can stand a chance with and ask out. If you're black pilled, you can save yourself the embarrassment and heartache of developing a oneitis, only to get crushed by the weight of the world. What would happen if you're not black pilled?

Once you finally muster up the courage to ask her out, only to get rejected, humiliated, become the topic of gossip, and potentially ostracized from future social events (people talk, they always do), you will know that you never should thought of doing something so stupid. You could become depressed, have your grades sink, lose your scholarship, your friends (or people whom you thought were friends), and might even be driven to become the successor to General Cho. You will learn the hard way, and that lesson will stay with you for life.

If you're blue pilled, we all know how that story goes. There are some poor, blue pilled cuck faggots here still struggling with the emotional grips of their oneitis. JFL. The black pill can protect you from this emotional pain and trauma.

Let's move on to where you're 25-30 and are at a career type of job. If you're in the gynocentric West, your workplace is likely to be majority female in most offices. If you're blue pilled, you're probably going to try and talk to your coworkers to try and fit in, not realizing that you're looks have already placed you low on the social ladder, and that the effects of this spill over to the professional domain. Some females might start asking you for work favors and fake being nice to get you to comply. In your blue pilled state, you will start wondering if she's interested in you (she's not). You continue to do favors like the good office dog that you've let yourself become and people see you as.

Then one day, on a Friday at noon, you decide that this is the perfect time for you to make your move and ask Jenni from client relations what her weekend plans are and if she wants to go out with you to this upcoming music show you're hyped about later that night. Of course, she expected you to ask her out sometime because you've been showing your signs of interest in her like pins and name tags on your business casual shirt for the past six weeks. She quickly spits out her rehearsed bullshit about visiting her bestie over the weekend who lives several hours drive away in another town.

Monday rolls around and you notice that all of the women in the office are suddenly much colder towards you. You sit down at your work desk, open your email, and you see an urgent email from your boss saying to visit her office ASAP. Your boss sits you down and says that HR has brought forward to her concerns about your office behaviour towards female coworkers. This completely blindsides you and you're left flabbergasted. You're shocked, confused, partly angry, and every bit of it shows (because you have no poker face). Over the next few months your work deteriorates because everyone in the office is ignoring and snubbing you, and you're overtly not feeling welcome there. Your quarterly or semi-annual review comes up and your manager brings up your lacking workplace performance and warns that if this continues you will be let go. This obviously affects your work further and makes things worse for you. You become angry, depressed, resentful towards your female coworkers, and everything negative in your life compounds as a consequence. Eventually you're fired when there are one too many straws on that camel's back.

When you're black pilled you know the deal and the score. You know that you're there to do a job, that nobody there is your friend, and that people will step all over you if it means it will make them look good professionally and advance their career so you need to watch out for yourself. The black pill here can protect your career, your reputation, and potentially your freedom.

These are two key examples, which are all too prevalent in the lives of many young males, where knowledge of black pill can save you from a lot of pain and trouble. Whether you're a LDAR doomer or coping and living the best life you can, you can find ways to apply the black pill in areas of your life.
Blackpill is extremely based
Do you want a photo of me wearing it
No, I believe you. It's just that I always keep that small chance of larp in the back of my mind. :feelscomfy:
No, I believe you. It's just that I always keep that small chance of larp in the back of my mind. :feelscomfy:
I remember a while back these two rice foids visibly having to hold back laughter as I walked past them wearing it :lul: Also a retail worker greeting me with a smile, looking down, his face visibly changing, then him looking back at me with a completely different expression
I remember a while back these two rice foids visibly having to hold back laughter as I walked past them wearing it :lul: Also a retail worker greeting me with a smile, looking down, his face visibly changing, then him looking back at me with a completely different expression
For me blackpill in lifestyle didnt change anything since im ldaring for two decades. It helped me get peace of mind, i no longer ponder over missed "chances" no ifs and buts and i blame myself much less.
Remember that It was never your fault to even begin with . You could have been Chris Hemsworth or Samantha 38g and they could have been you .

Life Is Luck
Remember that It was never your fault to even begin with . You could have been Chris Hemsworth or Samantha 38g and they could have been you .

Life Is Luck

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