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am I volcel for not fucking fat girls?



Nov 8, 2017
I'm a KHV who has had ZERO success with women up until recently when I started gymcelling(ugly face). the problem is ONLY fat girls hit on me. I had two 250+lb girls who lived in my dorm asking me to join them in their room late at night. these girls are genuine whales with cottage cheese for legs. just a few days ago I had another fat girl hitting on me while I was studying

I'm a pretty athletic guy and I like fit girls but I don't mind some extra weight but these girls are obese. no other girls will give me the time of day, I've tried.

my physique from few months ago (bulking now)
Can you get a boner with them? Can you tolerate kissing them?
incelman said:
Can you get a boner with them? Can you tolerate kissing them?

not even once

I know a lot of incels are in this situation. obese/deformed women are nasty though
incel said:
not even once

I know a lot of incels are in this situation. obese/deformed women are nasty though

Then you are an incel. If You couldn't operate with them out of principle ONlY then you would be a volcel
You're a fakecel. Fat bitches Don't even want me
Incel. No need to fuck obese bitches who have 0 moderation while you work your sweat away almost every day.
fkn lookism users lmao. if you straight up refuse fat girls than youre vocel. period.
Dude tbh I dont even get hit on by fat pigs. So yeah you are in better positin than me
Volcel. Not even whales want truecels
No. Don't fuck any girl you aren't attracted to.
I would say you are incellite.

Just like there are Chadlites.
I had two 250+lb girls who lived in my dorm asking me to join them in their room late at night. these girls are genuine whales with cottage cheese for legs. just a few days ago I had another fat girl hitting on me while I was studying
This is what actually fucking happens. Nobody tries to get laid. This is why people can't comprehend why we have such terrible lives, and think that we must be terrible people and that we legit go up to females and talk about hating them and call them femoids. We live in a different dimension. Where is the rope.
It's cope thinking you have a chance with fat girls XD
Getting actively hit on by anyone = volcel
>would voluntarily turn down fatties
>wonders if he's involuntarily celibate
Volcel, not incel. Not that there's anything wrong with being volcel. At least you get to have standards. Just refrain from referring to yourself as incel.
Zielony4 said:
Volcel, not incel. Not that there's anything wrong with being volcel. At least you get to have standards. Just refrain from referring to yourself as incel.

Fuck that shit. Fucking disgusting fatties who can't even give you a boner is doing nobody any favours. It's inflating their value and degrading the guy who does it.
justforlulzandkeks said:
>would voluntary turn down fatties
>wonders if he's involuntarily celibate

This guy gets it. In other words. Yes, you're volcel. Have sex with the lights off or close your eyes. I'm not turned on by myself but I still jerk off for fuck sakes, I'm sure you can think of something sexy while she orbits your junk.
Fat girls are not human. Are you incel if you refuse to fuck your dog? Yes you are still incel. Therefore you are still incel even after refusing fatties.

RecessedMaxilla said:
Just lol tbh

How do you gymcel and not at least smash 4/10 slim girls

I'm like skinnyfatcel and I lve fucked a couple girls

FACE is everything. Also some here are legit autistic.
Since fatties are as unattractive as animals, does it mean one is volcel if he doesnt engage in beastiality?
Volcel. I would fuck a fat bitch, but it seems they don't want me. But then again you say you can't even be attracted to them and can't even get a boner. So ehh, I'd say the gray area.
I could fuck obese pigs but I don't. Call me volcel, idc... Bottom line is that even "fat" girls have Chads dumping loads on them and using them for blowjobs, they can get Chad dick with insta/tinder/okc/match etc. They don't need a sub-6 guy.

