I don't think much of The New Testament is literal, so I suppose that's where we disagree.
I wasn't saying all of its literal, especially in the context of parables, just that you're clearly taking too much out of this parable/explanation that clearly isn't there.
There's nothing more pathetic and beta than being that worried about other people's sex lives. People want to fuck/date/marry others who's recent ancestors come from a different continent, who cares?
People who care about the genetic ramifications this might have on the children. Genes have been evolving in very specific ecosystems, for very specific weather patterns, cultures, sexual markets, disease resistances, etc for thousands of years. When you tamper with that you only cause problems for your children that they wouldn't otherwise have.
We're all somewhat mixed as is and we all came from africa. Features that we associate with "whiteness" didn't exist 10,000 years ago and were a response to climate. One man's lack of melanin makes him no more special than another's epicanthic fold. This has all been proven but stormcels are much like creationists in that they completely deny modern day science that doesn't support their worldview.
Highly debatable. There's this notion in some scientific spheres of African Origins, there's really no concrete way of verifying this, this is just an assumption. One that makes little to no sense especially considering how people who the most genetically similar to the Africans of 10,000 years ago can barely make anything better than huts, yet some historians estimate advanced structures being found 10,000 years ago. Basically unless you can prove without a shadow of a doubt we came from Africans, i'm not buying it. So no it, hasn't been proven, unless you're 10 thousand years old and know something we don't, oh wait you're just appealing to authority because "someone else figured it out" even tho you have no idea what you're actually talking about. Genetic differences are also a lot more than melanin. Differences in genetic makeup determine testosterone, estrogen, and IQ averages. Which are the makeup for averages in personality differences. There's a lot more at factor than just these 3 but they're the big one. Its why women with high IQs can still act fucking terrible because of their estrogen levels, or why a combination of low IQ and high testosterone causes Africans to be more violent on average.
Even so in saying all this I don't support any sort of "replacement"; I just don't think there will actually be any "replacement" any time soon despite many leftist fantasies and I'm not stupid enough to mindlessly hate someone just because their recent ancestors came from a different continent than mine. I do hate most people in general though.
Well at the rate whites are currently not having any children, it could easily happen in a generation or two.
Because of the massive amount of aid and support we send to third world countries their populations are rising at a rate never before seen.
There are people who are getting food, and aid without working for it for a generation if this trend keeps happening till 2100 They will almost outbreed us all. Now you may be wondering why this is a bad thing if it happens outside of our countries, well because its not just happening outside of our countries. Firstly these are the people we import, the people who have evolved to mooch of society from aid, the people who for generations haven't had to work for it or have a culture of war and violence, the people who aren't compatible with our societies, neither genetically or culturally who the leftists are bringing in en masse.
Mexicans Outbreed whites in America, we're approaching 56%
Arabs and Africans outbreed whites in Europe, several cities and towns have already been replaced and that's how it starts.