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Anti-Animecels are so irritating

blickpall said:
That's all the explanation necessary to answer your question of "why should those people be mocked."

Yes it is. I admit that it was a stupid question. It had an obvious answer.
Kointo said:
Yes it is. I admit that it was a stupid question. It had an obvious answer.

So I guess now that we have gotten to this point, do you see why "anti-animecels" are the way they are?

EDIT: To be perfectly fair, I just realized that you didn't really ask a question in the OP so I guess I may have actually done all of this for nothing as someone said earlier haha. My bad.
blickpall said:
So I guess now that we have gotten to this point, do you see why "anti-animecels" are the way they are?

I don't see why they have to be so rude and idiotic in their ways of expressing their thoughts on these things. If they had a problem, then they could pm the mods about it. Of course it wouldn't do anything since it's not against the rules.

blickpall said:
EDIT: To be perfectly fair, I just realized that you didn't really ask a question in the OP so I guess I may have actually done all of this for nothing as someone said earlier haha. My bad.

It's fine. I enjoy debating on matters I have virtuoso experience in.
blickpall said:
That's all the explanation necessary to answer your question of "why should those people be mocked." It's cancerous.

Being an incel != free pass to being a burden on society.

why is it not a free pass? we will never get access to the rewards that normies will do if they participate in the hamster race. do you want to participate in the hamster race while not being able to get the snack just for some ambiguous shit like "feeling morally well"?
blickpall said:
again, nigga LITERALLY what?

You are implying a million and one things off of nothing it really boggles my mind. You seem to be operating under the belief that what people post is always an accurate representation of them irl. You do this quite a lot actually and it leads to a lot of armchair psychology. You don't seem to find any value in posts that aren't representing the poster as intelligent, mature, and correct as possible which comes off as ultra pretentious to me. There is little I find more detestable than posturing in this way and dismissing everyone who prefers shitposting or just not writing essays all the time. this was actually a big issue on the forum i used to frequent, /r/megaten. I'm not sure you even understand these "anime posts" based on what you wrote. You just autistically draw these wild negative conclusions about the poster because of your misguided hate boner. You are just factually wrong about the reaction images having nothing to do with anything. Most of the time I find they do and offers a different effect that words can't communicate.
>unearned dopamine
im fucking done
this physically hurts
>I recognize that this might seem hypocritical given my signature and my profile picture
it doesn't. it looks like the most socially acceptable type of anime to like

your whole second post seems to be based on the assumption that anime posters are all basement dwelling NEETs who have given up on life entirely but I can't ignore the part where you weirdly assert your life philosophy on everyone and scorn those who have given up as too weak or lazy
Kointo said:
I don't see why they have to be so rude and idiotic in their ways of expressing their thoughts on these things. If they had a problem, then they could pm the mods about it. Of course it wouldn't do anything since it's not against the rules.

They have the same right to be idiotic about it as people who post one-liners with anime gifs have the right to make non-contributory visual pollution. It goes both ways.

incelkingkong said:
why is it not a free pass? we will never get access to the rewards that normies will do if they participate in the hamster race. do you want to participate in the hamster race while not being able to get the snack just for some ambiguous shit like "feeling morally well"?

Me personally? Yes. When I did nothing but drugs and be a burden on others, it made me feel like shit whenever I sobered up. Living a "good" and "fulfilling" life makes me happy, or at least doesn't make me feel like shit.

In general? I don't think it's a fair argument that you shouldn't have a job or financial independence because you can't get sex. Pussy isn't handed out as an employment bonus to normies. So, we can exclude the chief element of inceldom from what it means to be a functioning member of society.

Outside of sex, it is cope to say that incels as a whole can't benefit from participation in society. Is it harder to get ahead than it is for Chad? Yes, always. Are we going to potentially reap fewer benefits as a result? Almost assuredly so. However, if you're not punching-self-in-face autistic, then you have the capacity to get your chip. It may not be the best or biggest chip, but your chip is out there.

Let's not forget that when we burden society by going on NEETbux through LDAR self-imposed inactivity, we burden not only the Chads and Stacies but fellow incels as well. I think that overall, the goal of being on NEETbux and LDAR and sitting in your mom's basement until she passes away and then living on whatever inheritance and NEETbux spread thin over the remaining years until you die is a juvenile dream that will only lead to more misery. The more we are seduced by such lowly ideals of burdening others, the thinner the slice of pie each incel gets, and the less likely are the Chads and Stacies to indulge the lifestyle. If you are capable of working, then you should work, because some of your incel brothers out there simply can't. Be honest with yourself - does it truly feel good to be a useless sack of shit when you are perfectly capable of being productive?
blickpall said:
Living a "good" and "fulfilling" life makes me happy, or at least doesn't make me feel like shit.

That's exactly what I'm doing at this moment. Living life how I want and doing things I enjoy.

blickpall said:
Outside of sex, it is cope to say that incels as a whole can't benefit from participation in society. Is it harder to get ahead than it is for Chad? Yes, always. Are we going to potentially reap fewer benefits as a result? Almost assuredly so. However, if you're not punching-self-in-face autistic, then you have the capacity to get your chip. It may not be the best or biggest chip, but your chip is out there.

A chip
O a chip I see for thee
Nothing but a hit
An arrow to the knee

For what did you do to acquire this so called chip?
Was it a worthless struggle?
Is it really worth breaking thy hip?

All this for a chip.
Indari said:
You are implying a million and one things off of nothing it really boggles my mind. You seem to be operating under the belief that what people post is always an accurate representation of them irl. You do this quite a lot actually and it leads to a lot of armchair psychology. You don't seem to find any value in posts that aren't representing the poster as intelligent, mature, and correct as possible which comes off as ultra pretentious to me. There is little I find more detestable than posturing in this way and dismissing everyone who prefers shitposting or just not writing essays all the time. this was actually a big issue on the forum i used to frequent, /r/megaten. I'm not sure you even understand these "anime posts" based on what you wrote. You just autistically draw these wild negative conclusions about the poster because of your misguided hate boner. You are just factually wrong about the reaction images having nothing to do with anything. Most of the time I find they do and offers a different effect that words can't communicate.

