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Theory An Incelian analysis of the Matrix: Why the Bluepill was the right choice

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Saiyan Prince
Feb 16, 2024
In the film the Matrix (1999) the main character Thomas A Anderson who goes by the alias of Neo is giving a choice between two pills by the mysterious character known as Morpheus. Option 1 is the Bluepill, Consuming this pill will let him continue living his life as computer programmer/cyber criminal without knowing what the truth of his reality is. Option 2 is the Redpill, Consuming this pill will reveal the unknown truth to him. In movie Neo chooses the Redpill and it is quickly revealed to him that he was living in simulation the entire time and that real world is a dystopian horror where the sun doesn't shine and the humans that live within it are used as batteries for complex AI machines spending their entire life physically living in a pod and mentally living in a simulation.

These 2 options from the original 1999 movie have been given new life in the internet age starting in the mid 2010s. The dichotomy between the two pills now represents a metaphor for many men when it comes to dating and relationships with women, The Bluepill representing ignorance and the Redpill representing the truth. Those who are "Bluepilled" believe that there is a women out there for them that will love them for who they are while those who are "Redpilled" believe that you most become "the man" by obtaining wealth, becoming muscular and adopting attitudes of an "Alpha" (a man who is in control of everything, the man at the top) then and only then women will be attracted to you. However there is also now a 3rd option the "Blackpill" Which is what we Incels believe in, The idea that the Redpill is it's own form of ignorance because the belief that you can improve so that women will love you is completely Ignorant of the fact that the only thing that matters is genetics. Now some incels vary on how blackpilled they are, Some like myself believe that there are longshot options to improve in a way that would get women to love you such as the idea of moneymaxxing so that you can improve your normally unchangeable facial features with expensive cosmetic surgery. But that discussion is for a different topic. Back to the matrix

Enter Cypher

Cypher is a metaphor for inceldom and the Blackpill. If the Wachowski brothers who became the Wachowski sisters way after the release of the matrix can claim that the Matrix is about trannies then I feel like can do the same kind of thing despite the fact that the Blackpill and inceldom as terms did not really exist when this movie was released because the ideas of the Blackpill and inceldom really fit the character of Cypher.

"He lied to us Trinity, He tricked us, If you would have told us the truth we would told you to shove that red pill right up your ass" - Cypher on why he betrayed Morpheus and the resistance.
Morpheus represents the typical Redpiller, The guy who is selling you courses on how to pick up women. These courses are ineffective to anyone whose an incel, In the deleted scenes of the Matrix Cypher himself reveals to Neo that 5 previous men were once determined to be "The One". All of those men ended up dead, like all these incel men who waste their money on those courses end up rejected by women anyways. Sometime before the movie begins cypher rejects the Redpill after taking it and becomes Blackpilled. In many cases the Blackpill is a rejection of the Redpill because there is no going back to the Bluepill, Once your ignorance is gone you cannot choice to be ignorant again

"You know for a long time, I thought I was in love with you, I used to dream about you, You're a beautiful woman trinity, Too bad things had to turn out this way." - Cypher on his rejection from Trinity.
Cypher is not "The One" Trinity has no interest in him no matter how hard he tries he will never be "The One" and what determinates who is "The One" is "destiny" much like how genetics are destiny so, too is that of who ends up being "The One". It's as if Neo has better genetics then Cypher and no matter Cypher does Trinity will unconditional love Neo. In fact when Neo is killed by Agent Smith in the Matrix what brings him back to life? A kiss from Trinity, his genetics literally save him from death.

"I don't want to remember nothing, Nothing. And I want be rich like someone important like an actor" - Cypher making a deal with Agent Smith
When Cypher receives an offer from Agent smith to be bluepilled once again in exchange for betraying his team he takes it. But this bluepill is not like our bluepill. He's gonna be rich and important which likely means he will have a wife that actually loves him for who he is. The cost is his team, his team of people who don't give a shit about him, Trinity the girl he loved who never loved him back, Morpheus the redpiller who he despises for waking him up into a world where everyday he is forced to eat slop, Neo the chad he is jealous of because he mogs him in every way, and the rest of the crew who are apathic towards him. In this instance Cypher makes the right choice for himself, It is the choice of an incel rejected by society.

