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Discussion Any former fatcels who are now at normal weight, how did you lose it and how is your experience now? Do you think it was worth it?



St. JackieArklövcel
Sep 10, 2019
I'm talking about former fatcels who are still incels of course. What motivated you to lose the weight and how did you managed to do it? Even if foids still rejected you, did you at least noticed anything positive about your weight loss? Would you say it was worth it or would you just go back to bloatmaxxing again?

I'm asking because since I left high school and during the pandemic I've been bloatmaxxing now that I've been LDARing in my room since I've been using food as cope and I don't have much opportunity to go outside since my parents won't let me (I was still overweight beforehand but not obese since I did a lot of parkor and urban exploring and worked out at the school gym, and inb4 fatcel = volcel even when I wasn't this obese I still never got attention from girls and I'm stuck at 5'3). I tried cutting my food comsumption for a year and I've managed to lose some weight, but now I've been relapsing in my eating habits. I don't have the motivation since I barely go outside for me to care how other people see me, I'm depressed, and food is a very hard addiction to overcome with how easily accessible it is and not doing something else with keeping your mind off of it. I'm just stuck in my comfort zone because I mind sees no reason to step out of it.

Though my reason for wanting to lose weight is because if I was at normal weight, I know that I would have a much better self-esteem and I wouldn't be as depressed and feel disgusted about myself. I also want to be physically capable. Being fat doesn't just affect your appearance, it also affects your health and your mobility, and thus your ability to deal with an emergency, self-defense or survival situation. Seriously, who wants to be carrying around 100+ lbs of extra fucking weight every time they move around?

I also don't want to end up like one of those 600+lbs people who are so fat they can't even get up from their beds to take a shit. Now I would really be fucked and it would be much harder for me to lose weight than if I started now. I feel like if I don't let go to current habits, this is how I will end up. I don't want to fucking die before I'm 30.

And also inb4 "foids still won't fuck you bro, losing weight is not worth it might as well cope by eating whatever you want until you rope", so what if foids still won't pay attention to me? I am not doing this for foids, I am doing this for myself so that at least I can have better self-confidence in my body and in my abilities. At least this is something that I can change and no one else will mock me for having a moral failing. If they shit on me for anything else, it will be a judgement on their character and not mine.

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Fasting and keto. It was worth it, I don't sweat too much, movement is easier and thoughts sharper.
eat only one meal a day
eat only one meal a day
When I move back to my home country, I'm just gonna eat once a day there and fast during the weekends. I already have stopped drinking soda. Also less people, so I'll have more opportunty to go outside.
How long did that took you?
On keto + warrior diet (4 hour eating window) my tempo of weight loss was approximately 2-3 kilos (5-6 pounds) a week.
On dry fasting I was losing 1-1,5 kilos (2-3 pounds) a day. After breaking the fast I usually regained one day's worth of dry fasting.

I needed to drop 15 kilos so I did, by combining those methods with some light weight lifting.
I used to be fat as shit when I was a kid. Around the time puberty started I decided I needed to lose weight (I was severely overweight at the time).

I ended up losing around 30 kilos within a year and I went down from like 85 kilos to about 55 kilos.

