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An Utopia For Incels

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
Here is my vision of the ideal society for an incel. In this glorious world, females are strictly controlled they have no rights, educating them is banned and they are utilized to cook clean and provide pleasure as necessary. The government takes on an active role in regulating degenerate sexuality, in order to redress historical wrongs a system similar to affirmative action is devised for ugly incel males. The government gives ugly incels cushy high paying jobs in a variety of  different administrative departments, which involves managing and controlling the people, all of these agents will work for at least 1 month at the department for the promotion of purity and will have 24/7 access to its female reserves. 

What the department does is it regulates sexuality, censors porn, along with stones both adulterers and those who display lustful affections in public, which will be monitored for by surveillance. How it regulates sexuality is by ensuring all females are made to wear chastity belts 24/7 from the age of 5, random inspections are done to ensure compliance, also neither the female nor her family would be able to remove the belt easily since the key would be held by the department. Females are also required to wear a shock collar  from birth to which both the male members of the family and the government has control over to ensure its submissiveness.  

Once a marriage has been arranged to a female it can get its belt removed by obtaining a marriage permit and then a sexual permit. For this the female will need to visit a department office branch  accompanied by a male, wait for their turn then be interrogated for legalizing their marriage. Once they have received their marriage permit,  the female is escorted to a room where the inspector removes the belt. He then takes both the females anal and vaginal virginities if the female resists it will be shot beaten or shocked and denied the permit. If the female is in the top 20% of attractiveness, the female will be knocked out and transported to the department's female reserves, and be denied the permit. Otherwise it will simply be returned to the male with a sexual permit. 

Under this system ugly males have complete access to the female reserves consequently they gain pleasure from the hottest females, finally the lives of ugly males will be worthwhile we will be given the rights we deserve and despite being regarded as subhuman by society, we will still enjoy slay. That is justice.
RE: My Incel Utopia

Sounds good so far, but what would they do about Chads?
RE: My Incel Utopia

Flowey219 said:
Sounds good so far, but what would they do about Chads?

Chads would not get the chance to slay due to the system of arranged marriage, only monogamous marriages being permitted and the death penalty by stoning for adulterers.  Nor would they be allowed to become government agents and gain access to the department's female reserves, therefore chads would spend their life with one wife who is not the best looking with no action on the side.
RE: My Incel Utopia

universallyabhorred said:
Flowey219 said:
Sounds good so far, but what would they do about Chads?

Chads would not get the chance to slay due to the system of arranged marriage, only monogamous marriages being permitted and the death penalty by stoning for adulterers.  Nor would they be allowed to become government agents and gain access to the department's female reserves, therefore chads would spend their life with one wife who is not the best looking with no action on the side.

Chad, like Stacy and other femoids, is a primitive creature. Enslavement or liquidation. Normalfags are also animals and should be treated as such. Serfs.
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.
Hate to say it but ur right, without any real validation like how chads get is just asking to get pitied on and made fun of
You sound like an Incelqueers member who’s purposely trying to sound as edgy as possible to supply his faggoted subreddit with laughing stock.

Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

So true. What’s the point of having a female stay with you for the sake of her life and not for YOU, not because she LOVES YOU. You’d feel the same emptiness inside as usual, since you already know that she’s just being forced, you wouldn’t feel any kind of affection or love. Having a female forcefully stay with you is the same as owning a sexdoll, except that it breathes. I feel like Incels who post shit like this are either Incelqueers members masquerading as Incels or Incels who have developed extreme ideologies over time.
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

Why is this guy even allowed to post here?
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

This is much better than incels currently get and the if incels were spending their time banging female sluts they wouldn't care about validation, in this incels get respect status and pussy, for most of us that is enough. Not everyone is narcissistically obsessed with looks like you. Also, since when does a chad have the right to lecture incels about inceldom. GTFO this site and don't come back.
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.
The only Utopia for me it's death
The haters are already here.

Don't let them stop you from making posts like this brotha.

They have no right to dictate what threads you should post and shouldn't.

BTW, excellent thread.
Mine is just everyone is very open about sex and guys and girls fuck whomever regardless of their attractiveness
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

It's RELATIVE you complete idiot. If women were to grow up in a patriarchal society where they are the property of their fathers, then they would be fine with being matched up with a similar husband, and they would then be the property of their husband.
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

Even though I hate you, this post is 100% truth
PortraitOfTheAutist said:
It's RELATIVE you complete idiot. If women were to grow up in a patriarchal society where they are the property of their fathers, then they would be fine with being matched up with a similar husband, and they would then be the property of their husband.

Education and conditioning don't override natural instincts. Ever.
Lookismisreal said:
The haters are already here.

Don't let them stop you from making posts like this brotha.

They have no right to dictate what threads you should post and shouldn't.

BTW, excellent thread.
100% agree. Great post
Zyros said:
Education and conditioning don't override natural instincts. Ever.
They do though. That's the whole point of civilization, what do you think the past 2,500 years of history were? The unrestrained and hypergamous nature of female sexuality is DYSGENIC, especially when disentangled from those traditional social institutions responsible for sublimating it, thereby harnessing its energies and channeling it towards socially and biologically productive ends. The rise of the so-called love match, founded upon the ashes of medieval Teutonic chivalry and the courtly love idealized by Troubadours, has been disastrous for the west. Blind passion should never be allowed to enter into considerations of a purely eugenic nature, which must involve the purification of the familial bloodline through the amalgamation of the best available racial elements.
This is what got us banned in the first place
Zyros said:
Stopped reading after the 2 first lines. Im convinced you patriarchycels are covert inceltears troll members because no one with an iq higher than room temp would miss the point of what inceldom is about so much.

The one and ONLY kind of incel utopia is either a world in which the instinctual lookism is removed from humanity trough modification, or a world in which EVERYONE gets equal level of looks if modification of the core of our nature is not possible. Any other kind of "utopia" is a stupid cope.

Hint: forcing shit means NOTHING its all about VALIDATION. ill write a more extensive post later so you cucks understand.

Only cucks feel the need to be validated. Passing on one's genes and leaving one's mark on the world doesn't require that. It really doesn't matter how much a woman wants to be with chad if she has or is carrying your children.
Manletcel said:
This is what got us banned in the first place

Nope, it's because we stopped supplying them with ad revenue.
castle said:
Reproduction isn't appealing to everyone necessarily, I have no desire to create offspring personally. Especially femoid.

Then why aren't you vocel?
i find the radical incel ER shit hilarious i cant get enough

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