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Anyone here who thinks that 18 + year old men should be able

I just don't really want to get into this but its funny watching people argue about it.
I agree with Marc here.

14 is the age of consent in numerous countries, used to be that way here in Canada as well. Just because something is considered wrong in the States (Anyone else notice how American culture has pretty much swallowed everything?) doesn't mean it's considered wrong elsewhere. I mean... What's the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old? Or a 15 year old and a 16 year old? These aren't children, these are are young women with tits, pubes, and curves.
oilonthe-Rose said:
I just don't really want to get into this but its funny watching people argue about it.

i really didnt want to argue about it either tbh, i was just stating a point that every sanecel im sure would agree with, but when people started calling me a feminist, cuck, deluded, sjw theres no way i was gonna let that happen.
Anglos and their puritan culture, haha

Useless to discuss anything, they have their own culture and views on things, they were indoctrinated the way they are, latins and germanics have another view on those things, it's just fucked when Anglos want to push their views into people tho

AoC is 14 where I live and it's pretty normal to high schoolers and college guys date, not like I have any chance with JBs, adult or MILFs anyway, I'm unnattractive to them all
i really didnt want to argue about it either tbh, i was just stating a point that every sanecel im sure would agree with, but when people started calling me a feminist, cuck, deluded, sjw theres no way i was gonna let that happen.

I don't know where I stand but when its about like 12-14 I'm a bit weirded out.
Minjaze said:
I agree with Marc here.
14 is the age of consent in numerous countries, used to be that way here in Canada as well. Just because something is considered wrong in the States (Anyone else notice how American culture has pretty much swallowed everything?) doesn't mean it's considered wrong elsewhere. I mean... What's the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old? Or a 15 year old and a 16 year old? These aren't children, these are are young women with tits, pubes, and curves.
SoCalization, even in the US most states AoC is 16
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
I agree. the amount of JB posts on the site are absurd and out-rite creepy.

the MODS really need to do a better job of deleting and banning those users.

The last thing we need is normies associating us with pedophiles and sex offenders

They already do and normies will hate us regardless why would u care what they think?
It might be a cultural thing. Anglos are more firm about this.
Reminder: attraction for asians is borderline "pedophilia" too. The reasoning behind attraction for asians is the petite factor.
knajjd said:
why, oh, why do people here care soooooooo much about appeasing normies? they already associate incels with everything they consider bad, you’re not gonna change their mind, and you shouldn’t try or care. take a look at foreveralone if you wanna see what happens when one gives in to normie demands.

really, why did everyone complain about the Reddit administration if you, too, desire a safe space?
im not here to appease normies. im trying to keep extremely illegal shit off a great community
knajjd said:
im not here to appease normies. im trying to keep extremely illegal shit off a great community
anything less than full blown CP isn’t going to bring this place down. not to mention that you’ve specifically pointed out that it “gives incels a bad name”.
how do you think that “incels” (group of loser adult virgins) can have a “good name” among normies? the group is dedicated to be a group of virgins, and everyone hates virgins. it’s incompatible with any kind of command of respect.
kek destroyed him

he's just a normie or he just want to push his views on incels
knajjd said:
anything less than full blown CP isn’t going to bring this place down. not to mention that you’ve specifically pointed out that it “gives incels a bad name”.

how do you think that “incels” (group of loser adult virgins) can have a “good name” among normies? the group is dedicated to be a group of virgins, and everyone hates virgins. it’s incompatible with any kind of command of respect.

you are deluded if you seriously think that jb promoting isnt as bad as cp. they are pretty much on the same level as disgustingly fucked up.

Legit Incel said:
kek destroyed him

he's just a normie or he just want to push his views on incels

lol at u calling me a normie with ur 7 post history. ironic
Pasteleiro said:
It might be a cultural thing. Anglos are more firm about this.

Reminder: attraction for asians is borderline "pedophilia" too. The reasoning behind attraction for asians is the petite factor.
It is cultural, thinking teenagers are innocent beings is Anglo shit, OP is Australian so it explains

while in latin countries novinhas are the shit, meu caro
im not here to appease normies. im trying to keep extremely illegal shit off a great community

illegal what?

saying I am sexually attracted to a fertile female no matter the age is illegal now?
knajjd said:
anything less than full blown CP isn’t going to bring this place down. not to mention that you’ve specifically pointed out that it “gives incels a bad name”.

how do you think that “incels” (group of loser adult virgins) can have a “good name” among normies? the group is dedicated to be a group of virgins, and everyone hates virgins. it’s incompatible with any kind of command of respect.

