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Serious Anyone else have no friends?



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
No social circle no nothing, I just rot all day. I wouldn't even know how to begin to try and salvage my life.
Having friends is a fakecel trait
we wouldnt be here if we had friends
I guess it comes from being different. What's the term people use... neurodivergent?

That. lol

I did used to have friends but most people change a lot from 20-25 and so they pretty much all grew apart from me.
Friends are cope
I only have online friends who know nothing about my inceldom/blackpill ideology
I have no friends neither online nor in real life
I have 1 very best friend, because he i 30+ incel like me, but he don't agree with it and uses redpill as cope. Whatever helps him I guess.

I had like 5 best friends that we knew each other from kindergarten but at 25+ they started their careers and families, so they simply stopped spending time with depressed loser like me.
All the people I thought were friends turned out to be fake. When I told my closest friend of my attmepted suicide and blew off part of my face, he said "damn bro hope your face gets better." That's all he had to say. He'd before hand call me crying about he had just broken up with his gf and I'd talk to him for several hours straight helping him out. But when I fail with killing myself he only writes a half-assed sentence. I was friends with him since kindergarten (incident happened when I was 20)

Friends only use you for your benefits. When you're no longer helpful to them, they cast you aside.
All the people I thought were friends turned out to be fake. When I told my closest friend of my attmepted suicide and blew off part of my face, he said "damn bro hope your face gets better." That's all he had to say. He'd before hand call me crying about he had just broken up with his gf and I'd talk to him for several hours straight helping him out. But when I fail with killing myself he only writes a half-assed sentence. I was friends with him since kindergarten (incident happened when I was 20)

Friends only use you for your benefits. When you're no longer helpful to them, they cast you aside.
Brutal as fuck. No point trying to befriend normies. They won't ever understand anything and most of them only care about themselves and use you for their own gain.
Brutal as fuck. No point trying to befriend normies. They won't ever understand anything and most of them only care about themselves and use you for their own gain.
Took me years to realize that. My parents were affluent and there's were poor. They always hung out at my house since I had a pool and a million different video games along with lots of snacks. That's the only reason they were friends with me.
Took me years to realize that. My parents were affluent and there's were poor. They always hung out at my house since I had a pool and a million different video games along with lots of snacks. That's the only reason they were friends with me.
Damn. Looking back on it realizing their true intentions must be pure ragefuel. Sorry you had to go through that and get used by them. At least you come from an affluent family so that's got to have its benefits in terms of coping in life.
Damn. Looking back on it realizing their true intentions must be pure ragefuel. Sorry you had to go through that and get used by them. At least you come from an affluent family so that's got to have its benefits in terms of coping in life.
There's some benefits. I'm non NT so I can't use any of them except for an abundant supply of video games. Only issue is I hate all modern games.
The last IRL friend I had was before I registered here
No social circle no nothing, I just rot all day. I wouldn't even know how to begin to try and salvage my life.
I don't believe in friends I'm just going to continue riding away in my apartment and working my ass off in my stupid job until I get cancer or die of a heart attack more than likely I'm going to die a virgin it sucks I never wanted this life I wish my parents aborted me
No social circle no nothing, I just rot all day. I wouldn't even know how to begin to try and salvage my life.
i don’t have a friend group or any true friends. They don’t wanna hang out and when i text some of them it’s always short convos so i just got aquitances
Not IRL. My entire life on the internet and there is no way to salvage it tbh.
All the friends I've ever had were circumstantial at best and never lasted long. I don't have them anymore but it was miserable having them as well as miserable not having them
It's because there's a correlation between how socialized you are and how physically (mostly facially) attractive you are, since we live in a lookist soyciety.
My “friends” have always betrayed me. The more I trusted them, the more I was hurt by them. It’s better to lose friends than make them. I feel alone because I am alone. Other people are the ones who make me feel lonely. I regret knowing anyone. My life would only improve if everyone disappeared.

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