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LifeFuel Another example where loads of normies are agreeing "incels are right"



Dec 15, 2017
Read this mildly bait-tier article on a conservative blog and I was shocked when I saw how many of the comments were agreeing with or supporting our positions:

Here's some examples of comments on the article that would fit in as standard philosophy on any incel forum:

The evolution of the economy has allowed women to have a level of independence not present for any of the prior generations of mankind and has made it feasible for a large percentage of women to have children and control their raising of them. The facts are that they do a decent job with the girls and a terrible job on average with the males. This is not their fault - the same thing happens with other mammalian species (like elephants) when the males are absent and juvenile males grow up with only female mothers to guide them. Completely predictable that many women would rather have full control of their own life. Completely predictable that the result is disastrous for their male offspring.

At the same time while 90% of women will have at least one child, only 47% of males will father a child - so the other 53% of males basically have no personal stake in the long term continuation of their family or species since they are out of the game of reproduction. It is completely predictable that many of them are sore at being deprived of what is arguably the most meaningful thing that human beings do - creating, raising, nurturing and being carried on by a family you create.

Every society (whether industrial or tribal) knows that if a large portion of young men are without women, there is going to be trouble. Large groups of single young women don't cause trouble. Smart societies work to bring young men and young women together.

In defense of men, though im not a fan of the movement men are joining to express their solidarity, I can certainly understand their reason for their anger and hopelessness. Women have made men of no value, and women have also managed together with our government to completely strip a man of his GOD given place in the family. Women are raising our children and our sons. To disrespect their fathers and teaching their daughters to dress as streetwalkers. Buying young teenage girls bra and panties from Victoria Secret! Where is our shame women? You raise your daughters as whores and expect them to be treated as chaste virgins lol! Your sons, you rob of a male example by replacing their father with someone who understands you better and makes you happy! you DESERVE your happiness at the expense of your children and family. Where is the respect our fathers and husbands deserve?, the respect that GOD commanded us to give them?Men are scared to offend us in our matriarchal society! So they quietly take their tongue lashing and accept all blame.From the pulpit preachers are scared to offend us! So they put all the blame on the man when the REAL REASON is that women are prideful and wicked full of their own ways.And refuse to humble themselves under their God and their husband. Older women are suppose to teach the younger. But grandma is just as wicked as her daughter. Instead of turning to Jesus to fix her family our women have taken matters in their own hands and married our government! May the lord grant us repentance!Americans children have no fathers raising them because their mothers decided they were no longer needed! And make no mistake God will be calling women on the carpet for this sin! May the Lords Word come to pass in our lifetime That He restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the children to their Fathers{Malachi 4:6}.

Females are designed to to seek a male whom they subconsciously believe is most likely to produce successful offspring - from coitus to graduation. Only a fraction of males, by genetics and upbringing, are a natural fit to their subjective criteria. The rest of us are Also-rans, who, with time and good fortune are chosen by a female blessed with the wisdom of compromise. Such makes a good life partner.
An uncompromising, choosy female becomes bitter and vengeful as her prime reproductive years wane, making her a poor life partner for the hapless male whom she will forever punish for her lost years.

Loneliness and abandonment in a godless, secular society is, I believe, one of the triggers which produces killers - almost exclusively male.
Ask yourself: "Why are there no Amish / Mennonite mass killers?

If you think Incels are a problem then legalize prostitution. My recollection of biblical stories were that prostitutes were frowned upon but seemed to always be around. It's almost as though they provided an essential service.

Is there ANY evidence at all that either of the two shooters was an "Incel"? It just seems to me that this focus on Incels is driven, at least in part, by our society's obsession with sex. Wow, someone who's not fornicating! Can you imagine that!

The sexual revolution has many downsides. One is the universal pressure to have a standard porn/hollywood history of intimacy. Second is the banishment of the latency period. Third is the stripping of intimacy of all specialness; it's now just another bodily function like defecating or voiding. UGH!

I think all the LGBTetc., is only a huge cry by young millennials and homelanders for a renewed period of innocence and a more emotional and spiritual component to their sexuality.

Name a 19 year old kid that doesn't think about sex 1,000 times a day.

duh...you sexualize a whole generation of kids from birth through tv, movies, video games, magazines....reinforce that by teaching "how to have (safe) sex" from kindergarten in SCHOOLS...have parents who got just enough of it to live at least half their lives that way, probably while the children were still home in their young formative years....and then wonder why they are acting out on their sexual frustrations in dangerous and deadly ways...Our society is OBSESSED with sex. It's time we get back to wholesome and fulfilling like Old Yeller. But more importantly, would be to teach to the Godly PURPOSE of sex, and the level of responsibility that needs to be observed when engaging in the most powerful activity that mankind can: creating new life. Mankind is the ONLY species that has almost complete control over whether/when/how/ how often to reproduce. (Almost, because we really can't control our fertility "window". Very young children and elderly women lack the ability to reproduce.)