Oh shit my bad! Let's link a bunch of JB sites all day long and talk about what age should be legal for consensual sex. 

stop being a pedophile supporter
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
stop being a pedophile supporter

stop confusing paedophilia with being sexually attracted to fertile females no matter the age

nausea said:
stop confusing paedophilia with being sexually attracted to fertile females no matter the age


First of all, it would be "hebephilia", not pedophilia. Secondly, girls younger than 18 are sexually mature and capable of consent. The age of consent is a social construct, not nature. And it varies wildly from country to country, so there is really no universal agreement on it.
Pedos should be purged from incel inner circles

that is all
Pasteleiro said:
The reasoning behind attraction for asians is the petite factor.

and tech support and dry cleaning, they could also probably do small engine repair well with their tiny asian hands
I have a question for ephebophiles. What's your opinion on kids who hit puberty early like Lina Medina? Her period started when she was 2 and she gave birth at 5 years old.

uglyblackcel said:
16 and up is fine but people were talking about 13 year olds yesterday. Shit was sick

13 is legal in some places like Nigeria. Legally, being attracted to people that age isn't always pedophilia.
Afrocel said:
I have a question for ephebophiles. What's your opinion on kids who hit puberty early like Lina Medina? Her period started when she was 2 and she gave birth at 5 years old.

13 is legal in some places like Nigeria. Legally, being attracted to people that age isn't always pedophilia.

It's not about age, pubes and menstruation. It's about FACE. I find girls even younger than 13 attractive but doesn't mean I would fuck them. Answering your question, no, 5yos are children. 13 and higher are not.
Akarin said:
It's not about age, pubes and menstruation. It's about FACE. I find girls even younger than 13 attractive but doesn't mean I would fuck them. Answering your question, no, 5yos are children. 13 and higher are not.

Akarin said:
It's not about age, pubes and menstruation. It's about FACE. I find girls even younger than 13 attractive but doesn't mean I would fuck them. Answering your question, no, 5yos are children. 13 and higher are not.

just lol dude

LOL you're the deluded one. Some girls menstruate as early as 9 nowadays, I even know one such girl myself.


The loudest crusaders against something are nearly always the worst offenders. You're virtue signalling to feel better about yourself. you remind me of those christian bigots who crusade against homosexuality and then turn out to be closeted gays.
Men, the in-fighting in this thread is off the charts.

I personally don't care about <18 girls, but you can't sit here and tell me that places where the age of consent is below are suddenly pedos willing to abuse undeveloped females. It was perfectly fine to be attracted to <18 yo girls before. Just because the western narrative has now imposed the 18 threshold doesnt mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Females have sexual assets and use them from an early age, big deal.

And please, for the love of God, what is it with the normie pandering lately? Who cares if incels make themselves look bad? Reputation is not exactly what we're known for around here.
If being physically unattractive wasn't enough and now being seen as a paedophile too will just cause psychos to hunt you down if they knew.
In this world, men like us can either be cucks, pedophiles or volcels since all women lose their virginity to Chad when they're 12. I chose cuckoldry, but you can't blame pedos for wanting a virgin who hasn't guzzled 500 gallons of other men's cum.
1. I don't give a fuck what gives incels a bad name, I don't go around in public and say I'm an incel.

2. Pedophilia is being attracted to children. Women over 13 (lowest age of consent in South Korea) are not children. If she bleeds then she breeds.

3. You're a cuck and a used up cunt cumlicker.
Seen someone who wanted to fuck a 3 year old. 

knajjd said:
it's natural to be attracted to virile and (something to consider for incels) relatively inexperienced females as opposed to 50-year-old looking used up trash bags. tell me one good reason you have to hate pedophiles other than "(((they))) programmed me to be this way".

