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Serious Any of you guys consider joining the military?



Feb 5, 2018
It would put you in shape, give you a job, and give you a halo effect on woman who like military men. Also if you go to combat you get the chance of dieing in an "honorable" death (more respectable than a lonely suicide) if thats what you want. Also it might give you friends during bootcamp.

I thought about it and am still considering for after uni. I just hope to get laid by some crazy chance in uni so I don't die a virgin, but that might just be too hopeful imo cause I'm running out of hope.

So would you guys consider it or have you?
Why would you die for people who hate you lmao
I too have a romantic view of military service and the possibility of a warrior's death, but those values are dead so long as USA is Israel's de-facto vassal state.
I'll join the space force, I get to personally see Earth from space, jfl at one of my dreams
I would literally die. Im not built for it, I doubt I could even handle a rifle.
no better than suicide imo

At least if you suicide then you arent dieing for filthy Normies and slutty foids all who are repulsed by you.
At least if you suicide then you arent dieing for filthy Normies and slutty foids all who are repulsed by you.
what? thats exactly what you are doing. You are willing yourself because they pushed you to that point that might even be worse
I thought about joining the USMC when I was 18. I got an 85 on the ASVAB, I think that qualified me for most jobs. But I was too much of a pussy to leave my family and be alone for once. I wouldn't be able to make friends there anyway.

Looking back, I should have done it. I played a lot of shooters as a kid and just want wanted the opportunity to shoot shit and blow shit.
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what? thats exactly what you are doing. You are willing yourself because they pushed you to that point that might even be worse

You can go die for ur precious little nation that doesn't give a single fuck about incels if u like, I will just rot
You can go die for ur precious little nation that doesn't give a single fuck about incels if u like, I will just rot
lol why so triggered, are you just too pussy to actually take a life lol. I aint saying you should join nigga, you just mad suicide is just as bad
I played a lot of shooters as a kid and just want wanted the opportunity to shoot shit and blow shit.

This is the main reason I want to join, I want to test my valor and see if I truly am comfortable with the idea of death
After any phisical or psicological test, they would know i cant fit and reject me.
Failed bct, for the us army. Joined because I was gonna get kicked out, but looking back im glad I failed. Fuck all the exercise and shit, way to stressful being a grunt for the government. While basic combat training was a mixture of interesting, stressful and misery all rolled up and condensed into a 3 month period. It was fascinating to get a first hand look at the process of turning a civilian into a soldier. It's surprisingly simple, just exhausting. If your not physically and mentally prepared for it, chances are you'll fail. I was in crunches around the half way point and was unable to continue from there but still stuck around for the full 3 months, just not as a trainee.
I tried enlisting at one point being unemployed for a few years and having no job prospects, I was too honest and told them all my medical problems like I have asthma and also that I sleep walk, so they basically just denied me going any further. Looking back i'm glad I didn't get in, serving in the military is just dying for govts./big corporation interests, I'm not throwing my life away for some warhawk politician. It was also a few years before 9/11 so I would probably have been shipped to iraq if I was still in, and what a clusterfuck that turned out to be.
lul at being american mercenary on service for jews
(((They))) really have no use for liberalism and democracy, but they're conquering the world in the name of liberalism and democracy.

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lol why so triggered, are you just too pussy to actually take a life lol. I aint saying you should join nigga, you just mad suicide is just as bad

Nope, I just don't want to die for people who hate me. You can go die to defend femenism and your degenerate western country. Die for the politicians who see you as expendable.

Sorry m8, but joining the military is cucked most of the time. I once though about it, as some sort of adventure, but it's not worth it lol, if I want an adventure I could buy a plane ticket and tour Europe or something
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I got out of the army in 2015. Was in the 101st airborne
Fuck the US military I aint dying for Chad and Stacy.
Why the fuck would I fight against sand niggers while stacy is getting her 3rd cock of the day by some douche bully Chad?

I rather put that bullet to good use and ingrain it into Chad's head.
I thought about it. I have potential. I would love training hard, going to some shit hole for one hell of a fire fight, survive and fuck a poor hook. If I fall then meh. I tried.

But I have a good reason not to join. I am too high IQ. I know (((who))) really benefits from my effort and blood
more benefits in joining a foreign legion tbh
(((They))) really have no use for liberalism and democracy, but they're conquering the world in the name of liberalism and democracy.

View attachment 4417

What's hilarious is that Americunts are spreading "democracy" while "democracy" doesn't even work in their own country, JFL @ letting the presidential candidate with 3 million lesser votes win. They are just serving (((them))).
I'd be happy to join an army that fought for what I believe in. But war was never about that, even the crusades were about personal gain. America is cucked to shit by the dirty Jews. When a nation that America doesn't like does something bad they use it as an excuse to declare war, when the Jews destroy Palestinian homes and spread their plague there no one bats an eye.
I'd be happy to join an army that fought for what I believe in. But war was never about that, even the crusades were about personal gain. America is cucked to shit by the dirty Jews. When a nation that America doesn't like does something bad they use it as an excuse to declare war, when the Jews destroy Palestinian homes and spread their plague there no one bats an eye.

This is exactly why the rest of the world and I hate Americunts.
Also, you can't even enjoy the spoils of victory. If you get caught raping some foreign Stacy in her mudhut you are seen as the bad guy, even though you just almost died so Stacys and Chads could fuck eachother without worry.
There was a point before I shipped off to college where I considered running away and joining the Foreign Legion. Missed my chance and now I'm too fat to join, even if I could somehow pass any of the fitness tests.
I tried but I after a few weeks in army boot camp I said fuck it and quit.
You would probably die and only your mom would cry.
I've thought that too, at least I can die doing something good.
There's a good scholarship for my profession if you join the military, I'm really considering it.
no id be bullyed by the other soldiers and they would friendly fire on me
But don't you have to join the millitary for a really long period of time for that?

IIRC the time you serve is the amount of time you were in the program. So if you were in the program for 4 years, and do a 3 year residency, you would be there for 7 years. But you basically have everything paid for and get paid extra for residency. The minimum requirement, I think, is 2 years.
What's hilarious is that Americunts are spreading "democracy" while "democracy" doesn't even work in their own country, JFL @ letting the presidential candidate with 3 million lesser votes win. They are just serving (((them))).

Crony democracy that empowers morons so the wealthy can continue to screw them over. The nation's are no different than giant gangs now. It's all a force but worse a force that doesn't benefit the common man besides a few benefits and them trying to dump you after you've been a good cuck.

Also, you can't even enjoy the spoils of victory. If you get caught raping some foreign Stacy in her mudhut you are seen as the bad guy, even though you just almost died so Stacys and Chads could fuck eachother without worry.

Back in the Yee old era this was the only reason guys joined the military. Even ugly guys had a chance at a steady paycheck, a chance at getting a woman, shiny baubles and travel while putting their lives on the line and for some it was better than ldar.
IIRC the time you serve is the amount of time you were in the program. So if you were in the program for 4 years, and do a 3 year residency, you would be there for 7 years. But you basically have everything paid for and get paid extra for residency. The minimum requirement, I think, is 2 years.
Oh lol then it's easy. The German government forces you to serve for 18 years if you want to stidy medicine through the millitary.
Oh lol then it's easy. The German government forces you to serve for 18 years if you want to stidy medicine through the millitary.

Here in the US we have a medical school for the military as well, I don't know the specific timeline of serving after finishing school through that system.

But yeah, 18 years is a really long time.
I did it. Most chad branch of them all, too (USMC). Didn't get laid but it helped me greatly in other ways. My only regret is waiting until I was 20 to join.
too crazy, but i wouldnt mind dying on the end of a pike

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