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Blackpill Analysis Of NoFap (With Studies)



Aug 20, 2024
It has come to my attention that some members in this community clearly love "NoFap" Ah yes the sexually frustrated Inkwells convinced by redpill grifters and tradcucks to retain their semen to satisfy some great goal in achieving """Discipline"""


I'm gonna try to just dump all the shit I know
Basically autistic ramblings but eh Idrc I just want all my info together somewhere
Main reason I'm taking this thread anyway

This video is a good one on this topic

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6jRbdrSRys

TLDR: He shows research (links in description) about the effects of porn on people and there are no clear trends. some people say it makes them feel better, some say worse its not this linear trend with porn leading to you being insane and depressed

Btw have you noticed they don't have the same shit for women? Yea foids watch rape porn at a disproportional rate but that's fine apparently kek It's always a male issue

"Men who watch porn feel worse because the differences in grey matter in the dopamine system"

Ok so you get a bunch of cases of depressed men into your clinic you scan their brain grey matter difference how do you know it's from porn? you would have to have them before and after porn, you would have to literally find healthy men, then make them watch hardcore porn in controlled setting while measuring brain changes Maybe they are already fucked up to begin with

3 Studies I want to show:

No evidence for decreased D2/3 receptor availability and frontal hypoperfusion in subjects with compulsive pornography use (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33774451/)

Brain dopamine receptor density correlates with social status (https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(09)00965-2/fulltext)

Dopamine in Autism Spectrum Disorders (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8850940/)

Participants with ASD showed lower D2/3R availability throughout the D2/3R-rich extrastriatal regions of the dopaminergic pathways. Among these, the posterior region of the thalamus, which primarily comprises the pulvinar, displayed the largest effect size for the lower D2/3R availability, which correlated with a higher score on the Social Affect domain of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 in participants with ASD. Moreover, lower D2/3R availability was correlated with lower functional connectivity of the thalamus-superior temporal sulcus and cerebellum–medial occipital cortex, specifically in individuals with ASD. The current findings provide novel molecular evidence for the social motivation theory of autism and offer a novel therapeutic target.

The problem is not porn, Drug abuse as disorder of environment, not drugs being addictive => https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3047254/

Drugs were legal in america until 1940s yet only caused issues in already fucked up people its a social issue not drug issue the research also shows that most drug users are normal have jobs dont stand out at all only minority are hobos with no teeth people that are homeless and do drugs have more issues, health, mental, abuse drugs are not the cause, just a symptom however, since it is these type of people that end up in rehab repeatetly people mistake them for the average drug user which is not true coming back to the ethnic thing, one factor that as found to make people quit drugs was marriage and having kids, more responsibility etc in fact like 80% of druggies drop them on their own most never see a rehab clinic in the process we have known that since vietnam war, when millions of soldiers came back and just dropped heroin

One last study saying that Dopamine and Facial Recognition are connected (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161003093240.htm)

if society is low trust and people dont live in big families anymore that give them a feeling of saftey and security they resort to copes to suppress their body telling them are isolated and in danger

I think loneliness is that ^^^ Young men get rejected out of society, the 4.5x ingroup preference of foids (https://sci-hub.ru/10.1037/0022-3514.87.4.494) hits them in their early teens they dont know whats happening to them, mom doesnt like them anymore, dad suddenly sees them as competition etc then they try to get back into society, into the herd, which is the 4.5 they want that warmth back the porn is just coping with that. Its not even about sex or they would just fap without porn its about the female pleasure in the porn, its like making mom happy if that makes sense, its always about female validating, giving women pleasure by looking better, having muscles, money, status

Tagging some niggas that might be interested @GeckoBus @WorthlessSlavicShit @DarkStar @Regressive
It has come to my attention that some members in this community clearly love "NoFap" Ah yes the sexually frustrated Inkwells convinced by redpill grifters and tradcucks to retain their semen to satisfy some great goal in achieving """Discipline"""

View attachment 1241258

I'm gonna try to just dump all the shit I know
Basically autistic ramblings but eh Idrc I just want all my info together somewhere
Main reason I'm taking this thread anyway

