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Blackpill And while you obsess over Chads and Male models, Normies are having sex with their gfs/FWBs

  • Thread starter NothingButALoser
  • Start date


Mar 28, 2018
Inceldom fucking emsculateed us. Normal men, who lost their virginity in HS/college, don't even know what lookism/chad/PSL ratings are. They never had to know. They are happy with the way they look because it gets them laid.

Only autistic subhumans like us obess over looks so much because we have to cope somehow for the lack of women in our lives. Do you think your peers even know all this PSL/blackpill shit? Fucking no. Because they are too busy going out and meeting girls or having sex with their current ones.
no hope,cope.
Don't remind me.

Obsessing over male models and chads is a bit gay idc about looking like one however being ugly makes me wanna kill them.
Like I always say were the bottom of the barrel
I know, and while they're being cucked at some point, I rot alone while deeply involving myself with the blackpill and desiring Chadish looks (which are impossible for me). It's over for us... or it never began.
I can't stand fucking faggots here who worship chads.
I CANNOT BE CHAD OR LOOK LIKE ONE / Surgery cost too much / Inexperience has damaged me
Firearms are much cheaper lul
I honestly don’t give a shit anymore. It’s pointless tbh.
Just living life distracts them from questioning anything
You seem to forget that virtually all non-Chads or AT LEAST non-Chad-lites WILL end up getting cucked sooner or later. Some of them will then come here, some to TRP or MGTOW and so on.

Still others (namely the cuckolds) will remain in blissful blue-pill lala land telling themselves that their personalities are why they were cheated on repeatedly. They will eventually marry used up whores and father hopeless children (assuming they aren't Dontrell's anyways) that will likely be future cuckolds and cocksluts as they will lack a strong male role model in their lives.

These cucks wil never be truly happy and will always feel inferior deep down. They will take out their inner frustrations on anyone who tries to expose the big lie that is life, calling them "mithogynitht" and all the other usual epithets for thought-criminals.

Thus being a normie really isn't any better than being an incel unless you're truly satisfied with living a lie and getting whatever leftover scraps you get when Chad and Tyrone are done hollowing out the roastie carcass. And if you are that's pretty low to aspire to.
I know, and while they're being cucked at some point, I rot alone while deeply involving myself with the blackpill and desiring Chadish looks (which are impossible for me). It's over for us... or it never began.
"And desiring chadish looks" you wouldn't if you had a normal love life
You seem to forget that virtually all non-Chads or AT LEAST non-Chad-lites WILL end up getting cucked sooner or later. Some of them will then come here, some to TRP or MGTOW and so on.

Still others (namely the cuckolds) will remain in blissful blue-pill lala land telling themselves that their personalities are why they were cheated on repeatedly. They will eventually marry used up whores and father hopeless children (assuming they aren't Dontrell's anyways) that will likely be future cuckolds and cocksluts as they will lack a strong male role model in their lives.

These cucks wil never be truly happy and will always feel inferior deep down. They will take out their inner frustrations on anyone who tries to expose the big lie that is life, calling them "mithogynitht" and all the other usual epithets for thought-criminals.

Thus being a normie really isn't any better than being an incel unless you're truly satisfied with living a lie and getting whatever leftover scraps you get when Chad and Tyrone are done hollowing out the roastie carcass. And if you are that's pretty low to aspire to.
Cause being a virgin subhuman is definately on par with getting laid
Inceldom fucking emsculateed us. Normal men, who lost their virginity in HS/college, don't even know what lookism/chad/PSL ratings are. They never had to know. They are happy with the way they look because it gets them laid.

Only autistic subhumans like us obess over looks so much because we have to cope somehow for the lack of women in our lives. Do you think your peers even know all this PSL/blackpill shit? Fucking no. Because they are too busy going out and meeting girls or having sex with their current ones.

thanks mayne...

Cause being a virgin subhuman is definately on par with getting laid

Not everyone here is necessarily a virgin or subhuman /: by definition, you are incel if you've unwillingly gone without sex for more than 6 months. Some of us it's because we're just ugly, some of us it's because we're not necessarily ugly, but autistic or some other social disability. And some are black-pilled normies.

Moreover, Cucks are getting the leftover scraps, again -- not exactly drowning in pussy by any means. Many are in fact incels in denial (Walter Fate unwittingly admitted he was at some point) but would never post here because they dont want to be associated with "mithogynitht Trump thupporterth."
Not everyone here is necessarily a virgin or subhuman /: by definition, you are incel if you've unwillingly gone without sex for more than 6 months.

yup normies get to live their life while we rot away in some fucking lonely room
"Only autistic subhumans like us obess over looks so much because we have to cope somehow for the lack of women in our lives. Do you think your peers even know all this PSL/blackpill shit? Fucking no. Because they are too busy going out and meeting girls or having sex with their current ones."
If we didn't "obsess" over these things then there would be no blackpill. We are like scientists, you can't call a gynochologist a pussy for focusing on pussy shit. It takes a lot of evidence to compile to try and convince these cucks.
Incel < Truecel
Cringe that people have had sex yet come on this forum
Moreover, Cucks are getting the leftover scraps, again -- not exactly drowning in pussy by any means. Many are in fact incels in denial (Walter Fate unwittingly admitted he was at some point) but would never post here because they dont want to be associated with "mithogynitht Trump thupporterth."
He won't post here because he'd get ripped a new one.
"Only autistic subhumans like us obess over looks so much because we have to cope somehow for the lack of women in our lives. Do you think your peers even know all this PSL/blackpill shit? Fucking no. Because they are too busy going out and meeting girls or having sex with their current ones."
If we didn't "obsess" over these things then there would be no blackpill. We are like scientists, you can't call a gynochologist a pussy for focusing on pussy shit. It takes a lot of evidence to compile to try and convince these cucks.
What the fuck is even the point of blackpill? It's mental masturbation at best
Nah, it doesn't work like that. We are here because we're not enough attractive. Or enough, but just to be some betabux or something like that = girl won't crave for you. Natural attraction is best "love" meaning (when we take man and woman), and im my own example when girls pick masculine looking guys and crave for them and don't even respect me, feminine looking and not that attractive. Masculinity often goes hand in hand with "man attractiveness", when feminine man = incel.
Nah, it doesn't work like that. We are here because we're not enough attractive. Or enough, but just to be some betabux or something like that = girl won't crave for you. Natural attraction is best "love" meaning (when we take man and woman), and im my own example when girls pick masculine looking guys and crave for them and don't even respect me, feminine looking and not that attractive. Masculinity often goes hand in hand with "man attractiveness", when feminine man = incel.
Plenlty of guys here are more masculine than the average normie
He won't post here because he'd get ripped a new one.

Yep, though he could be posting here under a fake account to go report back to cucktears. Wouldn't be surprised if it were the OP in fact. This amount of normie worship is odd to say the least.
Yep, though he could be posting here under a fake account to go report back to cucktears. Wouldn't be surprised if it were the OP in fact. This amount of normie worship is odd to say the least.

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