What people post online is an accurate representation of what they are comfortable with being representative of them. That's good enough for me. I don't feel obligated to dig deep and have second doubts about whether a person is worthwhile to pay attention to or not if they repeatedly demonstrate that they are comfortable presenting themselves as a monochromatic, unoriginal, gif regurgitating idiot. If that's how they choose to represent themselves, then that's the basis upon which I judge them. If I understand, your counter-position should be that I treat everyone equally, from the people who write meaningful posts and share coherent ideas to the people who post "lmao xD *anime gif* awwwwh~~ <3" ? I already admitted that this may be a personal failing of mine IRL, and it extends to online, as I simply can't give people respect disproportionate to their presentation of themselves without good cause.

About understanding anime posts, what is there to understand? Again, as I said in my opening statement, don't confuse what I said to include every person who has posted any anime gif ever. If you feel personally antagonized by what I said, that is telling me that you identify with a part of my deductions. As for the fact that they can offer a different effect than what words can communicate, they offer a vague pathos-oriented interpretation, a low effort alternative to adequately explaining and expressing yourself. I would have thought that as someone who is interested in creative writing, you would give more credit to language over subjective imagery.

Indari said:

Cartoon representations of what, though?

Indari said:
it doesn't. it looks like the most socially acceptable type of anime to like

I meant more the fact that technically, every one of my posts is now tagged with an anime gif signature and and anime still profile image.

Indari said:
your whole second post seems to be based on the assumption that anime posters are all basement dwelling NEETs who have given up on life entirely but I can't ignore the part where you weirdly assert your life philosophy on everyone and scorn those who have given up as too weak or lazy

As I said multiple times now, not everything that I wrote applies to every person who posts in that manner. It's the impression it gives off because I know for a fact that the most stereotypical of these posters ARE those basement-dwelling NEETs who are a burden on society. I've known many of them IRL and in person.

I believe I qualified the parts where it is my own life philosophy as an explanation for why I personally look down upon them, which seems entirely fair to do as a reason for why I personally look down upon them?? I give plenty of allowances in my posts for people who are truly incapable of doing anything, but I also know that plenty of people simply allow themselves to fall into the depressive cycle of inactivity and self-loathing for said inactivity and are perfectly capable of getting off the cope train and doing something. Is it wrong to scorn lazy people who burden the rest of us and seem to refuse to put in a little effort to do something in return?
Themisterpepsi went away to photoshop to come back to this

blickpall said:
As I said multiple times now, not everything that I wrote applies to every person who posts in that manner. It's the impression it gives off because I know for a fact that the most stereotypical of these posters ARE those basement-dwelling NEETs who are a burden on society. I've known many of them IRL and in person.

And being a burden on society is innately bad? Look at what this society has done for incels and ugly men. They are denied what a human male needs to sustain a healthy mind. Sex. Why should someone treated this way feel obliged to contribute to a society such as this?

Akarin said:
anime is for retards

No. It is for the supreme copers of existence.

Themisterpepsi said:
Themisterpepsi went away to photoshop to come back to this


I like your new sig. You like mine?

blickpall said:
I give plenty of allowances in my posts for people who are truly incapable of doing anything, but I also know that plenty of people simply allow themselves to fall into the depressive cycle of inactivity and self-loathing for said inactivity and are perfectly capable of getting off the cope train and doing something.

And why do you assume I'm in a position of self loathing from inactivity? I gain the preferred amount of stimuli I need to sustain happiness, like right now for example. I love debates.
Kointo said:
That's exactly what I'm doing at this moment. Living life how I want and doing things I enjoy.

There is a fundamental difference between living life as a drug addict and thus doing the things you enjoy and which make you happy in the moment, and living life as a productive member of society who seeks to advance himself and thus foregoing the easy pleasures in life to make yourself happy in the long-term, and most importantly happy with yourself. I know you said that you've accepted the life of a hedonist, but do you think you would be happy outside of the hedonistic activities?

I don't know how to explain this better so I'll just give a personal example. I go to my seminars and I am often miserable, having to sit and listen to some old bag talk about some shit that isn't relevant to what I want to do. I go home and I have to study to memorize the shit that I don't find relevant because I need it to get to the next rung in the ladder, closer to the destination of where I do what I think I want to do. I am anxious about exams and I hate putting in consecutive all-nighters to ensure I get the best grade that I am capable of. I hate my stupid job in which I mostly just have to fix the mistakes of other idiots because they are incompetent. On the surface, it seems and often feels like I hate everything that I do on a daily basis besides the copes I have, like hanging out with friends or drinking a brew. But when I lay my head down and get ready to go to sleep, I feel content with who I am as a person because I know that I'm working hard, I'm learning, I'm advancing myself, I'm bringing joy to my friends and my family somewhat, and that overall I find myself to be a good person (even if I am a bit of a dick online, that's a definite cope for me).

When I did drugs every day, I was happy 99% of the time, until I would have to for whatever reason sober up for an hour or two - whether it be to meet with someone from work, or to have dinner with my family once in a blue moon, or what have you. That's when my brain would reach a level of mild clarity and my conscience would wake up, and tell me repeatedly - you are a shit human being, because all you do is lie, cheat, steal, burden, and escape from your problems. Being a shit human being made me feel like shit.

Now, I'm not saying that you're a shit human being. But, do you see what I'm getting at? Do you have no desire to feel yourself to be an accomplished and "good" person, and are you perfectly okay with not being one of those people? If so, I guess the correct way to word the question is - how do you do it?
Themisterpepsi said:
lol to the sig

It's an enlightening quote from Rahmawn the Wise.

blickpall said:
There is a fundamental difference between living life as a drug addict and thus doing the things you enjoy and which make you happy in the moment, and living life as a productive member of society who seeks to advance himself and thus foregoing the easy pleasures in life to make yourself happy in the long-term, and most importantly happy with yourself. I know you said that you've accepted the life of a hedonist, but do you think you would be happy outside of the hedonistic activities? 

