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Anyone else have no oneitis?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 26922
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Deleted member 26922

أينقص الدين وأنا حي !؟! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Jun 11, 2020
having an oneitis = cucked
I have no oneitis
I don't have one.
Having an oneitis makes you not properly blackpilled
i've had many over the years but it kind of burned out lately
Don’t have oneitis but have a girl in mind I would really like to date if I wasn’t ugly.
Don’t have oneitis but have a girl in mind I would really like to date if I wasn’t ugly.
That combine with your pfp i jus feel bad for u bro
I used to before I became fully blackpilled. She wasted over a year of my life living rent-free in my head.
A oneitis is caused by uncertainty. If you had a conviction that the object of your desire did not desire you and would not ever desire you, you wouldn't be able to love her anymore, because your desire is rooted in reciprocation. If you have a oneitis, it means you still believe that she might like you; otherwise the limerence would dissipate. So the blackpill is both vaccine and prophylactic against oneitis. If you have a oneitis, you don't belong here.
I hope I never suffer from that mental disease anymore.
I have no one. The oneitises I had in school didnt even acknowledge my existence
I had one when I was really young.
I had one until 18 yo, then she refused me and I became blackpilled. No more one itis for me.
A oneitis is caused by uncertainty. If you had a conviction that the object of your desire did not desire you and would not ever desire you, you wouldn't be able to love her anymore, because your desire is rooted in reciprocation. If you have a oneitis, it means you still believe that she might like you; otherwise the limerence would dissipate. So the blackpill is both vaccine and prophylactic against oneitis. If you have a oneitis, you don't belong here.
disagree. my oneitis hates me and has expressed very clearly that she does not want to speak to me or interact with me in any way. I haven't exchanged any actual words with her in a very long time, my interactions with her are limited to her occasionally glaring at me when we pass each other in the hallways. she genuinely despises me on a personal level and I am under no illusion that I will ever be able to talk to her again, let alone have a relationship with her

despite this I've had a chronic obsession with her for the past two years. it's not something I have control over at all. she has caused me more emotional pain than any other individual I've ever known, and if I could actually just choose to not be attached to her anymore I would without question. just thinking about her makes me feel awful, and actually seeing her in person literally causes me physical pain. every time she walks in to the room my heart sinks, my body shudders, and just the sight of her makes me sick to my stomach. I don't think I even have a crush on her anymore. just an obsession that borders on mental illness
Only had one when i was 17, thankfully this isn't the case anymore.
Don’t have one now and never will again
If you never had a oneitis, count yourself lucky.

It always ends badly.
disagree. my oneitis hates me and has expressed very clearly that she does not want to speak to me or interact with me in any way. I haven't exchanged any actual words with her in a very long time, my interactions with her are limited to her occasionally glaring at me when we pass each other in the hallways. she genuinely despises me on a personal level and I am under no illusion that I will ever be able to talk to her again, let alone have a relationship with her

despite this I've had a chronic obsession with her for the past two years. it's not something I have control over at all. she has caused me more emotional pain than any other individual I've ever known, and if I could actually just choose to not be attached to her anymore I would without question. just thinking about her makes me feel awful, and actually seeing her in person literally causes me physical pain. every time she walks in to the room my heart sinks, my body shudders, and just the sight of her makes me sick to my stomach. I don't think I even have a crush on her anymore. just an obsession that borders on mental illness

Are you disagreeing that oneitis is based on uncertainty,
or that you can't be blackpilled and have a oneitis?
(I think you are disagreeing with the first one at least, but not sure if you also disagree with the second)
- blackpilled
- have oneitis

Pick one.
Are you disagreeing that oneitis is based on uncertainty,
or that you can't be blackpilled and have a oneitis?
(I think you are disagreeing with the first one at least, but not sure if you also disagree with the second)
disagree with both. saying "you can't be blackpilled if you have oneitis" is as absurd as saying "you can't be blackpilled if you have autism" imo because in most cases it's just something that's completely out of your control. do you think I'd face daily emotional pain for two years straight over the fact that someone I care about hates me if I could just choose not to?
I liked two foids way back in my bluepilled days. One in elementary school and one in middle school. I remember when I was in elementary school I asked said foid out (only time I have ever done, thought about, or went out of my way to talk to a foid) and she used the "I have a bf" excuse, she had diabetes as well. Jfl her looksmatch is literally rotting on his death bed and has been hooked up to an IV his entire life. Mind you, if I had zero chance with a bitch with a chronic disease in grade school imagine how over it is for me now.
The first one isn't a oneitis because she never knew I existed until I had to manually go out and approach her. As for the second one, she didn't know I existed at all nor did I ever have a class with her (besides the 20 minute lunch period and she was on the other side of the cafeteria jfl) or ever come close to interacting with her. I just looked at her sometimes at lunch and thought she was cute. That's it. One of the textbook oneitiscel traits is stalking the oneitis's social media. This was way before I had a phone or any social media myself. I never came close to this stage. I should note that I never knew any of their social medias nor was I ever close to obtaining them as I've never interacted with these two foids besides the shameful last minute approach in grade school as I have previously stated.
disagree with both. saying "you can't be blackpilled if you have oneitis" is as absurd as saying "you can't be blackpilled if you have autism" imo because in most cases it's just something that's completely out of your control. do you think I'd face daily emotional pain for two years straight over the fact that someone I care about hates me if I could just choose not to?