We can't be sure it the Dayton shooter was involved in the INCEL community or not, but he did have a girlfriend.

He was a member of a heavy metal rock band that wrote and played songs about violently raping and torturing women. It's called "PORNOGRIND".
It's an actual underground music genre that young men are fans of.
...and you think the INCELS are a problem? Really?
We're devolving into an abyss.
God Almighty help us all!

If a man is INCEL with his own wife all but one day or so a month, he will at minimum be able to empathize with these guys. Something big’s got to change. And stringing together seemingly unrelated synapses provides answers. Whoever and whatever is attacking any and all strengths once inherent in Western Culture? These synapses will snap together and the ah-ha moment light bulb will blaze.

Being an INCEL is still preferable to being raped/destroyed by divorce court. If one could turn back time...

the MGTOW crowd are the SONS of men who have been screwed in family court while the incels are their GRANDSONS, but in thinking about it, that's an EXCELLENT observation.
Although as DrDan just posted, once the sexbot revolution REALLY comes into full flower, Western women are REALLY going to be SCREWED (obviously NOT in the TRADITIONAL way but by virtue of the fact that they'll discover that a lot of men with fat wallets in this society can actually get along just fine WITHOUT them). And some feminists seem to be realizing that, because they're ALREADY pressing for laws to make sex with a sexbot an act of RAPE: these feminists realize that the sexbots will make many of THEM obsolete, ESPECIALLY to those men with fat wallets that they will no longer be able to glom onto.
I TOO have known several of these middle-aged women of the kind I described in my post to oksadimiks, and you're absolutely correct that they ARE miserable people and miserable to be around and embittered and vicious, in fact, I have a female relative who could easily be the POSTER CHILD for such women (and - SURPRISE, SURPRISE! - this female relative of mine is ALSO a rabid Trump hater).

In all honesty, I think you are missing the timing here. Incels were not a "thing" until the latest wave of anti-human-in-general "feminism" came to be a thing. I think what you are seeing is bitterness and anger produced by the products of modern feminism insulting and rejecting "incels" rather than simply turning them down or, as sometimes used to happen but now no longer seems to, taking them on as "reclamation" projects sometimes leading to pleasant surprises on both sides. There is so much anger, bitterness and resentment built up in the current Leftist culture that building up various militant groups of alienated people is really an inevitable consequence. Incels are just BLM by another color, Antifa in spirit, Women's March in psychology. Just another group of alienated people to weaponize.

When sex robots get cheap enough and hot enough, geek programmer InCels will rule.

Just hold on, guys. Wait - maybe I should reword that.....

An excellent article. I can remember my junior and senior high school days and it is easy to understand their frustration because, unfortunately, there is some accuracy in what they say about women. It's even worse in immature women. For those who fail to lose their virginity before graduation, simply leaving that nasty social morass is the cure. The big wide world quickly changes one's perspective and opens many options. As the author points out, these type of sites can only hurt rather than help such young men. I think we can all remember such a young man from school. Most never go on to commit mass murders but, everyone has met such a young man that wouldn't be surprised if and when it happens. The most peer pressure I ever felt as a young man was the pressure to mate. Hard to imagine those days in the context of today's world but, I think it has only gotten worse and getting such men together to talk anonymously is not a good thing.

Yeah, the worse thing imaginable is allowing men to get together and talk. Lord knows what schemes they might conjure up. Much better to let them suffer in silence and keep all that anger bottled up inside. Nothing but good things can come from it...like mass shootings and stuff.

wouldn't it be cheaper and safer to provide these losers with the equivalent of an EBT card they could use at asian tug shoppes?!

This is sad -- back when I was young it was safe to go across the border into Mexico and visit the young ladies of "ill repute" - there was also the Chicken Ranch in LaGrange for young men who felt awkward. Something positive to be said about prostitution....I guess...

Those INCELs may be crazy, but they're right about a large percentage of Western women.

regarding the INCELS you know that you posted about who are actually quite successful financially and are highly responsible in the realm of personal hygiene and home maintenance, if these incels are STILL incels come middle age, I'd be willing to bet the farm that they'll actually be in high demand by women who are single by the time they're approaching menopause or post-menopausal and who are struggling financially, maybe because they've been through the break-up of a marriage or have never married because they bought fully into the radical feminist agenda and probably as a result are now unhappy middle-age women who have drifted from job to job and are probably still living paycheck-to-paycheck.
And hopefully, these incels will REJECT such women, because they are women who will have NOTHING to offer a man of quality EXCEPT a LOT of grief and heartache (especially in the financial realm) that he DOESN'T need.

