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Venting Annoying /pol/cel cope

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
"Hey dude don't hate on women! Hate on the Jews who did this!"
Why? Why should I care at all about helping preserve or save the white race when the majority of them instinctually hate me? The behavior normies have that has ruined my life won't go away if we get a perfect white utopia. It'll still be hell for me so why should I make it better for others as some act of tribalism?

/Pol/cels need to realize that no matter what society they live in they'll be always hated for their looks.

Yes if you're a normie obsessing over this it's ok because it affects normies far more. After all the average white guys status has been lowered by propaganda. However if you're a truecel you're effectively making the lives of others better if your politics somehow succeed. The only reason you should care about anything is if it affects you. I hate niggers because there's a chance they'll mug me. I hate dei because it ensures I have trouble finding a job and women screw me over.

At the end of the day I don't want a better world for normies and neither should you. If problems exist I hope they get worse so normies are more miserable. Seeing immigrants rape women for example recently has made me happy. They'll never accept you so just laugh as they destroy themselves.
Pol is the lowest IQ place online. Poltards care more about people who hate them than themselves pathetic.
I don't give a fuck about whites. Whites have caused me the greatest pain. never have i been mocked by a curry or a nigga
its true that jews do have some impact in soyciety but if jews were taken out and foids were still given rights, they would still be utterly retarded, im sure the NSDAP was aware of that as well, so its obviously not jews that made women retarded, they are just biologically dumbasses :feelshaha:
I don't give a fuck about whites. Whites have caused me the greatest pain. never have i been mocked by a curry or a nigga
Niggers have mocked and bullied me extensively as well. Curries I don't have much of an issue with.
its true that jews do have some impact in soyciety but if jews were taken out and foids were still given rights, they would still be utterly retarded, im sure the NSDAP was aware of that as well, so its obviously not jews that made women retarded, they are just biologically dumbasses :feelshaha:
Yes. Women are awful and have always been that way. The traditional pure feminity men fondly remember was only sustained through beating them into submission.
fuck /pol/ i hope they all kill themselves they are dangerous terrorists and whore whoreshippers
גויים כועסים
The traditional pure feminity men fondly remember was only sustained through beating them into submission.
Also rape. That's equally important.
Ethnics were always nicer to me growing up tbh fuck whiteoids
Niggers have mocked and bullied me extensively as well. Curries I don't have much of an issue with.
Niggers seem to be the race that attacks everyone. Only chinks and curries are harmless.
"Hey dude don't hate on women! Hate on the Jews who did this!"
Why? Why should I care at all about helping preserve or save the white race when the majority of them instinctually hate me? The behavior normies have that has ruined my life won't go away if we get a perfect white utopia. It'll still be hell for me so why should I make it better for others as some act of tribalism?

/Pol/cels need to realize that no matter what society they live in they'll be always hated for their looks.

Yes if you're a normie obsessing over this it's ok because it affects normies far more. After all the average white guys status has been lowered by propaganda. However if you're a truecel you're effectively making the lives of others better if your politics somehow succeed. The only reason you should care about anything is if it affects you. I hate niggers because there's a chance they'll mug me. I hate dei because it ensures I have trouble finding a job and women screw me over.

At the end of the day I don't want a better world for normies and neither should you. If problems exist I hope they get worse so normies are more miserable. Seeing immigrants rape women for example recently has made me happy. They'll never accept you so just laugh as they destroy themselves.
lol yeah they're like communists who go 'no it's not the blacks/gays/Jews it's capitalism' in response to everything

like no capitalism didn't make niggers be born retarded lmao
lol yeah they're like communists who go 'no it's not the blacks/gays/Jews it's capitalism' in response to everything

like no capitalism didn't make niggers be born retarded lmao
"Hey dude don't hate on women! Hate on the Jews who did this!"
Why? Why should I care at all about helping preserve or save the white race when the majority of them instinctually hate me? The behavior normies have that has ruined my life won't go away if we get a perfect white utopia. It'll still be hell for me so why should I make it better for others as some act of tribalism?

/Pol/cels need to realize that no matter what society they live in they'll be always hated for their looks.

Yes if you're a normie obsessing over this it's ok because it affects normies far more. After all the average white guys status has been lowered by propaganda. However if you're a truecel you're effectively making the lives of others better if your politics somehow succeed. The only reason you should care about anything is if it affects you. I hate niggers because there's a chance they'll mug me. I hate dei because it ensures I have trouble finding a job and women screw me over.

