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Any of you studied philosophy or anything related to politics?

  • Thread starter blackbabooneykiller
  • Start date


Aug 14, 2024
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
Ah yes, the intellectual that got into uni for something unrelated to STEM is the type of poster we should listen to.

We are against socialism because it demonstrably doesn't work, it never has and it never will. It just destroys wealth and dooms the country that practices it to poverty.

Person with nazi imagery in his pfp complaining about too much jew hate... that's a good goof, to be fair.
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
Clearly you don't have much knowledge of philosophy because socialism is an outgrowth of humanizing liberal principles. Also you are a ZOGbot.

I am a socialist though.
We are against socialism because it demonstrably doesn't work, it never has and it never will. It just destroys wealth and dooms the country that practices it to poverty.
Speak for yourself, the USSR experienced economic growth during the Great Depression era when the rest of the western world and the Americas were reeling from the market crashes

Socialism is the most maligned ideology in the west because it challenges the authority of the kike capitalists who run the unipolar world order
Speak for yourself, the USSR experienced economic growth during the Great Depression era when the rest of the western world and the Americas were reeling from the market crashes
All the economic results you can pull up are meaningless compared to the brutal oppression of the people. Technocrats don't care about the people, though.
Socialism is the most maligned ideology in the west because it challenges the authority of the kike capitalists who run the unipolar world order
JFL, the kikes just want communism, see the 2030 Great Reset, it's all about renting, leasing rather than private property. Not to mention taxing the shit out of wealth creators by deploying carbon tax, inheritance tax, etc. Mate you're misinformed, you're the one batting for the international elite.
All the economic results you can pull up are meaningless compared to the brutal oppression of the people. Technocrats don't care about the people, though.
What about the brutal oppression of people under capitalism? The triumph of free-market lassiez faire capitalism is one marked by bloodshed and violence. Read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. Also capitalism in Weimerica in its current state is ruled by technocrats/oligarchs.
JFL, the kikes just want communism, see the 2030 Great Reset, it's all about renting, leasing rather than private property. Not to mention taxing the shit out of wealth creators by deploying carbon tax, inheritance tax, etc. Mate you're misinformed, you're the one batting for the international elite.
The Great Reset isn't communism, it's slavery. Communism is common ownership of property. If we attained communism, the kikes wouldn't have any power, since the kikes rely on kike-only ownership and wealth flowing only through Jewish hands. They want property controlled in the hands of an (((elite))) where the majority of people (i.e., 97% of people) are enslaved renters. That isn't communism, it's transition from a capitalist mode of production back to one based on slavery!
Read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.
Captura de pantalla 2024 08 23 175828

3508439399 fab030ceed

Foid author.

I concede this argument since I don't got the time to read a whole ass book. Internet arguments never lead to a solution anyways, it's just an IQmogging proxy.
3508439399 fab030ceed

Foid author.

I concede this argument since I don't got the time to read a whole ass book. Internet arguments never lead to a solution anyways, it's just an IQmogging proxy.
lol the last statement is pure FAX!!!
Ah yes, the intellectual that got into uni for something unrelated to STEM is the type of poster we should listen to.

We are against socialism because it demonstrably doesn't work, it never has and it never will. It just destroys wealth and dooms the country that practices it to poverty.

Person with nazi imagery in his pfp complaining about too much jew hate... that's a good goof, to be fair.
Socialism doesnt work? So explain me, why the fuck we dont live in a anarcho capitalist state right now? Not even usa, every country has socialist laws to certain point. "Ah yes, the intellectual that got into uni for something unrelated to STEM is the type of poster we should listen to." i didnt even study anything in uni, im intersted in philosophy. So shut the fuck up with your hasty conclusions mother fucking scumbag.
"It just destroys wealth and dooms the country that practices it to poverty." Sure thing buddy... again look at your country laws and say me if its an anarcho capitalist country. Not to mention, for example with cuba, usa pressured the socialists goverments and even killed some leaders. In the congo for example. Retarded liberal, check a little bit of history and your own country laws, and also see how wonderful capitalism and liberalism. Not surprised to see this kind of stupid reasonings from somebody who watch degenerate drawings for kids.
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
I study Nazi Esotericism
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
Wtf is there to study? Useless anyway.
Socialism doesnt work? So explain me, why the fuck we dont live in a anarcho capitalist state right now? Not even usa, every country has socialist laws to certain point.
An anarcho capitalist commune would be annexed by a state because it has no (good) military. Nothing to do with socialism or ancap, it's just a game theory problem.