This is a very sad and pathetic but insightful article. One cannot imagine the sadness of a young guy who feels his life is worthless. Then the lefties in this country constantly degrade white males, i.e. "white privilege" which only adds to the anxiety. Mental health in this country should be a front and center affliction appropriately addressed by bodies of congress! With the explosion of electronic communication (cellphones) there is less and less social interface thus producing even more isolation. 24 MSM "news" only leads to more insecurities. Finally, despicable movies and television "comedies" that reflect males as bumbling idiots and "strong" female "leaders" only repel the senses more of these sad and isolated males.

"INCEL community"

No there's a contradiction in terms. I think the entire issue with INCELs is that they are hopelessly isolated and alienated. They have no community.

The author completely misses what's going on. I've been watching the 'incel community' for a decade; the author just checked-in yesterday, yet imagines he knows what's going on, sufficient to give us all advice about what should be done. Sigh.

Look, geniuses, your nation spent the past half-century standing on the faces on America's sons -- those not members of the elite/political classes, that is. America is a Feminist Nation. You used the State to transfer the wealth -- and the futures -- of tens-of-millions of young men to girls and women;, you awarded the wealth and futures of those men to your daughters, then patted one another on the back and yammered about Progress and Equality and the rest of the lies.

After fifty years of this, yes, many American men are going to be angry, very angry, and most of them will not even know why. Reducing what America has done to 'her' male population in the Age of Woman to 'incel-ism' is just ludicrous, not to mention cowardly. Instead of facing the REAL issue, which is the female-dominated nations of the modern West, y'all scramble to invent NEW ways of alienating men and boys, this time by shaming (and seeking to control) the Dreaded Incels.

On the contrary these Incel sites give young men a place to vent and commiserate a little. Let's them know they're not alone in the world, it's not just them. It can be therapeutic. There are no longer any "male spaces" because our society won't allow them, while "women and girls only" spaces are more prevalent than ever. Are we going to take this away from men too?

They don't hate women and they're not angry at women, they're angry at nature. Society has added even more pressure to mating, because we're told women "don't need a man". And because women are financially independent their standards for a suitable mate have gone WAY UP...leaving a large swath of less desirable lower status guys in the lurch.

What's the end result? No one is happy. Young women of less than average appeal can't get "hot guys" to show interest in them, and we have a whole new social category of "not so hot" young men called "Incels".

In a world where young boys and men are hectored over Toxic Masculinity, Rape Culture, White Privilege, etc...is it any wonder that some of them decide to fulfill that expectation?
We used to tell our sons they should aspire to be a hero....

Before Feminazism there were no "incels," but sure, it's all the incels fault.

Since Backpage was shut down by the government goody two shoes, these guys can't even "buy" a date.

I was curious about who these guys were I think when one of them did something bad and after looking at it and seeing their conversations I have to say their “confusion” versus previous men and boys who had trouble dating or whatever is due to the moves of modern Feminism I have to say.

If you look at his complaint in the example he takes about the value women have versus the value men have in the world he sees. The value men had before Feminism and really all women to some degree started coming under attack was a buttress against falling into this view IMHO.

I think what you have again is the Progressives saying we are gong to make this major change to society without thinking what it was supporting and why is was there in the first place. The explanation by Feminism is it is just Patriarchy but in reality the positions of men and women provided a natural co-existence. Once again the Progressives have told us Utopia would exist if we just started to rearrange the “patriarchy” without thinking what negative effect it would have on in this case Young Men who pay the price for the new “value” placed on women and girls.

I was shocked by this article and decided to follow all the references offered in it. Truly amazing. A byproduct of "feminazism." Men have been emasculated for so many decades now that this is the product of such deprivation of virility. Modern man has become a shadow of reality. The "metrosexual" or beta man is a false representation of manhood. Men have become "effeminated" under false pretenses. INCELS are the prize our society pays for allowing the emotional castration of men. I would lay this blame on the laps of our Socialist-led elites.

These boys are a byproduct of what the feminist agenda produces.

Can we please stop using the word community where no community exists?

What causes incels? Women do. You're going to have to go a long way to find someone as cruel and outright nasty as a high school girl. It's undeniable that the female hierarchy at that age is brutal, vicious and unforgiving. Both its own members and anyone outside the cliche.

What you get when you combine the FACT that girls (and women) rate 80% of boys (and men) as below average, with boys that have been beaten their entire lives about what girls think is an incel. Someone who is indoctrinated to think women run the society and that he is not worthy of companionship is a bomb of resentment looking for a place to explode.

If you really want to reduce/eliminate random shooters stop indoctrinating boys. Remove feminist teachers/staff. Reinstitute recess because boys need the exercise. Stop treating boys like defective girls. Stop drugging them. Most of 30% of boys are being prescribed Ritalin by school nurses. Psychoactive drugs are NOT to be used on minors. It says so right on the label. But a lazy feminist would rather juice your son up than real with an active boy.

