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RageFuel America is FUCKED

  • Thread starter Deleted member 677
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Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
We just let a fucking party of socialists and SJWs take over our House of Representatives. :feelsree:
didn't pay attention to that shit
ive accepted the fact the white race is going to be replaced with ethnics, its over boyo the west is done

It’s over bro. I’m getting out of this hellhole and back to Europe ASAP.
Did you vote OP?
At least that Tallfags Beto lost to fellow fatcel Ted Cruz
It’s over bro. I’m getting out of this hellhole and back to Europe ASAP.
You keep spamming this shit!! Fuck Europe!! Hope Islam takes over
At least the Senate looks to be safe
>Implying Europe isn't a much worse hellhole

No. I'll be old enough to vote for Trump in 2020 though.

I'm happy about that.
Oh. You're under 18 huh?
Well, I'm diplomatic enough. Not gonna voice my issues with that to you directly...
I’m fine with the results... it’s to be expected. Republicans actually gained seats in the senate. Consider that the senate approves SC justices, so if another one goes, we can get another one in. Also consider that the entire house is re-elected every 2 years while senators serve for 6, meaning that we can flip the house back in 2020. This is a backdraw at a national level, but we will still be ok.

My state, Ohio, did fucking great. Only one dem won and he was an incumbent senator. Our new governor is republican, our entire state house and senate is red, and drug charges will still be felonies. State means more than national. We will keep progressivism out of our state.
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Voted straight red buddy boyo. Tons of retarded liberals at my college were waiting in the provisional ballot line because they didn’t realize you had to register to vote. Their ballots are going straight in the trashcan :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Just the pendulum swinging yet again.
We just let a fucking party of socialists and SJWs take over our House of Representatives. :feelsree:

It means nothing. The west will continue gradually moving toward socialism and eventually universal basic income and men becoming more and more irrelevant.

The funny thing about a two party system is you know no matter what if one party wins for 1-3 cycles, the other party will win the next one. Because that's just how it goes. It oscillates but the end outcome and direction is always going to be the same. People are fundamentally lazy and will keep pushing society toward the easiest version they can imagine.

See the rat utopia experiment for how this all ends, regardless of which "party" is at the helm.

It means nothing. The west will continue gradually moving toward socialism and eventually universal basic income and men becoming more and more irrelevant.
You're right, due to the Dems brainwashing of the youth, hordes of people who recently turned 18 will overwhelmingly vote for them, insuring that they'll be in power for a long time
America will be a socialist, third world shit hole within our lifetimes, count on it. Ethnics will become the majority and run the place into the dirt just like they did to their home countries.

Look to California, that dump that people are fleeing from is the model for all of the US.

Feminists and liberals are good at brainwashing people by pulling on their heart strings and pandering to their emotions and since people are naive AF they buy into every time. The future is set, leftists have won and feminists control all of the west, we may get a few victories here and there but they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, it's over.
You're right, due to the Dems brainwashing of the youth, hordes of people who recently turned 18 will overwhelmingly vote for them, insuring that they'll be in power for a long time

What I'm saying is it doesn't make a difference. Trump got elected as a conservative. So what? Has he repealed Obamacare? No, because progress only goes in one direction. The wealthier the country the more people just want to be taken care of and do nothing for it. It's how it goes.

I'm not saying he SHOULD repeal Obamacare. I'm just saying he said he would do it, and then he didn't. Why? Because people in wealthy countries like socialism and all wealthy countries gradually slide deeper and deeper into it over time. It doesn't matter who people vote for. What matters is basic human psychology. And this is just how people work.
Doesnt matter which idiots run that country, femoids have already won. Its over.
I fucking knew a party controlled by the jews would have won.
whites need to move to asia, africans move to the west, and asians need to move to africa asap hispanics maybe switch with middle easterners
Im just sick of hearing "tonight is the night for lgbtqiap muslim transgender female"
What I'm saying is it doesn't make a difference. Trump got elected as a conservative. So what? Has he repealed Obamacare? No, because progress only goes in one direction. The wealthier the country the more people just want to be taken care of and do nothing for it. It's how it goes.

