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RageFuel Anyone else hates orgasms? Postorgasmic brain-fog & blues is so bad.



Half man, full child (of God)
Feb 7, 2020
It happens rarely, so I'll possibly are more sensitive to the effects. But even, if there were no other reasons to not masturbate, the neural/mental low after that would be a reason enough. Since I am already borderline anhedonic I even don't get pleasure out of it, but only and still the withdrawal symptoms and become a complete mushy, apathetic, half-dead with social anxiety, who only want laying in bed.
It is every time my own stupidness, which leads to this.

Some biological background (but I think there is may also some spiritual truths behind it)

When we think about sex, we think about the approaching, the act, the fireworks of climax… and then we usually stop there. Makes sense, the sexual act in itself is over, right? However, many changes keep happening within us after we’ve rolled over and gone to sleep.

As we saw last time, when we orgasm our brain becomes flooded with dopamine in our reward pathways of in the limbic system. This feels so intensely pleasurable that it looks just like a heroin rush to the brain, producing intense feelings of well-being (Holstege et al., 2003). But the story doesn’t end there. Because orgasm activates reward pathways much in the same way as drugs, it can also produce similar experience of addiction and withdrawal. In fact, people that are treated for sex addictions tend to have other comorbid addictions, suggesting that they have addictive personalities, an inclination for overactivation in this part of the brain (Hartman et al., 2012). This is because after the rush of orgasm, dopamine levels drop below baseline, similar to what happens during withdrawal from drugs of abuse. Low dopamine levels are associated with depression, low energy, lack of ambition, social anxiety, among others (Dailly et al., 2004).


Why does dopamine drop? Well, to make sure we attend to other aspects of our life, our brains come hardwired with a neurochemical mechanism of satiety. Prolactin, another hormone, surges right after orgasm, and is considered a reliable marker of such (Kruger et al., 2003).Prolactin works as a dopamine inhibitor, curtailing our sex drives once we consummate orgasm and providing us with feelings of satiation and sexual gratification. So the happy feelings impulsed by orgasm are carried along by prolactin. These secretions are relatively long-lasting after orgasm (Kruger et al., 2012).


Orgasm also reduces androgen receptor density in the Medial Preoptic Area part of the reward circuit. Androgens regulate sexual desire by activating dopamine levels in this area, so their decreased activity could be another source of the dopamine drop (Putnam et al., 2001). While postcoital neuroendocrine changes are better documented, there is also data on postorgasm brain activation. For example, one neuroimaging study conducted immediately after orgasm in men showed activation in the amygdala, temporal lobe, and septal areas (Mallick et al., 2007). Case studies have documented hypersexuality in patients with lesions in all three of these areas, reinforcing the inhibitory evidence of what is known as the post-orgasm refractory period (Mallick et al., 2007).

This shows that the sexual cycle isn’t over when the fireworks die out. Neuroendocrine changes in our bodies orchestrate a coordinated dance to make sure that we feel content, wind down, and rest or go on with a lives for a bit. Dopamine dips from its orgasmic high and prolactin and androgen step in to produce feelings of satiety, pleasantness, and to make us want to take a break. At least for a while.

Some highlights of another text, which I can relate to:

2. There is growing evidence that this complex neurochemical sequence after orgasm is much longer than the physical events after climax. It may even continue for up to two weeks after you roll over and snore, or look around for more. During this slow, somewhat erratic, return to neurochemical homeostasis after orgasm, it's not unusual to experience intermittent sensations of lack, neediness, irritability, intense horniness and so forth. Most people climax again before the brain brings itself back to homeostasis. Interestingly, evidence suggests that the more thoroughly you sexually satiate yourself-that is, the more intense or numerous your orgasms-the more acute the overall effects on your outlook. For example, it has been observed that the more orgasms women have over a 30-day period, the more unfriendly and aggressive they perceive pictures of unknown men.

The point is that orgasm may innocently be influencing your subsequent moods, cravings, choices, and perceptions-and for longer than you would imagine possible. This hidden cycle and the subtle feelings it brings up are likely to be a factor in the Coolidge Effect. Scientists already know that, after sex, dropping dopamine (the signal for "less rewarding") plays a role in habituation between mates, just a spike of dopamine ("rewarding!") plays a role in the neurochemically induced attraction to novel partners.