1. Oneitis is based on uncertainty.
The uncertainty that sustains oneitis is called hope. The hope is that your romantic desires for your oneitis will one day be reciprocated. In the absence of this hope, your obsession will not be able to sustain itself.

The solution then is to make sure that she doesn’t like you. That will get rid of your feelings of hope and uncertainty. But you will have to get rid of it completely, since even a little hope fuels oneitis. The problem is that you can’t ever do that. The delusional mind can create any number of justifications for what the foid’s various words, gestures, and looks might signify. That’s why a man who has oneitis constantly tries to analyze all aspects of his last interaction with his crush. He’s trying to find something in his memory that can be used as evidence that the foid likes him.

You mentioned that your crush occasionally glares at you when you pass by her in the hallway. That probably means she doesn’t like you. But with imagination, you can turn this into a sign that she likes you, by telling yourself that maybe she’s tsundere. Maybe she’s pretending to hate you because she’s afraid of confronting her own feelings of love for you and that her glaring at you is a form of flirting. Other signs of her dislike of you can also be interpreted to mean that she likes you, with some clever mental gymnastics. The situation is in doubt.

To prove this, PUAs say that both eye contact and avoiding eye contact are indications of interest from a foid. So any action can be seen to be its opposite in that way. It just depends on how clever you are at interpreting things in your favor.

Also, you are looking at the girl’s face every time you pass by her in the hallway, even though it's not necessary. If you never did that, you would never be confronted with her glaring eyes. You might be hoping that one day she meets your eyes and smiles at you. If she does that, even by mistake, your feelings will obviously be made even stronger because of the increased possibility that she likes you. And if that fluctuation of hope is the fuel that strengthens your feelings of oneitis, then it can be said that oneitis is sustained by uncertainty.

The physical pang of sorrow when you see your oneitis is what hope feels like. If you were certain she hated you, it would be a more dull feeling, like a resigned and tired feeling. Someone who is fully committed to his death will be at peace. Anxiety doesn’t exist for him, as he holds no hope of life.

Because you have been exposed to the blackpill, your brain has buried this hope into the deeper regions of your subconscious, because having a oneitis when blackpilled doesn’t make sense. Unlike foids, men cannot exist in a state of cognitive dissonance. So, in order to prevent you from going insane, your brain has found it necessary to suppress your consciousness of this hope and uncertainty.

2. The blackpill is incompatible with oneitis.
Here is a quote I found about what oneitis is:

Attraction towards a single potential partner to the exclusion of other possible partners, a feeling caused by the belief that you will “never” meet a woman like this one ever again.
If you think, “When I get the girl, then I’ll be…happy, enough, fulfilled, complete,” uou have oneitis.
It stems from a place of neediness and desperation, of needing a specific woman to feel complete, happy, and whole…

To me, this doesn't seem consistent with the blackpill.
The part of the blackpill that precludes oneitis is AWALT. If you have a oneitis, you still believe in NAWALT. For if you had accepted the blackpill, you would have to admit that no foid is worthy of love.

Hypothetically, let’s say I have a oneitis. She is white.
I like her on the condition that she is virginal. Whether you know it or not, your oneitis has certain conditions to it too, and can be broken if certain events happen. These events that can destroy your oneitis are all examples of the blackpill. Your love for her is not unconditional; it's contingent on her not being part of the world circumscribed by the blackpill. This is due to the fact that the foid described by the blackpill is a vile, ugly creature, not worthy of your love.
To return to my hypothetical story, I stalk my oneitis on Instagram every day. She has many pictures up of herself with her white boyfriend, but that doesn’t deter my feelings for her. I still imagine to myself that she is pure and virtuous. I tell myself that perhaps she refrains from having sex with her boyfriend because she’s a devout Christian.
One day, she uploads a photo of her getting gangbanged by five black guys.
My oneitis goes away because the condition has been broken, as if a dentist has removed a sore tooth.
In this case, an example of the blackpill (that all foids are whores, that white foids are coal burners) cured me of my oneitis, because now there was physical evidence that my oneitis was not immune to this rule. She wasn’t a NAWALT. But if I had accepted the blackpill idea of AWALT in the first place, I never would have needed this proof.
So although I thought I was blackpilled at the time, I really wasn’t fully blackpilled. I was still holding on to the hope that NAWALT.