I don't think I would gain happiness from other activities. I would realize the futility of my actions and cry myself back into my hermit's cave. It has happened before.
Kointo said:
And being a burden on society is innately bad? Look at what this society has done for incels and ugly men. They are denied what a human male needs to sustain a healthy mind. Sex. Why should someone treated this way feel obliged to contribute to a society such as this?

So you're from the camp that believes you are entitled to sex?

I already answered this question above, so I'll quote it here:

"In general? I don't think it's a fair argument that you shouldn't have a job or financial independence because you can't get sex. Pussy isn't handed out as an employment bonus to normies. So, we can exclude the chief element of inceldom from what it means to be a functioning member of society.

Outside of sex, it is cope to say that incels as a whole can't benefit from participation in society. Is it harder to get ahead than it is for Chad? Yes, always. Are we going to potentially reap fewer benefits as a result? Almost assuredly so. However, if you're not punching-self-in-face autistic, then you have the capacity to get your chip. It may not be the best or biggest chip, but your chip is out there.

Let's not forget that when we burden society by going on NEETbux through LDAR self-imposed inactivity, we burden not only the Chads and Stacies but fellow incels as well. I think that overall, the goal of being on NEETbux and LDAR and sitting in your mom's basement until she passes away and then living on whatever inheritance and NEETbux spread thin over the remaining years until you die is a juvenile dream that will only lead to more misery. The more we are seduced by such lowly ideals of burdening others, the thinner the slice of pie each incel gets, and the less likely are the Chads and Stacies to indulge the lifestyle. If you are capable of working, then you should work, because some of your incel brothers out there simply can't. Be honest with yourself - does it truly feel good to be a useless sack of shit when you are perfectly capable of being productive?"

Kointo said:
And why do you assume I'm in a position of self loathing from inactivity? I gain the preferred amount of stimuli I need to sustain happiness, like right now for example. I love debates.

I don't believe I said you were? But we can explore this. I like debates too, but I wouldn't place them anywhere near the pile of productive things I do in a day. It can be enriching to both parties, sure - that in itself has merit. They might benefit me somewhere down the line when I encounter the same subject again. They help me understand myself and others better. But ultimately, what benefit do they bring to me in ways that are tangible? Will I go to bed tonight thinking, "I feel fulfilled because I had this debate?" Frankly for me, that doesn't cut it. It feels much like any of the other temporary, vaguely enriching copes of consumption, with the added benefit of being socially interactive.
blickpall said:
I don't know how to explain this better so I'll just give a personal example. I go to my seminars and I am often miserable, having to sit and listen to some old bag talk about some shit that isn't relevant to what I want to do. I go home and I have to study to memorize the shit that I don't find relevant because I need it to get to the next rung in the ladder, closer to the destination of where I do what I think I want to do. I am anxious about exams and I hate putting in consecutive all-nighters to ensure I get the best grade that I am capable of. I hate my stupid job in which I mostly just have to fix the mistakes of other idiots because they are incompetent. On the surface, it seems and often feels like I hate everything that I do on a daily basis besides the copes I have, like hanging out with friends or drinking a brew. But when I lay my head down and get ready to go to sleep, I feel content with who I am as a person because I know that I'm working hard, I'm learning, I'm advancing myself, I'm bringing joy to my friends and my family somewhat, and that overall I find myself to be a good person (even if I am a bit of a dick online, that's a definite cope for me). 

I do not feel content with such things, only disdain. I wouldn't be able to do what you do since I would be miserable to the point of suicidal thoughts. This was the same attitude I had in high school. I hated doing school work at home when I could be spending my time playing video games instead. That's why I would leave the school work to do in the morning or at the free period the day of. It's unbearable having to do something so fruitless when I could easily be doing something else far more enjoyable.

blickpall said:
Now, I'm not saying that you're a shit human being. But, do you see what I'm getting at? Do you have no desire to feel yourself to be an accomplished and "good" person, and are you perfectly okay with not being one of those people? If so, I guess the correct way to word the question is - how do you do it?

I have no desire to do any of these things. It leads to nothing deserving of the effort put in.

How do I do it? The chemical reactions in my frontal lobe tell me what I'm doing is enjoyable.

blickpall said:
Outside of sex, it is cope to say that incels as a whole can't benefit from participation in society. Is it harder to get ahead than it is for Chad? Yes, always. Are we going to potentially reap fewer benefits as a result? Almost assuredly so. However, if you're not punching-self-in-face autistic, then you have the capacity to get your chip. It may not be the best or biggest chip, but your chip is out there.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]A chip[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]O a chip I see for thee[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Nothing but a hit[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]An arrow to the knee[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]For what did you do to acquire this so called chip?[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Was it a worthless struggle?[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it really worth breaking thy hip?[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All this for a chip.[/font]
Kointo said:
I do not feel content with such things, only disdain. I wouldn't be able to do what you do since I would be miserable to the point of suicidal thoughts. This was the same attitude I had in high school. I hated doing school work at home when I could be spending my time playing video games instead. That's why I would leave the school work to do in the morning or at the free period the day of. It's unbearable having to do something so fruitless when I could easily be doing something else far more enjoyable.

So it's just a lack of discipline, then? There is the possibility that you hate these things so much more than any other person who goes to school, but I don't find that to be likely (because I know from my own experience that I hate it a lot). The reality is that to get anywhere in life, people not born with god-tier genetics or a silver spoon in their mouth have to toil, struggle, and sacrifice. The point I'm trying to make is that the sacrifice is what makes me feel good and makes the suffering worth it, what gives value to life despite its ultimately nihilistic lack of it.

Would you say that you were spoiled growing up or are currently spoiled?
This is very juicy, so I will add in my thoughts.

blickpall said:
The problem with "animecels" is that the worst offenders seem to lack any sort of identity that isn't inextricably tied to their favorite anime. What I mean is, every post has to be followed up with a gif or picture from an anime that they see as just flavor or I guess their "self-expression" but in reality that shit gets old even for people who like anime like myself but aren't wholly consumed by it. Not every discussion requires a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif, but they seem to push anime into every discussion, period. 