There being socialist laws doesn't prove your point btw, they're there because foids and leftists vote them in. Any state would be objectively better off without them. Planned economies are the likes of Venezuela, Laos and Zimbabwe which flounder, whereas the freest economies would be Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Singapore which are healthy in economic factors.
Sure thing buddy... again look at your country laws and say me if its an anarcho capitalist country. Not to mention, for example with cuba, usa pressured the socialists goverments and even killed some leaders. In the congo for example. Retarded liberal, check a little bit of history and your own country laws, and also see how wonderful capitalism and liberalism.
If the USA glowies are so good at their jobs then why did Castro live?
I don't know about liberalism being wonderful because I never even claimed that it was.
Why are you studying what others have left when you can create new ones yourself?
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
Socialism doesnt work? So explain me, why the fuck we dont live in a anarcho capitalist state right now? Not even usa, every country has socialist laws to certain point. "Ah yes, the intellectual that got into uni for something unrelated to STEM is the type of poster we should listen to." i didnt even study anything in uni, im intersted in philosophy. So shut the fuck up with your hasty conclusions mother fucking scumbag.
"It just destroys wealth and dooms the country that practices it to poverty." Sure thing buddy... again look at your country laws and say me if its an anarcho capitalist country. Not to mention, for example with cuba, usa pressured the socialists goverments and even killed some leaders. In the congo for example. Retarded liberal, check a little bit of history and your own country laws, and also see how wonderful capitalism and liberalism. Not surprised to see this kind of stupid reasonings from somebody who watch degenerate drawings for kids.
>Complains about people not knowing much about philosophy and politics, and how most haven't studied it, while admitting he hasn't studied anything in uni.
>Complains about hate towards Israel, while having a Nazi pfp.
>Joined: Ten days ago.

@Fat Link @Dregster @proudweeb @Uggo Mongo This lame troll needs to be taken out back with the 12 gauge modgun. This subforum needs stricter controls, tbhngl.
>Complains about people not knowing much about philosophy and politics, and how most haven't studied it, while admitting he hasn't studied anything in uni.
>Complains about hate towards Israel, while having a Nazi pfp.
>Joined: Ten days ago.

@Fat Link @Dregster @proudweeb @Uggo Mongo This lame troll needs to be taken out back with the 12 gauge modgun. This subforum needs stricter controls, tbhngl.
1. Oh my god seriously i have to explain this you fucking lobotomized useless sack of meat? Not studying on university is not = not knowing about something, you fucking braindead trash. And even if you were right, being hypocrite is not against the rules single braincelled subhuman.
2. Yes and? Its clear is fucking irony. And again, not against the rules you retard oh my fucking god.
3. You clearly butthurt im critizising your fucking liberal/nihilistic/anti realism/moral relativist beliefs.

So go fuck yourself, i get bullied and now i have to deal with scumbags trying to bully on internet? I didnt break any rule so shut the fuck up filthy miger.
ye, political science
1. Oh my god seriously i have to explain this you fucking lobotomized useless sack of meat? Not studying on university is not = not knowing about something, you fucking braindead trash. And even if you were right, being hypocrite is not against the rules single braincelled subhuman.
Don't care, doesn't matter. The whole point of studying this shit at uni instead of independently is to verify that you understand what you're studying. You can study anything on your own, but until you get tested on it by people who know their shit, you can't prove you understand it.

You're blowing hot air.

2. Yes and? Its clear is fucking irony. And again, not against the rules you retard oh my fucking god.
Oh yes, profile pictures. Very ironic.

So go fuck yourself, i get bullied and now i have to deal with scumbags trying to bully on internet? I didnt break any rule so shut the fuck up filthy miger.
You're either an idiot or a troll, but fortunately for you it's easier to prove that you're not a troll.

3. You clearly butthurt im critizising your fucking liberal/nihilistic/anti realism/moral relativist beliefs.

So just an idiot then.
I study Nazi Esotericism

seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.

Capitalism and Socialism are two sides of the same gay Jewish sheckel.
Economic systems exist to serve a nation and its people, first and foremost; the people don't exist to be slaves to an economic system run by people who don't have any vested interest in the well being of their communities.

While international corporate conglomorates continue to export your local labor and destroy your culture by replacing it with consumerism and brands, destroying your sense of social duty and moral virtue, basic social rules that create a high trust and functional society where you can trust your local construction man to build a beautiful functional bridge and trust your neighbor to not rape your kids for babysitting purposes, and when your society starts getting mentally ill up the fucking asshole due to shitty social policy and the complete atomization of the individual, what's the capitalist / socialist solution? The international businessmen decides to replace your indigenous population with foreigners and make your country a living hellscape / zoo.

All the while this is happening, you retards are still debating about "muh free markets, human beings have selfish nature " vs. "well the Soviet Union had some merits and Stalin wasn't such a bad guy, muh real communism wasn't tried" like can you fucking realize that this intellectual dissassociated autism doesn't actually solve or help your nation in any meaningful way?