As a question, if you saw your oneitis getting ravaged like in the story, would that cure your oneitis, in your opinion?

If you say “yes,” then that means that there’s a hope inside you, however minuscule, that is saying “Maybe she is not a whore.”
Otherwise the feeling would have remained even if you saw her photo. That circles back to my previous argument that oneitis is based in hope and uncertainty, and it also proves that a part of the blackpill that you had not accepted has destroyed your oneitis.

If you say “no,” then you have to admit that it's cucked to have a oneitis for a woman who gets gangbanged by five black men. No truly blackpilled person would have a oneitis on such a foid.

Sexual attraction is biologically ingrained, so you can’t stop it with any kind of knowledge. The same isn’t true for oneitis because it’s based on a certain naive belief (that there exists a foid who is worthy of love) that’s incompatible with the blackpill.
You compare oneitis to autism, but that's a fallacy because they’re not similar. One can be cured by knowledge and the other can’t. Many people who have once had oneitis recover from it at some point and become jaded. That jadedness goes hand in hand with the cessation of oneitis.
I had crushes at school but the idea of having a oneitis past school I find silly
Having a onetis is for bluepilled fakecels.
You mentioned that your crush occasionally glares at you when you pass by her in the hallway. That probably means she doesn’t like you. But with imagination, you can turn this into a sign that she likes you, by telling yourself that maybe she’s tsundere. Maybe she’s pretending to hate you because she’s afraid of confronting her own feelings of love for you and that her glaring at you is a form of flirting. Other signs of her dislike of you can also be interpreted to mean that she likes you, with some clever mental gymnastics. The situation is in doubt.

Also, you are looking at the girl’s face every time you pass by her in the hallway, even though it's not necessary. If you never did that, you would never be confronted with her glaring eyes. You might be hoping that one day she meets your eyes and smiles at you. If she does that, even by mistake, your feelings will obviously be made even stronger because of the increased possibility that she likes you. And if that fluctuation of hope is the fuel that strengthens your feelings of oneitis, then it can be said that oneitis is sustained by uncertainty.

As a question, if you saw your oneitis getting ravaged like in the story, would that cure your oneitis, in your opinion?
oh no I'm very aware that it's not a sign of attraction at all. and actually I physically turn my head away from her now because just the sight of her ruins my day. as for your last question, she actively does sexual PDA (hand holding, spanking, breast groping etc) with her boyfriend right in front of me because she knows it makes me upset, so yeah.

I don't want to go too deep in to my personal life on a public forum but I can write a longer response/tell you more about this in dms. it seems like we might just disagree on what oneitis means because I don't think of her as some special angel who's more virtuous than other women or whatever like you described. there's almost no conscious thought involved. having oneitis is awful and irrational but in my case it's like legit mental illness. having compulsive thoughts 24/7 about someone who treats you like garbage and hates you is not something that I would do willingly
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Nope, I have aversion to inferior products. I just can't project any type of humanity onto a female body.
disagree. my oneitis hates me and has expressed very clearly that she does not want to speak to me or interact with me in any way. I haven't exchanged any actual words with her in a very long time, my interactions with her are limited to her occasionally glaring at me when we pass each other in the hallways. she genuinely despises me on a personal level and I am under no illusion that I will ever be able to talk to her again, let alone have a relationship with her

despite this I've had a chronic obsession with her for the past two years. it's not something I have control over at all. she has caused me more emotional pain than any other individual I've ever known, and if I could actually just choose to not be attached to her anymore I would without question. just thinking about her makes me feel awful, and actually seeing her in person literally causes me physical pain. every time she walks in to the room my heart sinks, my body shudders, and just the sight of her makes me sick to my stomach. I don't think I even have a crush on her anymore. just an obsession that borders on mental illness
She has caused you great pain, i have went through similar matters. Rest assured for the solution is, simply distancing yourself, or if you can saying all the rude things she said back. That is what shall set you free, but more important than all that, raise your head, lift it, you cannot waste time with thots, Eh?
When I was much younger I did. Not now though

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