And it's not just the schools. Media pounds male incompetence for hours every day. How many hours of stupid daddy jokes can you stand? Media intends to find out.

There's more but I got tired.

The author of the bait article even felt the need to write this in the comments because he felt he was being attacked over it:

I've been following the comments on my article here most of the day, and I feel I should add the following additional clarification, because some commenters seem to be taking this article as a direct attack on INCELs:

To begin with, the article doesn't attempt to lay blame on the INCEL community as a whole. It poses a simple question: 'Do the members of these groups (or other external agent provocatuers posing as members) make comments that may encourage another members to take violent action?'

This is an absolutely fair question to ask, given the amount of contempt, hatred, and derision aimed at women to be found there in the posts of its members, most of whom enjoy the usual anonymity afforded by the Internet. If they have companionship issues, well, for the record, I sympathize. Being lonely and feeling unwanted is a bad place to be.

Their feelings of rejection, however, do NOT give them the right to sit in the shadows and encourage (by either overt suggestion or metaphor) others to commit shootings, rapes, and sexual assaults on those they have feelings of resentment for. While Betts and his victims lay dead, one has to wonder if he had 'help' being put up to doing this by some anonymous, woman-hating troll? Someone who has paid no price for what came after, someone who shares no responsibility?

Whether or not feminism/class warfare/leftist policies plays a role in the existence of the group itself is completely beside the point. For those calling me 'clueless', try making your argument without attempts to change the narrative. My concerns about the group have nothing to do with its mere existence. I am very concerned however, about what they discuss, and if it potentially puts lives in danger (including my own, possibly), that makes it the business of the public, whether you think it's entirely fair or not.


Ie. Create a new strawman about incels encouraging raping etc. Most rapists are low inhib normies who have had loads of girlfriends but of course we're to blame for that too right?

Things ARE changing.
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This goes more than Inceldom. Inceldom is just a byproduct of the society we live in and of course genetics plays a big part, but its an issue when 4/10 men are completely rejected and thrown like trash. If society returns certain values which benefits other non-incels(that are in power) goals then our situations would improve.

But its just a matter of how many of those specific non-incels are willing to do to fix society.
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Also I like the way they feel the need to capitalize INCEL like we're NORAD or some shit.
@RageAgainstTDL victory is a coming...

Time, patience & karma or natural justice always wins out.
Also I like the way they feel the need to capitalize INCEL like we're NORAD or some shit.

Loving it. We're hard, smart & bad asses.

4th top comment I believe.

Another top comment.

And another one.
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@RageAgainstTDL victory is a coming...

Time, patience & karma or natural justice always wins out.

Loving it. We're hard, smart & bad asses.

Let's hope so buddyboy. :feelsokman:

I was debating if it is LifeFuel or SuicideFuel. I will be optimistic. Let's go with LifeFuel.
Normies only use porn jewtube and social media
Based & High IQ. Bookmarked for future reading.
Read this mildly bait-tier article on a conservative blog and I was shocked when I saw how many of the comments were agreeing with or supporting our positions:

Here's some examples of comments on the article that would fit in as standard philosophy on any incel forum:

The evolution of the economy has allowed women to have a level of independence not present for any of the prior generations of mankind and has made it feasible for a large percentage of women to have children and control their raising of them. The facts are that they do a decent job with the girls and a terrible job on average with the males. This is not their fault - the same thing happens with other mammalian species (like elephants) when the males are absent and juvenile males grow up with only female mothers to guide them. Completely predictable that many women would rather have full control of their own life. Completely predictable that the result is disastrous for their male offspring.

At the same time while 90% of women will have at least one child, only 47% of males will father a child - so the other 53% of males basically have no personal stake in the long term continuation of their family or species since they are out of the game of reproduction. It is completely predictable that many of them are sore at being deprived of what is arguably the most meaningful thing that human beings do - creating, raising, nurturing and being carried on by a family you create.

Every society (whether industrial or tribal) knows that if a large portion of young men are without women, there is going to be trouble. Large groups of single young women don't cause trouble. Smart societies work to bring young men and young women together.