People treated me even worse after that lmao. :lul:
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I'm 5'6 with autism so even if i lost weight it would still be massively over for me
I'm 5'6 with autism so even if i lost weight it would still be massively over for me
Still worth it to lose it all dude. Don't do it for pussy, do it for your health and self-esteem.
I started off just cutting out junk food. Then I cut out bread, added sugar, and rice. Then I started fasting, then I started going keto, now I'm doing keto one meal a day. The only way to do one meal a day keto properly is to take mct oil (C8 or C10), and EAAs (essential amino acids) as a pre meal before the main meal. When I have my daily meal I take it with 3 grams of leucine to 4x the protein in the meal, so even though I only eat 50 grams of protein a day it gets multiplied and becomes 150 grams a day.
I'm talking about former fatcels who are still incels of course. What motivated you to lose the weight and how did you managed to do it?
I'll tell you when I get there OP, I build some muss and hold the line against becoming further obese but I'm still a chunky sweaty fuck
Yeah I was 208 two years back. Within four months I got down to 163(normal BMI for my height). That was with OMAD(one meal day) and walking/jogging a 7.5 mile route daily. Cutting out soda and junk food made my skin clear up, my teeth appear much whiter, and I don’t feel sick 24/7 anymore. I quit it for a while and regained some weight but have since got back down. I’m currently doing 4 day fasts, eating window, fast, eating, and then back to the four days. Mixing in aerobic exercise.
Try doing keto pescatarian omad 4/7 days and on work out days have an mct oil and EAA pre workout supplement meal to make sure you retain muscle and have more fat fuel. You don't need the EAAs or mct oil 3/7 days if you're above 15% body fat, because your body will have enough fat stores to do omad every day without losing muscle.
It's totally worth it. Was a former fatty weighing close to 110 kg. Went to gym, focussed on cardio and weight training exercises. Also followed a strict diet & did intermittent fasting. Completely gave up on sweets, Bakery foods, ice cream and other junk food. I took my 3 months to slim down to 74 kg.
Alright thanks bro. I am already pescatarian(don’t eat fish much, but it’s the only “meat” I ever eat). What is mct and EAA?
EAAs are essential amino acids, there are 9 of them. I'd say all of them are important except isoleucine and valine. You can use 3 grams of leucine with a protein meal to 4x the protein, I only have 50 grams of protein a day but with leucine it makes it 200. Mct oil is fat you can use while fasting to give you more energy, and keep you from losing muscle during a long fast and won't spike insulin like carbs and protein.

View: https://youtu.be/K36bTrn0S5Y

View: https://youtu.be/khyBJRPmZkY

View: https://youtu.be/gzSTyxWYei0
When I was still fat, they only made fun of my weight. Now that I lost some weight, they now only make fun of my face. :feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh:
being normal size helps lending into the backround. fat ppl are usually a big target ., not desirable for anyone from what ive seen. its usually seen as "his fault' for being fat like you comitted a crime against humanaity so you attract rude nasty people who feel entitled to mistreat you.
I'm talking about former fatcels who are still incels of course. What motivated you to lose the weight and how did you managed to do it? Even if foids still rejected you, did you at least noticed anything positive about your weight loss? Would you say it was worth it or would you just go back to bloatmaxxing again?

I'm asking because since I left high school and during the pandemic I've been bloatmaxxing now that I've been LDARing in my room since I've been using food as cope and I don't have much opportunity to go outside since my parents won't let me (I was still overweight beforehand but not obese since I did a lot of parkor and urban exploring and worked out at the school gym, and inb4 fatcel = volcel even when I wasn't this obese I still never got attention from girls and I'm stuck at 5'3). I tried cutting my food comsumption for a year and I've managed to lose some weight, but now I've been relapsing in my eating habits. I don't have the motivation since I barely go outside for me to care how other people see me, I'm depressed, and food is a very hard addiction to overcome with how easily accessible it is and not doing something else with keeping your mind off of it. I'm just stuck in my comfort zone because I mind sees no reason to step out of it.

Though my reason for wanting to lose weight is because if I was at normal weight, I know that I would have a much better self-esteem and I wouldn't be as depressed and feel disgusted about myself. I also want to be physically capable. Being fat doesn't just affect your appearance, it also affects your health and your mobility, and thus your ability to deal with an emergency, self-defense or survival situation. Seriously, who wants to be carrying around 100+ lbs of extra fucking weight every time they move around?

I also don't want to end up like one of those 600+lbs people who are so fat they can't even get up from their beds to take a shit. Now I would really be fucked and it would be much harder for me to lose weight than if I started now. I feel like if I don't let go to current habits, this is how I will end up. I don't want to fucking die before I'm 30.

And also inb4 "foids still won't fuck you bro, losing weight is not worth it might as well cope by eating whatever you want until you rope", so what if foids still won't pay attention to me? I am not doing this for foids, I am doing this for myself so that at least I can have better self-confidence in my body and in my abilities. At least this is something that I can change and no one else will mock me for having a moral failing. If they shit on me for anything else, it will be a judgement on their character and not mine.

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65,000 surgical procedure called a gastric bypass :feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
What about loose skin. Fuk 135kg.

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