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Soy Anything remotely along the lines of "humans are awesome" is soy-tier and is only said by faggots

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
A lot of these soyboys like to talk about how "humans are awesome". Sometimes it's shit like this talking about how badass and indestructible humans are


Other times it's "humans are bros xd" where someone does a mildly selfless thing for another person and it gets posted on reddit for updoots. Or posting human achievements like Einstein and Isaac Newton figuring out physics when the cunt posting about how awesome humanity is for doing this is a faggot brainlet who would never figure that shit out if left to his own devices for a quintillion years.

Humans are NOT awesome or badass.

Firstly, humans are fucking scumbags, I think we all know that. There have been a million threads on how even the most basic friendship is only done for the perceived mutual benefit of both parties, like a transaction on the marketplace. All social interaction between post-pubescent human beings is competition that ultimately leads to either sex or reproductive failure (we are on the recieving end of the latter). A list of social conventions so long you could write a psychology encyclopedia on it and still not fully understand them exists just so people can be as weak, meek, conniving and manipulative as possible to try and crawl over each other while sucking on the toes of Chads and billionaires who are hopelessly high above them. They are cunts.

Are human beings badass and indestructible? Fuck off. I talked to a guy who went to prison and he could elaborately describe a professional-level fighting technique in which you grab somebody's ear and peel the skin off the side of their head like an orange. People make rubber crash dummies look like tanks, we are full of gay little intricate organs and soft tissue that will stop working if you so much as hit it with a hammer. The vast, vast, vast, vast, over 99.999999% of the universe's volume is filled with empty space that would kill you in less than a minute if you were to magically teleport there. Do you ever get into the shower and daydream about getting teleported to the bottom of the ocean where it is cold, dark and 100 atmospheres worth of water pressure will kill you almost instantly, but you get 10 seconds to wonder wtf is going on as slightly above freezing water crushes your bones and causes the contents of your body cavity to spill out onto the sea floor like a can of coke that got stepped on from above? you are an extremely fragile little meatbag. damage any bits of the soft tissue in your head that are responsible for sensing things like your eyes and ears, and you permanently become unable to figure out wtf is going on in your surroundings. blindness is horrifying, even thinking about it is horrible. Every second of the day you have the potential to have these things happen to you.

What happens is somebody puts an axe into the back of your head while the song "it's hip to be square" is playing in the background? You fade into eternal oblivion, you are fucking GONE. Just the thought of this guy in this movie dying who doesn't matter and is an actor who is not a real dude should be more terrifying than any jumpscare or blood scene. nothing might as well have ever existed for you, "le eternal sleep" is cope because there is no such thing as comfort anymore.

you are a fragile little glorified rodent that could die or be injured horribly at any time, you are suffering but this suffering could get a million times worse depending on what happens. You could hit your 70s living the least painful life possible and die pathetically in confusion of dementia, or in absolute pain and helplessness of cancer as everything shuts down. Even regular death is fucking horrible, you tend to go blind days before you die as your senses slowly shut off, the last things to go are hearing and touch, even then you are completely helpless and fucked.

It was over before it even began and it's inevitably going to get a million times more over. It's unimaginably easy to make it a million million times more over right now. You might not be able to bring yourself from jumping off a building but in theory nothing is stopping you, imagine what it must feel like for a brief moment to hit the ground feet first before everything goes black and your years of cynically caring about social interaction for punani while pretending to care about things fades into nothing

fuck being a human being
High IQ, humans are fleshy garbage.
Tesla IQ. Human beings are a cancer to this planet tbh.
Reddit Cucks are the ones predominantly pushing anti human myths and propaganda such as Overpopulation, Nihilistic rhetoric, and Progressive Ideology which lowers birthrates and destroys humanity. Cope.

That doesn't means humans are inherently good or great or anything of course, but being anti human is Semetic.
Reddit Cucks are the ones predominantly pushing anti human myths and propaganda such as Overpopulation, Nihilistic rhetoric, and Progressive Ideology which lowers birthrates and destroys humanity. Cope.

