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Anyone who are using benzodiazepines?



Childhood was Paradise
May 2, 2018
How do you feel they are effecting you?
Bumping your post for all to see. Also postmax

20200323 020413
Don’t know what that is. Sounds pretty funky.
I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to klonopin
It's fucking over
I used them recreationally when young, they are shit (not a really good high) and will increase your depression if you are prone to that.
I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to klonopin
It's fucking over
I am sorry to hear that I recently went off my taper and have a phone appointment with my psychiatrist but I have using Diazepam and Klonapin (Clonazepam) more or less how I pleased because I got fed up with getting anxiety from tapering plus I had a 4-5 day mania which started the increase in dose again
Dude just say xanax
I used them recreationally when young, they are shit (not a really good high) and will increase your depression if you are prone to that.
Never really got why people would get high on them I only used them to treat anxiety never to get high.
Dude just say xanax
Why? That is completely ignorant for several reasons; Xanax is a brand name the drug in Xanax is called Alprazolam and that drug is one of many benzodiazepines 'Xanax' is the shortest lasting one btw.
I am sorry to hear that I recently went off my taper and have a phone appointment with my psychiatrist but I have using Diazepam and Klonapin (Clonazepam) more or less how I pleased because I got fed up with getting anxiety from tapering plus I had a 4-5 day mania which started the increase in dose again
thanks, man
and I feel you
I was also on zoloft for more than a year, I managed to quit, but it was tough.. some really fucked up withdrawal symptoms
Klonopin helps me with my anxiety and panic attacks, but it's heavily addictive...I want to quit someday...
Maybe I'll have to check myself into rehab like Mr. Juden Peterstein did
How do you feel they are effecting you?
Used to take xanax. Builds tolerance pretty fast, so you are tempted to increase the dosage and before you know it your brain gets slower and memory is shit.

I wouldn't advise more than 1mg per day for 30 days max. Then cycle.
Never quit cold turkey, lower the dosage progressively or you will be hyperstimulated and thus anxious.
thanks, man
and I feel you
I was also on zoloft for more than a year, I managed to quit, but it was tough.. some really fucked up withdrawal symptoms
Klonopin helps me with my anxiety and panic attacks, but it's heavily addictive...I want to quit someday...
Maybe I'll have to check myself into rehab like Mr. Juden Peterstein did
My psychiatrist plan is actually to get me off benzos and after a month clean she will put me on Zoloft

Used to take xanax. Builds tolerance pretty fast, so you are tempted to increase the dosage and before you know it your brain gets slower and memory is shit.

I wouldn't advise more than 1mg per day for 30 days max. Then cycle.
Never quit cold turkey, lower the dosage progressively or you will be hyperstimulated and thus anxious.
Too late I used Xanax and clonazepam every night for 20-25 days and got physical addicted I quit cold turkey and got sent to the ER becuase of withdrawals.

But btw although I never got high it feels so good to feel the relief of anxiety from benzos that is why I kind of get pissed when healthy people use them to get high since I never experienced that it just feels good to not be anxious.
My psychiatrist plan is actually to get me off benzos and after a month clean she will put me on Zoloft
good luck, bro
hope it works out for you
Ive used it in the past a handful of times for extreme cases as I have been suffering from severe anxiety and panic disorder most of my life. I saw what these (pills) have done to people and I find more relief in trying to relax my brain through more natural routes like gymceling. Ativan would be the one id choose over Xanax personally though.
I find more relief in trying to relax my brain through more natural routes like gymceling
Unfortunately I have a back injury in the middle of my spine so I can´t workout
Unfortunately I have a back injury in the middle of my spine so I can´t workout
Bike riding/cycling was one of my big copes during my worse times. Would it prevent you from that too?
Bike riding/cycling was one of my big copes during my worse times. Would it prevent you from that too?
Unfortunately yes I can´t even run for 15 minutes without my back hurts, again my injury is in the middle of my spine so every physical activity I do hurts.
I have tried many different dosages like less than 5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg I also tried 20mg once orally but gave me too much anxiety and messed with my throat my body is just fucked up
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Yes. I love my Xanax and Klonopin prescriptions
Yes. I love my Xanax and Klonopin prescriptions
So since you have them on prescription and are not tapering off what is a therapeutic dose and frequency of use for you?
I was prescribed gidazepam (soviet benzo) for anxiety disorder

I feel like it kills off anxiety after a while, but that's it. Doesn't make me feel good or anything, just less tense

I didn't seem to develop an addiction to it. Took 6mg a day for a month when first prescribed and then quit cold turkey and was fine (though I was still taking Paxil, so that may have helped)

Nowadays I take 2mg whenever I'm feeling like I might end up having a panic attack

Once I had to call an ambulance and the doc said that 2mg is such a small dose it basically doesn't do anything