People aren't Platonic automons who debate philosophical paradigms and than implement those paradigms perfectly - we have needs, wants, desires, and one of those is to be a part of a family and community who loves us for who we are from our hair to our feet.

Neither capitalism nor socialism give a shit about those wants or needs. Why? Because they are Jewish philosophical inventions that are ultimately rooted in universalist Abrahamic mythology which disdains and despises communities and families since the time of the 2nd Temple Period. A mythology that has been weaponized to justify all kinds of abuse and fragmentation of communities by the powers that be, i.e., Jews, and tries to root society in every and any kind of pathological intellectualization than what a nation should be rooted in - your family, your history, your culture, your blood and your soil.
Last edited:
philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all).
Degrees where you don’t need to do any maths isn’t worth doing. You can just learn it by reading Wikipedia.
There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point.
Most users here support sexual communism including me. We need to seize the means of reproduction.
Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
Kikes stole something that doesn’t belong to them, are the centre of evil. Muslims are the only group that puts foids on a leash
Degrees where you don’t need to do any maths isn’t worth doing. You can just learn it by reading Wikipedia.
I hope you're not throwing philosophy in that bunch, buddy boyo. :feelswhere:
I hope you're not throwing philosophy in that bunch, buddy boyo. :feelswhere:
Well tbh I don’t understand what philosophy really is and apparently the foid percentage in philosophy is similar to STEM so I guess it is somewhat based
Political science and philosophy are hippie stoner degrees kek
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
I am proficient in INGSOC philosophy. I love it.
You can study anything on your own, but until you get tested on it by people who know their shit, you can't prove you understand it.
Totally wrong, not even gonna bother on explaining shit seen your null logical abilities retarded scumbag.
You're blowing hot air.
Sure, says the enraged ape that comes out of nowhere demanding my ban for your belief of me being wrong with a statement/being hypocrite.
Oh yes, profile pictures. Very ironic.
Prove it isnt ironic retarded single celled sack of meat, and again not against the rules so you can go suck a miger.
So just an idiot then.
Yeah sure. Get lost and hopefully shot by a firing squad (in minecraft) worthless scumbag.
Kikes stole something that doesn’t belong to them, are the centre of evil. Muslims are the only group that puts foids on a leash
Not really, if you are a sub5 aspie in iran you have the same posibilities of getting pussy than on any other country
Not really, if you are a sub5 aspie in iran you have the same posibilities of getting pussy than on any other country
I was talking about putting foids on a leash, not getting pussy. You should have learned to respond in your liberal arts degree
Sophist cynical retarded.
No it's true. Their campus buildings are full of guys with dreadlocks and hobo beards while foids have half their head shaved and the other half dyed in wacky colors. And pretty much all of them are either commies, anarchists or in antifa.
No it's true. Their campus buildings are full of guys with dreadlocks and hobo beards while foids have half their head shaved and the other half dyed in wacky colors. And pretty much all of them are either commies, anarchists or in antifa.
Ad hominen against philosophy
Totally wrong, not even gonna bother on explaining shit seen your null logical abilities retarded scumbag.
There's nothing to explain, because you can't.

Sure, says the enraged ape that comes out of nowhere demanding my ban for your belief of me being wrong with a statement/being hypocrite.
No. I called for your GrAYass to get banned because you're a troll.

Prove it isnt ironic
What's ironic is that you're complaining about being bullied and others using ad hominems, while spewing caustic bile like these:

retarded single celled sack of meat, and again not against the rules so you can go suck a miger.
Yeah sure. Get lost and hopefully shot by a firing squad (in minecraft) worthless scumbag.
Sophist cynical retarded.
You're just another basic bitch, GrAYass troll who's here to take the piss and start shit. This is why I called for your head.
There's nothing to explain, because you can't.
Hasty conclusion, again proving you have null logical abilities, so shut the fuck up and get lost instead of ranting irrational dumb shit monkey.
No. I called for your GrAYass to get banned because you're a troll.
A troll? For what, for having a meme PFP? For not believing in dogshit irrational ilogical proofless anti jew conspirancy? For saying most of people i seen here havent studied a minimum of politics/philosophy? Yeah sure, keep seething go watch your copium hezbollah edits.
You're just another basic bitch
Sure thing buddy... Not going to lose my time more on interacting with you, your brain barely has more logical abilities than a gorila and im not willing to go into loopholes or teach you fucking basic logic.
Get lost and hopefully shot by a firing squad worthless scumbag (in minecraft),
What's ironic is that you're complaining about being bullied and others using ad hominems, while spewing caustic bile like these:
Mhm, youre not answering my question to divert to something else TOTALLY irrelevant you useless piece of shit. Yes i complain about being bullied, but if you fucking come with your baboon mouth degenerate ignorant irrational piece of shit, im going to respond harsh. And of course, nocive for society trash like you MUST be shot by a firing squad, with 12 gauge shells at the abdomen to cut you in half kill you from bleeding out, in minecraft.
seen this section of the forum seems like most of you dont know a lot about philosophy and politics nor there is much people that studied it (if anything at all). There is some retards that are against socialism... completely stupid given the fact that liberalism and capitalism caused most of the scumbaggery that made us all incel at some point. Also too much hate to the jews, yes israel is a liberal country, but just like usa and europe, i dont see anything special on them to hate, in fact they are doing well exterminating those muslim degenerate miggers, and they have some cool technological projects.
I agree.