At the end of the day I don't want a better world for normies and neither should you. If problems exist I hope they get worse so normies are more miserable. Seeing immigrants rape women for example recently has made me happy. They'll never accept you so just laugh as they destroy themselves.
The reason as to why myself, and some others here, may come across this way is for quite a few reasons.

I'm a misanthrope & hate people in general: However, I have reasons for my views, which ofc differ from the usual /poljak/ retard who can't recognize foids are a massive part of the problem.

I was treated poorly by everyone when I was younger: However, to the normies of my own race, I was just ugly & autistic, I was still one of them in a way. To the normies who are Hispanic or Black(main non-whites in my region) I am ugly, autistic and also White, which would prompt for them to have a more negative reaction towards me, yes stuff like this did happen to me. Not to mention, most "ethnic" cultures(with the exception of East Asians) tend to be much more "NT-centric" as opposed towards White cultures; meaning my interactions with them would be worse by default.

Part of the Blackpill is just acknowledging facts, the laws of nature, etc. as opposed to believing in deluded fantasies: In a way, this correlates with acknowledging the fact that due to our own biological nature humans have a default preference for their own group, whilst rejecting the notion that "all humans should live together" pushed upon us. In fact, research proves that even babies show default preferences when exposed to a face of the same race:
The results indicate that preference for own-race faces is present as early as 3 months of age
A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging study by Golby, Gabrieli, Chiao, and Eberhardt (2001) provided evidence that this recognition bias is accompanied by a race-dependent neural activation pattern. Using a recognition paradigm, these authors found higher activation in response to own-race than to other-race faces in specific face-sensitive regions of the adult brain.

Not to mention the fact, that research has proven higher trust, homogenous societies tend to function better: This also holds up empirically, when examining places such as Brazil & the current US.

Robert Putnam, an actual Liberal scholar, even reached this consensus after the present state of the United States:
“People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle,” Putnam writes.

In documenting that hunkering down, Putnam challenged the two dominant schools of thought on ethnic and racial diversity, the “contact” theory and the “conflict” theory. Under the contact theory, more time spent with those of other backgrounds leads to greater understanding and harmony between groups. Under the conflict theory, that proximity produces tension and discord.

Putnam's findings reject both theories. In more diverse communities, he says, there were neither great bonds formed across group lines nor heightened ethnic tensions, but a general civic malaise. And in perhaps the most surprising result of all, levels of trust were not only lower between groups in more diverse settings, but even among members of the same group.
In a recent study, Glaeser and colleague Alberto Alesina demonstrated that roughly half the difference in social welfare spending between the US and Europe—Europe spends far more—can be attributed to the greater ethnic diversity of the US population. Glaeser says lower national social welfare spending in the US is a “macro” version of the decreased civic engagement Putnam found in more diverse communities within the country.
Economists Matthew Kahn of UCLA and Dora Costa of MIT reviewed 15 recent studies in a 2003 paper, all of which linked diversity with lower levels of social capital. Greater ethnic diversity was linked, for example, to lower school funding, census response rates, and trust in others. Kahn and Costa's own research documented higher desertion rates in the Civil War among Union Army soldiers serving in companies whose soldiers varied more by age, occupation, and birthplace.

Generally, multicultural/racial societies are seemingly bad for everyone.

Not to mention the bias towards Whites in hiring & the media, which I am glad you addressed:

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The reason as to why I espouse these "right-wing" even though the correct term is Third-Position, since I am economically Left, is due to the fact that In a way, it is true this is the Jews & Elites fault: The same people responsible for mine, and most others Inceldom, are the same people who wish to see White erasure, multiculturalism, etc.

As per my previous comment here, citing how diverse societies tend to breed more distrust amongst everyone, I would like to add that I conclude this is why many normies of our own race have treated us like shit: They are all impacted by this as well, and due to their nature, will be dragged further down into this pattern of distrust, which ofc will negatively impact us more.

Incels, unfortunately, are still part of the collective-consciousness, and are affected by the various "happenings" we see globally, we are no exception to this.

As I have learned from living in the Liberal shithole known as America, freedom is an illusion for self-destructiveness: This current condition is an r-selective one, which will breed more Inceldom. Frankly, I don't want anyone to have to endure what I have endured.

Ideally, I would wish for some kind of Third-Positionist system, but with a blackpill & very "misogynistic" take upon it: Homogeneity, national pride, authoritarianism, etc. could ensure that society places more value upon the collective race & nation as a whole, which would deviate greatly from the one on which we live, which has none of these very legitimate constructs to hold it together. However, it would require a system which ensures looksmatched marriages, foids losing all rights, and for only certain individuals to breed(doesn't mean one can't have a relationship) in order to ensure dysgenic to not come into play, as they currently are.

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