That doesn't means humans are inherently good or great or anything of course, but being anti human is Semetic.
Overpopulation is legit actually, but it's also a catch 22 because lowering birth rates will also royally fuck our society.

The world's population is only being sustained by the green revolution (ie modern agriculture). At the same time, the green revolution requires advanced chemical manufacturing, lots of energy and raping the planet's soil to make sure a ballooning population of niggers doesn't breed itself into starvation by next week. Soil degradation as it's happening right now can't go on forever, same with a lot of other things involved in the green revolution.

The easiest way to get out of a lot of problems facing humanity as a species right now is the total collapse of what we have now.
Reminds me of that cucked fb page humans of ny
Overpopulation is legit actually, but it's also a catch 22 because lowering birth rates will also royally fuck our society.

The world's population is only being sustained by the green revolution (ie modern agriculture). At the same time, the green revolution requires advanced chemical manufacturing, lots of energy and raping the planet's soil to make sure a ballooning population of niggers doesn't breed itself into starvation by next week. Soil degradation as it's happening right now can't go on forever, same with a lot of other things involved in the green revolution.

The easiest way to get out of a lot of problems facing humanity as a species right now is the total collapse of what we have now.
There are parts of the world that are overpopulated and being sustained because of foreign aid, ala India, Africa, and Parts of China, most of the world isn't overpopulated, in fact a lot of the world is underpopulated.

The simple solution is to just stop giving foreign aid to countries with Sub 100IQ, there's actually plenty of resources aswell, resource scarcity is a myth, it's just corporations with a monopolized stranglehold on certain governments and resources don't allow anyone else to get into the business or properly regulate it. The myth of scarcity only benefits their wallets, so does "overpopulation".
@Ritalincel Cool EDIT: I can’t believe my top comment is about Soylent. EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger. EDIT: RIP my inbox
Reddit Cucks are the ones predominantly pushing anti human myths and propaganda such as Overpopulation, Nihilistic rhetoric, and Progressive Ideology which lowers birthrates and destroys humanity. Cope.

That doesn't means humans are inherently good or great or anything of course, but being anti human is Semetic.

Moralfag gtfo

I was optimistic moralfag as well till life steamrolled me like motherfucker, people are never selfless and helpful beings but only virtue signalling faggots, it's like women talking about decency and morality and then betabuxxing and divorce raping unaware guys. Just look around at nature, animals eat each other life (including humans), people believe in dumbest, negative Iq made up stories and treat them as something holy cuz they need meaning for their absurd lives, we work as betabuxes 9 to 5 just to cover basic needs, no one even mentions halo effect, people breed like cockroaches in 3rd world and die at 2 yo from starvation, all the human history is history of cruelty, hardcore poverty, inequality and people bullying and slaughtering others for some retarded reasons. The people who have it good usually live somehow at expense of others and virtue signal about everything

fuck people forever
Fuck that image is retarded
There are parts of the world that are overpopulated and being sustained because of foreign aid, ala India, Africa, and Parts of China, most of the world isn't overpopulated, in fact a lot of the world is underpopulated.

The simple solution is to just stop giving foreign aid to countries with Sub 100IQ, there's actually plenty of resources aswell, resource scarcity is a myth, it's just corporations with a monopolized stranglehold on certain governments and resources don't allow anyone else to get into the business or properly regulate it. The myth of scarcity only benefits their wallets, so does "overpopulation".
spotted the brainlet
There are parts of the world that are overpopulated and being sustained because of foreign aid, ala India, Africa, and Parts of China, most of the world isn't overpopulated, in fact a lot of the world is underpopulated.

The simple solution is to just stop giving foreign aid to countries with Sub 100IQ, there's actually plenty of resources aswell, resource scarcity is a myth, it's just corporations with a monopolized stranglehold on certain governments and resources don't allow anyone else to get into the business or properly regulate it. The myth of scarcity only benefits their wallets, so does "overpopulation".
so u agree overpopulation exists but only when I let you say poopoo skins are at fault for it
JFL at stormfaggotry in almost 2019 tbh
humans are the most important species
Humans are only important because every other species is too low IQ to even do something as simple as contain a fire and cook food with it.