It's not until you get into morbidly obese and over 22 years old that you might be able to fuck that if you're sub-6, and that is so disgusting because they're so fucking fat that even if they go "shower to freshen up" before you fuck it, as soon as they get out of the shower their pores are already opening, sweating in the bath towel, releasing stinky ammonia and shit from their garbage diet of constant junk food. Even after they're done showering and loofah'ing their asshole (which is brown after their loofah it because they can never keep their ass clean completely without going through 10+ wipes), they already have shit coming out of their morbidly obese assholes due to how much they constantly eat and carrying constant loads of shit in their colon; even after she shits her colon is refilling instantly.

And I'm assuming you'll even be able to get her fat ass open enough to see this, let alone fuck it.

Having sex with an obese woman isn't "not being volcel," you're still an incel because after a certain bodyfat they don't count as human; this is literally like saying "are you volcel if you don't fuck your dog?". All of their faces look just about the same because of how much that high of bodyfat morphs your face into this race of cotton candy people.
I would kill to be in op's position. I have NO GIRLS available.

LOL@not fucking fat girls. What year do you think we live in? You gotta take what you can get. If she's obese then no, but a little overweight is nothing, in fact, I love chubby girls. I have standards through the FLOOR yet can't get JUST ONE GIRL to like my face. I DON'T NEED 3.5 BILLION TO, JUST ONE.

LMAO. It's over for me.
if she weighs more than you, then you are still incel, thats not a real woman.
How can we incels relate to you when fat bitches reject us and don't even see in our way ? saying that you are living the same life as us is Blasphemy , you are not true incel and try harder next time to relate to us, just listen and don't talk.
Tough question. If we go by the definition of each word, then you are clearly volcel. You can't know if you are incapable of fucking them, because you haven't tried. You haven't tried because you voluntarily denied them. So by definition, this is volcel. Also, the people comparing this to fucking a dog are make a false parallel because AFAIK your dog doesn't tell you it's tryna fuck. I get the point you are making otherwise, but don't dilute a potentially good point with weak supporting arguments.

All that being said, I think there is a spectrum of inceldom. The people at the very bottom who are KHHHV who are in this thread using it as a pedestal to talk about how "it's over for me, even fat girls don't like me," and the people like you who simply refuse to lower your standards to fuck below looksmatch. The former group of course is fanatical in drawing the line because they have gotten no affection or attention at all, so their plight is understandable; however, the latter group is in a shitty situation too. This is not the time to be divisive, brothers. He belongs here.

foreignincel said:
How can we incels relate to you when fat bitches reject us and don't even see in our way ? saying that you are living the same life as us is Blasphemy , you are not true incel and try harder next time to relate to us, just listen  and don't talk.

This is the type of shit I'm talking about btw. It's like one burn victim telling another that because they only had 60% of their body rekt and not 70% like THEY did, then they don't know what it's like to be in a fire. Ludicrous.
Of course not. I recoil in disgust at the mere thought of a fat woman.
Zielony4 said:
Volcel, not incel. Not that there's anything wrong with being volcel. At least you get to have standards. Just refrain from referring to yourself as incel.

Everything is wrong with being volcel. Gtfo
No. Don't buy into their scheme, you're only promoting hypergamy.
Technically, all of us are volcels. Every incel could become an escortcel.
knajjd said:
yes. if any female, no matter how deformed, shows any kind of sexual interest in you and you choose not to have sex with them, you are voluntarily celibate.

Thank you. 

Also, why are the users with the anime avatars the most wise?
Clearly volcel. How is this even a question?
yes, but I guess I am too then. 

It's not just about looks for me. Modern day landwhales are often radical feminists with repulsive personalities. Disgusting creatures inside and out - they don't deserve validation.
Salutextm said:
Everything is wrong with being volcel. Gtfo

Uhh. I'm fine with volcels who admit it. I'm not fine with people here rejecting femails or having had sex once and considering themselves truecel.
if you cannot get hard for them you are incel

if you could fuck them and wont you are volcel

thats my opinion anyway, not that it really matters
The litmus test is whether or not you could fuck her without Cialis/Viagra/alcohol. If you couldn't then you're a truecel.

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