Still live with my mother who is a narcissistic abuser and my father who is a codependent enabler. There is no escape for me that does not require a very long amount of time. Birth certificate is lost, they won't bother obtaining a new one, so never had a driver's license and therefore no legal identification either. No job or means of transportation other than walking or through them, giving them full control basically. I have to give in to their every request in order to obtain the basic things that may allow me to dig myself out of the hole into legal adulthood.
Have six siblings as well so nothing gets done and to top that off they hoard.
I still care about them deeply, though at times I wonder why. I really do not think I am any better than them most of the time, though I feel the need beyond anything in my life not to become and reperpetuate the suffering I experienced in my own lifetime by following in their footsteps.
I think it is because I already see how they have made theirselves suffer and I really can't stand to watch regardless of how certain decisions were made without thought as to the potential of this outcome, and just sit idly by doing nothing to help them, even though they are in such a hole themselves that my help does next to nothing.
I also feel guilt for being a burden to them as a child to raise and feel the compulsion to repay them as some sort of debt that I owe for my life, which was an assertion my mother has verbalized to me in the past, but they did choose to have me and all of my siblings, and I'm at a point in my life when I should really focus on working on my own life goals in order for me to not graduate from college when I am 50 or end up homeless or something.