This video is a good one on this topic

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6jRbdrSRys

TLDR: He shows research (links in description) about the effects of porn on people and there are no clear trends. some people say it makes them feel better, some say worse its not this linear trend with porn leading to you being insane and depressed

Btw have you noticed they don't have the same shit for women? Yea foids watch rape porn at a disproportional rate but that's fine apparently kek It's always a male issue

"Men who watch porn feel worse because the differences in grey matter in the dopamine system"

Ok so you get a bunch of cases of depressed men into your clinic you scan their brain grey matter difference how do you know it's from porn? you would have to have them before and after porn, you would have to literally find healthy men, then make them watch hardcore porn in controlled setting while measuring brain changes Maybe they are already fucked up to begin with

3 Studies I want to show:

No evidence for decreased D2/3 receptor availability and frontal hypoperfusion in subjects with compulsive pornography use (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33774451/)

Brain dopamine receptor density correlates with social status (https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(09)00965-2/fulltext)

Dopamine in Autism Spectrum Disorders (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8850940/)

The problem is not porn, Drug abuse as disorder of environment, not drugs being addictive => https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3047254/

Drugs were legal in america until 1940s yet only caused issues in already fucked up people its a social issue not drug issue the research also shows that most drug users are normal have jobs dont stand out at all only minority are hobos with no teeth people that are homeless and do drugs have more issues, health, mental, abuse drugs are not the cause, just a symptom however, since it is these type of people that end up in rehab repeatetly people mistake them for the average drug user which is not true coming back to the ethnic thing, one factor that as found to make people quit drugs was marriage and having kids, more responsibility etc in fact like 80% of druggies drop them on their own most never see a rehab clinic in the process we have known that since vietnam war, when millions of soldiers came back and just dropped heroin

One last study saying that Dopamine and Facial Recognition are connected (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161003093240.htm)

if society is low trust and people dont live in big families anymore that give them a feeling of saftey and security they resort to copes to suppress their body telling them are isolated and in danger

I think loneliness is that ^^^ Young men get rejected out of society, the 4.5x ingroup preference of foids (https://sci-hub.ru/10.1037/0022-3514.87.4.494) hits them in their early teens they dont know whats happening to them, mom doesnt like them anymore, dad suddenly sees them as competition etc then they try to get back into society, into the herd, which is the 4.5 they want that warmth back the porn is just coping with that. Its not even about sex or they would just fap without porn its about the female pleasure in the porn, its like making mom happy if that makes sense, its always about female validating, giving women pleasure by looking better, having muscles, money, status

Tagging some niggas that might be interested @GeckoBus @WorthlessSlavicShit @DarkStar @Regressive

:feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh:
very good thread, I cum hard at seeing these studies mentioned, yes yes, this is the good shit OOOOH FINALLY I GET TO EAT

Yes its all true, also important to mention that people in hospitals that are on hardcore drugs to lessen their pain do NOT get addicted, even after months of opiate administration. Doctors even warn hospitals not to skimper with drugs, cuz there is no risk of addiction in patients:
GLASGOW-Pain specialists continually stress the message that clinicians should not fear prescribing adequate doses of opioids for pain patients, since such patients are not at risk of becoming "addicted."Now a study from the University of Glasgow confirms what pain specialists intuitively know: Pain patients do not become psychologically dependent on drugs because they are taking narcotics to relieve their pain and for no other reason; drug abusers, on the other hand, use narcotics strictly for mood alteration or to induce sleep.

basically addiction is more circumstances leading people to whatever copes are available.
For example, most people understand that alcohol addiction is a coping mechanism, and not from alcohol being addictive. Millions of people drink alcohol daily and do not get addicted. However, when it comes to hard drugs, people discard this logical thinking. As @veryrare pointed out, they assume drug abuse is not as common as alcoholism and if you take drugs, your life is acutely threatened by looming addiction and so on.

