College ain't bad once you get over the brutal black pill that the top 20% of the student body in looks formally separates themselves from you via Greek culture. If you go to a big enough school there are plenty of other incels and people doing their own thing that coping isn't too hard. It almost feels nice to get lost in the anonymity of huge crowds in lecture halls and around campus. You aren't forced to interact with anyone you don't want to as long as you are smart enough to avoid classes/majors that heavily emphasize group work. Also it ain't bad if you cope with studying something you truly like and cope that you'll have a good job one day.
The harder blackpill is the job. You are forced to interact with everyone. The chads from your major that you avoided are now upstaging you in company meetings with their looks. The roasties that somehow got HR jobs now have the power to axe you if your incel engineer ass creates creepy vibes with anyone. You realize the spontaneous looksbased hierarchies aren't just the result of kids being immature. It is the fundamental principle on which the world operates. Chad swiftly moves up the corporate ladder and has a robust social life, while you learn to show up and shut up. You report to the same chair for two and a half decades and rot in loneliness when you finally stroke out in your bathroom at age 50, only to have your decaying body discovered several weeks later because your neighbors noticed the smell.