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It's Over Anybody else feel like their life is over?



Nov 7, 2017
Like this is as good as it's going to get and there is nothing to look forward to in the future. Normies have future plans for girlfriends, wives, having children, and living a fulfilling life.
Like if I died right now I wouldn't be missing anything.
My best years where when I was a kid playing Pokemon and not worrying about anything. While now it's just shit.
Mine never really began.
Yes, even my mom just today realized I'm not motivated to take college seriously.
Yes, even my mom just today realized I'm not motivated to take college seriously.
It All seems like a joke and a waste of time, how can we be motivated to take college seriously when we are so depressed and unhopeful.
College is supposed to give you a better future, but when you don't care about the future or the present like us then it dosnt matter.
It All seems like a joke and a waste of time, how can we be motivated to take college seriously when we are so depressed and unhopeful.
College is supposed to give you a better future, but when you don't care about the future or the present like us then it dosnt matter.
At this point if I were given two buttons with the 1st one causing me to be a billionaire celebrity gigachad and the 2nd being death, I would choose death. It is more than just inceldom causing me to be depressed, the way the world works in general has made me die inside.
Like this is as good as it's going to get and there is nothing to look forward to in the future. Normies have future plans for girlfriends, wives, having children, and living a fulfilling life.
Like if I died right now I wouldn't be missing anything.
My best years where when I was a kid playing Pokemon and not worrying about anything. While now it's just shit.

Down to a T. I dont see my situation ever improving, I just cant fathom how it would be possible for me to ever get a gf, I cannot think of a scenario where that happens

Even now my life is so far from what Id hoped that it would be like

From this point on Ill just grow older and uglier, its very anticlimatic in a way
i had the same attitude a year ago but now things are looking up
Yes, I started my suicide videos today.
Down to a T. I dont see my situation ever improving, I just cant fathom how it would be possible for me to ever get a gf, I cannot think of a scenario where that happens

Even now my life is so far from what Id hoped that it would be like

From this point on Ill just grow older and uglier, its very anticlimatic in a way
It's the acceptance that I will never get a gf that has really drove me into depression and innovation.
Before I thought, maybe if I work out and get a good job and be outgoing I'll get a girl.
But now I don't care about anything because I have absolutely no hope.
What changed?

i got treatment for my anxiety problems, started going out more, lost some weight etc.
im still an incel but i also understand that i can't lay down and rot because i have people that depend on me and i want to make them happy.
plus, i understand that we are living in weird times and im preparing for the collapse

edit: doing shit actually helps you to cope better believe it or not. if you stay stagnate time will become meaningless and your depression will get worse
I missed out on everything I wanted in life, I am dead serious I would reject if a girl had come to me at this late in my life. It would only increase my pain. Ill just cope.
No, because i refuse this life and i will try my fucking best to ascend.
I'm just in a bad place right now
I'm at rock bottom, the only way my life could get any worse is if I was homeless. There's nothing I want to see or do, I'm completely out of energy.
My life is on pause, and I lost the remote control.
i got treatment for my anxiety problems, started going out more, lost some weight etc.
im still an incel but i also understand that i can't lay down and rot because i have people that depend on me and i want to make them happy.
plus, i understand that we are living in weird times and im preparing for the collapse

edit: doing shit actually helps you to cope better believe it or not. if you stay stagnate time will become meaningless and your depression will get worse

How could I be so right

How could I be so right


yeah whatever, i guess the general theme of incels here is to lay down and rot, which im not going to do.
im not gonna say that my outlook is superior but for me its better to try and improve
i don't know what this thing i'm doing is called, but it's certainly not living. going through life without friends, things to look forward to, a career, productive hobbies, happy memories to look back on, and so on is not really life. and it's not like being dead either because at least the dead get to rest, I'm stuck reliving memories of my shitty childhood every day and constantly have nightmares. i just want some peace of mind. maybe when i finally get my inheritance and can focus on my hobbies without needing to wageslave i can have some peace
yeah whatever, i guess the general theme of incels here is to lay down and rot, which im not going to do.
im not gonna say that my outlook is superior but for me its better to try and improve
But what's the point of your improvement? And how are there people that depend on you?
I am in full ldar mindset because there is absolutely nothing I can ever do to get a female that's interested in me.
And it's not like I can become rich or famous, so there is literally nothing to work towards.
I can't get a gf, I can't become rich, I can't become famous, every hope I could ever have for the future is impossible to achieve for me.

