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An explanation to all the patriarchycel retards about the true nature of inceldom

While I definitely understand the struggle with being unwanted and undesired and how that relates to more than just being unable to get sex, as I identify myself as both incel (volcel; land whales be damned, not that i've ever gotten attention even from them, anyway) and Forever Alone (true Forever Aloner; i've had no romantic interest from any woman, nor do i have an ex, unlike over half the users on FA, it seems), this is an incels forum.  Meaning, the biggest focus is going to be toward getting laid.

If you want topics or a forum that focuses heavily on lookism, being unable to get into a relationship and the emotional quandary with that, or men's rights, or whatever, go to the appropriate places, i.e., lookism, Forever Unwanted (since FA is absolute garbage), and MGTOW, respectively.  Sure, this is the only place you can get your daily dose of black pills, but you can take your black pill prescription, and visit other forums, as well.  There's no law against it.

Or, just make your posts here that bang on about something other than being incel (lookism, mgtow, etc.), and don't complain if it doesn't get a whole lot of attention from incels and truecels.  They are the main audience here; don't be shocked if they don't want to hear about how a woman being forced into a relationship with you isn't really going to desire you.  She'll still have to fuck you, and that's what matters here.
Zyros said:
Back in history, women would cheat on their ugly rich powerful husbands with the hot peasant. The peasant would get executed but the intention and damage was there, done.

Many pieces of old literature, supposedly from times of full on patriarchy featured fantasies about "women from rich setting being in love with handsome poor bum peasant".

This is true. The pursuit of looks and the glorification of beauty exists throughout the entire span of human literature. 

The wives of nobles often had servants of both sexes or else men who were "companions" who were basically friendzoned in public and everyone treated it like that, and in private they were the ones making noble ladies cum while their husbands attended business and fucked young women. 

Like I can see how the guy talking about how this is incel and it's about sex is too angry to see the larger point about how attraction actually works these days. 

But at the same time this community has a solid mixture of guys who are too ugly to touch and guys who absolutely are not and it's something besides looks that keeps women away from them.

blickpall said:
Great post, however I think you are missing an important point. The thing that I always thought about when I read those posts is: How will it ever be achieved? The answer is that it's not possible. These patriarchycels are at the polar extreme of the gender politics spectrum, on the opposite side of the "kill all men" sperm farm/bank feminazis. Neither extreme will ever succeed in a political or military (lol) movement that gives them even a semblance of what they want. So what is it? That's when I realized that this is basically a famtasycope. A daydream that patriarchycels can spout about on forums and get off to in their RP fantasy world with their waifu (not judging, just an example), but will never move an inch to achieve. Anyone can wax poetic in anonymity on a forum but when it comes to introducing policy into the political sphere to make moves, how would it be done? Do we have PoliticianCel to be the face of these radical restructuring ideas? Do we have LegislatureCels who are educated in law? The answer is no, and will always be no. The incel is by definition powerless against the society surrounding him. Talking about female sexual serfdom and the like are just fantasies that help them alleviate the pressures of the painfully immediate surroundings, like the imaginary friend you had because you had none that were real.

TL;DR: Regardless of the militant rhetoric of patriarchycels, they will never do anything about it and no one will ever do it for them, so it's just hot air, a fantasy that helps them cope. No need to write a book about it, because they won't listen anyway.

This was insightful and I appreciate the info in it.
Bump since I keep seeing religioncel old thestament blabbling copers
Bump this at the sight of increasing patriarchycope threads
Zyros said:
Bump this at the sight of increasing patriarchycope threads

Good choice. Unfortunately they've overdosed on cope and most likely will stick their heads in the sand.
You're missing the point, it's about power. Submission from fear is the next best thing from validation for being genetically gifted. Sure they aren't attracted to you as much as Chad, but in patriarchal systems there is enough fear that basic respect is an actual possibility. If you can't be loved, the next best thing is feared. Achieving surgery tech or removing the innate human desire for looks are basically science fiction at this point, where as patriarchal systems have proven REsULTS, there's a reason this was how societies functioned for thousands of years. That's why there is a will to power. Does that make sense, you fucking retarded mentalcel?
cookinbreakfast said:
You're missing the point, it's about power. Submission from fear is the next best thing from validation for being genetically gifted. Sure they aren't attracted to you as much as Chad, but in patriarchal systems there is enough fear that basic respect is an actual possibility. If you can't be loved, the next best thing is feared. That's why there is a will to power. Does that make sense, you fucking retarded mentalcel?

Its about being worshipped not feared.

If you were both feared and admired, it would be a thing. But its a combination of fear and DISGUST, even if you can exhert power over people.

Power without admiration is another cope.
I get the whole women will still intrinsically desire Chad argument and I agree with it but Im still anti degeneracy. Modern society is warped and distorted and any earlier period of time is preferable to now. If we take a hardline stance towards undoing Cultural Marxism I may not have to wake up to a reality in which polyamory and trannies both exist. I just want to live in a decent society and not sone giant jewified consumer prison where everyone is an animalistic work drone with no gender, race or defining traits. Patriarchy will probably not be brought back but its still endlessly preferable to progressivism.
Zyros said:
Its about being worshipped not feared.

If you were both feared and admired, it would be a thing. But its a combination of fear and DISGUST, even if you can exhert power over people.

Power without admiration is another cope.

Feared and admired = ideal and not feasible at this point in history for majority of the population.
Feared and disgusting = could be better, could be worse. Has been attained with patriarchal constructs.
Not feared and disgusting = incel life now, by far the worse situation.

Being feared/respected is a far better situation.
bump due to patriarchycels trying to bluepill the forum.

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