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Blackpill anyone else here just now realizing 6'5 is manlet



Feb 3, 2022
i used to think I was at least LTN due to being 6'5 and having an around 7.5/10 face, i could've been normie if not mixed race mutt, and my brutal non-NTness causing me to even reject the 2 Stacies who gathered around me at my luxury penthouse last evening to propose (probably virtue signalling for a subhuman like me)

now though i realize im actually a TURBOMANLET, average white zoomer today is literally 7'3.. jfl at copers thinking 6'0 is anywhere NEAR tall enough to even betabuxx sub 3 landwhales

@Zer0/∞ @Animecel2D thoughts
I have a formerly super high inhib friend who’s 6’5 and probably non Nt. He talks to 1 or 2 super quiet nerdy girls and was friends with my oneitis for a bit. But in general he doesn’t really get women.
I have a formerly super high inhib friend who’s 6’5 and probably non Nt. He talks to 1 or 2 super quiet nerdy girls and was friends with my oneitis for a bit. But in general he doesn’t really get women.
brutal, true subhuman, non-ntness dropped him 7 points to 0/10 deformed truecel
brutal, true subhuman, non-ntness dropped him 7 points to 0/10 deformed truecel
He must ogre maxx also I notice 6’5 people are never skinny compared to 6’3, 6’4 and 6’6 people they are all ogres. 6’5 seems to be the height where ogres are and every other 6 foot is filled with lanklets. It’s like a universal rule someone 6’5 must be an ogre and not a lanklet
He must ogre maxx also I notice 6’5 people are never skinny compared to 6’3, 6’4 and 6’6 people they are all ogres. 6’5 seems to be the height where ogres are and every other 6 foot is filled with lanklets. It’s like a universal rule someone 6’5 must be an ogre and not a lanklet
what would you rate his face
what would you rate his face
5-6/10 he’s lightskin but since he’s kind of an ogre he doesn’t have the lightskin attractive phenotype
I know this feel bro, I am a beefy chadcel mentalcel KHHV that is 6'5'' myself, you need to be taller than Shaq to make it today, and 9.1 like me doesn't cut it, 9.8/10 or bust
I know this feel bro, I am a beefy chadcel mentalcel KHHV that is 6'5'' myself, you need to be taller than Shaq to make it today, and 9.1 like me doesn't cut it, 9.8/10 or bust
sub 11 theory is real brocel
5-6/10 he’s lightskin but since he’s kind of an ogre he doesn’t have the lightskin attractive phenotype
if I must be dedsrs, he's a htn/chadlite with those stats, could easily ascend
Truecel momento can relate
Cope I know a 5'8 guy who gets pussy
if I must be dedsrs, he's a htn/chadlite with those stats, could easily ascend
No he’s not HTN/chadlite at all but yea he could ascend. I find it so fucking weird how girls don’t go simping over him he talks to 0 girls all the time I knew them only recently when he started opening up he managed to befriend 2-3 foids. He hasn’t pulled any of them romantically though and he’s low inhib now but he says nerdy meme tier humor he finds that is 4chan originated. So that probably plays a big role
No he’s not HTN/chadlite at all but yea he could ascend. I find it so fucking weird how girls don’t go simping over him he talks to 0 girls all the time I knew them only recently when he started opening up he managed to befriend 2-3 foids. He hasn’t pulled any of them romantically though and he’s low inhib now but he says nerdy meme tier humor he finds that is 4chan originated. So that probably plays a big role
6'5 and 5-6/10 is htn/chadlite level though
No but he is NT and your not that's why
if you're being dedsrs, if I really had those stats nt wouldn't matter anyways
Fuckn brootal man
if you're being dedsrs, if I really had those stats nt wouldn't matter anyways
Cope NT is everything even 11/10 6'10 guys can't get pussy if they have OCD or anxiety :feelstastyman:
probably going to ascend in college and far lifemog you, brutal
Yes he will. He went from all Fs throughout his years to all As. Meanwhile I’ve been in this school since 7th grade and not one semester have I had honor roll (As and Bs).
Is the average zoomer really 7'3"?
I’ve also never failed a class either
Yes he will. He went from all Fs throughout his years to all As. Meanwhile I’ve been in this school since 7th grade and not one semester have I had honor roll (As and Bs).
I’ve been hovering in the 2.0- 3.3range for gpa throughout all of my years
I know this feel bro, I am a beefy chadcel mentalcel KHHV that is 6'5'' myself, you need to be taller than Shaq to make it today, and 9.1 like me doesn't cut it, 9.8/10 or bust
It’s because you are non NT bro
Hey guys, can I have a girlfriend?
I'm 7'0, 9/10 but can't get any gf bc i'm a mentalcel, it's over
brutal, true subhuman, non-ntness dropped him 7 points to 0/10 deformed truecel
i wouldn't wish non-ntness on my worst ennemy tbh
I’m 6’6 but actually turbomanlet because everyone is a 7ft heightmogger. And I’m 7/10 so I’m incel because sub8 law, foids don’t even see non chad males! ITS OVER :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
It’s because you are non NT bro

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