In reality, similar to alcohol, millions of people take drugs daily and do not get addicted and live normal lives. Most of them quit later in life on their own. I have posted a book on this before and I will again, here is the download:

This does not just apply to drugs but all human behavior and addictions so called. We all have behaviors that could be classified as addictions but since society does not view them like that, like with my alcohol example, they are not considered diseases or problematic. This includes shit like binge eating, TV watching, gaming, grooming etc. Anything thats a cope with stress, secondary issues like health issues or bad job or family situation etc.

very very interesting shit
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Drugs were legal in america until 1940s yet only caused issues in already fucked up people its a social issue not drug issue
'drugs don't cause any adverse or addictive effects' is an odd take tbh
:feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh:
very good thread, I cum hard at seeing these studies mentioned, yes yes, this is the good shit OOOOH FINALLY I GET TO EAT

Yes its all true, also important to mention that people in hospitals that are on hardcore drugs to lessen their pain do NOT get addicted, even after months of opiate administration. Doctors even warn hospitals not to skimper with drugs, cuz there is no risk of addiction in patients:

basically addiction is more circumstances leading people to whatever copes are available.
For example, most people understand that alcohol addiction is a coping mechanism, and not from alcohol being addictive. Millions of people drink alcohol daily and do not get addicted. However, when it comes to hard drugs, people discard this logical thinking. As @veryrare pointed out, they assume drug abuse is not as common as alcoholism and if you take drugs, your life is acutely threatened by looming addiction and so on.

In reality, similar to alcohol, millions of people take drugs daily and do not get addicted and live normal lives. Most of them quit later in life on their own. I have posted a book on this before and I will again, here is the download:

This does not just apply to drugs but all human behavior and addictions so called. We all have behaviors that could be classified as addictions but since society does not view them like that, like with my alcohol example, they are not considered diseases or problematic. This includes shit like binge eating, TV watching, gaming, grooming etc. Anything thats a cope with stress, secondary issues like health issues or bad job or family situation etc.

very very interesting shit

:feelsaww: :feelsaww::yes::yes::feelsokman::feelsokman:

GeckoBus seal of approval
I will die in peace now

'drugs don't cause any adverse or addictive effects' is an odd take tbh

You clearly didn't read anything

  1. I'm not saying drugs do not cause health issues, I'm saying that drugs are not inherently addictive as a substance
  2. it is not an odd take, there is scientific literature on this and historical and statistical data

Its people that have prior conditions like mental illness, trauma, health issues drugs are just part of a bigger picture in @GeckoBus 's reply He gave alcohol as an example I could also mention weed or sleeping pills theres millions of people taking substances but not getting addicted its just that with heroin and other hard drugs, we think theres less people taking them than there are because we assume you have to be homeless and ugly to take these drugs you dont, you can be perfectly normal and not stand out the people that look fucked up and end up homeless and in rehab over and over are not the average drug user its a selection bias
hits them in their early teens they dont know whats happening to them, mom doesnt like them anymore, dad suddenly sees them as competition etc then they try to get back into society
I'm not sure what your experience is, but my mother is probably the only woman who can see past my hideous face, and my father doesn't do anything of the sort.

Btw have you noticed they don't have the same shit for women? Yea foids watch rape porn at a disproportional rate but that's fine apparently kek It's always a male issue
Lolz. Yeah I believe that. If I'm to imagine a woman watching porn, it's always the hardcore, bdsm, staged rape genre, like there's something so animal about the physical power and size difference that arouses them.

Personally for you OP, I recommend that you learn how to punctuate your sentences with a period. This was hard to read.

In reality, similar to alcohol, millions of people take drugs daily and do not get addicted and live normal lives. Most of them quit later in life on their own.
Yeah, legit. I think that perception about drugs is similar to the perception that cities had of their prostitutes in the 19th century. That they'd contract venereal disease and die soon and painfully. Though in reality I read those prostitutes would simply quit that line of work, get married or in the rare case, earn enough from the considerable business of prostitution that they could afford their own property, own slaves as a mistress, etc.

This includes shit like binge eating
I do that. When I've had a rough day, I have to conjure enough willpower and meditate to not eat away the pain. It's very tough for me because I've done so for years and I'm only perceptive of this shortcoming and destructive habit I have built recently.