In defense of men, though im not a fan of the movement men are joining to express their solidarity, I can certainly understand their reason for their anger and hopelessness. Women have made men of no value, and women have also managed together with our government to completely strip a man of his GOD given place in the family. Women are raising our children and our sons. To disrespect their fathers and teaching their daughters to dress as streetwalkers. Buying young teenage girls bra and panties from Victoria Secret! Where is our shame women? You raise your daughters as whores and expect them to be treated as chaste virgins lol! Your sons, you rob of a male example by replacing their father with someone who understands you better and makes you happy! you DESERVE your happiness at the expense of your children and family. Where is the respect our fathers and husbands deserve?, the respect that GOD commanded us to give them?Men are scared to offend us in our matriarchal society! So they quietly take their tongue lashing and accept all blame.From the pulpit preachers are scared to offend us! So they put all the blame on the man when the REAL REASON is that women are prideful and wicked full of their own ways.And refuse to humble themselves under their God and their husband. Older women are suppose to teach the younger. But grandma is just as wicked as her daughter. Instead of turning to Jesus to fix her family our women have taken matters in their own hands and married our government! May the lord grant us repentance!Americans children have no fathers raising them because their mothers decided they were no longer needed! And make no mistake God will be calling women on the carpet for this sin! May the Lords Word come to pass in our lifetime That He restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the children to their Fathers{Malachi 4:6}.

Females are designed to to seek a male whom they subconsciously believe is most likely to produce successful offspring - from coitus to graduation. Only a fraction of males, by genetics and upbringing, are a natural fit to their subjective criteria. The rest of us are Also-rans, who, with time and good fortune are chosen by a female blessed with the wisdom of compromise. Such makes a good life partner.
An uncompromising, choosy female becomes bitter and vengeful as her prime reproductive years wane, making her a poor life partner for the hapless male whom she will forever punish for her lost years.

Loneliness and abandonment in a godless, secular society is, I believe, one of the triggers which produces killers - almost exclusively male.
Ask yourself: "Why are there no Amish / Mennonite mass killers?

If you think Incels are a problem then legalize prostitution. My recollection of biblical stories were that prostitutes were frowned upon but seemed to always be around. It's almost as though they provided an essential service.

Is there ANY evidence at all that either of the two shooters was an "Incel"? It just seems to me that this focus on Incels is driven, at least in part, by our society's obsession with sex. Wow, someone who's not fornicating! Can you imagine that!

The sexual revolution has many downsides. One is the universal pressure to have a standard porn/hollywood history of intimacy. Second is the banishment of the latency period. Third is the stripping of intimacy of all specialness; it's now just another bodily function like defecating or voiding. UGH!

I think all the LGBTetc., is only a huge cry by young millennials and homelanders for a renewed period of innocence and a more emotional and spiritual component to their sexuality.

Name a 19 year old kid that doesn't think about sex 1,000 times a day.

duh...you sexualize a whole generation of kids from birth through tv, movies, video games, magazines....reinforce that by teaching "how to have (safe) sex" from kindergarten in SCHOOLS...have parents who got just enough of it to live at least half their lives that way, probably while the children were still home in their young formative years....and then wonder why they are acting out on their sexual frustrations in dangerous and deadly ways...Our society is OBSESSED with sex. It's time we get back to wholesome and fulfilling like Old Yeller. But more importantly, would be to teach to the Godly PURPOSE of sex, and the level of responsibility that needs to be observed when engaging in the most powerful activity that mankind can: creating new life. Mankind is the ONLY species that has almost complete control over whether/when/how/ how often to reproduce. (Almost, because we really can't control our fertility "window". Very young children and elderly women lack the ability to reproduce.)

We can't be sure it the Dayton shooter was involved in the INCEL community or not, but he did have a girlfriend.

He was a member of a heavy metal rock band that wrote and played songs about violently raping and torturing women. It's called "PORNOGRIND".
It's an actual underground music genre that young men are fans of.
...and you think the INCELS are a problem? Really?
We're devolving into an abyss.
God Almighty help us all!

If a man is INCEL with his own wife all but one day or so a month, he will at minimum be able to empathize with these guys. Something big’s got to change. And stringing together seemingly unrelated synapses provides answers. Whoever and whatever is attacking any and all strengths once inherent in Western Culture? These synapses will snap together and the ah-ha moment light bulb will blaze.

Being an INCEL is still preferable to being raped/destroyed by divorce court. If one could turn back time...

the MGTOW crowd are the SONS of men who have been screwed in family court while the incels are their GRANDSONS, but in thinking about it, that's an EXCELLENT observation.
Although as DrDan just posted, once the sexbot revolution REALLY comes into full flower, Western women are REALLY going to be SCREWED (obviously NOT in the TRADITIONAL way but by virtue of the fact that they'll discover that a lot of men with fat wallets in this society can actually get along just fine WITHOUT them). And some feminists seem to be realizing that, because they're ALREADY pressing for laws to make sex with a sexbot an act of RAPE: these feminists realize that the sexbots will make many of THEM obsolete, ESPECIALLY to those men with fat wallets that they will no longer be able to glom onto.
I TOO have known several of these middle-aged women of the kind I described in my post to oksadimiks, and you're absolutely correct that they ARE miserable people and miserable to be around and embittered and vicious, in fact, I have a female relative who could easily be the POSTER CHILD for such women (and - SURPRISE, SURPRISE! - this female relative of mine is ALSO a rabid Trump hater).