I'm not saying he SHOULD repeal Obamacare. I'm just saying he said he would do it, and then he didn't. Why? Because people in wealthy countries like socialism and all wealthy countries gradually slide deeper and deeper into it over time. It doesn't matter who people vote for. What matters is basic human psychology. And this is just how people work.
I guess we’re looking at the issue from 2 different angles, but I get your point. All I’m saying is that in a few years, the Republicans won’t have control over the executive or legislative branches and the Democrats will stay in power until the Republicans do a major rebranding and win over the upcoming generation of Americans (thankfully the judiciary side is locked down for a few scores)
Im just sick of hearing "tonight is the night for lgbtqiap muslim transgender female"
they're pushing that identity politics cancerous bullshit so fuckin hard. In the end, female voter turnout fucked us :feelsbadman:
If your no rich then you have to be a fuckin retard to vote for republicans. Also try an learn what socialism means. Americans are dense as fuck when it comes to things like this.
8E3B315A EE2A 4CCE B703 1B476FF6A7B7
If your no rich then you have to be a fuckin retard to vote for republicans. Also try an learn what socialism means. Americans are dense as fuck when it comes to things like this.
Socialism might work in homogeneous countries where everyone has the same culture and race, but it does not work in heterogeneous countries. We are all tired of financing low IQ people and their crotchspawn. The dumbest people breed the most yet they cannot take care of their children. The whole "You're just dumbass ignorant mericans" is never going to win us over to your side btw. We've seen how government-run institutions operate and how terrible bureaucrats are at their jobs. Enjoy your steadily declining country
Me when (((democrats))) win:
CDE19E94 126F 43EE 858E 7637D087BD91

Me when (((republicans))) win:
CDE19E94 126F 43EE 858E 7637D087BD91
Socialism might work in homogeneous countries where everyone has the same culture and race, but it does not work in heterogeneous countries. We are all tired of financing low IQ people and their crotchspawn. The dumbest people breed the most yet they cannot take care of their children. The whole "You're just dumbass ignorant mericans" is never going to win us over to your side btw. We've seen how government-run institutions operate and how terrible bureaucrats are at their jobs. Enjoy your steadily declining country

I live in one of the richest countries im the world pal. No decline here.
I live in one of the richest countries im the world pal. No decline here.
Judging by your name is it Switzerland or France? With Switzerland you're probably safe since your politicians aren't braindead but if it's france that demographic shift will negatively affect the prospects of your nation. Guaranteed
Foids won a few house seats in my state JFL
We just let a fucking party of socialists and SJWs take over our House of Representatives. :feelsree:
Socialists. :feelskek::feelskek:


I can hardly wait for the civil war. You clueless ZOGslaves.
I guess this means no wall at this point.

I hate cuckservatives.
Judging by your name is it Switzerland or France? With Switzerland you're probably safe since your politicians aren't braindead but if it's france that demographic shift will negatively affect the prospects of your nation. Guaranteed

Our problem are not politicians. Our problem is feminism and emancipation. Switzerland is in the same way cucked as the rest of europe.
Nothing is safe from this parasite..
ive accepted the fact the white race is going to be replaced with ethnics, its over boyo the west is done

Eh, we don't really know this yet. The US is fucked but there are plenty of European nations that aren't as on board with this bullshit. I hear the Danes are not as cucked as the Swedish for example. Then there the central European nations that don't appear to be as accepting of immigrants.
Our problem are not politicians. Our problem is feminism and emancipation. Switzerland is in the same way cucked as the rest of europe.
Nothing is safe from this parasite..
We're all fucked then....at least your citizens are trained in the use of rifles. Women never did anything to deserve the right to vote yet here they are destroying our nations as is their nature. I would cede my right to vote if they only allowed landowners and net taxpayers to vote but that will never happen
America declining is lifefuel though, it's the number one exporter of feminism and cuck shit to the rest of the world, especially because of Hollywood. Not to mention the most powerful military in the world which it uses to enforce degeneracy.

The last chance to save America came and went during the 1960s anyway, that was female hypergamy skyrocketed and degeneracy became mainstream, now it's just a corpse of a nation. Let it die and let something new and better arise from its ashes.
We're all fucked then....at least your citizens are trained in the use of rifles. Women never did anything to deserve the right to vote yet here they are destroying our nations as is their nature. I would cede my right to vote if they only allowed landowners and net taxpayers to vote but that will never happen

I would say switzerland is one of the most cucked coutries in europe. The ugliest bitches with the biggest standards and preferneces.
For what is it useful to be trained in the use of rifles. I won't never risk my life and defend this feminazi state of demons.
ITT bunch of pasty faggots who dropped out of college who didn't lift a finger yesterday complaining about their country being taken over by brown people LMAO! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I honestly think that Repubs won't do jack shit either, but honestly, it IS better then having a bunch of fucking jihadist progressives take over.

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