Today I failed, and I'm writing this post bloated on an entire 25" pepperoni pizza from Domino's.
It has come to my attention that some members in this community clearly love "NoFap" Ah yes the sexually frustrated Inkwells convinced by redpill grifters and tradcucks to retain their semen to satisfy some great goal in achieving """Discipline"""

View attachment 1241258

I'm gonna try to just dump all the shit I know
Basically autistic ramblings but eh Idrc I just want all my info together somewhere
Main reason I'm taking this thread anyway

This video is a good one on this topic

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6jRbdrSRys

TLDR: He shows research (links in description) about the effects of porn on people and there are no clear trends. some people say it makes them feel better, some say worse its not this linear trend with porn leading to you being insane and depressed

Btw have you noticed they don't have the same shit for women? Yea foids watch rape porn at a disproportional rate but that's fine apparently kek It's always a male issue

"Men who watch porn feel worse because the differences in grey matter in the dopamine system"

Ok so you get a bunch of cases of depressed men into your clinic you scan their brain grey matter difference how do you know it's from porn? you would have to have them before and after porn, you would have to literally find healthy men, then make them watch hardcore porn in controlled setting while measuring brain changes Maybe they are already fucked up to begin with

3 Studies I want to show:

No evidence for decreased D2/3 receptor availability and frontal hypoperfusion in subjects with compulsive pornography use (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33774451/)

Brain dopamine receptor density correlates with social status (https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(09)00965-2/fulltext)

Dopamine in Autism Spectrum Disorders (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8850940/)

The problem is not porn, Drug abuse as disorder of environment, not drugs being addictive => https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3047254/

Drugs were legal in america until 1940s yet only caused issues in already fucked up people its a social issue not drug issue the research also shows that most drug users are normal have jobs dont stand out at all only minority are hobos with no teeth people that are homeless and do drugs have more issues, health, mental, abuse drugs are not the cause, just a symptom however, since it is these type of people that end up in rehab repeatetly people mistake them for the average drug user which is not true coming back to the ethnic thing, one factor that as found to make people quit drugs was marriage and having kids, more responsibility etc in fact like 80% of druggies drop them on their own most never see a rehab clinic in the process we have known that since vietnam war, when millions of soldiers came back and just dropped heroin

One last study saying that Dopamine and Facial Recognition are connected (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161003093240.htm)

if society is low trust and people dont live in big families anymore that give them a feeling of saftey and security they resort to copes to suppress their body telling them are isolated and in danger

I think loneliness is that ^^^ Young men get rejected out of society, the 4.5x ingroup preference of foids (https://sci-hub.ru/10.1037/0022-3514.87.4.494) hits them in their early teens they dont know whats happening to them, mom doesnt like them anymore, dad suddenly sees them as competition etc then they try to get back into society, into the herd, which is the 4.5 they want that warmth back the porn is just coping with that. Its not even about sex or they would just fap without porn its about the female pleasure in the porn, its like making mom happy if that makes sense, its always about female validating, giving women pleasure by looking better, having muscles, money, status

Tagging some niggas that might be interested @GeckoBus @WorthlessSlavicShit @DarkStar @Regressive

Great post. I'm always there for well-researched posts shitting on NoFap and other efforts that blame men, and solely men, for using copes they don't like (porn, and there's nothing else to it, they are just disgusted by the thought of subhumans being sexual and having an outlet for their sexual needs and fantasies) and seek to take those sexual copes away from them. Of course, they never have any problem with females doing so (I've legit seen TERFs specifically say that only males' brains are supposedly affected by porn, absolute jfl if you support the same position as them on the topic as a man.)
Lolz. Yeah I believe that. If I'm to imagine a woman watching porn, it's always the hardcore, bdsm, staged rape genre, like there's something so animal about the physical power and size difference that arouses them.

Personally for you OP, I recommend that you learn how to punctuate your sentences with a period. This was hard to read.
Afaik the pornhub user stats show exactly that. Another decade long controversy little known to men, is that romance novels often contain rape of the main character. In a positive sense. Like, getting raped by the attractive male.
It is really and open secret that women like that kind of stuff.

Yeah, legit. I think that perception about drugs is similar to the perception that cities had of their prostitutes in the 19th century. That they'd contract venereal disease and die soon and painfully. Though in reality I read those prostitutes would simply quit that line of work, get married or in the rare case, earn enough from the considerable business of prostitution that they could afford their own property, own slaves as a mistress, etc.
This is really interesting. I have thought about this on and off, the myth of the poor, helpless prostitute. There is modern data on this too, where they interviewed prostitutes and they said they actually prefer it to wageslaving. Their income also goes untaxed, they can earn considerable wealth like that.

