Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

anti-incel FAQ



Jan 8, 2022
Frequently asked questions by anti-incels

Why not just go outside and talk to women?
Because women are likely to friendzone you and never consider you in a relationship anyway.

"The study also found that 75.2% of exclusively heterosexual males have been friend-zoned before"

additionally, asking women out for a relationship even after you have talked to her she would think of you as a 'creep' and would stop seeing you as a friend. Damn if we approach and damn if we don't approach. not worth risking getting humiliated countless times and if unlucky, getting falsely accused of sexual harassment or beaten up by simps.

Why not just go to the gym and shower alot?
Alot of incels believe it or not, do it but nothing changes. Why? because being hygienic and excercising won't modify your genes to be attractive. Women only care about genetic traits such as race, height, and bone structure.

White men get the best when it comes to the attractive scale and asian men have it the worst.


Why not just avoid women and just focus on yourself?
We do that, but it's not helping. Even if we actively choose to not care about women, we subconsciously feel a mental toll because of that. It's impossible to avoid our biological instinct.

Why not just see women as people?
This question stems from naivety with the assumption that women are after guys that are kind to them and treat them well. When you see a misogynist racist man or a bully get laid do you think the women cared about what he thought? No, they only liked him because he was physically attractive to her.

Why not just work to acquire a lot of money and get an education?
The women that are after these type of guys are golddiggers that do not truly love the man. We're aware of tradcopers that think this way but they do not realize that the said women are only after your money and not you as a person. They would gladly divorce you or cheat on you with another man.

Why not just pay for a prostitute?
The prosititute does not love you and is only after your money. Prostitution is also illegal in many countries.

What do you think about the patriarchy?
It no longer exists. Female privilege is much more common as evident by how they're not included in the draft, the men they desire they can easily get due to the overall low expectations of women, how women are allowed to be weak and still be nurtured and protected by men, and how men always go out of their way to ensure that random women live better lives than them. Men also put down other men whenever they are trying to attract a woman. Overall, men are treated like disposable cogs in a machine while womens lives are valued very much
I disagree that even half of the people here lift and follow hygiene.
JBW, JBB, JBA, JBS, all cope theories when applied here become we are the bottom of the barrel when we are on this website.
you get the point though

We need to put a concerted effort towards physical self improvement to the test. If nothing else, it'll weed out the fakecels. I'm pretty sure being clean, groomed, and fit will get most men something if he keeps looking. If you do these things and are still getting nothing, then you're an incel.
We need to put a concerted effort towards physical self improvement to the test. If nothing else, it'll weed out the fakecels. I'm pretty sure being clean, groomed, and fit will get most men something if he keeps looking. If you do these things and are still getting nothing, then you're an incel.
yeah me and my brother gymmaxxed and after years nothing came out of it
Why not just see women as people?
I hate this one so much because it implies women would even want to talk to us. They’re so conceited in their own world they can’t even fathom that women would just rather not associate with us
We need to put a concerted effort towards physical self improvement to the test. If nothing else, it'll weed out the fakecels. I'm pretty sure being clean, groomed, and fit will get most men something if he keeps looking. If you do these things and are still getting nothing, then you're an incel.
Grooming is gay.
Based faq response their usual whataboutism will be the 4'11 nonexistent balding janitor
When asked whats your bfs height its always 6'4
I hate this one so much because it implies women would even want to talk to us. They’re so conceited in their own world they can’t even fathom that women would just rather not associate with us
just literally turn the question around

why dont most women treat low value men as people, then point to the passive aggression, ignoring, negative non verbal communication women have towards the bottom 60% of men, AND ITS ALWAYS TOWARDS THE UNATTRACTIVE MEN

why not see these men as humans as well sweety
JBW will always be true

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