This is an interesting point, which leads to the question of: What is "Identity?" Who are you as an individual? Most folks would describe themselves by their occupation or their favorite hobbies.  In this case, anime falls into the hobby category, a world where the individual can lose themselves in and enjoy. Yes, not every conversation requires a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif, but what you're describing is a recent cultural phenomenon. The way human beings communicate change. Before language, there were vocalizations, then came rudimentary language, then it got more complex over time. With the invention of the Internet, and the cultural phenomena of reaction gifs, language is changing again. Remember that this is an Internet forum, and the medium greatly affects how we communicate. If a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif perfectly summarizes the reactor's feelings, then fine, that's communication.

blickpall said:
It often dilutes their message and they often have shitty low content posts. Think about it this way, if I were to write a post that is well thought-out and multiple paragraphs, are there many anime gifs that can encapsulate the meaning or intention behind such a content-rich message? No. The contrapositive of this is that when you can summarize your whole post with one cutesy 2 second animation, you aren't really saying much of value and are just visual pollution in the discussion.

This is a completely different story, and here I agree with you, in essence. But, we have to take another perspective on it. Mainly, that this medium of communication is a way for folks to express themselves and to have fun. Obviously, you take this very seriously, but just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else must conform to your worldview. Do you have high quality, high IQ, conversations with friends when drinking? Or do you try to lighten the mood and laugh? Similarly, for a lot of folks, posting anime on the Internet is a way to have fun.

blickpall said:
If we go deeper into the matter, from my personal perspective when I see someone who relates everything back to anime, it gives me the impression that this person doesn't have a very rich background outside of anime. Why is it that everything is a parallel of this anime character or this anime motif, etc.? It's because that this is the majority of what this person consumes and knows. It's like the people who only talk in /b/-inese or the shorthand of the aughts like "lol ok xD if dats how u want 2 play" which lost all tangible purpose after the age of 13 and the inclusion of adult-oriented literature into the average literate person's life. 

This is a very simplistic view to have of someone posting on the Internet. You do not know this individual, you don't know what kind of job they have, or what kind of activities they partake it. Why are you judging someone living, perhaps, thousands of miles away from you? Just because they post anime doesn't mean that anime is everything that they love to do. It certainly is an important part, but you are assuming something about an individual.

blickpall said:
In other words, I look down upon them because as a result of what I said in the first paragraph, they simply come off as bumbling idiots who rely on visual images for self-expression when words suffice and convey the necessary message just as well, if used appropriately. It begs the question, how do these people function without their gif folders IRL? It creates the image of a shallow and superficial being with low IQ and an addiction to escapist media that delivers unearned dopamine to the brain. 

They may sound like bumbling idiots to you, but I view at as someone who is relaxing and partaking in something that they enjoy. 

blickpall said:
It begs the question, how do these people function without their gif folders IRL? It creates the image of a shallow and superficial being with low IQ and an addiction to escapist media that delivers unearned dopamine to the brain. 

You're right, they may be low IQ. But that's making an assumption based on one perspective of a person's life, from one particular medium.

blickpall said:
The fact that they fit a certain definable archetype of character makes it seem cultish and their memes and typing mannerisms make those who appreciate anime but don't let it dictate their life or their online persona ashamed to associate with these weebs and otaku. This is a very haughty stance to take as an incel, but I'd never put myself on the same level as the Naruto headband-wearing, greasy, pimple-covered weeb who fucks his bodypillow and speaks broken wapanese. There is an element of personal failing there - a lack of respect and understanding, I guess. However, that doesn't mean that this feeling is unjustified or unique to just me.

I don't know much of anime, and I don't know a lot of folks who are sincerely invested in it. Yes, there may be some individuals who take it too far, but how bad is it if they enjoy it? How are they degenerating society? They're not spreading STDs. They're not causing families to break apart.

blickpall said:
This is all without even getting into the thinly-veiled true pedophilia (as opposed to ephebophilia) that is loli. I have watched shows with little female characters in them and I've never felt any sort of attraction to them that wasn't brotherly or fatherly, whereas it seems almost a prerequisite that anime is tied to sexuality for many of the "animecels" who are the most blatant in their sharing of loli pictures, hentai, busty anime chicks, etc. I can understand the arousing elements of hentai and I guess for people who have habituated themselves with animated figures eliciting real emotions over hundreds of hours spent invested in anime, hentai is a natural source of sexual stimulation. But for god's sake, let's stop pretending that loli porn and infatuation is anything but a slightly more socially acceptable pedophilia. That to me is distasteful at best and any person who is overly obsessed with loli, pictures of little anime girls with no sexual dimorphism, and their cutesy reaction gifs is going to elicit in me a feeling of disgust every time.

I don't watch anime, but have heard of this loli phenomena. Yes, I think that it's weird and I agree with you. Keep in mind that this is my personal feeling. As long as nothing explicitly sexual is done, let it continue.

blickpall said:
I recognize that this might seem hypocritical given my signature and my profile picture, but as I said, I appreciate anime and enjoy watching it. However, I don't sprinkle it everywhere on this damn board which has nothing to do with anime at all. I love beer, does that mean I should include pictures of beer in every one on my posts? What if I liked cars, should I end each post with a picture of a favorite vehicle and car driving memes, even when they are unrelated? I

Yes, you should. If other posters can relate, great. If other's can't, then that's fine too.
blickpall said:
So you're from the camp that believes you are entitled to sex?

I am not. I'm simply saying that in most cases sex is needed to sustain mental health.

blickpall said:
Frankly for me, that doesn't cut it. It feels much like any of the other temporary, vaguely enriching copes of consumption, with the added benefit of being socially interactive.

I feel the same towards things you enjoy doing.
Kointo said:
I am not. I'm simply saying that in most cases sex is needed to sustain mental health.

But if we're not entitled to sex and society isn't centered around simply providing sex equally to everyone, then what excuse is inceldom for not participating in society?

Kointo said:
I feel the same towards things you enjoy doing.