In all honesty, I think you are missing the timing here. Incels were not a "thing" until the latest wave of anti-human-in-general "feminism" came to be a thing. I think what you are seeing is bitterness and anger produced by the products of modern feminism insulting and rejecting "incels" rather than simply turning them down or, as sometimes used to happen but now no longer seems to, taking them on as "reclamation" projects sometimes leading to pleasant surprises on both sides. There is so much anger, bitterness and resentment built up in the current Leftist culture that building up various militant groups of alienated people is really an inevitable consequence. Incels are just BLM by another color, Antifa in spirit, Women's March in psychology. Just another group of alienated people to weaponize.

When sex robots get cheap enough and hot enough, geek programmer InCels will rule.

Just hold on, guys. Wait - maybe I should reword that.....

An excellent article. I can remember my junior and senior high school days and it is easy to understand their frustration because, unfortunately, there is some accuracy in what they say about women. It's even worse in immature women. For those who fail to lose their virginity before graduation, simply leaving that nasty social morass is the cure. The big wide world quickly changes one's perspective and opens many options. As the author points out, these type of sites can only hurt rather than help such young men. I think we can all remember such a young man from school. Most never go on to commit mass murders but, everyone has met such a young man that wouldn't be surprised if and when it happens. The most peer pressure I ever felt as a young man was the pressure to mate. Hard to imagine those days in the context of today's world but, I think it has only gotten worse and getting such men together to talk anonymously is not a good thing.

Yeah, the worse thing imaginable is allowing men to get together and talk. Lord knows what schemes they might conjure up. Much better to let them suffer in silence and keep all that anger bottled up inside. Nothing but good things can come from it...like mass shootings and stuff.

wouldn't it be cheaper and safer to provide these losers with the equivalent of an EBT card they could use at asian tug shoppes?!

This is sad -- back when I was young it was safe to go across the border into Mexico and visit the young ladies of "ill repute" - there was also the Chicken Ranch in LaGrange for young men who felt awkward. Something positive to be said about prostitution....I guess...

Those INCELs may be crazy, but they're right about a large percentage of Western women.

regarding the INCELS you know that you posted about who are actually quite successful financially and are highly responsible in the realm of personal hygiene and home maintenance, if these incels are STILL incels come middle age, I'd be willing to bet the farm that they'll actually be in high demand by women who are single by the time they're approaching menopause or post-menopausal and who are struggling financially, maybe because they've been through the break-up of a marriage or have never married because they bought fully into the radical feminist agenda and probably as a result are now unhappy middle-age women who have drifted from job to job and are probably still living paycheck-to-paycheck.
And hopefully, these incels will REJECT such women, because they are women who will have NOTHING to offer a man of quality EXCEPT a LOT of grief and heartache (especially in the financial realm) that he DOESN'T need.

This is a very sad and pathetic but insightful article. One cannot imagine the sadness of a young guy who feels his life is worthless. Then the lefties in this country constantly degrade white males, i.e. "white privilege" which only adds to the anxiety. Mental health in this country should be a front and center affliction appropriately addressed by bodies of congress! With the explosion of electronic communication (cellphones) there is less and less social interface thus producing even more isolation. 24 MSM "news" only leads to more insecurities. Finally, despicable movies and television "comedies" that reflect males as bumbling idiots and "strong" female "leaders" only repel the senses more of these sad and isolated males.

"INCEL community"

No there's a contradiction in terms. I think the entire issue with INCELs is that they are hopelessly isolated and alienated. They have no community.

The author completely misses what's going on. I've been watching the 'incel community' for a decade; the author just checked-in yesterday, yet imagines he knows what's going on, sufficient to give us all advice about what should be done. Sigh.

Look, geniuses, your nation spent the past half-century standing on the faces on America's sons -- those not members of the elite/political classes, that is. America is a Feminist Nation. You used the State to transfer the wealth -- and the futures -- of tens-of-millions of young men to girls and women;, you awarded the wealth and futures of those men to your daughters, then patted one another on the back and yammered about Progress and Equality and the rest of the lies.

After fifty years of this, yes, many American men are going to be angry, very angry, and most of them will not even know why. Reducing what America has done to 'her' male population in the Age of Woman to 'incel-ism' is just ludicrous, not to mention cowardly. Instead of facing the REAL issue, which is the female-dominated nations of the modern West, y'all scramble to invent NEW ways of alienating men and boys, this time by shaming (and seeking to control) the Dreaded Incels.

On the contrary these Incel sites give young men a place to vent and commiserate a little. Let's them know they're not alone in the world, it's not just them. It can be therapeutic. There are no longer any "male spaces" because our society won't allow them, while "women and girls only" spaces are more prevalent than ever. Are we going to take this away from men too?