Lol at this trap fakecel knajjd I thought you and zyros were dating?
must pound that pussy before it turns into mom
I don’t like pedocels as some of them are downright edgy and cringe-worthy but if having them induced rage on Incelqueers then I don’t want them to be censored.
The youngest I'd go for is probably 17 or 18. That's prime pussy right there.
LynchingTriHards said:
The youngest I'd go for is probably 17 or 18. That's prime pussy right there.


ara ara

if prime = used up cumbucket that's ok

you won't find a cute 18yo who wasn't at least fingered
All 18 year old femoids have been used as cumdumpsters by Chad, Brad, Thad and Tyrone. There are no exceptions.
Melinda said:
All 18 year old femoids have been used as cumdumpsters by Chad, Brad, Thad and Tyrone. There are no exceptions.

lel fair call.
Fucking hell, I'm sick and tired of telling you people that it's not pedophilia. This isn't worth my time.
16 year old girls are already biologically mature and these days they dress and wear make up like 21 year olds. I would not blame anyone for being attracted to them, sometimes you don't even know they are 16. Also 16 is legal in most of the world. So I would definitely not call that pedophilia. All I can say is that if it's illegal in your country, then you should not do it.
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
I agree. the amount of JB posts on the site are absurd and out-rite creepy.

the MODS really need to do a better job of deleting and banning those users.

The last thing we need is normies associating us with pedophiles and sex offenders

Check inceltears. It's their favorite topic.
BlackPillDealer said:
16 year old girls are already biologically mature and these days they dress and wear make up like 21 year olds. I would not blame anyone for being attracted to them, sometimes you don't even know they are 16. Also 16 is legal in most of the world. So I would definitely not call that pedophilia. All I can say is that if it's illegal in your country, then you should not do it.

not talking about 16 year olds, this thread is mostly about the < 16 lusters.
I don't really care. In my country the age of consent is 14.
No what i meant is, even for incels, some thoughts ( like pedo jb shit) needs to be kept in their own thoughts and only in their thoughts. Sanecels do not want to read that degenerate crap.

[UWSL]If 14 year olds want to fuck 14 year olds, who gives a shit. Im talking about 18 year olds wanting to go in that area. YUCK[/UWSL]
[UWSL]well yeah this was the point i was getting at, and its just shocking the amount of incels here over 18 who would do shit with a 13 year old.. what the fuck[/UWSL]
End your life you fucking braindead agecuck faggot piece of shit you would seriously rather fuck a 40yo roastie cunt landwhale than a prime stacy under 15, you are literally just as bad as IT

@IncelHQ @JosefMengelecel @foosballcel @Zensfy @Abominationcel @Jungle look at this retard
End your life you fucking braindead agecuck faggot piece of shit you would seriously rather fuck a 40yo roastie cunt landwhale than a prime stacy under 15, you are literally just as bad as IT

@IncelHQ @JosefMengelecel @foosballcel @Zensfy @Abominationcel @Jungle look at this retard
3 year old thread JFL:feelskek:
End your life you fucking braindead agecuck faggot piece of shit you would seriously rather fuck a 40yo roastie cunt landwhale than a prime stacy under 15, you are literally just as bad as IT

@IncelHQ @JosefMengelecel @foosballcel @Zensfy @Abominationcel @Jungle look at this retard
Age cucks on life support:feelsthink:

The last thing we need is normies associating us with pedophiles and sex offenders

why, oh, why do people here care soooooooo much about appeasing normies? they already associate incels with everything they consider bad, you’re not gonna change their mind, and you shouldn’t try or care. take a look at foreveralone if you wanna see what happens when one gives in to normie demands.

really, why did everyone complain about the Reddit administration if you, too, desire a safe space?
Last edited:
If they weren't sexual creatures, then they wouldn't be sexually mature. They are sexually mature at the age they are because they evolved to be so. They wouldn't have evolved that way otherwise because there wouldn't be selection pressure to develop sexual characteristics before they were ready to reproduce.
It's insanity to hold the belief that they develop characteristics that literally exist to signal they are ready for reproduction, then turn around and say that it doesn't mean they are ready for reproduction.
Really makes you think :feelsthink:
End your life you fucking braindead agecuck faggot piece of shit you would seriously rather fuck a 40yo roastie cunt landwhale than a prime stacy under 15, you are literally just as bad as IT

@IncelHQ @JosefMengelecel @foosballcel @Zensfy @Abominationcel @Jungle look at this retard
jfl, OP is a retarded soycuck, females are sexually mature when they hit puberty. thats what "sexual maturity" means. not when your bones stop growing or some shit
Oh good it's from 2017. I though some cuck would really dare to post this now.

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