Well, I hope your path works out for you, then. Ultimately, even if we are both engaged in equally misled lifestyles, from what I've gathered of your life (and again, I apologize if I misunderstood) my path is more likely to lead to fiscal security and thus a "better" life later on. That's the biggest cope I have to fall back on.
blickpall said:
Would you say that you were spoiled growing up or are currently spoiled?

Spoiled growing up? In what way? I lived the life of a typical suburban kid.

blickpall said:
But if we're not entitled to sex and society isn't centered around simply providing sex equally to everyone, then what excuse is inceldom for not participating in society?

We are not entitled to sex. It is a need for most.

What excuse? I can't speak for others. This isn't the reason why I don't participate in society. Sex isn't a priority for me.
Kointo said:
Spoiled growing up? In what way? I lived the life of a typical suburban kid.

Like, in that your parents didn't make you get good grades, or get a job, or leave the house, or pay rent, etc. That you would get things and praise for free regardless of whether you are doing "what you're supposed to be doing" or not, and/or that there were no repercussions for your negative actions.
blickpall said:
Well, I hope your path works out for you, then. Ultimately, even if we are both engaged in equally misled lifestyles, from what I've gathered of your life (and again, I apologize if I misunderstood) my path is more likely to lead to fiscal security and thus a "better" life later on. That's the biggest cope I have to fall back on.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't think about the future, only the present. This is how my mind works.

KyloRen said:
This is a completely different story, and here I agree with you, in essence. But, we have to take another perspective on it. Mainly, that this medium of communication is a way for folks to express themselves and to have fun. Obviously, you take this very seriously, but just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else must conform to your worldview. Do you have high quality, high IQ, conversations with friends when drinking? Or do you try to lighten the mood and laugh? Similarly, for a lot of folks, posting anime on the Internet is a way to have fun.

This is exactly the reason why I post gifs. Whenever I'm in a happy mood I like to express it with happy images.

blickpall said:
Like, in that your parents didn't make you get good grades, or get a job, or leave the house, or pay rent, etc. 

I didn't need to be forced to get good grades. I got high honors and honors regardless of discipline. 

Leave the house? They didn't make me do things I couldn't handle. (My extreme anxiety and such)
KyloRen said:
This is an interesting point, which leads to the question of: What is "Identity?" Who are you as an individual? Most folks would describe themselves by their occupation or their favorite hobbies. In this case, anime falls into the hobby category, a world where the individual can lose themselves in and enjoy. Yes, not every conversation requires a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif, but what you're describing is a recent cultural phenomenon. The way human beings communicate change. Before language, there were vocalizations, then came rudimentary language, then it got more complex over time. With the invention of the Internet, and the cultural phenomena of reaction gifs, language is changing again. Remember that this is an Internet forum, and the medium greatly affects how we communicate. If a screen cap of an anime or a reaction gif perfectly summarizes the reactor's feelings, then fine, that's communication.

This is of course always a loaded question, but without delving too deep into it, can we agree that having your entire identity dominated by one hobby, one medium, one show, one fictional character, etc. makes for a very dull person? What makes that person different from any other person who is similarly obsessed - what do they have brewing under the surface? Of course, it would be foolish to say that every person who posts anime gifs is a terminal weeb, but because of the fact that many of their posts lack any content, that is the impression it gives.

I agree that forums provide us with new methods of communicating as does the media. But even though an image may be better than a thousand words, if a person uses those images almost entirely to convey themselves, are they not presenting themselves as a limited amalgam of third-party constructs, thus lacking originality and individuality? Kind of going back to what I said above.

KyloRen said:
This is a completely different story, and here I agree with you, in essence. But, we have to take another perspective on it. Mainly, that this medium of communication is a way for folks to express themselves and to have fun. Obviously, you take this very seriously, but just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else must conform to your worldview. Do you have high quality, high IQ, conversations with friends when drinking? Or do you try to lighten the mood and laugh? Similarly, for a lot of folks, posting anime on the Internet is a way to have fun.

This is understandable, and I too sometimes post one-liners when the context calls for it. But there is something to be said about the fact that in the same context, one person chooses x and the other person chooses y. It's that choice in itself that again defines how that person is perceived. I won't pretends to know the potential depths of that person, but if the only thing that I have to go off of is their choice in how to present themselves, then I have no choice but to take it at face value. There is also an objective level of contribution to certain topics - not all - but certainly some. I agree that a serious multi-page essay isn't the appropriate response, but that also applies to cutesy anime girls. I'm sure that sometimes I make the faux pas of being too serious in a response, but I also notice that it's very common to just drop visual pollution as well. I'm biased for sure, but I would value misplaced effort over misplaced shitposting.

KyloRen said:
This is a very simplistic view to have of someone posting on the Internet. You do not know this individual, you don't know what kind of job they have, or what kind of activities they partake it. Why are you judging someone living, perhaps, thousands of miles away from you? Just because they post anime doesn't mean that anime is everything that they love to do. It certainly is an important part, but you are assuming something about an individual.

Yes, it's an assumption, but if a person decides to only convey themselves in one way repeatedly, why should we instead assume that they are the opposite of what they present themselves as? Of course, I'm not denying that those individuals exist, but how do I differentiate one from the other, and more importantly, why should I? You may have not gotten to the point where I admit that this may be a personal failing of mine, but I find it hard to give people credit disproportionate to how they present themselves. If you meet 10,000 stinky bums, one of them might be a former Harvard graduate, but the majority of them are probably crack addicts.

KyloRen said:
I don't know much of anime, and I don't know a lot of folks who are sincerely invested in it. Yes, there may be some individuals who take it too far, but how bad is it if they enjoy it? How are they degenerating society? They're not spreading STDs. They're not causing families to break apart.

They aren't actively going out and destroying things, no. But escapism through anime as an addictive cope is detrimental to society because it keeps lazy but otherwise fully capable workers from contributing to the families and societies that they leech off of, kind of like drug addicts. If all they want to do is go home, collect NEETbux, shitpost gifs online, and watch anime - then they are a direct burden on the working taxpayer. Again, I've said this multiple times by now so let's just establish this - I won't presume to lump all fans of anime under this one blanket, but the fact that these stereotypes are rooted in the factual existence of many representatives of said stereotype is problematic enough and thus makes it easy to associate a person with that image if they conform to the other stereotypical behaviors and presentations of self.

