This is very juicy, so I will add in my thoughts.
blickpall said:
The problem with "animecels" is that the worst offenders seem to lack any sort of identity that isn't inextricably tied to their favorite anime. What I mean is, every post has to be followed up with a gif or picture from an anime that they see as just flavor or I guess their "self-expression" but in reality that shit gets old even for people who like anime like myself but aren't wholly consumed by it. Not every discussion requires a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif, but they seem to push anime into every discussion, period.
This is an interesting point, which leads to the question of: What is "Identity?" Who are you as an individual? Most folks would describe themselves by their occupation or their favorite hobbies. In this case, anime falls into the hobby category, a world where the individual can lose themselves in and enjoy. Yes, not every conversation requires a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif, but what you're describing is a recent cultural phenomenon. The way human beings communicate change. Before language, there were vocalizations, then came rudimentary language, then it got more complex over time. With the invention of the Internet, and the cultural phenomena of reaction gifs, language is changing again. Remember that this is an Internet forum, and the medium greatly affects how we communicate. If a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif perfectly summarizes the reactor's feelings, then fine, that's communication.
blickpall said:
It often dilutes their message and they often have shitty low content posts. Think about it this way, if I were to write a post that is well thought-out and multiple paragraphs, are there many anime gifs that can encapsulate the meaning or intention behind such a content-rich message? No. The contrapositive of this is that when you can summarize your whole post with one cutesy 2 second animation, you aren't really saying much of value and are just visual pollution in the discussion.
This is a completely different story, and here I agree with you, in essence. But, we have to take another perspective on it. Mainly, that this medium of communication is a way for folks to express themselves and to have fun. Obviously, you take this very seriously, but just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else must conform to your worldview. Do you have high quality, high IQ, conversations with friends when drinking? Or do you try to lighten the mood and laugh? Similarly, for a lot of folks, posting anime on the Internet is a way to have fun.
blickpall said:
If we go deeper into the matter, from my personal perspective when I see someone who relates everything back to anime, it gives me the impression that this person doesn't have a very rich background outside of anime. Why is it that everything is a parallel of this anime character or this anime motif, etc.? It's because that this is the majority of what this person consumes and knows. It's like the people who only talk in /b/-inese or the shorthand of the aughts like "lol ok xD if dats how u want 2 play" which lost all tangible purpose after the age of 13 and the inclusion of adult-oriented literature into the average literate person's life.
This is a very simplistic view to have of someone posting on the Internet. You do not know this individual, you don't know what kind of job they have, or what kind of activities they partake it. Why are you judging someone living, perhaps, thousands of miles away from you? Just because they post anime doesn't mean that anime is everything that they love to do. It certainly is an important part, but you are
assuming something about an individual.
blickpall said:
In other words, I look down upon them because as a result of what I said in the first paragraph, they simply come off as bumbling idiots who rely on visual images for self-expression when words suffice and convey the necessary message just as well, if used appropriately. It begs the question, how do these people function without their gif folders IRL? It creates the image of a shallow and superficial being with low IQ and an addiction to escapist media that delivers unearned dopamine to the brain.
They may sound like bumbling idiots to you, but I view at as someone who is relaxing and partaking in something that they enjoy.
blickpall said:
It begs the question, how do these people function without their gif folders IRL? It creates the image of a shallow and superficial being with low IQ and an addiction to escapist media that delivers unearned dopamine to the brain.
You're right, they may be low IQ. But that's making an assumption based on one perspective of a person's life, from one particular medium.
blickpall said:
The fact that they fit a certain definable archetype of character makes it seem cultish and their memes and typing mannerisms make those who appreciate anime but don't let it dictate their life or their online persona ashamed to associate with these weebs and otaku. This is a very haughty stance to take as an incel, but I'd never put myself on the same level as the Naruto headband-wearing, greasy, pimple-covered weeb who fucks his bodypillow and speaks broken wapanese. There is an element of personal failing there - a lack of respect and understanding, I guess. However, that doesn't mean that this feeling is unjustified or unique to just me.
I don't know much of anime, and I don't know a lot of folks who are sincerely invested in it. Yes, there may be some individuals who take it too far, but how bad is it if they enjoy it? How are they degenerating society? They're not spreading STDs. They're not causing families to break apart.
blickpall said:
This is all without even getting into the thinly-veiled true pedophilia (as opposed to ephebophilia) that is loli. I have watched shows with little female characters in them and I've never felt any sort of attraction to them that wasn't brotherly or fatherly, whereas it seems almost a prerequisite that anime is tied to sexuality for many of the "animecels" who are the most blatant in their sharing of loli pictures, hentai, busty anime chicks, etc. I can understand the arousing elements of hentai and I guess for people who have habituated themselves with animated figures eliciting real emotions over hundreds of hours spent invested in anime, hentai is a natural source of sexual stimulation. But for god's sake, let's stop pretending that loli porn and infatuation is anything but a slightly more socially acceptable pedophilia. That to me is distasteful at best and any person who is overly obsessed with loli, pictures of little anime girls with no sexual dimorphism, and their cutesy reaction gifs is going to elicit in me a feeling of disgust every time.
I don't watch anime, but have heard of this loli phenomena. Yes, I think that it's weird and I agree with you. Keep in mind that this is my personal feeling. As long as nothing explicitly sexual is done, let it continue.
blickpall said:
I recognize that this might seem hypocritical given my signature and my profile picture, but as I said, I appreciate anime and enjoy watching it. However, I don't sprinkle it everywhere on this damn board which has nothing to do with anime at all. I love beer, does that mean I should include pictures of beer in every one on my posts? What if I liked cars, should I end each post with a picture of a favorite vehicle and car driving memes, even when they are unrelated? I
Yes, you should. If other posters can relate, great. If other's can't, then that's fine too.