I linked some info in my reply here:

One time I was watching a TV interview with a carribean prostitute working in amsterdam. She said she owns a plantation back home and invests the western money into ventures in her 3rd world home country. She will retire a wealthy woman.

I do that. When I've had a rough day, I have to conjure enough willpower and meditate to not eat away the pain. It's very tough for me because I've done so for years and I'm only perceptive of this shortcoming and destructive habit I have built recently.

Today I failed, and I'm writing this post bloated on an entire 25" pepperoni pizza from Domino's.
:lul: :lul: :lul: FUCK that hits close to home. As I am writing this, I am in the middle of eating 2 fucking pounds of french fries, chicken wings and processed sausages I air fried and slathered in mayonnaise and sauce. Fuck my life. I will go back on carnivore diet on monday honestly.

I know from experience, it is not about the food. The periods where I had a consistent "non-hedonistic" diet were the ones where I was stress free and happier in general. The worlds best treatment programs for drug rehabilitation do not focus on detoxing people anymore, they include social measures to stabilize people to prevent relapse. They talk about it in this documentary (1:13:26):

View: https://youtu.be/_RaWzJUeT0o?t=4406
Their income also goes untaxed, they can earn considerable wealth like that.
Yep, yeah, legit. You followed up with something I forgot about prostitution. Yet another way women don't constitute majorly to being the taxpayer.

One time I was watching a TV interview with a carribean prostitute working in amsterdam. She said she owns a plantation back home and invests the western money into ventures in her 3rd world home country. She will retire a wealthy woman.
It's maddening to think that some families accrued generational wealth because of prostitution. There are wealthy men and women today who inherited wealth started by their great great great grandmother spreading them in some whorehouse. Imagine, but you don't have to because you can be certain that that is at least one family's story.

Shit like that blows my mind, and it completely blows the fuck out of this idea of hard work. I see now that hard work is the fool's gambit. So many men are sucked into wasting their lives like that climbing a greasy pole to ingratiate themselves for a used up woman.

You could work hard in the middle class and become an educated surgeon. Or you could be relaxing in a Lazy Boy comforted in a line of wealth started from your family's work at some brothels in a bygone era in a city like New York (Gotham, as it was then known). The determiner is the family you are born into.

I will go back on carnivore diet on monday honestly.
Ha ha. And I'm cheating on my dietary commitment to eat more fibre and vegetables. How can you afford that carnivore diet?

diet were the ones where I was stress free and happier in general
That is so true. I can only stay consistent with my idea of a healthy diet when my mind is undamaged from the stress of the week. Since I read Gary Taubes's book about sugar, I have been incensed to remove sugar from my diet. I actually notice I was pre-diabetic once I hadn't eaten any sugar in two months because I no longer had the tingling sensations in my hands and feet.

Anecdotes from Roald Dahl and others in that book affirmed to me that many substances like alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine, sugar, can all be used as a cope and are so frequently. The common theme anywhere in society is that coping is a survival instinct of humans. I'm very sure of this, because cope is ubiquitous.
The common theme anywhere in society is that coping is a survival instinct of humans. I'm very sure of this, because cope is ubiquitous.
I think FACEandLMS expounds this so expertly in the opening minutes of WAW 1.4: How Men Cope With Not Being Good-looking

Making the notion of ubiquity of cope and accepting it as an instinct is so surreal, because you start noticing it everywhere and in many people's behavior.
How can you afford that carnivore diet?
Im on welfare and I buy cheap meats from the store. Also, fat is very cheap, which is a huge part of this diet. Butter and animal fat trimmings, maybe olive oil. When you cut out the majority of other foods, it actually evens out.

Since I read Gary Taubes's book about sugar, I have been incensed to remove sugar from my diet. I actually notice I was pre-diabetic once I hadn't eaten any sugar in two months because I no longer had the tingling sensations in my hands and feet.
Yeah I have looked into taubes too and I made the same experience. I know for a fact from two old blood tests that I am or was pre-diabetic. I constantly had cold hands and feet, tingling, numb limbs etc etc and tons of other symptoms. It's all gone now.

