I dont want to get into too many details, but id like to share what happened at my work yesterday.
There is this annoying, loud mouthed chad who works near me, just being the usual loud cunt he is. Overconfidently yelling about things, which isn’t really allowed, but good looking people get away with whatever they want as you already know.
Another guy who works with him is a giga-incel. Glasses, odd shaped head, looks like Steve from the show American dad, but slightly fatter and shorter, and with a much smaller head. This guys micro-head could be the posterchild for inceldom.
Anyway, being friday, the chad was louder than usual which was typical of his behavior on fridays. A few hours into work I heard yelling, which wasn’t alarming especially for a friday.
The yelling got pretty intense (more intense than usual) and it sounded like chad must have upped his dose of steroids or something and turned into an animal in a fit of rage.
I heard deep, angry yelling, followed by some slapping sounds and I looked over the barrier to see chad beating the absolute shit out the incel.
I had only caught a few seconds, but chad had picked the incel up and slammed him into the ground where the incel basically was unconscious, bar some labored moaning.
As this was happening a foid ran up while chad was standing there breathing deeply after the beating and sounded like she was about to cry (over chad). She yelled “OMG CHAD (not his real name), ARE YOU OK?!
This really proves that looks mean everything. Here we are, a guy laid out on the ground, and the stupid cunt is comforting the chad and completely ignoring the near lifeless (ugly)
The management called the police and the foids there STILL defended chad, telling the cops “he’s not usually like this, something happened”. JFL, it’s like they were defending a golden retriever who gently nipped a child.
This is absolute proof that looks are the only thing that matter. I wonder if the incel even returns after that, he definitely won’t for a few weeks and probably is suffering from severe injury. Im willing to bet chad doesn’t even get charged.
What a sick fucking world we live in.