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RageFuel Another white foid committing major crime

He's probably betabuxxing but still a pretty rare sight. A foid that did not go for white chad/tyrone for once. I agree it's dysgenic though, racemixxing rice genes doesn't tend to be good.
JFL @ reproducing with such a subhuman. If the kid inherits the father’s lower third the mom should be put in jail.

Subhumans are not supposed to reproduce, passing their miserable fate on to the next generation.
I mean its kinda hypocritical they both seem to be in the same dating league she isnt too far out of his league

either way I hate race mixers that do this because when you date someone of a different race and your white your leaving PLENTY of other white guys to be left out and it forces the white guys to also race mix because all the white girls are dating ethnics for betabuxx
I mean its kinda hypocritical they both seem to be in the same dating league she isnt too far out of his league

either way I hate race mixers that do this because when you date someone of a different race and your white your leaving PLENTY of other white guys to be left out and it forces the white guys to also race mix because all the white girls are dating ethnics for betabuxx
actually on second thought yeah your right fuck this stupid white foid for ruining her perfect European/white genetics on a rice now the baby is going to end up suffering all its life and potentially be a future ER (in video game)
I mean its kinda hypocritical they both seem to be in the same dating league she isnt too far out of his league

either way I hate race mixers that do this because when you date someone of a different race and your white your leaving PLENTY of other white guys to be left out and it forces the white guys to also race mix because all the white girls are dating ethnics for betabuxx
She has a normal non deformed face at least while he’s recessed. She could’ve found a white normie and avoided giving birth to subhuman kids.

If I think selfishly I wish I could find a Becky gf having sex with and giving emotional support to me. But on an altruistic note it’s better to stay alone as a subhuman. No point in passing on my inferior genes.
She has a normal non deformed face at least while he’s recessed. She could’ve found a white normie and avoided giving birth to subhuman kids.

If I think selfishly I wish I could find a Becky gf having sex with and giving emotional support to me. But on an altruistic note it’s better to stay alone as a subhuman. No point in passing on my inferior genes.
thats such a cucked mindset bro

so that means its ok for femcels to pass their shit genes creating more roasties for chad and incel sons but its not ok for you to try to get in a relationship? what a fucking cuck
so that means its ok for femcels to pass their shit genes creating more roasties for chad and incel sons but its not ok for you to try to get in a relationship? what a fucking cuck
I didn’t say that. Been always saying that subhumans, whether males or females, are not supposed to reproduce.
I didn’t say that. Been always saying that subhumans, whether males or females, are not supposed to reproduce.
thats why incels exist in the first place because if your ugly even if your athletic and strong and smart and talented and tall and have great social skills you shouldnt breed because only prettyboys can breed

like I told you thats a cucked mindset so that would mean that even if your a serial killer and a complete psychopath you still are allowed to reproduce just because you look good?

thats called the evolutionary runaway theory it will lead to more stupid people

look it up Fisherian runaway if the world worked in your way we would end up with attractive stupid psychopaths
I didn’t say that. Been always saying that subhumans, whether males or females, are not supposed to reproduce.
there are subhuman geniuses in fact a lot of the smartest people in the world look subhuman and intelligence is genetics

I think its the retarded subhumans that shouldnt be allowed to breed and most of the retarded subhumans are foids
thats why incels exist in the first place because if your ugly even if your athletic and strong and smart and talented and tall and have great social skills you shouldnt breed because only prettyboys can breed

like I told you thats a cucked mindset so that would mean that even if your a serial killer and a complete psychopath you still are allowed to reproduce just because you look good?

thats called the evolutionary runaway theory it will lead to more stupid people

look it up Fisherian runaway if the world worked in your way we would end up with attractive stupid psychopaths
Those are just extreme examples JFL. In general attractive people are just way more likely to be physically stronger, more intelligent and socially competent than ugly people who tend to have low self esteem and poor social skills due to years of bullying and isolation. As a general rule most attractive people lead a happy, fulfilling life. Inb4 “Meeks”, “Ramirez”. Yeah there are tons of criminals and serial killers yet only a few are famous for their looks, that must be self explanatory. Most attractive people just become actors, models, athletes or have leading positions in society.

I agree that beyond a certain limit attractiveness doesn’t affect your prospects for reproduction anymore. If you’re an ugly genius who manages to money maxx you get to reproduce no matter what. If you’re an extremely autistic chad you probably won’t have kids. But those are exceptions.
How about this, I knew a pretty slim petite 9/10 French white foid bitch who is single and divorced with wetback children (two), she married a shit-skin fat squat Mexican Supremacist spic to breed with.

She’s pretty but she terminated her 100% white bloodline that took centuries to perfect in breeding. Her kids look like subhuman shitskins who look nothing like her, at all.

Her parents are failures if they approve of race treason. Foid who got defiled by a spic is a dumb cunt, and she was straight A with two college degrees.

What a fuckin’ waste of excellent white genes.

No decent white man, or even for that matter, whitecel, should ever have anything to do with this dumb whore.

Whore should be destroyed by getting further defiled by dating and marrying another wetback.

Fucking America is dysgenic as mongrelized to destroy this dying nation, not unlike the fate that befell Roman Empire which also has rampant miscegenation and mongrelization crisis that rendered the white Roman phenotype virtually extinct…

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaoUCYNlYsv/?utm_medium=copy_link

JFL @ reproducing with such a subhuman. If the kid inherits the father’s lower third the mom should be put in jail.

Subhumans are not supposed to reproduce, passing their miserable fate on to the next generation.

You're a cuck for saying that. It's good when men get to reproduce with a decent-looking Stacy, especially when it's a AMWF couple.

Meanwhile, usually subaverage goblina foids usually breed with quality males and the kids still end up subhuman because of their mother's genes.
subaverage goblina foids usually breed with quality males and the kids still end up subhuman because of their mother's genes.
That’s just morally as reprehensible as subhuman males causing further suffering to another generation. Inb4 “but ugly foids are doing it anyway!” Yeah if we had control over reality why would we even be here? JFL
That’s just morally as reprehensible as subhuman males causing further suffering to another generation. Inb4 “but ugly foids are doing it anyway!” Yeah if we had control over reality why would we even be here? JFL
Don't you want kids tho? Ideally it wouldn't matter if female hypergamy wasn't rigged.

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