Anecdotes from Roald Dahl and others in that book affirmed to me that many substances like alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine, sugar, can all be used as a cope and are so frequently. The common theme anywhere in society is that coping is a survival instinct of humans. I'm very sure of this, because cope is ubiquitous.
Because of the hyper-individualist philosophical ideas prevalent in our time, there is a tendency to overly reduce what happens to someone to them being guilty of causing their own demise somehow. In reality, many people are coping with circumstances they have no control over. I think the entire blackpill thing is just a reaction to this overbearing notion. A sort of rebellion in the war of ideas. Blackpillers are rebels against the hegemony of hyper-individualism.
I still dont get why no fap is bad for u
I'm not sure what your experience is, but my mother is probably the only woman who can see past my hideous face, and my father doesn't do anything of the sort.

Personally for you OP, I recommend that you learn how to punctuate your sentences with a period. This was hard to read.
Of course It varies from Individual to Individual But usually you get outcasted then you try to cope
Super reductionist but you get the point
For the punctuation, It was 2am and I tried to write it as fast as I can cuz autism probably
Inshallah the next thread I'll use proper grammar and shieet
Thanks for the reply

Great post. I'm always there for well-researched posts shitting on NoFap and other efforts that blame men, and solely men, for using copes they don't like (porn, and there's nothing else to it, they are just disgusted by the thought of subhumans being sexual and having an outlet for their sexual needs and fantasies) and seek to take those sexual copes away from them. Of course, they never have any problem with females doing so (I've legit seen TERFs specifically say that only males' brains are supposedly affected by porn, absolute jfl if you support the same position as them on the topic as a man.)
:feelsaww: :feelsaww: :feelsokman::feelsokman::yes::yes:

Yep It's always a male issue
Buncha foids have anti male bias in their brains and they try to rationalize it via the things you said "muh it only affects male brains" like what? It almost sounds like a troll
Also the redpill fags that push this NoFap shit don't fucking help
Thanks for the reply
Been fapping too much eh? :lul: :lul:
:feelskek: You get a pass cause Ik the cultural meme here
But read the thread again
Maybe google translate
The problem Isn't porn It's your shitty environment You are trying to cope with it
:feelskek: You get a pass cause Ik the cultural meme here
But read the thread again
Maybe google translate
The problem Isn't porn It's your shitty environment You are trying to cope with it
Over for google trooncels
It wont change the fact that coomming is detrimental
Started cooming at 6 so i know what im saying…had i not coomed so much id have had at least my mentality intact with higher T level
Anyway ultimately all people r coping with life i believe
Chads by banging foids n well coomers by cooming
Over for google trooncels
It wont change the fact that coomming is detrimental
Started cooming at 6 so i know what im saying…had i not coomed so much id have had at least my mentality intact with higher T level
Anyway ultimately all people r coping with life i believe
Chads by banging foids n well coomers by cooming
thats actually a really good point about all of this shit
- fapping is bad cuz it releases hormones and changes your brain structure bla bla
- but having actual sex with potentially dozens of women does not? :lul: :lul: :lul:
like if I fuck 100s of women, I am a "real man"
but the same people that tell you stop fapping also say shit like "your brain cant differentiate between porn and real life"

Obama Reaction GIF

Irrespective of any moral issues with fapping, does this make sense in any way? How can you fuck 100s of women and be mentally fine, when actual fucking is probably ten times as pleasurable and "addictive" as tugging your dinky for 5 minutes 3x a week.
These are the mysteries... :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
thats actually a really good point about all of this shit
- fapping is bad cuz it releases hormones and changes your brain structure bla bla
- but having actual sex with potentially dozens of women does not? :lul: :lul: :lul:
like if I fuck 100s of women, I am a "real man"
but the same people that tell you stop fapping also say shit like "your brain cant differentiate between porn and real life"