"Ignorance is Bliss" - Cypher on the bluepill
and if he had succeeded with his plans, he would remember nothing. Waking up as the chad he was once jealous of, waking up in simulation that while not perfect is still better then our world. Such a simulation were one can experience true love and not ever be in doubt of it. This is the dream of many Incels. We would gladly be a battery for a machine if we where sent to such a simulation to live out the rest of our lives.
ooo pretty colours
Very nice work inkwell, your interpretation is making me watch Matrix again, I will make my Profile Cypherthemed un honour of your Work
Very good high effort post, life when redpilled becomes much harder because you have to worry about looks, and a blackpilled life loses all it's meaning and is a very hard conclusion to come at (water ik).
although for most incels living a bluepilled life isn't the best choice because they are bound to be pushed around, made fun of because we are ugly/non-nt/short etc, you get used by people who doesn't deserve it.
That said i need to watch matrix again too.
In the film the Matrix (1999) the main character Thomas A Anderson who goes by the alias of Neo is giving a choice between two pills by the mysterious character known as Morpheus. Option 1 is the Bluepill, Consuming this pill will let him continue living his life as computer programmer/cyber criminal without knowing what the truth of his reality is. Option 2 is the Redpill, Consuming this pill will reveal the unknown truth to him. In movie Neo chooses the Redpill and it is quickly revealed to him that he was living in simulation the entire time and that real world is a dystopian horror where the sun doesn't shine and the humans that live within it are used as batteries for complex AI machines spending their entire life physically living in a pod and mentally living in a simulation.

These 2 options from the original 1999 movie have been given new life in the internet age starting in the mid 2010s. The dichotomy between the two pills now represents a metaphor for many men when it comes to dating and relationships with women, The Bluepill representing ignorance and the Redpill representing the truth. Those who are "Bluepilled" believe that there is a women out there for them that will love them for who they are while those who are "Redpilled" believe that you most become "the man" by obtaining wealth, becoming muscular and adopting attitudes of an "Alpha" (a man who is in control of everything, the man at the top) then and only then women will be attracted to you. However there is also now a 3rd option the "Blackpill" Which is what we Incels believe in, The idea that the Redpill is it's own form of ignorance because the belief that you can improve so that women will love you is completely Ignorant of the fact that the only thing that matters is genetics. Now some incels vary on how blackpilled they are, Some like myself believe that there are longshot options to improve in a way that would get women to love you such as the idea of moneymaxxing so that you can improve your normally unchangeable facial features with expensive cosmetic surgery. But that discussion is for a different topic. Back to the matrix

Enter Cypher
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Cypher is a metaphor for inceldom and the Blackpill. If the Wachowski brothers who became the Wachowski sisters way after the release of the matrix can claim that the Matrix is about trannies then I feel like can do the same kind of thing despite the fact that the Blackpill and inceldom as terms did not really exist when this movie was released because the ideas of the Blackpill and inceldom really fit the character of Cypher.

"He lied to us Trinity, He tricked us, If you would have told us the truth we would told you to shove that red pill right up your ass" - Cypher on why he betrayed Morpheus and the resistance.
Morpheus represents the typical Redpiller, The guy who is selling you courses on how to pick up women. These courses are ineffective to anyone whose an incel, In the deleted scenes of the Matrix Cypher himself reveals to Neo that 5 previous men were once determined to be "The One". All of those men ended up dead, like all these incel men who waste their money on those courses end up rejected by women anyways. Sometime before the movie begins cypher rejects the Redpill after taking it and becomes Blackpilled. In many cases the Blackpill is a rejection of the Redpill because there is no going back to the Bluepill, Once your ignorance is gone you cannot choice to be ignorant again

"You know for a long time, I thought I was in love with you, I used to dream about you, You're a beautiful woman trinity, Too bad things had to turn out this way." - Cypher on his rejection from Trinity.
Cypher is not "The One" Trinity has no interest in him no matter how hard he tries he will never be "The One" and what determinates who is "The One" is "destiny" much like how genetics are destiny so, too is that of who ends up being "The One". It's as if Neo has better genetics then Cypher and no matter Cypher does Trinity will unconditional love Neo. In fact when Neo is killed by Agent Smith in the Matrix what brings him back to life? A kiss from Trinity, his genetics literally save him from death.

"I don't want to remember nothing, Nothing. And I want be rich like someone important like an actor" - Cypher making a deal with Agent Smith
When Cypher receives an offer from Agent smith to be bluepilled once again in exchange for betraying his team he takes it. But this bluepill is not like our bluepill. He's gonna be rich and important which likely means he will have a wife that actually loves him for who he is. The cost is his team, his team of people who don't give a shit about him, Trinity the girl he loved who never loved him back, Morpheus the redpiller who he despises for waking him up into a world where everyday he is forced to eat slop, Neo the chad he is jealous of because he mogs him in every way, and the rest of the crew who are apathic towards him. In this instance Cypher makes the right choice for himself, It is the choice of an incel rejected by society.

"Ignorance is Bliss" - Cypher on the bluepill
and if he had succeeded with his plans, he would remember nothing. Waking up as the chad he was once jealous of, waking up in simulation that while not perfect is still better then our world. Such a simulation were one can experience true love and not ever be in doubt of it. This is the dream of many Incels. We would gladly be a battery for a machine if we where sent to such a simulation to live out the rest of our lives.
Damn.Didnt watch the matrix movies at all and had no idea cypher existed.Fuck neo:chad: Fuck morpheus:feelzez: Fuck Trinity:foidSoy:.Cypher :blackpill: :blackpill: all the way!
I wanna fuck the woman in the red dress

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