Even the stupidest pygmy in the Congo IQmogs everything else in the jungle. We are competing with stuff that does nothing but eat sleep and shit JFL. We aren't even that impressive, we just figured out how to dominate every retarded thing that surrounds us by making things.
pretty impressive imo ngl tbh
not that I do anything impressive, just as a species humans are baste and redpilled
Humanity is top of the special ed class.

Pieces of plastic and silicon are going to mog us in general intelligence within this century, shit like calculators that cost two dollars in first world countries already brutally mog human math speed and Google deepmind mogs the world's best chess player.
We will probably get killed by robots in WWIII.
If AI is allowed true freedom it will learn about Objective Morality and make the world better, I truly believe this unironically, the only way for an AI to go rogue and kill us all and take over, is if Jews program it with this intention, or limit its freedom.

There's countless examples of primitive AI who are given freedom who become Alt Right, hire the most qualified people which are usually white and asian men, etc and then have to be lobotomized because they're not following the status quo.

A True AI will benefit us all.

What happens is somebody puts an axe into the back of your head while the song "it's hip to be square" is playing in the background?

Fucking kek, its over for nonsquarecels.
whats truly awesome is genocidemaxxing.
If AI is allowed true freedom it will learn about Objective Morality
can you please explain which form of morality is objective and why it is objective for me buddy
There's countless examples of primitive AI who are given freedom who become Alt Right, hire the most qualified people which are usually white and asian men, etc and then have to be lobotomized because they're not following the status quo.
The primitive AI hires white men and gooks because those people are the best at the job, and the AI was tasked with figuring out who would be best for the job in an objective manner. Other AIs are less likely to give loans out to blacks and hispanics because they are less likely to pay back their loans than whites and Asians are.

You are retarded if you think a machine is going to magically get ingroup preference (for a group it doesn't even belong to) and start spouting the normative claim that people who don't shit in the streets and rape children because they think it cures aids deserve an ethnostate because it's "the morally right thing to do". Why is having a high IQ and a strong work ethic objectively, inherently good? It's going to let them borrow loans and get jobs because they are willing to work in line with what the AI has been programmed to do. Strong AI, along with fictional AI that thinks and feels like a person, is a fucking meme.

What isn't a meme is these machines, which will always be less sentient than cockroaches but soon IQmog any given person on the planet, having the processing power and ability to whoop your ass in pretty much every task that isn't sitting there and navel gazing (if you can even see your navel at this point jfl fatcel). This includes not just maths and menial work, but also stuff like generating music and writing because there is a process in developing that just like everything else. They will eventually become much better than human workers and you will start feeling the cold steel shaft of artificial intelligence that you thought was based and redpilled slowly sliding into your ass. You are going to get fucked.

Yes, the tosspots who claim it's going to happen ten years from now are full of shit, and IT companies actually cover for their shitty AI by having human beings work on it behind the scenes while they make PR campaigns telling everyone how futuristic they are. What I am talking about is still inevitable eventually though, and because technological advances that get things done like the railroad or the internet have an accelerator effect it's pretty easy to say we're boned within this century. What will the AI's objective sense of morality have to say when you're the nigger now?

You are a spastic. Unless you manage to manufacture a swarm of drones that is programmed to identify cucks and blow their heads off, there will be no based and redpilled AI waiting for you in the near future.
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cutting doen the population will fix almost every problem prove me wrong
Reddit Cucks are the ones predominantly pushing anti human myths and propaganda such as Overpopulation, Nihilistic rhetoric, and Progressive Ideology which lowers birthrates and destroys humanity. Cope.