They don't hate women and they're not angry at women, they're angry at nature. Society has added even more pressure to mating, because we're told women "don't need a man". And because women are financially independent their standards for a suitable mate have gone WAY UP...leaving a large swath of less desirable lower status guys in the lurch.

What's the end result? No one is happy. Young women of less than average appeal can't get "hot guys" to show interest in them, and we have a whole new social category of "not so hot" young men called "Incels".

In a world where young boys and men are hectored over Toxic Masculinity, Rape Culture, White Privilege, etc...is it any wonder that some of them decide to fulfill that expectation?
We used to tell our sons they should aspire to be a hero....

Before Feminazism there were no "incels," but sure, it's all the incels fault.

Since Backpage was shut down by the government goody two shoes, these guys can't even "buy" a date.

I was curious about who these guys were I think when one of them did something bad and after looking at it and seeing their conversations I have to say their “confusion” versus previous men and boys who had trouble dating or whatever is due to the moves of modern Feminism I have to say.

If you look at his complaint in the example he takes about the value women have versus the value men have in the world he sees. The value men had before Feminism and really all women to some degree started coming under attack was a buttress against falling into this view IMHO.

I think what you have again is the Progressives saying we are gong to make this major change to society without thinking what it was supporting and why is was there in the first place. The explanation by Feminism is it is just Patriarchy but in reality the positions of men and women provided a natural co-existence. Once again the Progressives have told us Utopia would exist if we just started to rearrange the “patriarchy” without thinking what negative effect it would have on in this case Young Men who pay the price for the new “value” placed on women and girls.

I was shocked by this article and decided to follow all the references offered in it. Truly amazing. A byproduct of "feminazism." Men have been emasculated for so many decades now that this is the product of such deprivation of virility. Modern man has become a shadow of reality. The "metrosexual" or beta man is a false representation of manhood. Men have become "effeminated" under false pretenses. INCELS are the prize our society pays for allowing the emotional castration of men. I would lay this blame on the laps of our Socialist-led elites.

These boys are a byproduct of what the feminist agenda produces.

Can we please stop using the word community where no community exists?

What causes incels? Women do. You're going to have to go a long way to find someone as cruel and outright nasty as a high school girl. It's undeniable that the female hierarchy at that age is brutal, vicious and unforgiving. Both its own members and anyone outside the cliche.

What you get when you combine the FACT that girls (and women) rate 80% of boys (and men) as below average, with boys that have been beaten their entire lives about what girls think is an incel. Someone who is indoctrinated to think women run the society and that he is not worthy of companionship is a bomb of resentment looking for a place to explode.

If you really want to reduce/eliminate random shooters stop indoctrinating boys. Remove feminist teachers/staff. Reinstitute recess because boys need the exercise. Stop treating boys like defective girls. Stop drugging them. Most of 30% of boys are being prescribed Ritalin by school nurses. Psychoactive drugs are NOT to be used on minors. It says so right on the label. But a lazy feminist would rather juice your son up than real with an active boy.

And it's not just the schools. Media pounds male incompetence for hours every day. How many hours of stupid daddy jokes can you stand? Media intends to find out.

There's more but I got tired.

The author of the bait article even felt the need to write this in the comments because he felt he was being attacked over it:


Ie. Create a new strawman about incels encouraging raping etc. Most rapists are low inhib normies who have had loads of girlfriends but of course we're to blame for that too right?

Things ARE changing.
The what community??
Lol nothing much gonna change for as long as they keep giving welfare to single mother and have quotas for female when hiring...
the only reason foid ever shack up with sub5 is financial dependency, now when theres no money to gain, and they can have chad why would they commit to one sbu5 men for life? weve seen again and again that even a rich incel cant compete with chads. Sub5 would be lucky to get into an open relationship with his looksmatch and get sex once a month these days.
Tide is turning maybe? Who knows.
Nothing will be fixed until we reverse feminism.
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edit holy shit guys that post they quoted about eggs is mine

42E36BB1 F2CF 4877 9E00 54865A0B0CD5

“Fairer sex” :soy::soy::soy: the memes write themselves.
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Onward Christian soldiers!
Normies seem to think incels are just 16-21 year old school aged nerdy guys.
Very high iq thread, i just bookmark it to read later again.
This was a long read. But high IQ post tbh. Good work OP.
may not change anything (most likely) but that's not a bad sign as it goes against mainstream and propaganda
View attachment 143739


edit holy shit guys that post they quoted about eggs is mine

View attachment 143742

“Fairer sex” :soy::soy::soy: the memes write themselves.

It was a high IQ post - having eggs does create value that having sperm does not. I think that's why so many people agreed in the comments. I remember reading the article and thinking "If this guy was trying to make an anti-incel bait article, why did he quote something so high IQ? Why not cherry pick someone sperging out about nonsense instead?"