I have degrees in theology, philosophy and geopolitics.
Ah yes, the intellectual that got into uni for something unrelated to STEM is the type of poster we should listen to.

We are against socialism because it demonstrably doesn't work, it never has and it never will. It just destroys wealth and dooms the country that practices it to poverty.

Person with nazi imagery in his pfp complaining about too much jew hate... that's a good goof, to be fair.
Socialism is garbage, I was born in a socialist country. The only positive thjing it had (and this contradicted the early Lenin era views of "free love") was that sexual liberation did take place, but we were simply lagging behind the West. East Germany had a higher TFR than West Germany until 1988, but that was the only accomplishment this country could brag with.
No it's true. Their campus buildings are full of guys with dreadlocks and hobo beards while foids have half their head shaved and the other half dyed in wacky colors. And pretty much all of them are either commies, anarchists or in antifa.
These are not true commies, tho. In the West, the only genuine marxist-leninist-stalinist party with a constant parliamentary presence is the Greek communist Party. Unsurprisingly, all of its MPs voted (just like the far-right) against the same-sex marriage bill, unlike these weirdo fake commies (Syriza in that case) that you mention. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Greece#Passage_of_legislation_in_2024
Hasty conclusion, again proving you have null logical abilities, so shut the fuck up and get lost instead of ranting irrational dumb shit monkey.
No, fuck you, I'm not letting you off that easy. Explain it, motherfucker. You can't, because you don't know shit. You're just an ass wart who's posturing.

A troll? For what, for having a meme PFP? For not believing in dogshit irrational ilogical proofless anti jew conspirancy? For saying most of people i seen here havent studied a minimum of politics/philosophy? Yeah sure, keep seething go watch your copium hezbollah edits.
Kike detected, opinion rejected.

Sure thing buddy... Not going to lose my time more on interacting with you, your brain barely has more logical abilities than a gorila and im not willing to go into loopholes or teach you fucking basic logic.
Get lost and hopefully shot by a firing squad worthless scumbag (in minecraft),
Yes, you are. You're just here to troll and start shit. You wouldn't pass up an opportunity to be more of a vitriolic a cunt.

Mhm, youre not answering my question to divert to something else TOTALLY irrelevant you useless piece of shit. Yes i complain about being bullied, but if you fucking come with your baboon mouth degenerate ignorant irrational piece of shit, im going to respond harsh. And of course, nocive for society trash like you MUST be shot by a firing squad, with 12 gauge shells at the abdomen to cut you in half kill you from bleeding out, in minecraft.
That was not a question, you degenerate mongoloid. JFL
No, fuck you, I'm not letting you off that easy. Explain it, motherfucker. You can't, because you don't know shit. You're just an ass wart who's posturing.
You can absolutely learn stuff without getting tested to verify it, there is so much examples of this, really i have to fucking explain you this utterly obvious thing? Retard baboon.
Kike detected, opinion rejected.
Yep, i destroyed your statements and now you fallback to say gen z degenerate lobotomized shit.
Yes, you are. You're just here to troll and start shit. You wouldn't pass up an opportunity to be more of a vitriolic a cunt.
Mhm... You are a enraged gorila trying to get me banned because i dont share your irrational baseless conspiracy shit. Not gonna repeat my words, i already said why i am not a troll and you just ignore the statement because i destroyed it and you dont want to accept it to not hurt your baboon social status/ego.
Nigga get lost, defeinetly not gonna lose my time more on this useless shit
That was not a question, you degenerate mongoloid. JFL
Mhm... using the same ad silentio shit logic you use, then you are the "ass wart who's posturing." because you cant fucking prove my pfp isnt ironic. Instead, you dodge it at all cost. Dont even bother on responding me i wont give a fuck of your irrational enraged ape rant
Mhm... using the same ad silentio shit logic you use, then you are the "ass wart who's posturing." because you cant fucking prove my pfp isnt ironic. Instead, you dodge it at all cost. Dont even bother on responding me i wont give a fuck of your irrational enraged ape rant
Not feeding the troll anymore. Please kys.
I read NS Literature and that’s it. I’ve also got a few bodybuilding and weight loss books but I never read the bastards.

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