Kointo said:
We are not entitled to sex. It is a need for most.

What excuse? I can't speak for others. This isn't the reason why I don't participate in society. Sex isn't a priority for me.

Ok, I think I must have misunderstood you then, because if I recall you were implying that inceldom is an excuse to not participate in society.
ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:

Ok, thanks for the anecdote.
Kointo said:
I didn't need to be forced to get good grades. I got high honors and honors regardless of discipline.

Leave the house? They didn't make me do things I couldn't handle. (My extreme anxiety and such)

I don't mean this in an insulting way given what you've just said, and I know this may be more personal than you might be comfortable with so don't answer if you don't want to. I promise I'm not building this into some grandiose high horse post for later, but I'm just curious: do you think you will eventually move out of your mother's house?
blickpall said:
They aren't actively going out and destroying things, no. But escapism through anime as an addictive cope is detrimental to society because it keeps lazy but otherwise fully capable workers from contributing to the families and societies that they leech off of, kind of like drug addicts. If all they want to do is go home, collect NEETbux, shitpost gifs online, and watch anime - then they are a direct burden on the working taxpayer. Again, I've said this multiple times by now so let's just establish this - I won't presume to lump all fans of anime under this one blanket, but the fact that these stereotypes are rooted in the factual existence of many representatives of said stereotype is problematic enough and thus makes it easy to associate a person with that image if they conform to the other stereotypical behaviors and presentations of self.

And this is a problem because...?

This is exactly the point. Why would I want to see society flourish? If it is detrimental to society then so be it.

blickpall said:
 do you think you will eventually move out of your mother's house?

When she dies, I'll have to if I want to continue living. As for intentionally doing it before the death, dunno. At this rate probably not.

blickpall said:
Ok, I think I must have misunderstood you then, because if I recall you were implying that inceldom is an excuse to not participate in society.

I don't think you need an excuse to not participate in society. I don't know, it seems ridiculous to me. (society)
blickpall said:
On a personal level, it's because I think it's pathetic. Am I guilty of escapism? Sure, and I don't think of myself as being better than them in that sense. However, even when I was a fervent drug user, I still held down a job, paid rent, and had friends with whom my interactions weren't based entirely on what happened in the latest episode of Kawaka Saki Hime-no-me or whatever. 

That is a mark of a strong individual, and I commend you for it. But remember that your lifestyle is not the same as others.

blickpall said:
I know that you as a nihilist think that the fact that there is no inherent meaning to anything is probably enough of a reason to not do anything. However, I think that that is pathetic also (and I'm sorry if I'm mistakenly attributing your beliefs, this is just what I gathered from your others posts). Using the fact that the universe will end in billions of years, or that humanity might off itself in the next hundred, is all a cope to help you feel better about not doing anything with your life. You're perfectly entitled to that perspective, and as I admitted, it has its merits because I truly understand the nihilistic perspective. Despite being aware of it, I detest a lack of desire to better yourself, inform yourself, and actively deal with reality because it's a cowardly cope that burdens the rest of us who see and generate value in even the most ephemeral of ways. I detest those behaviors and thoughts when I see them in myself, which happens more often than I care to admit. 

This is a very good concept to discuss. 

Ultimately, yes, we are all going to perish. The objective of our own lives, then, is to find the events, jobs, activities, etc. of which provides us the most joy. I think we're all in agreement here. Moving on: Joy is subjective, it means different things for different folks. For some it may be money, for some it may be helping others, for some it may be a family, etc. 

If we analyze your statements based on the foundation of "partaking in the activities which bring us the most joy" then not improving oneself (in the lens of society) by partaking in activities which do not inherently improve your societal status is perfectly acceptable because said activities bring such an individual joy. On the other hand, this can go deeper, by imaging such an individual partaking in these activities might not inherently enjoy them, but partakes in them as a way to "cope" with their inner demons. If such is the case, then work needs to be done to peel away such insecurities to find the root cause, and treat it. That way, the individual can find the true activities which bring them joy.

I'll continue in the next paragraph.

blickpall said:
The truth is, I'm going to die and have my ashes spread to the winds so I can pollute the earth and what I did or didn't do will no longer matter to me because there is no longer a "me." But until I get there, I pride myself in doing a good job where I can - sure, I may never get married, never have a child, never continue my lineage. But if I can make the lives of those I care about a little better, that has value to me. If I can advance science and improve the lives of others that I don't know, then I will feel accomplished. And that's something that I can't say about the people who are content to lock themselves in a basement and only reap the illusion of value from chemical reactions in the brain generated by mass-consumer media from Japan in the place of actual meaningful interactions and activities. Sure, it's a cope, but at least it's a proactive cope that has a positive (if temporary on the cosmic scale) effect on my life and the lives of those around me. I'm not content to be a burden to my family simply because I'm too weak to handle being an ostracized incel in a society of Chads and Stacies, or because it's easier to feel good with a beer and a bowl of bud in front of my laptop screen watching anime.

Let's start off by saying that I agree with you. 

However, taking the previous foundation of "maximizing ones joy" then such activities are perfectly acceptable if such an individual truly enjoys them. You can't force individuals to do things that they do not like. For instance, while working at a hospital, I've met many folks who "live off" welfare. They sit their butts all day watching TV and living off the paychecks of others. Should we force them to work? But, that's another discussion for another time, but it brings me to the next "lens" to analyze your statements: Societal utility.

Remarking what I said in my earlier post, anime can be used as an escape. Those who have a job and lead stable lives, would religiously watching anime during their down time be a problem? Not in my opinion. They are still being of purposeful utility to society. The problem then occurs when taking into account NEETs who religiously watch anime. Idealistically, I certainly agree with you because of my own biases, particularly being that it brings me joy knowing that others are doing better. Although, pragmatically, there are some issues, such as mental illness. Several folks who are NEETs suffer from mental illness like depression, autism, bipolarity, etc. Perhaps watching anime is a good cope for such issues, and being home all the time, might not be so enjoyable, but it's the only thing that helps one to cope with it. 

