- Joined
- Dec 31, 2017
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- 148
Can we not be a dumb community and fall for fucking obvious BAIT?
There's no way anybody can be that stupid.
There's no way anybody can be that stupid.
once women see other women getting attention that they don't get they go to extreme lengths to get it.mental_out said:All the women on IT seem to be mentally ill, like every single one of them
Subsaharan, our very own professional doxxersubsaharan said:Hmmm... y'know, since the poshmark.com account pretty much spills the beans and confirms everything, fuck it. Here:
Her: https://www.facebook.com/anna.leep.7
Her bf: https://www.facebook.com/tomasz.zielinski.3576
lmao g'night y'all
(Mass account deletes in 3............. 2............. )
BakaHapa said:I hope her family and people at her work/school find this. She deserves to get rekt.
How did you find her fetlife account from Reddit? Just wondering since the usernames seem to be different.
7339er said:She posted on r/sugarbaby with a link to her fetlife account.
Kointo said:
Figures, it's a bluepill echo chamber. No rebuttals followed by, "this is why you're an incel!"JovanD said:I posted this shit on IT for shits and giggles and it got deleted vary fast, did get a few upvotes tho XD
or to porn?futureabstract said:Anyone leak her nudes/sugar baby/rape fantasy shit to her family yet?
mangoboy said:is that a buttplug?
futureabstract said:Anyone leak her nudes/sugar baby/rape fantasy shit to her family yet?
subsaharan said:hmmmmmmm she's been tumblr'ing alllll damn day lmfao https://burningmanonacid.tumblr.com (need a tumblr to access)
prob bait. unclear motive. perhaps not too surprising? BSDM psycho chick, she's prob gettin off to this on some e-masochism type shit
where ya @, anna
just gonna leep dis here
mental_out said:All the women on IT seem to be mentally ill, like every single one of them
AnigoMontoyo said:Bet its Anna. She looks liek the type of bitch to put make up on her ass for show.
nausea said:end this shit
the thread and all threads like thisKointo said:End what shit? The thread or the nudes?nausea said:end this shit
nausea said:the thread and all threads like this
you out of baseKointo said:Why? It's pointing out the hypocrisy of some inceltears users.nausea said:the thread and all threads like this
nausea said:you out of base
means badly wrongKointo said:What is "out of base"?nausea said:you out of base
nausea said:means badly wrong
indeed they are wrongKointo said:How am I wrong for describing what the thread is about? The mods even gave it the "hypocrisy" prefix.nausea said:means badly wrong
nausea said:indeed they are wrong
already discussed with the admin, nothing can be doneKointo said:Ok. What do you think the thread is actually about then?nausea said:indeed they are wrong
nausea said:already discussed with the admin, nothing can be done
it's a travesty of a thread, especially tagged as such and pinnedKointo said:Why can't you explain it? I don't see anything wrong with it. Is it the nudes?nausea said:already discussed with the admin, nothing can be done
nausea said:it's a travesty of a thread, especially tagged as such and pinned
if you don't see anything wrong with it it's your fault ,not mine
everything, now stop annoying meKointo said:Pussy pic, terrible hypocrisy, inceltears.nausea said:it's a travesty of a thread, especially tagged as such and pinned
if you don't see anything wrong with it it's your fault ,not mine
What is the bad part about this?
nausea said:everything, now stop annoying me
admin has spokenKointo said:You don't have to reply if you think I'm annoying you. You still haven't given an explanation.nausea said:everything, now stop annoying me
nausea said:admin has spoken
in newsandfeedback,but I deleted itKointo said:Ok. Where has he spoken?nausea said:admin has spoken
KyloRen said:This is a trick. She wants a reaction from us.
takurak said:She fooled the dumb incels and got her attention. Smart woman tbh
subsaharan said:hmmmmmmm she's been tumblr'ing alllll damn day lmfao https://burningmanonacid.tumblr.com (need a tumblr to access)
prob bait. unclear motive. perhaps not too surprising? BSDM psycho chick, she's prob gettin off to this on some e-masochism type shit
where ya @, anna
just gonna leep dis here
I love you.subsaharan said:Hmmm... y'know, since the poshmark.com account pretty much spills the beans and confirms everything, fuck it. Here:
Her: https://www.facebook.com/anna.leep.7
Her bf: https://www.facebook.com/tomasz.zielinski.3576
lmao g'night y'all
(Mass account deletes in 3............. 2............. )
BakaHapa said:LOL at "Conservative". Female conservatives don't exist. If she was conservative, she wouldn't be asking for lesbian sex, participating in degenerate subcultures like BDSM, and going on adult sites to sleep around. That's sounds like something a feminist whore like Laci Green would do. All females are feminazi "sex positive" sluts who ride the cock carousel and who wants to bang as many Chads/Tyrones they want in their prime (even if they deny it). QT conservative non-hypergamous waifus are a unicorn. They don't exist. Lauren Southern, Brittney Pettibone, Tara McCarthy, Wife with a purpose, all of them have a history of degeneracy. AWALT. Females only pretend to be conservative because they want a Christian Chad husbando to settle down with. There are more conservative males than females and more liberal females than males and these femoid fauxservatives just want to be the centre of attention in a political sausage fest and act like they are "not like other girls :3 ~~~tee hee!!!! <3". Females like her are proof that girls only claim to be conservative to seek male validation (tradcons are a sausage fest, so they are more likely to give females attention). "Conservative" females are the new fake gamer girl.
BigGhey said:Wait, what's wife with a purpose's history with degeneracy? I know about Lauren and Tara, idgaf about Brittney(sounds like a roastie anyways)
Futurecel2.0 said:All women are attention whores