But what's the point of your improvement? And how are there people that depend on you?
I am in full ldar mindset because there is absolutely nothing I can ever do to get a female that's interested in me.
And it's not like I can become rich or famous, so there is literally nothing to work towards.
I can't get a gf, I can't become rich, I can't become famous, every hope I could ever have for the future is impossible to achieve for me.

there are no goals, i could die in 20 minutes or 20 years from now so i don't depends on any goals.
what im trying to do is building a life, and this life might lead me nowhere and it can go in a hundred different directions and infinite outcomes.
i can't even predict whats going to happen tomorrow, so how can i predict whats going to happen 50 years from now?
I dont know man
I always tell myself its fine, but i think its not
Somehow the urge to just go out of the door and into the nearest forest always comes up
Not to rope, but more to just leave everything behind, this whole society
My life sucks, like right now, I cant sleep, i have to go work in like 3 hours, sit there for 9 hours, ill come home, eat, sleep, wake up, read some post on here, watch a few youtube videos and repeat
On the weekend, ill go out, only to spend my money, and get rejected by girls, while my friends act passive aggressively towards me, and not even a hug i might get from a girl, because she goes home or so, will help fill this intense void i have in my soul
Im searching for something, and i cant find it
My whole life was fucked anyway, im sitting here, telling myself everything is ok, because i have a job, and a car
Great, like i need that, when i have an urge i cant describe, which basically eats me from the inside, and i have no idea how to fill that void that exists in me

I just watched some of those simpson aesthetic songs on youtube, and i dont know, they give me feelings, of times i never had but i know that those feelings are real. You can have them everyday when you live a normal life. Its like Bart sitting by a lake with a girl, looking at the sunset
And i get this feeling, its so fucking true, like i know, normal people do that and have that, when some good looking teen has his first girlfriend and sits by a lake, holding hands, with his cute girlfriend, they feel love, he smells her hair, because the warm air keeps blowing across the lake in his direction, he looks at her, she smiles, and the sun sets, while they kiss, and tell each other that they are in love
I know its sound cliche but what are we ? We have never expierenced stuff like that, and especially in todays society its harder and harder to have those true emotions and feelings. We are so far away from a life like it was intended by nature, its insane
We go to work, in order to make money for other people, and then drive home just to lock us up in a small room while watching other people on tv that live their life
there are no goals, i could die in 20 minutes or 20 years from now so i don't depends on any goals.
what im trying to do is building a life, and this life might lead me nowhere and it can go in a hundred different directions and infinite outcomes.
i can't even predict whats going to happen tomorrow, so how can i predict whats going to happen 50 years from now?
So what's the point of spending time, money, and hard work to build your life, when you see no positive outcome from it all.
So what's the point of spending time, money, and hard work to build your life, when you see no positive outcome from it all.

because im not a prophet.
a year ago, i was in the worst mental state iv ever been at. i could hardly talk due to intense fear and anxiety(i almost had a psychotic break due to anger and frustration). and everything i did to improve had a shit outcome, NOTHING was going right for me.
luckily i have good parents and they brought in a guy to talk to me and help me, i got on medications too. and now my outlook on life is different. if i could pull myself from this suicidal state, then who knows what the future holds if i put in a little more extra work
I dont know man
I always tell myself its fine, but i think its not
Somehow the urge to just go out of the door and into the nearest forest always comes up
Not to rope, but more to just leave everything behind, this whole society
My life sucks, like right now, I cant sleep, i have to go work in like 3 hours, sit there for 9 hours, ill come home, eat, sleep, wake up, read some post on here, watch a few youtube videos and repeat
On the weekend, ill go out, only to spend my money, and get rejected by girls, while my friends act passive aggressively towards me, and not even a hug i might get from a girl, because she goes home or so, will help fill this intense void i have in my soul
Im searching for something, and i cant find it
My whole life was fucked anyway, im sitting here, telling myself everything is ok, because i have a job, and a car
Great, like i need that, when i have an urge i cant describe, which basically eats me from the inside, and i have no idea how to fill that void that exists in me

I just watched some of those simpson aesthetic songs on youtube, and i dont know, they give me feelings, of times i never had but i know that those feelings are real. You can have them everyday when you live a normal life. Its like Bart sitting by a lake with a girl, looking at the sunset
And i get this feeling, its so fucking true, like i know, normal people do that and have that, when some good looking teen has his first girlfriend and sits by a lake, holding hands, with his cute girlfriend, they feel love, he smells her hair, because the warm air keeps blowing across the lake in his direction, he looks at her, she smiles, and the sun sets, while they kiss, and tell each other that they are in love
I know its sound cliche but what are we ? We have never expierenced stuff like that, and especially in todays society its harder and harder to have those true emotions and feelings. We are so far away from a life like it was intended by nature, its insane
We go to work, in order to make money for other people, and then drive home just to lock us up in a small room while watching other people on tv that live their life
It's brutal for workcel out there, they wageslave away and never get promoted or even save up enough money to retire or buy things to cope.
Somehow the urge to just go out of the door and into the nearest forest always comes up
Not to rope, but more to just leave everything behind, this whole society

I just watched some of those simpson aesthetic songs on youtube, and i dont know, they give me feelings, of times i never had but i know that those feelings are real.