It's possible it works for me because taking a pill has become my safety behavior
So since you have them on prescription and are not tapering off what is a therapeutic dose and frequency of use for you?
I get 2mg bars of xanax 2mg, kpins. I usually break the xanax in half, place it under my tounge, along with a kpin, sometimes i'll take about 2 bars of xanax to numb myself.
I get 2mg bars of xanax 2mg, kpins. I usually break the xanax in half, place it under my tounge, along with a kpin, sometimes i'll take about 2 bars of xanax to numb myself.
Thanks for the reply I was just curious how people used it as refered by their doctors but 2mg kpins sounds like a lot that is equavilant of 30mg diazepam.
Thanks for the reply I was just curious how people used it as refered by their doctors but 2mg kpins sounds like a lot that is equavilant of 30mg diazepam.
No problem. For me, it's been declared vital by my Psych and insurance, I have an extreme panic disorder, along with a bunch of other shit. I'm careful about my usage. It's the ONLY medications that work. My mother has a friend that's been on Xanax for 25 years.
No problem. For me, it's been declared vital by my Psych and insurance, I have an extreme panic disorder, along with a bunch of other shit. I'm careful about my usage. It's the ONLY medications that work. My mother has a friend that's been on Xanax for 25 years.
Sounds rough :(

Do you know what dosage and frequency she uses Xanax after all those years.
They make you literal retad
Sounds rough :(

Do you know what dosage and frequency she uses Xanax after all those years.
Well, her doctor nowadays switches her from Ativan, to xanax. Switching it up, back and forth. Not sure what dosage she uses.
Well, her doctor nowadays switches her from Ativan, to xanax. Switching it up, back and forth. Not sure what dosage she uses.
Damn that sucks I was pretty curious about that.
Benzos are the worst, xanax specifically. You take them for a few weeks and you end up more anxious than before and VERY dependent on them.

Don't forget the possible seizures if you cold turkey after doing them for an extended period of time.
Benzos are the worst, xanax specifically. You take them for a few weeks and you end up more anxious than before and VERY dependent on them.

Don't forget the possible seizures if you cold turkey after doing them for an extended period of time.
I totally agree they work extremely well short term but long term they just seem to make everything worse.
Have been on lorazepam (Ativan) for more than three months now, 2.5mg once per day. Self medicating. @I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss What do you mean? Do they damage your brain? Is it reversible?
Have been on lorazepam (Ativan) for more than three months now, 2.5mg once per day. Self medicating. @I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss What do you mean? Do they damage your brain? Is it reversible?
They slow your brain due to GABA receptors overstimulation which then causes memory issues. Is it reversible ? Maybe.
Don't quit cold turkey doe, you'll cause the contrary effect of overstimulation and anxiety (GABA receptors upregulation). Be smart about treatment cessation, reduce the dosage gradually.
Due to the tolerance buildup, you may want to increase the dosage. Don't.

If you suffer from anixety doe, you're fine since you would already have your GABA receptors downregulated and Lorazepam would bring their population within normal range.
If you have no anxiety and take them, well then, fug.
I used to have meds. The benzos were lorazepam (10mg a day), oxazepam (250mg a day), temazepam (80mg a day) and for some time diazepam 20mg a day.

I also used haldol 10mg a day, seroquel 100mg a day and promethazine 100mg a day. Other meds were venlafaxine 375mg, mirtazapine 45mg, lithium 1250mg and risperdal 4mg.

I took all these meducatiions each day.

Right now I only taks venla, mirta, lithium and tema 80mg

Their effect was that they dampened out of control suicidal behavior as I was too paralyzed to act on urges. Ofcourse I was sedated and drowsy.

The nurses were always very anxious to give my meds since they were scared Id die or something.

They saved my life though.

Theres a lot of pzychiatry bashing on the .co wiki but instead of breaking mental health care down why not tty to provide constructive criticism and work towards improvement.
They slow your brain due to GABA receptors overstimulation which then causes memory issues.
I agree with this I used to write a lot in my diary like 310 pages but since I used benzos my mind isn´t "racing" as it used to I supposed that is both good and bad but I see myself as a philosopher so it hinders my thoughts and writing.
How can people be so ignorant that they don´t even know what benzodiazepines are?
I don’t know man. Never really taken any stuff like that before.
I don’t know man. Never really taken any stuff like that before.
Then why post in the first place when I asked if anyone used benzos if you don´t even know what they are, just postmaxxing?
They slow your brain due to GABA receptors overstimulation which then causes memory issues. Is it reversible ? Maybe.
Don't quit cold turkey doe, you'll cause the contrary effect of overstimulation and anxiety (GABA receptors upregulation). Be smart about treatment cessation, reduce the dosage gradually.
Due to the tolerance buildup, you may want to increase the dosage. Don't.

If you suffer from anixety doe, you're fine since you would already have your GABA receptors downregulated and Lorazepam would bring their population within normal range.
If you have no anxiety and take them, well then, fug.
Thanks! My psychiatrist prescribed me Xanax XR 1mg, but I quickly built up a tolerance to it and started taking Ativan instead (without his knowledge, he still doesn't know I've quit taking Xanax XR and am substituting with lorazepam). Is it safe to switch back to Xanax XR without tapering down from the lorazepam first? They're both benzos, after all
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