I can continue on discussing this topic, but, to get to the root of it, I would say is to find solutions. Talk with these individuals you deem as weebs and NEETs and try to understand the perspective from their corner of the ring. In doing so we can not only better "diagnose" what ones life-style is, instead of assuming it from a bunch of posts on the Internet, and we can start a dialogue to try to move such an individual into a "proper" direction in life (eg. societal utility).
Kointo said:
And this is a problem because...?

This is exactly the point. Why would I want to see society flourish? If it is detrimental to society then so be it.

The problem is exactly what we discussed earlier: that people like me go out into the world despite our own personal hurdles, produce, labor, and supply, then have to pay taxes from the fruits of our labor in order to support basement dwellers and baby-poppers who are capable of supporting themselves but use the system to be parasites.

Kointo said:
When she dies, I'll have to if I want to continue living.

Any plans to that end?

Kointo said:
I don't think you need an excuse to not participate in society. I don't know, it seems ridiculous to me. (society)

Yet you don't find it ridiculous to use the internet, technology, media, mass production of consumables, and etc. that society provides? This is selfish leeching and hypocrisy. Why should society extend to you these services and products while you offer nothing in return? I guess there is the argument that if you aren't on NEETbux you are leeching from your family and not society, and I know you said you don't feel bad about it, but you are therefore benefiting from society by proxy. If society seems ridiculous to you, then how do you justify leeching off of what only a society is capable of producing?
blickpall said:
then what excuse is inceldom for not participating in society?

Why does he need an excuse not to participate in society?  

You seem to have the attitude that people are obligated to participate in society just for existing.  But we're constantly told "society owes you nothing!" "you have entitlement issues!" and society generally treats men like us like shit.  Why participate in a society that puts you, and people like you, pretty much at the very bottom of the totem pole unless you absolutely have to?  And how could one get any gratification from contributing to a society that looks down on them?

I work because I have to and pay taxes because I have no way to avoid them, but if I could I'd drop out of society completely.
blickpall said:
Yet you don't find it ridiculous to use the internet, technology, media, mass production of consumables, and etc. that society provides? This is selfish leeching and hypocrisy. Why should society extend to you these services and products while you offer nothing in return? I guess there is the argument that if you aren't on NEETbux you are leeching from your family and not society, and I know you said you don't feel bad about it, but you are therefore benefiting from society by proxy. If society seems ridiculous to you, then how do you justify leeching off of what only a society is capable of producing?

It is not justified by any means. I am a leach. The most foul insect you could imagine.

But in all seriousness, if I have the opportunity to do something for self benefit, then I'll take that opportunity. Would this be a little bit solipsistic? Probably.

blickpall said:
Any plans to that end?

Not yet. A vague plan to find a job I suppose.
I think people antagonize NEETcels a little too much. The few hundred $ they leech in a month is chump change compared to how many THOUSANDS of dollars corrupt politicians shove in their pockets. And with automation taking off, they don't really need them in the workforce either.
I don't have ANYTHING against anime, i just don't watch it. I have met SOME people in highschool who were obsessed with it, and were complete weirdos and kinda pricks about it. But who am i to talk...
blickpall said:
This is of course always a loaded question, but without delving too deep into it, can we agree that having your entire identity dominated by one hobby, one medium, one show, one fictional character, etc. makes for a very dull person? What makes that person different from any other person who is similarly obsessed - what do they have brewing under the surface? Of course, it would be foolish to say that every person who posts anime gifs is a terminal weeb, but because of the fact that many of their posts lack any content, that is the impression it gives. 

I believe it makes one a dull person. So what? They enjoy it, and that's what matters.

blickpall said:
I agree that forums provide us with new methods of communicating as does the media. But even though an image may be better than a thousand words, if a person uses those images almost entirely to convey themselves, are they not presenting themselves as a limited amalgam of third-party constructs, thus lacking originality and individuality? Kind of going back to what I said above.

They are presenting themselves in a limited fashion, but, like I said, this is an Internet forum. Are you expecting to read a scientific journal? This is an outlet.

blickpall said:
This is understandable, and I too sometimes post one-liners when the context calls for it. But there is something to be said about the fact that in the same context, one person chooses x and the other person chooses y. It's that choice in itself that again defines how that person is perceived. I won't pretends to know the potential depths of that person, but if the only thing that I have to go off of is their choice in how to present themselves, then I have no choice but to take it at face value. There is also an objective level of contribution to certain topics - not all - but certainly some. I agree that a serious multi-page essay isn't the appropriate response, but that also applies to cutesy anime girls. I'm sure that sometimes I make the  faux pas of being too serious in a response, but I also notice that it's very common to just drop visual pollution as well. I'm biased for sure, but I would value misplaced effort over misplaced shitposting.

Again, this is a unique medium. You can't possibly make a reasonable judgement of a person's character based on one single medium. Take it at face value, but make further inquires before coming to a conclusion. Such an individual may be a total idiot, but you have to dig deeper to fully comprehend. As for misplaced effort over misplaced shitposting, I agree with you only if the subject matter is serious.

blickpall said:
Yes, it's an assumption, but if a person decides to only convey themselves in one way repeatedly, why should we instead assume that they are the opposite of what they present themselves as? Of course, I'm not denying that those individuals exist, but how do I differentiate one from the other, and more importantly, why should I? You may have not gotten to the point where I admit that this may be a personal failing of mine, but I find it hard to give people credit disproportionate to how they present themselves. If you meet 10,000 stinky bums, one of them might be a former Harvard graduate, but the majority of them are probably crack addicts.

No, take them at face value. Everything in the Internet must be taken at face value. Similarly, you can't make a concrete accusation with face value evidence. 

