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Serious Anyone else feel betrayed by right wingers?

Deleted member 126

Deleted member 126

Nov 8, 2017
I use to read a lot of conservative websites and watch their videos like Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Ben Shapiro and many others. However after Alex Minassian happened and incel became mainstream I saw how much conservatives hated loners and virgins. That in itself was a huge blackpill for me. I will never respect conservatives like I use to ever again.
right wingers are the biggest cucks of all
I've always hated the right-wing, fucking cunts.
No because I'm not rightwing
>(((Ben Shapiro)))
>Alex Jones
>Right wing
Honestly, I feel betrayed by every political ideology/party, simply because politicians don't care about you, they care about their own asses only. A potent black pill to say the least.
Right wing wants to force you to provide for women by making you marry her through social pressure.
Left wing wants to force you to provide for women by making you pay for government spending under threat of violence.
I agree with the conservative economic ideology. After all that’s what made the 50s-80s the golden age. However the people themselves are disagreeable because of their normie/Chad status
Right wing wants to force you to provide for women by making you marry her through social pressure.
Left wing wants to force you to provide for women by making you pay for government spending under threat of violence.
True. The right uses shaming tactics. If you don't get married you are a "man child".
So you'd rather capitulate to the left wingers that brought us feminism and GAVE females hypergamy? JFL at this major cope.

Right wing OR Left wing will always see incels unfavourably because it's a "Fringe" ideology, but i'd MUCH rather be politically right wing than Left wing.

Left wingers are the BIGGEST Cucks.
So you'd rather capitulate to the left wingers that brought us feminism and GAVE females hypergamy? JFL at this major cope.

Right wing OR Left wing will always see incels unfavourably because it's a "Fringe" ideology, but i'd MUCH rather be politically right wing than Left wing.

Left wingers are the BIGGEST Cucks.
I hate left wing. I was just stating how right wingers hate incels just as much as the left.
Both political sides suck. We act independent of them
You shouldn't be surprised, I haven't seen one person supporting incels in the world, I don't know what we did to them but everyone hates us.
Those mainstream cucks basically spout off redpill ideology so it's no surprise that they hate us and the blackpill.
Right wing wants to force you to provide for women by making you marry her through social pressure.
Left wing wants to force you to provide for women by making you pay for government spending under threat of violence.
But at least if you pay for a women you're married too you're getting a decent amount in return while the left wing wants you to pay for single moms and rapefuges aswell as personal wives so
cucked by right>>>>>cucked by left
horseshoe theory tbh tbh
But at least if you pay for a women you're married too you're getting a decent amount in return while the left wing wants you to pay for single moms and rapefuges aswell as personal wives so
cucked by right>>>>>cucked by left
Of course it's better than being cucked by the left. I wouldn't mind providing for a woman if she was a virgin and I had authority over her. Anything less is not worth it.
It doesnt matter what side people support if they arent blackpilled they arent with us. Everyone is cucked if they support equality or have over protection for women. Right Wings are just as cuck as Left Wings they both put women on a pedestal.
Alt-righters are a bunch of coping cucks who still believe women are worth saving.
Any one who claim to be on right side of politics always respect and idolize women
Both sides have to pander to femoids because they make up the majority of the voting bloc.
It doesnt matter what side people support if they arent blackpilled they arent with us. Everyone is cucked if they support equality or have over protection for women. Right Wings are just as cuck as Left Wings they both put women on a pedestal.
No left wingers put women on a pedestal while right wingers put them on an equal standing with men, left is clearly the toxic idealogy.
anything but left, please.
Left or right, it doesn't matter, as long as (((they))) are still up there, nothing will change. The Juden must be stopped at all costs.
It sucks seeing incel being used as an insult on my old favorite sites. I've never felt more sequestered even after facing a life sentence and spending 23 .5 hours a day in a psych ward jail cell.
Rightwingers believe the strong must survive. jfl at incels who are right wing
If you ever thought right-wingers were 'on our side', you were deluding yourself. Just because they don't openly condemn something doesn't mean they support it.

Face it, right now we are basically a 'fringe hate group' at best; or in reality a bunch of losers pissing and moaning about not getting laid.... and some of us go on killing rampages sometimes. ;-)
Most right wingers are white knighting cucks, I'm still on the right economically and traditional socially, but freed of cucked mindset.
The alt right is the only true right wing.


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PJW's incels video was laughable.
PJW's incels video was laughable.
PJW strikes me as a incel who got laid a few times and now LARPS as Chad. His mannerisms seem like he is making up for years of being a Beta.
>(((Ben Shapiro)))
>Alex Jones
>Right wing

Truly. Not even worth mentioning Alt-Lite mavens like Thernobitch and McInnes. They're all socially liberal with a patina of "traditional" ethos.

I think what is broadly termed "the Alt-Right" is the most viable fulcrum around which ugly outlaws can organize. There are several serious problems with the modern right, though, that can't really be ignored. Any solidarity that may have congealed among the various factions in the lead-up to Drumpfy's big upset shortly dissolved into internecine catfighting over useless frivolities. It's impossible to get anybody to agree on anything, much less to get them to adopt the correct stance on the Cunt Question.

Pursuant to this, they fail horribly to understand inceldom, despite the lion's share of the rank-and-file being incel or close enough to it.

Most odiously, they've repurposed "Chad" as some kind of golden ideal man as opposed to a lobotomized cosmopolitan degenerate who fornicates wildly. "Chad" lifts weights and I lift weights or at least talk about it online so I am going to be Chad! Chad is commanding and firm with women and I would be too if more than 1/year looked in my direction! Chad is monogamous! Chad is 100% White! Chad pores over Greek tragedy instead of doobing to fag music at some debauched nightclub! Chad could have any woman, but he banishes thots! He's a volcel! This is so deeply wrong and gay I can only shake my head. Either they're deluded enough to call themselves Chad or they cuck themselves out to their muse and kiss his feet. This is the type of person, too, that repeats the same stale justifications for inceldom that you hear from shitlibs: "entitlement" "weak" "try". Some of these sorry fucks are over 30, either several years celibate or married at 35+ to a mutoid post-wall roastie. Some are exactly like us.

In order to engage effectively with the world as it is, they need to see the light of Our Prophet BlackOpsIIcel. They're purposefully alienating and misdirecting the energy of hopeless ugly men who clamor for nothing so much as organization, camaraderie, and goals. Dumb faggots have a sea of opportunity before them and curse it, turning away, as they dive down on Chayyyyyyyyd in its stead.

As things get worse for every man everywhere, hopefully they'll come around.
PJW strikes me as a incel who got laid a few times and now LARPS as Chad. His mannerisms seem like he is making up for years of being a Beta.
Jussssst the WAY he HAS to EXAGGERATE HALF his SENTENCES reeks of an inferiority complex.

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