These hit close to home for me. I want to go live on the mountain so badly. I don't know what it would really be like, but I just have this urge to surrender to nature. I have these feelings that there is this implicit feminine to "mother" nature and if I can't have a human woman to love and care for than I should seek a more elemental form of it. I accept the possibility that my inceldom is just making me crazy, kek.

The "false" nostalgia is a real to. It is like, pure emotional memories, completely detached from actual experience.
I did. But i feel like there are other joys in life to be had
i don't know what this thing i'm doing is called, but it's certainly not living. going through life without friends, things to look forward to, a career, productive hobbies, happy memories to look back on, and so on is not really life. and it's not like being dead either because at least the dead get to rest, I'm stuck reliving memories of my shitty childhood every day and constantly have nightmares. i just want some peace of mind. maybe when i finally get my inheritance and can focus on my hobbies without needing to wageslave i can have some peace
Surviving I guess. We're going through life with the bare minimum and barely making it.
I'm at rock bottom, the only way my life could get any worse is if I was homeless. There's nothing I want to see or do, I'm completely out of energy.
Like this is as good as it's going to get and there is nothing to look forward to in the future. Normies have future plans for girlfriends, wives, having children, and living a fulfilling life.
Like if I died right now I wouldn't be missing anything.
My best years where when I was a kid playing Pokemon and not worrying about anything. While now it's just shit.
Yeah pretty much. 28, no friends, no girlfriend, low iq and shitty wageslave job. It's really over for me.
at this point just go gay so we don't die alone tbh its better than roping
Shit never began jfl
yeah everyone from my Highschool and age are graduating uni while I’m here for another 2-3 years and to make matters worse i have to wagecuck to pay my fees
You never had a life to start (me included).
Like this is as good as it's going to get and there is nothing to look forward to in the future. Normies have future plans for girlfriends, wives, having children, and living a fulfilling life.
I've just been waiting to die for years now. All of my friends have long since drifted away and forgotten I exist. I can't even get out of bed some days. My job is shitty and I have nothing to look forward to in life.
I hope I've finally lost it after suffering for over a decade because I spent the last few minutes having a conversation with myself about how protein makes my face look faggy because it looks like a faggier version of my fathers and by increasing testosterone I look like a cock sucker because it makes my skin look healthy and when this happens I end up looking like a faggot and getting amog'd all day.
I hope I've finally lost it after suffering for over a decade because I spent the last few minutes having a conversation with myself about how protein makes my face look faggy because it looks like a faggier version of my fathers and by increasing testosterone I look like a cock sucker because it makes my skin look healthy and when this happens I end up looking like a faggot and getting amog'd all day.

Wtf does healthy skin have to do with sexuality? You can still take care of yourself without worrying how you're perceived by normies. Shit I keep myself clean even with a stache and goatee. I never correlated it with looking like a homo. I just do it for myself.

I don't know I'm kinda in suspension. I worry about my future in a financial sense. Work for myself but lack a degree. And this society fair or not puts more value on the college educated vs non college educated. I'm a college dropout and it limits opportunity.

A lot of it is luck and who you know. People with Master's are taking your orders for fries now. It used to be an employer gave you a chance... but that was before our time. It's an automated process and even if you're asked for an interview it's some faggot or little bitch doing the interview. You're the outsider in their minds... you gotta prove your "worth." Never mind you CAN learn the job they put more value in presentation. Are you gonna be a good drone? Can you just do the job without ANY guidance or questions. They don't want to train because that takes time and money. That's why I agree employment ad asks for 15 years of experience. Even for the most basic shit.

Sure I don't have any answer either but I'm pretty pissed. We should be pissed. I think it should be constructive though.... meaning we figure how to build and clear our in paths in life. The Gatekeepers can suck my dick.
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High IQ guys have figured it out. Why should we work 14 hours, return to an empty apartment, then have a heart attack at 50 from the stress ? All incentive is gone, Femoids ? down the drain, children ? why, so the courts can take them from us ? Climbing the corporate ladder ? why, so HR can fire us ? Go to college ? why, so we can be told we're toxic rapists ? Yea, nice world we live in ...

I'm shocked the sui-rate, or ER-rate isn't tripple what it is. We've had our livelihood ripped away.
It never really began. You weren't equipped with the tools to progress your life further so it has stayed stagnant
Yes, i honestly think i won't make in 2 years, my life is fucking pathetic and miserable only death can free me from this pain

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