YYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH. That's sort of been happening with me. I live with 2, both are chaddish, one is actually like a nice, normal dude. He's pretty low key and easy going. He has "normie" tendencies, has a gf, cute one too, and like I have had no problems with him. Do I have some insecurities/jealousies? A tad, but like nothing unmangeable.
This other dude though, idk if it's me in some ways, we barely talk, I chalk that up to different schedules and lifestyles/not the most in common. I mean, I never had it in for this guy, but, and this could be my paranoia, he seems to have it in for me. It started last year when my other 2 previous roommates, one who is a friend who got me the place, like with him, and the other girl, yes I lived with a woman haha, she was pretty cool, tad quirky, but like, nothing devastating, she had a bf though :-(, they moved out, we had some subletters which uh, things did not go well with them. They were not who they said they were and were con-artisty. After that, I almost got kicked out for having too much stuff. It went well. There was a minor, minor issue with me moving some stuff into the living room due to a misunderstanding, it was after he nicely re-did it. But nothing like terrible. And like maybe it's been my anxieties, but he's had it in for me. There was an incident involving an overflowed toilet, my fault, and the uh downstairs ceiling being affected, and I overheard them the day after saying something about the landlady cleaning me out. I may have misheard and was like on no sleep and hyper anxious at the time. But I am pretty sure I know what I heard.
Oh and last Sat, it looked like he had this guy over signing up for a room. I didn't have time to inquire, but am sort of what the fucked over it? Oh plus I have heard him and gf having sex at times. That didn't help.
Well, me and the guy who seems to have it in for me, we moved in together around the same time.