This is straying a bit from the topic.

blickpall said:
They aren't actively going out and destroying things, no. But escapism through anime as an addictive cope is detrimental to society because it keeps lazy but otherwise fully capable workers from contributing to the families and societies that they leech off of, kind of like drug addicts. If all they want to do is go home, collect NEETbux, shitpost gifs online, and watch anime - then they are a direct burden on the working taxpayer. Again, I've said this multiple times by now so let's just establish this - I won't presume to lump all fans of anime under this one blanket, but the fact that these stereotypes are rooted in the factual existence of many representatives of said stereotype is problematic enough and thus makes it easy to associate a person with that image if they conform to the other stereotypical behaviors and presentations of self.

Responded to this in my other post.
Prince Of Dankness said:
I don't have ANYTHING against anime, i just don't watch it. I have met SOME people in highschool who were obsessed with it, and were complete weirdos and kinda pricks about it. But who am i to talk...

Fair enough. Teenagers are vehement about it.

VLÖ said:
I think people antagonize NEETcels a little too much. The few hundred $ they leech in a month is chump change compared to how many THOUSANDS of dollars corrupt politicians shove in their pockets. And with automation taking off, they don't really need them in the workforce either.

I can't disagree.
TLDR: NEETs are leeches on society. However, pragmatically, we can't do much about them except try to solve core issues.
KyloRen said:
TLDR: NEETs are leeches on society. However, pragmatically, we can't do much about them except try to solve core issues.

Some issues cannot be solved. For example, ostracization is inevitable.
Kointo said:
Some issues cannot be solved. For example, ostracization is inevitable.

Some certainly won't be. We have to find a way to maximize utility, despite knowing that it won't be 100% attainable.
Jesus, this entire thread is like Jordan Peterson vs. The Weebs. and it confirms two of my greatest fears

1. Our own @blickpall is indeed the illustrious professor Peterson

2. Many of you are not remotely blackpilled

I don't even like the term blackpill, and I don't think it's interchangeable with nihilism, but rather nihilism is the foundation it's built on, and the blackpill is much worse. It's an objective bad that extends beyond human mating and undermines the definition of society itself.

I look at asking a truly hopeless NEET to "participate" as being akin to asking a person on life support to calibrate his own ventilator; Society is why they're allowed to live, but I could never expect them to contribute meaningfully.

If we don't want individuals to drop out and wait for death, then our choice is euthanasia or support them for life. To blame them for their own unwillingness to participate is for shit.
A Good Friend said:
I look at asking a truly hopeless NEET to "participate" as being akin to asking a person on life support to calibrate his own ventilator; Society is why they're allowed to live, but I could never expect them to contribute meaningfully.

If we don't want individuals to drop out and wait for death, then our choice is euthanasia or support them for life. To blame them for their own unwillingness to participate is for shit.

Perfect TLDR of my view. Idealistically, everyone should work. Pragmatically, it's just not possible.
A Good Friend said:
1. Our own @blickpall is indeed the illustrious professor Peterson

I remember that guy from the h3 podcast. He was bombarded by "progressive" students at a university, I believe.
KyloRen said:
A Good Friend said:
I look at asking a truly hopeless NEET to "participate" as being akin to asking a person on life support to calibrate his own ventilator; Society is why they're allowed to live, but I could never expect them to contribute meaningfully.
If we don't want individuals to drop out and wait for death, then our choice is euthanasia or support them for life. To blame them for their own unwillingness to participate is for shit.
Perfect TLDR of my view. Idealistically, everyone should work. Pragmatically, it's just not possible.

I'm just so fucking tired of the lack of individualism in this community. "I can't get laid" should be enough of a unifying factor, but no. We're always climbing over each other, bullying, and ostracizing. It's like Lord of the Flies; We can pretend to have organization and have a good read on the situation, but we all exist outside of the sphere of accepted normalcy. So we tribal now, yo.

To say one sexless loser is a better sexless loser because he reads Sartre and the other guy watches Kill la Kill is, in the eyes of our true enemies, two losers talking about gay loser shit.
muh anime

anime is fantasy land so is movies and games

when yo ugo to wake up in the morning to work for the man fntasyu doesnt meanSHIT
A Good Friend said:
It's like Lord of the Flies.

Loved that book

Simon and Piggy will remain in my heart.

ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
muh anime

anime is fantasy land so is movies and games

A Good Friend said:
I'm just so fucking tired of the lack of individualism in this community. "I can't get laid" should be enough of a unifying factor, but no. We're always climbing over each other, bullying, and ostracizing. It's like Lord of the Flies; We can pretend to have organization and have a good read on the situation, but we all exist outside of the sphere of accepted normalcy. So we tribal now, yo.

To say one sexless loser is a better sexless loser because he reads Sartre and the other guy watches Kill la Kill is, in the eyes of our true enemies, two losers talking about gay loser shit.

We must band together and fight against the normies.
Kointo said:
A Good Friend said:
It's like Lord of the Flies.
Loved that book
Simon and Piggy will remain in my heart.

Incels are Piggy, and society is chest-beating tribal retards who think they've got it figured out. Seems like most of the people here would rather be part of the senseless garbage world. I've been there. I didn't spend my youth on the internet, everybody knows that. There is nothing worth caring about. The things you care about now will suffice.

It's every incels job to bleed this society or any other society like a pig until they gracelessly expire.
A Good Friend said:
Incels are Piggy, and society is chest-beating tribal retards who think they've got it figured out. Seems like most of the people here would rather be part of the senseless garbage world. I've been there. I didn't spend my youth on the internet, everybody knows that. There is nothing worth caring about. The things you care about now will suffice.

It's every incels job to bleed this society or any any other society like a pig until they gracelessly expire.

I can't understand why someone would want to be in a society that has mocked you your entire life.

Who would Ralph and Jack be?
Kointo said:
You don't like them or you don't know who they are?

And yes, he deserves his ban for trolling and such.

I relate to him more. I like to LARP as him. I still love L though.


Wait my friend, what happened? Idlwattodoawithlife was banned again? Why?
Bri8564 said:
Wait my friend, what happened? Idlwattodoawithlife was banned again? Why?

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