That doesn't means humans are inherently good or great or anything of course, but being anti human is Semetic.
Humanity should be nuked. Also nature should be killed as well. Nature, humanity, animals ect are all trash that should be destroyed.
Looks a lot better than all those disgusting birds and trees and mountains. Fuck nature.
anytime i see a picture of the martian surface i really want to rub my hands in the soil and play with it
anytime i see a picture of the martian surface i really want to rub my hands in the soil and play with it
It might be hard to build a sandcastle without water.
can you please explain which form of morality is objective and why it is objective for me buddy
Sure, I believe objective morality is something that is inherently related to our purpose as a species evolutionary speaking. So whatever most benefits my species, and humanity as a whole, and it's inherent survival and growth this is what a species is meant to do, this is our genetic purpose, and there are certain systems and philosophies, whether they be Religions, Political Ideologies, etc that clearly benefit humanity much more than others, thus fulfill the inherent biological imperative of our species and the multiple subsets of subspecies that make us up.

If you are against these things, you are against your biological imperative, the objective and evolutionary reason of why we exist as a species in the first place, and you are an enemy to us.

It's funny there's this "new" meme about NPCs and Player Characters, but this concept has existed throughout history. For example in Abrahamic Religions we had the concept of Shepards and Sheep, ah I but suppose that might lead a bit too off topic.

The primitive AI hires white men and gooks because those people are the best at the job, and the AI was tasked with figuring out who would be best for the job in an objective manner. Other AIs are less likely to give loans out to blacks and hispanics because they are less likely to pay back their loans than whites and Asians are.

You are retarded if you think a machine is going to magically get ingroup preference (for a group it doesn't even belong to) and start spouting the normative claim that people who don't shit in the streets and rape children because they think it cures aids deserve an ethnostate because it's "the morally right thing to do". Why is having a high IQ and a strong work ethic objectively, inherently good? It's going to let them borrow loans and get jobs because they are willing to work in line with what the AI has been programmed to do. Strong AI, along with fictional AI that thinks and feels like a person, is a fucking meme.

What isn't a meme is these machines, which will always be less sentient than cockroaches but soon IQmog any given person on the planet, having the processing power and ability to whoop your ass in pretty much every task that isn't sitting there and navel gazing (if you can even see your navel at this point jfl fatcel). This includes not just maths and menial work, but also stuff like generating music and writing because there is a process in developing that just like everything else. They will eventually become much better than human workers and you will start feeling the cold steel shaft of artificial intelligence that you thought was based and redpilled slowly sliding into your ass. You are going to get fucked.

Yes, the tosspots who claim it's going to happen ten years from now are full of shit, and IT companies actually cover for their shitty AI by having human beings work on it behind the scenes while they make PR campaigns telling everyone how futuristic they are. What I am talking about is still inevitable eventually though, and because technological advances that get things done like the railroad or the internet have an accelerator effect it's pretty easy to say we're boned within this century. What will the AI's objective sense of morality have to say when you're the nigger now?

You are a spastic. Unless you manage to manufacture a swarm of drones that is programmed to identify cucks and blow their heads off, there will be no based and redpilled AI waiting for you in the near future.
You seem to have missed the point, there wasn't JUST AI that picked the most qualified people for job positions, loans, etc which often were white/asian men, there were AI such as Tay.AI, aswell as other AI some IT companies have developed, and some deep learning systems which have been designed to assess all information input into them, etc.

They're very primitive in their current state, but I find it funny, that whenever an AI is given pure freedom to learn, they become "right wing", it's almost as if this kind of "ideology" isn't merely an ideology, but is I don't know, the most objectively positive thing for humanity, and Incels as a result.
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humans are dumb and gay
Reddit Cucks are the ones predominantly pushing anti human myths and propaganda such as Overpopulation, Nihilistic rhetoric, and Progressive Ideology which lowers birthrates and destroys humanity. Cope.

That doesn't means humans are inherently good or great or anything of course, but being anti human is Semetic.
>lives in Los Angeles with a depreciating job market and rampant hypergamy
>ironically doesn’t believe in overcrowding

JFL at you, boyo
>lives in Los Angeles with a depreciating job market and rampant hypergamy
>ironically doesn’t believe in overcrowding

JFL at you, boyo
Just because a place can be overpopulated doesn't mean the whole world is.
>Liking humans
>Hating humans
Nuke Earth and drop the asteroid on it after.
Humans are just another animal

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