Obama Reaction GIF

Irrespective of any moral issues with fapping, does this make sense in any way? How can you fuck 100s of women and be mentally fine, when actual fucking is probably ten times as pleasurable and "addictive" as tugging your dinky for 5 minutes 3x a week.
These are the mysteries... :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
:feelskek: :feelskek: :yes::yes:
If you are logically consistent with this line of thinking you get led to chemical castration basically
No sex No fapping No nothing
But they are not logically consistent, They say It's ok If you can ejaculate "the right way" but fapping is bad
Just fucking lol.
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thats actually a really good point about all of this shit
- fapping is bad cuz it releases hormones and changes your brain structure bla bla
- but having actual sex with potentially dozens of women does not? :lul: :lul: :lul:
like if I fuck 100s of women, I am a "real man"
but the same people that tell you stop fapping also say shit like "your brain cant differentiate between porn and real life"

Obama Reaction GIF

Irrespective of any moral issues with fapping, does this make sense in any way? How can you fuck 100s of women and be mentally fine, when actual fucking is probably ten times as pleasurable and "addictive" as tugging your dinky for 5 minutes 3x a week.
These are the mysteries... :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
stop the cope nigger u r delusional
How tf is a loser cooming for the 1000 times equal to chad fuckin the 1000th foid to your cuckbrain?
Watching another man fuck is cuck asf let alone cooming to it. Its not natural. No animal does that in nature or he is a defeated genetics better off dead while dominating n fuckin actual females is associated with anything but weakness/loserness
Since its not natural to coom you r destined to get fucked if u do unlike having sex
They say It's ok If you can ejaculate "the right way"
:lul: :lul: :lul: this is some Waffen SS tier shit kek



"father, what did he do"
"... son, he ejaculated without explicit orders."
"but father, his balls were so blue, they looked like fucking berries"
"that is the law son...now bring my sword - HURAARGG!"

:lul: :lul: :lul: this is some Waffen SS tier shit kek



"father, what did he do"
"... son, he ejaculated without explicit orders."
"but father, his balls were so blue, they looked like fucking berries"
"that is the law son...now bring my sword - HURAARGG!"

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
If you are logically consistent with this line of thinking you get led to chemical castration basically

nofappers when they have 1ml of precum after not fapping for 6 weeks and seeing fatass latina on subway
thats actually a really good point about all of this shit
- fapping is bad cuz it releases hormones and changes your brain structure bla bla
- but having actual sex with potentially dozens of women does not? :lul: :lul: :lul:
like if I fuck 100s of women, I am a "real man"
but the same people that tell you stop fapping also say shit like "your brain cant differentiate between porn and real life"

Obama Reaction GIF

Irrespective of any moral issues with fapping, does this make sense in any way? How can you fuck 100s of women and be mentally fine, when actual fucking is probably ten times as pleasurable and "addictive" as tugging your dinky for 5 minutes 3x a week.
These are the mysteries... :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
Think About It GIF by Identity
The One Where Estelle Dies Episode 15 GIF by Friends
Idk though, I personally feel a bit better when I don't coom for long periods of time. I believe if you don't reward yourself sexually your lizard brain is panicking and it forces you to be more motivated to do stuff, and if you do coom it thinks you're successful af, you're fulfilling one of the most important biological needs extremely successfully, so why bother.
Also the dopamine thing. Cheap instant reward type of pleasures make me lazy as fuck

@GeckoBus do your symptoms instantly come back when you cheat? I cheated a couple times while on carnivore and I almost died
@ @GeckoBus do your symptoms instantly come back when you cheat? I cheated a couple times while on carnivore and I almost died
:lul: :lul: :lul: that bad?
not all the symptoms come back when you have been on it long term.
The shit that comes back for me:
- bad smell, body odor
- sleep is more fucked up
- farting
- tooth ache
- pimples

i dont get the cold hands and feet anymore, also the sugar crashes not really. One thing I noticed is that if you stay on it for a few months, your gut heals and you are also more able to handle shit foods, like other people. For example one time I ate cereal after a few months on carnivore and expected it to destroy my gut, but it didnt.
that bad?
Yeah I pretty much almost shat myself to death that day. Barely survived

One thing I noticed is that if you stay on it for a few months, your gut heals and you are also more able to handle shit foods
Lifefuel for cheatdaycels like me :ha..feels: I'm still at the early stages of healing and can't handle goyslop as I mentioned, yet, hope one day I can get back to this cope of mine at least like a day a week while still keeping the health gains :feelscomfy::ahegao:

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