Another consequence of the hidden phase of orgasm is the risk of getting caught up in an escalating cycle of seeking more and more intense sexual stimulation to "medicate" the lows in the sequence. But even if you elude this risk (lots of daily affection helps, for example), this hidden cycle may produce ripples in the harmony of your relationship.

Instead of moving to a novel mate, many of us cope with this programmed restlessness in other ways. When your dopamine is low (as it can be from time to time during the post-orgasm cycle), you may feel like...well...like something is missing, even if you can't put your finger on what it is. Perhaps you console yourself with some self-indulgent spending, too many drinks with pals, or a carton of HA¤agen-Dazs. Such things automatically reward you with brief surges of dopamine. They are especially seductive when you're feeling flat for reasons you can't fathom.

After orgasm dopamine levels fall sharply with the usual withdrawal symptoms. This reaction tends to be immediate in males and delayed in females. Also prolactin levels rise, and androgen receptors fall after orgasm. Low testosterone is associated with irritability and anger. In sexually-satiated rats it has been shown that serotonin and endorphin levels also rise, and this also decreases dopamine and raises prolactin levels. Oxytocin levels fall after conventional orgasm but remaining in close contact may help to counter this drop and sustain oxytocin levels.

Behavioral changes from this disturbed hormone equilibrium have been noticed for up to two weeks. During this time we may be more irritable, dissatisfied, anxious or depressed, and instead of seeing the good side of our mate, we may now be painfully aware of his or her shortcomings. This is exactly the same process and length of time prolactin levels need to recover during withdrawal from cocaine.

I also like the graphic tables of comparison between high and low state of different chemicals, like this for dopamine:

Dopamine Levels​









Feelings of well-being, satisfaction​


Anhedonia – no pleasure, world looks colorless​

Pleasure, reward in accomplishing tasks​

Sexual fetishes​

Lack of ambition and drive​

Healthy libido​

Sexual addiction​

Inability to “love”​

Good feelings toward others​

Unhealthy risk-taking

Low libido​

Healthy bonding​


Erectile dysfunction​

Healthy risk taking​

Compulsive activities​

No remorse about personal behavior​

Sound choices​



Realistic expectations​


Social anxiety disorder​

Maternal/Paternal love​


Antisocial behavior​

I'm aware of this issue. I've never been impressed with all this proselytizing about the evils of sexual release, for two very simple reasons.
1. we're literally talking about the most enjoyable thing that healthy humans can have
2. trying to recreate the excitement of sex by doing something else that makes you happy, and really going hard at trying to get that happiness and excitement and exhaustion, will just create the same evil dopamine bubble and withdrawal anyway

and in the end, who the fuck wants to live like a buddhist monk?
Yes. I just edge for days. I fap probably 6 hours per day on average and orgasm maybe once or twice per week.

I don't know whether it's the blues so much as the lack of meaning. I don't know what life is without sexual desire and wanting to fuck hot girls.
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Yes. I just edge for days. I fap probably 6 hours per day on average and orgasm maybe once or twice per week.

I don't know whether it's the blues so much as the lack of meaning. I don't know what life is without sexual desire and wanting to fuck hot girls.
literally anything that gives lots of dopamine should have the same effect, you can dodge the prolactin but you won't dodge the dopamine withdrawal that they're talking about
literally anything that gives lots of dopamine should have the same effect, you can dodge the prolactin but you won't dodge the dopamine withdrawal that they're talking about
I know. It's like any drug. It's just instant happiness to escape the bleak, complex and fluctuating emotions of reality. Prolactin wtf. I'm not pregnant.
Yes. I just edge for days. I fap probably 6 hours per day on average and orgasm maybe once or twice per week.

I don't know whether it's the blues so much as the lack of meaning. I don't know what life is without sexual desire and wanting to fuck hot girls.
Coomer NEET?
The downside is you are less aware, dazed and slower to react. You are also a lot more vulnerable to unwanted or unexpected events imo @epillepsy
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