Bad move on his part because when rational people read actual elements of the blackpill, they end up agreeing. That's what happened and the whole crowd turned on him.

So well done. :feelsokman:
Also I like the way they feel the need to capitalize INCEL like we're NORAD or some shit.
think about INCEL being the new GOD you read about in the Bible.
INCEL speaks and commands you to take action.
JFL at boomers saying that incels are by definition Democrats.

May Your Country Die and Your Flag Be Destroyed.
Screenshot 2019 08 25 10 09 20

An answer to someone saying incels can be cured with legalized prostitution.
90% of women will have at least one child, only 47% of males will father a child - so the other 53% of males basically have no personal stake in the long term continuation of their family or species since they are out of the game of reproduction.
At the same time while 90% of women will have at least one child, only 47% of males will father a child - so the other 53% of males basically have no personal stake in the long term continuation of their family or species since they are out of the game of reproduction.
They did a study with monkeys and this pattern was very similar. AMOG had 10 kids, betas had 1, incels had 0. And to women 50% of men are unfucakble.
Most of those guys aren't normies, they're cuckservatives trying to cope.
Im telling you, we sit on the truth here and with time more and more people will understand and agree. There is no stopping of this incel-train.
normies only agree with us when it fits their agenda
I wish there was a party in Finland (or anywhere else in Europe) that was leftist in economic terms but conservative in social questions.
foids who are angry about sexbots are massive hypocrites. the reason sexbots are being created in the first place is because there is a demand for them. a demand brought about by the foids own toxic hypergamy.
cuckservatives have spent the last 100 years constantly ceding ground to social liberalism and leftists in general, these boomer idiots are part of the reason inceldom is so much worse now than at any other time post-agriculture
I wish there was a party in Finland (or anywhere else in Europe) that was leftist in economic terms but conservative in social questions.
White nationalist communists I suppose

Do they exist? O_o
cuckservatives have spent the last 100 years constantly ceding ground to social liberalism and leftists in general, these boomer idiots are part of the reason inceldom is so much worse now than at any other time post-agriculture
I wish there was a party in Finland (or anywhere else in Europe) that was leftist in economic terms but conservative in social questions.
It was a high IQ post - having eggs does create value that having sperm does not. I think that's why so many people agreed in the comments. I remember reading the article and thinking "If this guy was trying to make an anti-incel bait article, why did he quote something so high IQ? Why not cherry pick someone sperging out about nonsense instead?"

Bad move on his part because when rational people read actual elements of the blackpill, they end up agreeing. That's what happened and the whole crowd turned on him.

So well done. :feelsokman:

lol tfw when you try to paint all incels as mass shooters and end up accidentally blackpilling ppl , this guy is an accidental incel ally im laughing
They did a study with monkeys and this pattern was very similar. AMOG had 10 kids, betas had 1, incels had 0. And to women 50% of men are unfucakble.
Monkeys are free, both male and female. And although they are smart (if you compare them to other lifeforms) they still can't use their brain to get laid, as they are not smart enough to gymcel and kill Chad and rape all females he had. Orangutan incels actually manage to do this sometimes, but without gymcelling.

In humans, on the other hand, women have all the freedom, so they returned to their natural state of gatekeeping, like almost all mammalian females do, but males can't use their ways to get laid without violating the law. You need female agreeement to get laid. But you won't get it as an incel.
I disagree with his (I don't know if Gabriel is a male or female name) stance on the importance of family. Most of us have no desire to create a family, some of us are even anti-natalists because we're afraid that our cursed genes would simply create more incels. All we want is female affection, a mate to share the good parts of life with and to have someone we can support on during the bad times.
Of course, I understand that a Christian neocon would see sex merely as a way to create children and not something more intimate and deeper than that because that is after all the Abrahamic view on sex.
Monkeys are free, both male and female. And although they are smart (if you compare them to other lifeforms) they still can't use their brain to get laid, as they are not smart enough to gymcel and kill Chad and rape all females he had. Orangutan incels actually manage to do this sometimes, but without gymcelling.

In humans, on the other hand, women have all the freedom, so they returned to their natural state of gatekeeping, like almost all mammalian females do, but males can't use their ways to get laid without violating the law. You need female agreeement to get laid. But you won't get it as an incel.
I agree about the social/female acceptance. But check out how whoring transcends species:
We are always right tbh, knowledge of the blackpill has given us infinite wisdom
We are always right tbh, knowledge of the blackpill has given us infinite wisdom

FUCKING INFINITE DUDE. We are so far ahead of the curve.

If only wisdom led to happiness ... :feelsbadman:

Meanwhile Chad knows nothing and lives in eternal bliss. :feelshaha:

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