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Am I the only one that wants to gymcel?



Feb 6, 2018
Am I the only one that really wants to invest time into gymcelling and getting big / ripped, but doesn't because of his ugliness?

I gymcelled for a bit when I was younger, before I was blackpilled and accepted the fact that I'm ugly, now I can't even go to the gym after seeing my face because I know it won't matter one bit.

I wish I could be a normie or above, and just go to the gym and get massive, but my repulsive face is once again stopping me from living the life I wanted.
No, there are plenty of copers on this forum.
Kointo said:
No, there are plenty of copers on this forum.
Read it again, I'm speaking of a hypothetical situation in which I am not ugly and repulsive, I just simply can't and won't gymcel in my life due to my face.

an analogy would be wanting to go to clubs on a weekly basis if you were good looking, but obviously not doing so because there is no point considering the situation you're in.
TripleCel said:
Read it again, I'm speaking of a hypothetical situation in which I am not ugly and repulsive, I just simply can't and won't gymcel in my life due to my face.

an analogy would be wanting to go to clubs on a weekly basis if you were good looking, but obviously not doing so because there is no point considering the situation you're in.

What's the point in speculation and hypothetical situations? We're undesirables and it's over. The future is grim for us.
On that note, I hereby declare that all incels who gymcel are not repulsive or particularly ugly, or at least they don't believe that they are.

I'm speaking from personal experience, if you look at yourself in the mirror before going to the gym and legitimately believe you are hideous and beyond saving (a small minority of users here), you will lose all motivation to do so.

Kointo said:
TripleCel said:
Read it again, I'm speaking of a hypothetical situation in which I am not ugly and repulsive, I just simply can't and won't gymcel in my life due to my face.
an analogy would be wanting to go to clubs on a weekly basis if you were good looking, but obviously not doing so because there is no point considering the situation you're in.
What's the point in speculation and hypothetical situations? We're undesirables and it's over. The future is grim for us.
Just venting dude, wishing I could experience these things in my life time, although you're right it's over for us.
I wouldn't mind gymcelling if my face is ugly, but I had good gymcelling genetics. Unfortunately that's only for people who come from elite genetics with females with hourglass figures with big boobs, big hips, flat stomachs, slim waist, and big hips. Most of us come from a long line of ugly flat chested or flat ass hoes with wide waist, and terrible fat distribution.
I will gymcel soon, hopefully.
Gymceling for 13 years here.

I get some cheap respect from guys which lasts only as long as they figure out I'm not going to kick their ass for being disrespectful and then they turn into cunts.

Women... don't give a shit about my muscles and never have.

I'm not sure why I still do it.
WorldRulerAisha said:
if you do dont do it for girls
I'm doing it because i hate looking like shit and want to look alright.
i tried to gymcel for a while but was bullied too much by the roided normies so i quit
Juxtaposition6 said:
I'm doing it because i hate looking like shit and want to look alright.

Then you’re on your way summoner  :D
I can only recommend anyone here who is interested in gymceling to just do it. If you think your local gym will be too much sui fuel then buy weights and train at home.

Even though my face isn't the best and I could be taller I like to work on my body. I like to look in the mirror and realize that there is one beautiful thing about me, my body, even if I'm still not good enough to get wamen, it's good enough to satisfy myself. Not to mention you can kick peoples ass and get more T from working out.
you give off an aspie vibe which makes people hate you subconciously.

alot of normies get bullied because of autism
Kointo said:
TripleCel said:
Read it again, I'm speaking of a hypothetical situation in which I am not ugly and repulsive, I just simply can't and won't gymcel in my life due to my face.
an analogy would be wanting to go to clubs on a weekly basis if you were good looking, but obviously not doing so because there is no point considering the situation you're in.
What's the point in speculation and hypothetical situations? We're undesirables and it's over. The future is grim for us.

Gymcellling=cope, there is no gym for your face.
There is a reason uglies with toned bodies are called ''butter faces''
WorldRulerAisha said:
Then you’re on your way summoner  :D
Thanks man, i hope normies won't drive me out with they neurotypical shittery.
I probably gymcel the most here out of anyone.

Right now I hit the gym 6 days a week, 1-1.5 hours of strength training followed by a 1 hour cardio session.
CopingGymcel said:
I probably gymcel the most here out of anyone.
Right now I hit the gym 6 days a week, 1-1.5 hours of strength training followed by a 1 hour cardio session.
Damn that seems intense, what is your split?

Also when I did gymcel for a bit I would never have enough strength for cardio after the weight lifting part, how do you do it?
i got a gym membership 2 months ago and i lift but i lost 4lbs. i cant eat enough
Chad actually has motivation to workout, he’ll get even more roasties, one of the incredible amount of bonuses he gets just because of his face and genetics. I agree, motivation is gone. I wish I enjoyed gymcelling more, but rather would rot.
TripleCel said:
Damn that seems intense, what is your split?

Also when I did gymcel for a bit I would never have enough strength for cardio after the weight lifting part, how do you do it?

I have a lot of energy in general. I don't tire very easily. I think the more you do something, the more your body adapts to it, so if you just keep pushing yourself, you'll get used to it eventually.

I do PPL.
Panda said:
i got a gym membership 2 months ago and i lift but i lost 4lbs. i cant eat enough
It's over for us skinnycels

km107 said:
Chad actually has motivation to workout, he’ll get even more roasties, one of the incredible amount of bonuses he gets just because of his face and genetics. I agree, motivation is gone. I wish I enjoyed gymcelling more, but rather would rot.
This sums up exactly how I feel, I would hit the gym every fucking day If I looked decent so I could go up some points.

CopingGymcel said:
TripleCel said:
Damn that seems intense, what is your split?

Also when I did gymcel for a bit I would never have enough strength for cardio after the weight lifting part, how do you do it?

I have a lot of energy in general. I don't tire very easily. I think the more you do something, the more your body adapts to it, so if you just keep pushing yourself, you'll get used to it eventually.
I do PPL.

I see, do you happen to use any supplements maybe? I looked at stuff like E.S.P. and C4 for preworkouts, but didn't end up buying them in the end.
TripleCel said:
It's over for us skinnycels

This sums up exactly how I feel, I would hit the gym every fucking day If I looked decent so I could go up some points.

I see, do you happen to use any supplements maybe? I looked at stuff like E.S.P. and C4 for preworkouts, but didn't end up buying them in the end.

I use a pre-workout, yes, and I'm on 300mg of test atm, so that probably helps with recovery.

C4 is probably one of the best stim-free pre-workouts. What I like about it is that it doesn't upset my stomach.
CopingGymcel said:
TripleCel said:
It's over for us skinnycels

This sums up exactly how I feel, I would hit the gym every fucking day If I looked decent so I could go up some points.

I see, do you happen to use any supplements maybe? I looked at stuff like E.S.P. and C4 for preworkouts, but didn't end up buying them in the end.

I use a pre-workout, yes, and I'm on 300mg of test atm, so that probably helps with recovery.
C4 is probably one of the best stim-free pre-workouts. What I like about it is that it doesn't upset my stomach.

Alright, thanks dude. If I get my motivation back and decide to gymcel I'll be sure to pick up some C4 and try it out.

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